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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump has already accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years and he hasn't even taken the oath of office yet :D

I dunno. Obama saved General Motors. He inherited a recession and got the country out of it. He brought in the Affordable Care Act, which was momentous and historic. Now 24 million more people have health insurance and more are signing up for it. And best of all: he found & killed Osama Bin Laden.

What's that noise i hear? Oh, it's just my mic dropping on the floor. ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Geez, what is the U.S. coming to when you have CNN pretty much praising Trump for saving those 1000 plus Carrier factory jobs in Indiana?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I dunno. Obama saved General Motors. He inherited a recession and got the country out of it. He brought in the Affordable Care Act, which was momentous and historic. Now 24 million more people have health insurance and more are signing up for it. And best of all: he found & killed Osama Bin Laden.

What's that noise i hear? Oh, it's just my mic dropping on the floor. ;)

After Obama got in the federal deficit has more than doubled and we are talking 9 more trillion dollars and annual deficitsvare now rising. Easy to throw money around and accomplish a few things, someone has to pay for that in the future and the next president has to make cuts to fix the mess left to him. Socialism does not work unless the majority of the population are high income earners.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You are quite correct. You know your history. I watched a documentary about this a few weeks ago. When the Democrats went after the black vote and got them on board, the racists and the bigots moved over to the awaiting hands of the Republican party and the political map switched around. Many red states became blue states, while as many blue states became red states.

Went after the black vote and bought them like former Klansman Robert Byrd.

BTW - I do not like the red = Republicans and blue = Democrats legend. I think it ought to be red = democrats. Red is the color of the Soviet Union and Red China. To me, the US democratic party is much closer to the communists than the Republican Party. Ok, so maybe pink ought to be the color for the democrats?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Doc is right (befoe this election) that the Dems went after the black vote and got them, but then said "thanks, see you in 4 more years when we need your vote again" and then did NOTHING for them as usual, thus why they did not come out in larger numbers 3 weeks ago, they said a big "FU" to the libbys just as Trump supporters did :thumb:

Hungry, i agree, i wish red = libbys as well, but only because I love the color blue :lol:
Went after the black vote and bought them like former Klansman Robert Byrd.

BTW - I do not like the red = Republicans and blue = Democrats legend. I think it ought to be red = democrats. Red is the color of the Soviet Union and Red China. To me, the US democratic party is much closer to the communists than the Republican Party. Ok, so maybe pink ought to be the color for the democrats?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Trump should give himself the same 'incentive' and bring back his clothing companies to the US.

I would love to see it. We have very good and affordable cotton (in fact we export most of it) we have an infrastructure and affordable power and we sell land by the acre (compared to by the square foot) and this would certainly shorten supply lines and present a bevy of advantages. I was told that someday that some of the textile industry will come home. However, offshore they have lower corporate taxes (Trump can address this), cheap labor, and new equipment. The equipment here is ancient. Maybe if Trump lowers the corporate tax to 15% and someone is willing to invest in equipment we would have a shot?

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump selects General James Mathis as his Secretary of Defence.

He's been in the military for over 40 years.

Here's my advice to him:

Why don't you retire, you old fuck!!!!

(He was retired and should stay retired)

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Donald Trump’s Pollster Says the Election Came Down to Five Counties

This wasn’t a “landslide,” Tony Fabrizio says, it was a squeaker—and James Comey helped pull the Republican across the finish line.

by Gideon Resnick

Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, referred to her candidate’s electoral win as a “landslide” earlier this week. But the campaign’s top pollster, veteran Tony Fabrizio said just five counties made the difference: four in Florida and one in Michigan.

Speaking to Kristen Soltis Anderson and Margie Omero on “The Pollsters” podcast at a post-mortem election forum at Harvard University, Fabrizio offered a reasoned look at the close contest alongside Hillary Clinton’s top pollster Joel Benenson.

Fabrizio said that the campaign modeled a number of ways in which they could lose the popular vote by as much as four percentage points—they are currently down by about 2.5 million votes (nearly 2 percentage points) at this stage—and still win the Electoral College. Trump won the Electoral College with a 10,000-vote margin in Michigan, a 22,000-vote margin in Wisconsin and a 46,000-vote margin in Pennsylvania.

“What was happening in this election that nobody was taking into account was Donald Trump was going to underperform in states like Texas, Arizona, Georgia. States that deliver Republican numbers,” Fabrizio said.

But, as he pointed out, running up the score in these states was completely irrelevant.

What was important was flipping traditionally Democratic-voting states and edging out Clinton in states that were toss-ups up until the final votes were tallied.

“When you really drill down on this election, if you change the vote in five counties, four in Florida, one in Michigan, we’d be having a totally opposite conversation right now,” Fabrizio said of the race. “For all the money that was spent, for the all the effort that was made, literally four counties in Florida, one county in Michigan puts us at 261 [electoral] votes and makes Hillary Clinton the president. So, remember that.”

Read the rest of the article:

Trump pollster says election came down to five counties

Doc says: "This is a very good article and breaks down exactly how Trump was able to squeak by and win the election."

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Trump selects General James Mathis as his Secretary of Defence.

He's been in the military for over 40 years.

Here's my advice to him:

Why don't you retire, you old fuck!!!!

(He was retired and should stay retired)

Gotta support a military guy nicknamed "Mad Dog"


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
If this thread reaches 200 pages by April 1st....then we shall be in shitsville with only weeks to survive nuclear annihilation.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Gotta support a military guy nicknamed "Mad Dog"

Anyone over 60 shouldn't be allowed to work and steal jobs younger people could also do and actually do better. Anyone over 60 is an old fuck and old fucks should stay home and live the rest of their lives in peace, and that includes any fucking geriatric general the military ass-kisser president-elect appoints to his cabinet full of white old men!

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
It would be a good time for Hillary Clinton to release her deleted emails and her health records too.

It would be idiotic for anyone to think you can release emails that have already been deleted. But i'm not saying that.

By the way, she DID release her medical records. I guess you must have been busy watching Fox News and reading fake news at the time. ;)

Today would be a great time for Donald Trump to release his taxes.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Palin blasts Donald Trump for bribing Carrier to stay

Sarah Palin: Trump's Carrier deal is 'crony capitalism'

by Madeline Conway, Politico

Another conservative is calling “crony capitalism” on Donald Trump’s deal with Carrier, albeit an unexpected one — Sarah Palin.

In an op-ed for the website Young Conservatives, the former Alaska governor allowed that the details behind the manufacturer’s decision to keep some 1,000 jobs in Indiana at the president-elect’s behest, rather than move them to Mexico, are not yet clear. But touting the value of free markets, Palin signaled her disapproval if it was a case of “political intrusion using a stick or carrot to bribe or force one individual business to do what politicians insist.”

“When government steps in arbitrarily with individual subsidies, favoring one business over others, it sets inconsistent, unfair, illogical precedent,” she asserted.

And in an apparent jab at Trump, whom she famously endorsed in a rambling speech earlier this year, she asked: “Republicans oppose this, remember? Instead, we support competition on a level playing field, remember? Because we know special interest crony capitalism is one big fail.”

The op-ed is not subtle: Palin described such government intervention as a “hallmark of corruption” and “socialism,” and then compared it to policies of the Obama administration, which she regularly rails against.

“A $20 trillion debt-ridden country can’t afford this sinfully stupid practice,” she cautioned, “so vigilantly guard against its continuance, or we’re doomed.”

Some establishment conservatives, like The Wall Street Journal editorial board, have come out against the Carrier deal, arguing that it sacrifices free market principles. But Palin’s criticism is more surprising because of her vocal support for Trump and her own populist, anti-establishment appeal. Her name has also been floated as a possible head of Veterans Affairs in the Trump administration.

Palin — who is being considered to run the Department of Veterans Affairs — did stop short of a full-out rebuke of Trump, writing, “Gotta’ have faith the Trump team knows all this.”

“I’ll be the first to acknowledge concerns over a deal cut by leveraging taxpayer interests to make a manufacturer stay put are unfounded — once terms are made public,” she wrote.

Although some details behind the deal remain unclear, the state of Indiana offered Carrier $7 million in tax subsidies over 10 years to stay.

Palin shits all over Trump

Doc says: "I'm actually surprised i could ever agree with anything Sarah Palin says, but she's absolutely correct to be upset. Just a few years ago, the GOP blasted Pres. Obama for saving a million jobs in the auto sector by doing a similar deal to Trump's, where Trump only saved 1000 jobs and is openly bragging and boasting about it. Now what's to stop any company from trying to extort various governments into threatening to leave unless they get a similar 'incentive' to stay? I hate to say it, but Sarah Palin is right on."


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Her article is probably sour grapes for not getting a cabinet post. What does she expect? It's not Drumpf's fault she isn't a billionaire.

That's sad as someone who thinks Africa is a country and is against NAFTA without being able to name any of the enormous number (3) of countries which signed it would make a fitting Secretary of State for Con Man Don.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump selects General James Mathis as his Secretary of Defence.

He's been in the military for over 40 years.

One assessment of Mathis is he's the kind of man who will absolutely stand up to T-Rump and tell him exactly what he holds barred. Whether Mathis has good advice or not he'll never be a yes man.

T-Rump may want to do and say things his way in the U.S., but he better realize very soon that outside the U.S. how things are done is very important with real consequences he can't get out of by lying. I don't mind a President who doesn't follow every old protocol, but he better account for what may happen no matter how he chooses to do things. The China episode was not a good move.
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