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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Didn't you just get off suspension for similar insults :confused: thats the typical libby way however, when you can't debate without them, insult away. Shows how things get to you so carry on ;)

It is kinda funny how Democrats are communists and big government spenders when they offer tax incentives to keep jobs, yet Donald gets a sloppy wet BJ from Iggy for doing the same.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Jalimon. I don't think it is my fellow conservatives that are committing all those crimes.

Here are FBI statistics of arrests made by race:

Look at the statistics. Look at all those murders and robberies committed by African Americans!!! And consider they are a small percentage of the population in the USA.

Now consider if the southern half of Canada would have been prime cotton growing land and someone would of had the idea of importing slaves from Africa to grow cotton. In the United States the southern plantation owners were all Democrats. The Democrats fought civil liberties and they fought for Jim Crow. Killarys favorite was Robert Byrd from West Virginia who was Liberal Democratic Senator for years...He was in the Ku Klux Klan before he became this loving give everything away for nothing liberal do-gooder. He was not a Grand Dragon in the Klan but just a step below that. Byrd was an exaggerated example of the typical Democrat. At one time the Democrats used actual chains of bondage. Today the chains are more literal. Keep em poor and keep on assistance and they will vote for the descendants of the plantation owners who are Democrats.

You do realize that all those racist Democrats of yore became republicans right around the time LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act right? like 50 years ago...

Blacks can go to school for free here and we have affirmative action and many have taken advantage of this and they have bettered themselves but there still are massive numbers that have not. And before you call me a racist please study the FBI statistics. I can take you to neighborhoods that I lived close too. I can let any well intended liberal get out of the car and walk around the block. Just like the Sgt in the Detroit Police said to my nave ass when I foolishly said this is a good neighborhood. He said he would give me 5$ every time I walked around the block...I didn't dare go off the porch at night there.

Now why is it that they can live in a poor neighborhood and stay poor forever when other races move in and in a generation they have moved into the top classes of wage earners and small business owners? I say it is liberal policies. Keep em dependant and they will have to vote for you.

But let them all go up to Canada and you could try your liberal values on them. That would probably fix everything.

Does your black friend think you are racist?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015

Carrier is a company of United Technology. Just look at the ties of that company with the US gouverment. There is now way in hell that Carrier could moves jobs to anywhere else than the US. That would be true under Trump or Obama. So what Trump claims is pure bullshit, Obama could have claim the same blushit shoud he be allowed to have a 3rd mandate.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Like i said, PROVE IT.........
Carrier is a company of United Technology. Just look at the ties of that company with the US gouverment. There is now way in hell that Carrier could moves jobs to anywhere else than the US. That would be true under Trump or Obama. So what Trump claims is pure bullshit, Obama could have claim the same blushit shoud he be allowed to have a 3rd mandate.


Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Didn't you just get off suspension for similar insults :confused: thats the typical libby way however, when you can't debate without them, insult away. Shows how things get to you so carry on ;)

insult? geez... all of you guys who complain about political correctness have such sensitive fee-fees... I was merely pointing out that it must be difficult to live with such cognitive dissonance. As a Liberal, I am truly concerned for your well being.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
:pound: carry on my good man, carry on :pound:
insult? geez... all of you guys who complain about political correctness have such sensitive fee-fees... I was merely pointing out that it must be difficult to live with such cognitive dissonance. As a Liberal, I am truly concerned for your well being.

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Not just Carrier but all other divisions of UTC, including Pratt & Whitney US ( military jet engines) Sikorsky ( military helicopters) and Otis ( elevators) Hamilton Sundstrand ( APU engines) Chubb security, Rockedyne(bought from Boeing) Goodridge aircraft components and maybe a few that I have forgotten.
UTC is highly dependent on government contracts, but I have to give it to Trump this time, why didn't Obama use the same threat.

because he believes in free markets? Confusing times we live in...

If I owned a company I'd be threatening to move all my employees to Mexico right about now... lol...

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Trump has already accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years and he hasn't even taken the oath of office yet :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
“She is weepy, looks ten years older and is very whiny,” said one of Hillary’s closest friends. “She has been drinking wine pretty heavily, much more than usual. She mopes around all day, swimming in a sea of recriminations and complaining that her campaign managers were ‘incompetent,’ Bill and Chelsea ‘didn’t work hard enough,’ FBI Director Comey was ‘in league with Trump.’”

And what did Bill Clinton—the man Charlie Rose called “the best political animal that’s ever been in American politics”—think of all this?

Said a close Clinton adviser: “Bill thinks the recount is going to backfire as a strategy because there are probably no more than a handful of questionable ballots and they could actually wind up adding to Trump’s numbers and validate rather than invalidate his election.”

This is beautiful. You see this makes me very happy. I hate that bitch as much as she hates America. I hate her as much as she hates her husband Bill and as much as Bill despises her.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
good for him... we don't have all the details yet, but it is good news.

It is kinda funny how Democrats are communists and big government spenders when they offer tax incentives to keep jobs, yet Donald gets a sloppy wet BJ from Iggy for doing the same... Hard to figure out these conservatives. One day they hate wall street, the next they love it. One day they hate deficit spending, the next they love it. One day they love free markets, the next they hate them... Its all very confusing... :boom:

Your typical conservative, likes low taxes and jobs, does not like the hard working having to pay for the lazy ones. There are other finer points but those are common.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Are you seriously quoting wikipedia as your source? Yikes.

I work with scientist. I remember reading the conclusion of a study about 4-5 years ago that stated that Wikipedia was as accurate about 10 type of cancer as the database of the National Cancer Institute.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
The problem with your post my friend is that montreal is a peacefull town to walk at 3 am in the morning and such a great city for hobbying exactly because of all our liberal values!! If we were like you guys in the states who see Trump in their bowl of cereral we would be a copy of just any american city. Great city but where you need to be fucking carefull about everything you do.,

Do you not think that the political correctness is getting out of hand due to the Liberal view? We are moving towards having a land full of pussies, university classes shutdown due to an election, therapy dogs and coloring books. Having a law that makes it a crime to call someone a name, giving a prize for being last, sport games where no score is kept. People have to realize that things csn not go their way all the time and you have to live with it, suck it up butter cup as we say, life is not easy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Are you seriously quoting wikipedia as your source? Yikes.

total up all the pardons of the US presidents all the way back to and including Gerald Ford = 5374

Obama so far is 4054 by October 28th but there are a big couple of months coming and this doesn't include the Gitmo murderers such as the 5 Taliban generals we traded for a pot smoking collaborator and deserter. They will go back and skin our allies alive. Very typical of an Obama deal.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Do you not think that the political correctness is getting out of hand due to the Liberal view? We are moving towards having a land full of pussies, university classes shutdown due to an election, therapy dogs and coloring books. Having a law that makes it a crime to call someone a name, giving a prize for being last, sport games where no score is kept. People have to realize that things csn not go their way all the time and you have to live with it, suck it up butter cup as we say, life is not easy.

Completely agree with you. The first thing I am teaching my kids is a quote from Bill Gates "Life is not fair, get used to it!".

That is why in Canada we need the convervative party every decade to bring back some order and to clean up the mess :)

That said, I really love what liberal values have historicaly brought to Quebec and Canada, and how it structured how we act, how we work, how we think. Yes even for a capitalist like me, I do beleive in low fee education and free healthcare. And often the answer is in the detail. There is a law in Quebec that allow you to drink alcool at any public park (as long as you have a bit of food). Try to do that in the US!

I think we can generally say that Canada is about "we" and the USA is about "me" ;)


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You do realize that all those racist Democrats of yore became republicans right around the time LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act right? like 50 years ago...
You are quite correct. You know your history. I watched a documentary about this a few weeks ago. When the Democrats went after the black vote and got them on board, the racists and the bigots moved over to the awaiting hands of the Republican party and the political map switched around. Many red states became blue states, while as many blue states became red states.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Completely agree with you. The first thing I am teaching my kids is a quote from Bill Gates "Life is not fair, get used to it!".

That is why in Canada we need the convervative party every decade to bring back some order and to clean up the mess :)

Many outsiders are unaware of this, but there isn't that much of a difference between the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party in Canada. Many view them as nearly the same policy-wise. I view them both as centrist parties. The leaders change over the years, but it's the same ol' bureaucrats that remain. And it's difficult to see much of a difference between all those bureaucrats, no matter which party they're affiliated to.

"Liberal" is just the name of the political party. It doesn't necessarily mean that they are that much liberal than the "Conservative" Party, which is also just the party's name.

The New Democratic Party (NDP) is different than the other two parties, though. It could also be referred to as the 'labor' party.

That's why voters are often pissed off with the governments they vote for. When the incumbent party gets voted out and replaced by the other one, people rarely see much of a difference and it upsets them. But they don't realize that often the only thing different from one another are the leaders. The only time the parties appear really different from one another is during the election campaign. All kinds of promises are made. 90% of them aren't fullfilled once the new governments are into place. People then realize it was all bullshit once again and many stop going to the voting boots since they know their vote won't make much of a difference since no matter what, it'll be the same bullshit again.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump has already accomplished more than Obama has in 8 years and he hasn't even taken the oath of office yet :D

Well, he sure has added more crocodiles to the DC swamp, that i'll admit. What we realize more and more with Trump is that it's the same ol' Washington bureaucratic bullshit again, plus his billionaire friends from Goldman Sachs getting cabinet positions.

But you know what?? I'm happy it's like that. He won't keep many of his election promises and has already said so. But the fact it'll be the same old Washington types running the country is a good thing. The fact the 'swamp' is here to stay is a good thing for the country. And the fact he's adding more crocodiles to it is making me chuckle. And that's a good thing! :lol:

So the question again is: Who will be the new Apprentice?

Many on the transition team want Mitt Romney. Others want Giuliani. Personally, i don't think Giuliani will be able to get confirmed. Not sure about Petraeus either. Maybe there'll be a compromise and it'll be Bob Corker.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Carrier is a company of United Technology. Just look at the ties of that company with the US gouverment. There is now way in hell that Carrier could moves jobs to anywhere else than the US. That would be true under Trump or Obama. So what Trump claims is pure bullshit, Obama could have claim the same blushit shoud he be allowed to have a 3rd mandate.

Carrier has said today that they were offered considerable 'incentives' by the state of Indiana to remain in the state. Now critics from both sides are slamming the 'deal' Trump is taking credit for. The 'deal' means that tax payers will wind up footing the bill as usual. But most importantly, it creates a bad precedent in the fact any other company could try to extort Trump or state governments by telling them they'll take their company and move it abroad unless they give them the same 'incentives' that Carrier got. And it will happen. Even if a company has no intention of relocating abroad, nothing stops it from sticking a gun to the government's head and insist on getting tax breaks & other incentives or else they're moving.

I'd also like to point out that Mike Pence is still Indiana's Governor and he's likely the main person responsible for the deal. Nice of him to let Donald Trump take credit for it.

By the way, there will still be many 'Carrier' jobs going to Mexico. Pence and Trump just saved half of them.
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