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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
One of the most important speakers last night was Michael Bloomberg who has always been openly independent in his thinking and cannot be dismissed as a toady party partisan. He's also an extremely successful business magnate worth enough ($47 billion) to own Trump as an old footstool. Bloomberg has the added insight of having dealt with Trump to be respected and know what he is talking about. Here's some of what he said last night about Trump:

"I'm a New Yorker, and New Yorkers know a con when we see one," he said to cheers from the audience.

"We've heard a lot of talk in this campaign about needing a leader who understands business. I couldn't agree more. I've built a business, and I didn't start it with a million-dollar check from my father," he said in a slam to the real estate mogul's background.

"Throughout his career, Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated, and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off," Bloomberg said. "Trump says he wants to run the nation like he's run his business. God help us."

As I've pointed out and as President Obama pointed out last night, when you want to know how or if a person will come through on what he/she promises you look at their track record. Trump being about 70 has had a lifetime to show who he is. Yet his public service record is about non-existent. He's spent a lifetime chasing money, living apart from those he promises to help after having done just about nothing except work hard to enrich himself.

How can a person born with a golden spoon, who lives in penthouse luxury, and whose most pressing desire is to brand his name on everything care for or help the middle class or Americans in general. Well, sending jobs overseas is a prime example of those promises.

Well said indeed. The problem is we now live in the era of the Kardashian... Trump is to politics what Kim Kardashian is to hollywood...


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Ok so next week I meet my financial adviser.

Do you guys think the stock market will go down with Trumpet being elected this fall? I think so. I think nothing will change much on stocks with Clinton being elected but my gut feeling right now is that she will lose... Any advice?


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
..........pants on fire.
One thing is for sure. Trump has been caught in more lies than Clinton.
The guy has no sense of humour and a thin skin.
Anyone who can`t laugh at themselves can`t be taken seriously.
If Trump is elected President.....then there would be no place in the world to hide from disaster.

Valid points. When he ran in the primaries and was calling Cruz a compulsive liar, fact-checking showed that Trump was caught lying 73% of the time. Cruz was in the early 30's. Hillary and everyone else were around 20% or so. In other words, no one came close to Chump in being the biggest fucking liar in politics!

Ever notice he's worst than the derogatory names he uses to describe people? Is Hillary really crooked? More than Chump? Come on! He's a lying shitbag who's got major shit in his closet and the big reason why he refuses to disclose his tax records. He's a crook and a traitor who's in cahoots with Russia!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Jalimon now you`ve hit a raw nerve....the good Doc hates Kimmy K. almost as much as he does the Donald.


Jun 28, 2015
"Democrats, we are the party of the working class" ..

says Hillary, former member of the board of directors of Walmart, and earned > 300,000$ making speeches at Goldman Sachs. Gods, everytime the wicked witch opens her mouth it makes me wanna puke.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
"Democrats, we are the party of the working class" ..

says Hillary, former member of the board of directors of Walmart, and earned > 300,000$ making speeches at Goldman Sachs. Gods, everytime the wicked witch opens her mouth it makes me wanna puke.

Kind of agree with you regarding Hillary. She has nothing to do there. It's a shame. But for god sake you cannot let Trump govern the USA. The fact that the USA has reached that level wich the 2 worst candidate in history means that there is nothing united in the united states anymore... Makes me so sad.



Jun 28, 2015
I agree with you on everything jalimon. Trump is a deluded buffoon but there's a shrewdness to Hillary's evil. She lists Henry Kissinger (who should be tried for crimes against humanity) as her inspiration, gets recommendation from the likes of Madeleine albright and receives funds from the Saudi and Qatari royal families. She has "war hawk" written all over her. I'm dreading another protracted middle eastern conflict once she becomes president. Bleh.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Biggest liar ever in politics. What a borefest that speech was... I was most impressed by seeing Bob Barker in the audience, he looks great for his age........then i realised it was bill clinton and not Bob! :pound:

On a good note (kinda) Katey Perry looked hot!!!

"Democrats, we are the party of the working class" ..

says Hillary, former member of the board of directors of Walmart, and earned > 300,000$ making speeches at Goldman Sachs. Gods, everytime the wicked witch opens her mouth it makes me wanna puke.


Jun 28, 2015
She has it easy. I can't imagine her running against someone with natural political ability like Reagan, or even someone like Romney.

Spot on. i'm pretty sure she would have lost decisively against someone like John Kasich. Heck, even Rubio would have troubled her. But with this orange haired buffoon, she has it in the bag.


New Member
May 14, 2016
She has "war hawk" written all over her.

Without diverting your answer to a dodge like...yeah but Hillary did this or that...Could you answer this question directly? When you say "war hawk", what do you think of G. W. Bush who responded to 911 carried out by Bin laden and Al Qaeda by going after someone with no involvement and got us into a war that has turned into a filthy quagmire costing the U.S. $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion owed in military benefits that has been going on for 15 years with no real end in sight at the moment??? Is Bush a war hawk? A liar?

How do you feel about mortgaging so much of our economy in debt for a war with the wrong enemy? War Hawk?

Is there an on subject direct answer coming sir?


Jun 28, 2015
We have a victim of the bipartisan politics perpetuated by the two party system. You had to assume that I'm a repub leaner, right? Just because I made some unflattering remarks (deserved) about the wicked witch.

George W. Bush is one of the worst presidents the US has ever had, along with Andrew Jackson. I'd add Reagan in there, his reagonomics pretty much decimated the american middle class, his war on drugs has been a disaster (minor communities are still reeling from the after effects) and how can we forget the 'concrete' response to the 'gay plague' epidemic from the 1980s? Anyways, I'm disgressing.

Here's a video of Hillary casting her vote for Iraq war (with conviction) - . War hawk, just like Bush jr.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2006
"Democrats, we are the party of the working class" ..

says Hillary, former member of the board of directors of Walmart, and earned > 300,000$ making speeches at Goldman Sachs. Gods, everytime the wicked witch opens her mouth it makes me wanna puke.

Good for her. She went out and made good money.... sounds pretty capitalistic to me.

The problem might be if there were quid pro quo. But that's not the case, in fact she's very clear she'll fund her programs by taxing Wall Street.

The most interesting part is that many on Wall Street will welcome this.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Invest in Gold and strippers. I suggest in that order too.

You may be right about Gold. Traditionnaly gold is good when the market plunge no? Strippers? I have not seen one in ages. I do invest in SP but I get an immediate return on these investment, and a good one usually. Maybe I should stick to that ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
George W. Bush is one of the worst presidents the US has ever had, along with Andrew Jackson. I'd add Reagan in there, his reagonomics pretty much decimated the american middle class, his war on drugs has been a disaster (minor communities are still reeling from the after effects) and how can we forget the 'concrete' response to the 'gay plague' epidemic from the 1980s?

I totally agree.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
I found she looked a bit heavy. Had me wondering if she wasn't expecting.

She told me she was on the pill. She lied to me :peep:

Best Regards


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Trump said that that he doesn`t want his daughter Ivanka being friends with Hillary`s daughter Chelsea.
Now isn`t that small minded, selfish and paranoid. Not a sign of a fair parent.
Michelle Obama for President !!! And Mike Bloomberg for VP.
Trump said that that he doesn`t want his daughter Ivanka being friends with Hillary`s daughter Chelsea.
Now isn`t that small minded, selfish and paranoid. Not a sign of a fair parent.
FFS, I know a lot of people don't like Trump, including myself, but always twisting his words to fit your bias is what is small minded, selfish and unfair.
Donald Trump said Friday that he wishes his daughter Ivanka and Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea weren’t friends.
There are plenty of other sources available if this one is not satisfactory.

The odds for Hillary Clinton have dropped to 1/2. If you're so fucking sure that your crystal ball is correct, you have a guaranteed 50% return on your money.
If it continues like this, the Dems and Clinton might as well just hand over the presidency to Trump:

What a total mess!
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