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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc, why did you erase your post again? The one about DWS being hired by her par hillary minutes after the scam of rigging votes for her was discovered? Oh wait, you actually did a little research and took you about 2 seconds eh, since it is all over the news (the ones who do not cover things like this up) and all over social media. That is why i did not post a link, gotta let you do some work for yourself, it builds character my friend :)

I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't erase anything. Oh wait!! This must have happened in the alternate reality world you live in, mon ami! ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
So you do not dispute hillary was a accessory to murder, thank you for confirming.

I didn't include rapist. He once brutally raped his first wife. Just because her plastic surgeon had butchered up his hairline. Poor Don Jr, poor Ivanka and poor Eric. They all deserve a much better father instead of this scumbag! :mad:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Eva Longoria dings Donald Trump at DNC: My father is a veteran, not a rapist

by Evan Slead

Actress Eva Longoria took the stage at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia Monday night to speak out against Republican nominee Donald Trump.

Longoria, whose Evan Longoria Foundation provides education and business opportunities for Latina women, threw her support behind presumed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton before talking about her family’s background.

“I’m from a small town in South Texas, and if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico,” the Desperate Housewives star said. “I’m ninth generation American. My family never crossed a border; the border crossed us.”

Longoria made a clear reference to Trump’s June 2015 statement that Mexican immigrants are “bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.” She said, “When Donald Trump calls us criminals and rapists, he’s insulting American families. My father is not a criminal or a rapist, in fact, he’s a United States veteran.”

She went on to criticize Trump for apparently mocking a reporter with a disability and for saying in 1994 that “putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing.”

“When Trump cruelly mocked a disabled reporter, he was also mocking my special-needs sister Lisa and many like her,” Longoria said. “When he said that a wife who works is a very dangerous thing, he not only insulted me, he insulted my mother who worked as a special-education teacher for 40 years and raised 4 children while being a wife.”

She went on to endorse Clinton, saying, “I believe in a candidate who believes in all of us,” and signed off by saying, “So guess what, Donald? It turns out America is pretty great already.”

The DNC continues through Thursday. See a clip from Longoria’s speech below.

Doc's notes: For a second, i thought she was referring to Trump being a rapist. She wouldn't have been totally wrong, after all.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
So you do not dispute hillary was a accessory to murder, thank you for confirming.

Why bother? In the alternate reality world that you live in, you firmly believe she was an accessory to murder and nothing will be able to change your mind. Get out of the bubble, mon ami. You'll get to learn a whole lot of things that you didn't know about. You will discover a totally different world that isn't so grim and so bad, after all! You'll reward yourself and you won't be so delusional and angry anymore! You'll be happier!! A much happier American who will feel honored to have had the likes of Bill Clinton, Barak Obama and in a few months Hillary Rodham Clinton as your President! You will feel blessed! :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFL! When a lib gets cornered it always has the same outcome....... make shit up, insult, lie, paint a picture that only they see. You are a true libby through and through my friend, God love ya tho! At least you like a great hockey team and have good taste in women :)

Why bother? In the alternate reality world that you live in, you firmly believe she was an accessory to murder and nothing will be able to change your mind. Get out of the bubble, mon ami. You'll get to learn a whole lot of things that you didn't know about. You will discover a totally different world that isn't so grim and so bad, after all! ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
ROFL! When a lib gets cornered it always has the same outcome....... make shit up, insult, lie, paint a picture that only they see. You are a true libby through and through my friend, God love ya tho! At least you like a great hockey team and have good taste in women :)

I'm a proud Canadian and since the majority of its citizens are liberal and lean to the left, then i accept the compliment. :) But to be honest, in my country i'm more of a centrist since some people leaning more towards the left refer to me as a conservative while the ones leaning towards the right consider me a liberal. But in Canada, a right-winger would be considered more of a centrist in the States. In Canada, a centrist would easily be considered a liberal in the States. But a few decades ago, Canadians and Americans were more similar politically. In today's American politics, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush would be considered liberals and wouldn't stand a chance of getting the GOP nomination unless they did like Trump and pretend they were extreme. While i used to believe Trump was really a RINO and putting on an act in order to get the nomination, i'm not sure anymore. I'm starting to think that maybe he had been putting on an act in the past pretending to be a liberal. Of course, political views and affiliations do change. Ronald Reagan was once a Democrat himself.

And when a wingnut also gets cornered, the outcome is usually the same...make stuff up, lie over and over, talk nonsense that only they can see and believe, make it obvious to others that they live in an alternate reality and refuse to believe it, etc. You are a true wingnut and i still consider you my good buddy! We are proof that wingnuts and Canadians can get along!! You also share my love for a great hockey organization and as for your taste in women.....meh! ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
My apologies MISTER HOLLIDAY! I see you did not erase the post about DWS. Hey, i am planning two party's plus trying to do business in the middle of all this laughter that is the DNC, forgive me for my oversight but you do have a history of "delete" so it was not really a stretch to think you did it once again but my apologies good sir.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming......Contiunue your diatribe ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You just made my point, insults and libs go hand in hand and that is a shame. It shows how little credibility a person has when they have to lower themselves to insulting someone over politics. If you can't take what you dish out then you should refrain from posting if you need to use insults. (however i do understand it is the "lib" way, sad but true)

Btw, you are describing all party's not just one, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be.
I'm a proud Canadian and since the majority of its citizens are liberal and lean to the left, then i accept the compliment. :)

And when a wingnut also gets cornered, the outcome is usually the same...make stuff up, lie over and over, talk nonsense that only they can see and believe, make it obvious to others that they live in an alternate reality and refuse to believe it, etc. You are a true wingnut and i still consider you my good buddy! We are proof that wingnuts and true Canadians can get along!! You also share my love for a great hockey organization and as for your taste in women.....meh! ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
You just made my point, insults and libs go hand in hand and that is a shame. It shows how little credibility a person has when they have to lower themselves to insulting someone over politics. If you can't take what you dish out then you should refrain from posting if you need to use insults. (however i do understand it is the "lib" way, sad but true)

Btw, you are describing all party's not just one, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be.

I looked up the definition of wingnut:

"Wingnut" (sometimes "wing-nut") is an American political term used in referring to a person who holds extreme, and often irrational, political views.

My take is that anyone who would consider voting for Donald Trump and believes everything he hears from right-wing media (e.g. FAUX News) has to fit this description.

I took pride in being referred to as being a 'liberal' while knowing full well it was meant to degrade me. True conservatives do not vote for Donald Trump. There's nothing conservative about him. But wingnuts will vote Trump and this is a known fact.

p.s. But hey, you called me the same things first (liar, makes up stuff, delusional, etc) so i was simply pointing out the other side of the political spectrum sees the same things.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump knocks Dems for not mentioning ISIS at convention

by Jeremy Diamond, CNN

Donald Trump slammed Democrats on Tuesday for not once mentioning ISIS on the first day of the Democratic National Convention and accused his rival party of creating the terrorist group through its policies.

Speakers at the first day of the convention Monday largely focused on healing intraparty wounds rather than foreign policy, as supporters of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders protested in the streets and on the delegate floor. A PolitiFact analysis confirmed that none of the speakers at the DNC said the words "ISIS," "Islamic," "terror," "terrorist" or "terrorism" on Monday.

"We need to change our foreign policy to focus on defeating and destroying ISIS, a word you didn't hear last night at the Democratic convention. You didn't hear it. They don't want to talk about it," Trump said at the Veterans of Foreign Wars National Convention.

He continued, "Because in a very true way they really established ISIS because of weakness. The people in this room know better than anybody else what I mean by weakness."
The DNC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Trump has previously accused both President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee and former secretary of state, as being behind the rise of ISIS.

"They've created ISIS. Clinton created ISIS with Obama," Trump said while campaigning in January.

Trump has since repeated that claim about Clinton more recently, telling CBS in a "60 Minutes" interview that Clinton "is responsible for ISIS." Trump has offered little to back up that claim other than blaming Clinton's "stupid policies."

Trump's running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, also knocked Democrats during the VFW convention.

"Not one of them named ISIS by name. This man," Pence said, motioning toward Trump, "will name our enemies without apology and he will defeat them."


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
"Twist twist twist Mr. Holli-day, afterall it is the liberal way"...... :pound:

Btw what you describe as a wingnut could as much be said about those who would vote for someone as shameful and disgraceful as hillary clinton, just saying is all, not calling you or anyone a wingnut for their polititcal views.

My views are no more irrational or extreme than your's or anyone elses however, i am actually very calm about politics, I just think the world needs something different than another 4 years of obama. Another terroist attack in France today and ole barrack will say the same things as he always does and do nothing about it. 4 more years of this and we might all be dead or lose loved ones to isis and terrorism. The more i think about it the more i see a dictator in him, obama speaks and the sheep listen and follow, same as it would be under killery...baahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I looked up the definition of wingnut:

"Wingnut" (sometimes "wing-nut") is an American political term used in referring to a person who holds extreme, and often irrational, political views.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I just think the world needs something different than another 4 years of obama. Another terroist attack in France today and ole barrack will say the same things as he always does and do nothing about it. 4 more years of this and we might all be dead or lose loved ones to isis and terrorism.

You really believe there'd be less terrorist attacks in the world if Donald Trump was President?? Really???? And how would he stop it? Don't you realize that Isis is an idealogy and not a country? Don't you realize that even your neighbours as we speak could currently be radicalized by Isis? How do you stop this? By taking away their internet privileges??

Where i fault Obama is all the bombs he's dropped in the middle east. They say that every bomb creates 100 more terrorists and i'm starting to believe this. Bombing them wherever they are hasn't accomplished anything and has probably only worsened the problem. Trump would make things even worse and it wouldn't surprise me if he'd go nuclear, which would be disastrous to the entire planet's life and i don't know a single person who'd want to live in a nuclear holocaust. No place on the entire planet would not be affected by this and we'd all eventually die from exposure to radiation.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
HAHAHA! don't like it when you get back what you give eh my friend lol.......... it is ok, you have your views and i have mine. Debates are good, they never change anyones minds (or rarely) but show passion and that is a good thing.

Yes lots of work to do so i can have some free time this weekend to see a sexy lady or two.

Enjoy the rest of the shit show tonight in philly, Mister H!


Didn't you say earlier that you had work to do??? :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The damage obama has done on this subject will take more than 4 years to fix, that is the only thing i think Trump underestimates, the time frame to get things under control but to do nothing like obama is (not) doing will only increase the terror.
You really believe there'd be less terrorist attacks in the world if Donald Trump was President?? Really???? And how would he stop it? Don't you realize that Isis is an idealogy and not a country? Don't you realize that even your neighbours as we speak could currently be radicalized by Isis? How do you stop this? By taking away their internet privileges??
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