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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
No offense to you whatsoever EB but that is a oxymoron if i ever heard one pertaining to hillary and not being "above the law" :pound: She should have been behind bars a long long time ago. Are libs seriously that freaking blind or just really that far out in left field?

Trump did good, the other candidate was a tiny notch below but what came out of the first debate? Nothing really, he for sure lost not one vote she likely did not gain was a wash and Trump needs to bury her the next two debates just like Pence will do to goofy tim kaine next week. She made a huge mistake picking goofy as a running mate.

Nobody is above the law.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Most watched debate in US history:

I heard Howard Dean reported that Trump had sniffles because he snorted some cocaine to relax himself a bit for the debate. He does seem like a tightly wound dude and the blow may have helped initially, but Claritin is a friend in these situations. I use the 12 hour nondrowsy dissolving tablet.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I heard Howard Dean reported that Trump had sniffles because he snorted some cocaine to relax himself a bit for the debate. He does seem like a tightly wound dude and the blow may have helped initially, but Claritin is a friend in these situations. I use the 12 hour nondrowsy dissolving tablet.

Dean was obviously making a joke. I've done blow in the past (and still do occasionally) and there's no way it would have helped him for a debate. Trump should have taken tranquilizers, the same ones he's been taking since Kellyann Conway became in charge of his campaign.

p.s. Now that i think of it, maybe it wasn't a joke and that Trump was actually on coke last night. He sure did act like he was on it!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump did good, the other candidate was a tiny notch below but what came out of the first debate? Nothing really, he for sure lost not one vote she likely did not gain was a wash and Trump needs to bury her the next two debates just like Pence will do to goofy tim kaine next week. She made a huge mistake picking goofy as a running mate.

How's life in the bubble, my friend? :lol::lol::lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I went into the debate with an open mind as I am an undecided voter. I felt Clinton was calm and forceful with her statements and command of the facts. Trump constantly interrupted Clinton and commented on her replies in a manner that was rude, arrogant and undignified.

Clinton got in the best early zinger with her comment about "Trumped Up Trickle Down Economics."

Trump annoyed me with his answer that his income tax returns showing no taxes paid demonstrates that he is "smart". Fuck that! If you make income you pay taxes, it's that simple. I have paid tens of thousands of dollars in taxes every year to federal and state governments, while making an honest living and reporting all of my income.

American taxpayers don't want to hear that shit. Nobody is above the law.

Trump showed his true colors last night for those who didn't know it already. He's a world-class repulsive scumbag who's made a fortune screwing people and being dishonest. He's also a very shady person and has also been accused of brutally raping Ivana Trump prior to their nasty divorce. He's a bad man, a racist and a bigot. I can't understand why anyone decent with a brain would vote for this creep. Polls have shown over and over that the majority of his voting 'base' is mostly made up of miserable middle-aged uneducated white men, so i must conclude that there must be a whole lot of rednecks in America.

If Trump wins, i'm petitioning Prime Minister Trudeau to go ahead and build a wall between the US & Canada. And we'll get Trump to pay for it! ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Former Miss Universe refers to Trump as a 'Nazi Rat'

Alicia Machado—the former Miss Universe who Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked, and who Hillary Clinton has repeatedly embraced—has previously discussed Trump’s past nicknames for her: “Miss Housekeeping” (due to her ethnicity), and “Miss Piggy” (due to her weight gain).

Last year, on the same week that Trump announced his presidential run, Machado had her own nickname for her one-time Miss Universe terrorizer: “Nazi rat.”

On the day Trump launched his campaign, Machado called him an “unhappy NAZI!” and two days later tweeted that Trump “is a racist Nazi and despot.”

More recently, she has returned to her preferred nickname for the Republican presidential nominee, using the hashtag “#RataNazi.”

“My freedom of opinion is what I most love about being a U.S. citizen! My position is overwhelmingly and firmly: #NaziRat you won't be president!” she tweeted, as translated into English, on Monday.

Miss Universe calls Trump a Nazi Rat

Doc's take: "She's absolutely correct. He also wears one as a wig!"

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado will be interviewed on CNN by Anderson Cooper tonight.

She's the one Trump would call Miss Piggy and made her life a miserable hell. She's the one who recently called him a Nazi Rat.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Calling someone fat is one thing, calling someone a Nazi is another. Trump can be childish i agree but i would feel much safer with him running the usa than the other alternative and God forbid she gets sick and Goofball Tim Kaine becomes leader of the free world, Mike Pence would make a much better President than Goofy anyday.
Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado will be interviewed on CNN by Anderson Cooper tonight.

She's the one Trump would call Miss Piggy and made her life a miserable hell. She's the one who recently called him a Nazi Rat.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Although it doesn't excuse the comment, Trump made the Ms. Piggy comment because he owns the pageant she won and her weight ballooned and it's hard for a beauty pageant winner to fulfill contractual commitments when she has blimped out and doesn't look like a beauty pageant winner. In that case Trump was probably pissed because they couldn't use her to do promos and contractual appearances.

Let's not forget that George Steinbrenner once called an out of shape Hideki Irabu a "fat toad" for the same reasons, receiving far less vilification than Trump has.


New Member
May 14, 2016
He was wrong to attach conditions to the release of his tax returns. And how many times did he repeat "against the advice of my lawyers"?
He doesn't pay taxes because he is "smart". Just what middle class families snowed under with debt want to hear, another billionaire paying no taxes.
He takes credit for finding Obama's birth certificate? I did not hear all of that bit. It sounded like he took credit for finding it last year even thought it was released years earlier.
Fun debate overall, very entertaining.

Taxes. Yeah, the lawyers angle is not much more than an excuse that's self-implicating. The average person isn't going to feel, well, a a clean person also protects himself by keeping information secret because a lawyer said to. If that made him clean then Clinton should also be considered clean for the same reason. The average person is going to believe he's protecting himself because there's something a least questionable if not incriminating.

I think the honest reaction of any working person about the comment not paying taxes is smart is going to be, HUH, you're a billionaire and you didn't pay any taxes. Something must be shady there. His comment makes a huge separation between him and the average person who also likely can't help but feel he's done some huge cheating somewhere. That he's smug and seemed proud about that comes off as a mindset that says he feels it's right not to pay your fare share.

The Birther thing has always been a ridiculous dodge. So you're proud and you think it's a qualification to be President that you chased an issue for years which had been resolved a very long time before. What does it say about his mindset to be devotedly chasing phantoms and brag about it. What does it say about what he thinks of the average person that he's proud to have wasted so much time on such an obvious political ploy.



New Member
May 14, 2016
People on this board felt it was relevant to consider Clinton's recent bout with a possible pneumonia situation and how that impacted their view of fitness to be President based on simple observation. Okay, here's something exactly in the same manner.

Howard Dean doubles down on talk that Trump might use cocaine

Howard Dean doubled down Tuesday on his insinuation that Donald Trump's debate-night sniffles were related to cocaine use.

"That is actually a signature of people who use cocaine," Dean said on MSNBC.

"I'm not suggesting that Trump does, but I'm suggesting we think about it, because here's the interesting constellation - he sniffs during the presentation, which is something that users do. He also has grandiosity, which is something that accompanies that problem. ... It's something I think it'd be interesting to ask him and see if he ever had a problem with that."

There is no evidence that Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has ever used cocaine. The businessman has long said he doesn't drink alcohol or take any illegal drugs.

Dean, a doctor and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, first raised the cocaine allegation in a tweet on Monday night as social media exploded with commentary about Trump's breathing, which was picked up by his microphone.
"Notice Trump sniffling all the time. Coke user?" Dean tweeted.

MSNBC's Kate Snow pushed back on Dean's assertions, questioning how they were different from unfounded innuendo about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's health from Trump's orbit. Dean countered by criticizing Trump for not releasing "meaningful" health records.

Exactly Kate. How is it different? Both are politically motivated poor interpretations without facts. However, if each case has any chance of being right, then: Clinton - a natural health issue if true. Trump - an abusive addiction if true.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Although it doesn't excuse the comment, Trump made the Ms. Piggy comment because he owns the pageant she won and her weight ballooned and it's hard for a beauty pageant winner to fulfill contractual commitments when she has blimped out and doesn't look like a beauty pageant winner. In that case Trump was probably pissed because they couldn't use her to do promos and contractual appearances.

Let's not forget that George Steinbrenner once called an out of shape Hideki Irabu a "fat toad" for the same reasons, receiving far less vilification than Trump has.

Yes that is true, but calling someone Miss Piggy! I mean come on have some class. That is the problem with some billionnaires, they become arrogant bastard that think they can say and shit on everyone and that all is due to them. I had never heard about that Miss Piggy thing, it truely show the complete ass hole he is.


K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
All this stuff about calling an ex Miss Universe Miss Piggy is making a mountain out of a molehill. Not only did she gain a tremendous amount of weight in such a short time (45+ lbs) she was apparently very difficult to work with. Ya calling her Miss Piggy or Miss Housekeeping is an insult but it happens - its called life. Go sit in a corporate boardroom - people are called much much worse.

Let's talk about the case of Kathy Shelton shall we. Hillary Rodham's first case as a defense attorney. She knowingly plead down her client from 1st degree rape to unlawful touching of a minor. A 12 year old girl was brutally raped by a 41 year old drifter. So bad she required stitches in her genitalia and would never be able to have kids. Hillary used questionable tactics 1) to have the 12 year old undergo a court ordered psychiatric interview accusing her of fantasizing about older men and 2) to have forensic evidence made inadmissable to the court. She then bragged about getting her client off. In a tape interview she is heard laughing and saying her client's ability to pass a lie detector test forever destroyed her faith in such tests.

Now you tell me has Donald Trump done anything worse in his life than that?

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
People on this board felt it was relevant to consider Clinton's recent bout with a possible pneumonia situation and how that impacted their view of fitness to be President based on simple observation. Okay, here's something exactly in the same manner.

Howard Dean doubles down on talk that Trump might use cocaine

Howard Dean doubled down Tuesday on his insinuation that Donald Trump's debate-night sniffles were related to cocaine use.

"That is actually a signature of people who use cocaine," Dean said on MSNBC.

"I'm not suggesting that Trump does, but I'm suggesting we think about it, because here's the interesting constellation - he sniffs during the presentation, which is something that users do. He also has grandiosity, which is something that accompanies that problem. ... It's something I think it'd be interesting to ask him and see if he ever had a problem with that."

There is no evidence that Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, has ever used cocaine. The businessman has long said he doesn't drink alcohol or take any illegal drugs.

Dean, a doctor and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, first raised the cocaine allegation in a tweet on Monday night as social media exploded with commentary about Trump's breathing, which was picked up by his microphone.
"Notice Trump sniffling all the time. Coke user?" Dean tweeted.

MSNBC's Kate Snow pushed back on Dean's assertions, questioning how they were different from unfounded innuendo about Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's health from Trump's orbit. Dean countered by criticizing Trump for not releasing "meaningful" health records.

Exactly Kate. How is it different? Both are politically motivated poor interpretations without facts. However, if each case has any chance of being right, then: Clinton - a natural health issue if true. Trump - an abusive addiction if true.


Why the hell are we giving any credence to what an ex political hack like Howard Dean says? This guy is a total chump.
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