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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
It has been confirmed that Doc Holliday is indeed a Trump supporter, his posts are typically angry in tone, would be considered white and middle aged by his own admission. Hey Doc, are you into that book lurin stuff and ed-u-a-cateed? :pound:

God love ya my friend, do not ever change haha


New Member
May 14, 2016
His microphone isn't the only thing that's been intentionally sabotaged. Trump has accused the Clinton campaign of becoming "nasty". This from the same guy who said about Megyn Kelly blood was coming out of her whatever.

The trouble with Trumps accusations is Clinton's adds mostly play recording of Trump speaking. Now that's unfair...using a very nasty man's own videos against him. How can Hillary be so mean to hold Trump to exactly his own words...and uncut yet. OUCH!!! Darn you Hillary. Trump was speaking to his nasty followers who love SHIT. He doesn't say that kind of thing to voters who want facts and solutions. It's pretty low to show a man like Trump acting like the dirt bag he is.

Look for this in the next debate.

TRUMP: crooked Hillary has become nasty Hillary putting out very nasty ads.
CLINTON: Yes Donald, very nasty when it's you being you.

Nothing like continually sabotaging himself.

Clinton's 'nasty' Trump ads are mostly his own words

The result of all the attacks by using his own videos against Trump has been more and more Conservatives fleeing Trump and even endorsing Hillary. WTF. Did Trump connect Conservatives and their favorite wicked bitch in mutual support against himself. It's gotten so bad for Trump that fire and water can actually join together without conflict. Conservatives endorsing Democrat Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson, or no one at all. DAMN Trump, you have achieved the impossible.

Conservative Newspapers Breaking Tradition to Abandon Trump T-R-U-M-P


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
It has been confirmed that Doc Holliday is indeed a Trump supporter, his posts are typically angry in tone, would be considered white and middle aged by his own admission. Hey Doc, are you into that book lurin stuff and ed-u-a-cateed? :pound:

God love ya my friend, do not ever change haha

I do love reading and i have a master's degree, so i suppose it's a yes.

Believe it or not, i will miss Donald Trump once the election is over. Although i despise him as a human being, he's made this past year or so the most entertaining political season ever. Sure, the fact he doesn't seem to sleep (neither does the vampire Guiliani) much and it's probably a cause of why he acts irrationally (it could also be caused by his cocaine use), he's entertaining as hell.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
His microphone isn't the only thing that's been intentionally sabotaged.

His brain is sabotaged. Many may say it's due to dementia, which runs in the family, but i believe he's been sabotaged since birth. Lots of birth defects there, folks. The FBI should investigate what led to his birth. Was his mother drinking or using drugs while she was pregnant? Did she smoke? What about the old man? Did he ever striker her while she was pregnant with The Donald? Did she ever fall down a flight of stairs? Was he a premature baby? I'd be curious to know.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Trump is such a whiny lying little bitch!!! :rolleyes:

And his sons Baron Von Fuckface & Thurston Douchebag III aren't much better.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
None of the top one hundred FORTUNE 500 companies are supporting Trump, although he's promised them huge tax breaks if he ever got elected. You'd expect they'd want to support one of their own. But the main reason why they chose not to support them is because they're fully aware that he'd tank the economy in a very short period of time were he to ever get elected.

The billionaires club has no respect for him because of the way he made his money and all the people he screwed along the way, especially small business owners. That's why most of them refuse to do business with him and also why past business associates of his won't dare touch him anymore. It's also why he's had to go to various foreign countries for loans/investments.

Well-known billionaire Mark Cuban was on Fox News the other night (The O'Leilly Factor) and told the host that he predicts Donald Trump will be personally bankrupt within 7 years. When asked why, he explained that Trump has damaged his brand so much during this political campaign and that the people who kept his businesses alive (golf resorts, buildings, etc) are and will be staying away.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump is such a whiny lying little bitch!!! :rolleyes:

There's one person uglier, more petty and loathsome, and more pathetically cheap than Trump. That's Giuliani who I used to like well enough. What are these two thinking of the American people when they provide such little specifics on what they would do for the country, but hammer away with petty name-calling, now attacking Clinton for not being aware her husband was having an affair. So all wives are guilty for not knowing their husbands were cheating behind their backs? Every time I read what Giuliani says lately he seems less intelligent than a clothing store dummy.

So we've got Trump whose greatest skill seems to be using his business debacles to avoid paying taxes, and his chief surrogate peddling slimy recycled rag stories to attack a victim, and being sleazy attacks is supposed to make Trump more qualified to be President? Both of them look like they have some seriously disturbing issues centered on distorted self-grandiosity like their heads are in some kind of alternate universe bubble. Cheap little bitches in a NUTshell.


New Member
May 14, 2016

MANHEIM, Pa. — Donald Trump's campaign announced Saturday evening that the candidate would soon deliver a nine-sentence critique of comments Hillary Clinton made months ago about many of the millennials supporting her primary rival, Bernie Sanders. It was an attempt to latch onto a new headline in hopes of finally escaping the controversies that had consumed his week.

It didn’t work.

It took Trump nearly 25 minutes to read the brief statement because he kept going off on one angry tangent after another — ignoring his teleprompters and accusing Clinton of not being “loyal” to her husband, imitating her buckling at a memorial service last month, suggesting that she is “crazy” and saying she should be in prison. He urged his mostly white crowd of supporters to go to polling places in "certain areas" on Election Day to "watch" the voters there. He also repeatedly complained about having a "bum mic" at the first presidential debate and wondered if he should have done another season of “The Apprentice.”

As Trump ranted in this rural Pennsylvania town, The New York Times reported it had anonymously received Trump’s 1995 income tax returns, which show he declared a loss of $916 million -- a loss that he could use to avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.

The evening capped one of Trump's worst weeks of the campaign season, one that started with his shaky debate performance on Monday night and went on to include a public feud with a former beauty queen, a middle-of-the-night tweet storm, attacks on the Clintons' marriage and an examination of an decades-old adult film that briefly featured Trump fully clothed.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
There's one person uglier, more petty and loathsome, and more pathetically cheap than Trump. That's Giuliani who I used to like well enough. What are these two thinking of the American people when they provide such little specifics on what they would do for the country, but hammer away with petty name-calling, now attacking Clinton for not being aware her husband was having an affair. So all wives are guilty for not knowing their husbands were cheating behind their backs? Every time I read what Giuliani says lately he seems less intelligent than a clothing store dummy.
I agree. Giuliani a.k.a. "Dracula" is possibly even crazier than Trump is. I just finished watching "State of the Union" where Giuliani was interviewed by Jake Tapper. The stuff that comes out of Giuliani's mouth is incredible. Tapper nearly lost his cool with all the b.s. he was hearing coming out of Giuliani's mouth near the end of the interview. What the hell has happened to Giuliani? Wasn't he sane at one time? I'm quite aware that 9/11 saved his political career (although he doesn't remember NY being attacked on that date), but geez......HE'S FUCKING NUTS!!!!

Trump has surrounded himself with the nuttiest surrogates imaginable. But they are a reflection of himself. Giuliani, Christy, Ailes, Pierson.....all of them!!

By the way, at one time she kind of got on my nerves, but i've learned to appreciate Ana Navarro whenever they have her on with a Trump surrogate. Now that's one latina woman you do not want to piss off!

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The New York Times reported it had anonymously received Trump’s 1995 income tax returns, which show he declared a loss of $916 million -- a loss that he could use to avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years.

This may just be the 'October Surprise' we've grown to expect prior to elections. I have a feeling it'll keep on getting worse for him. Regular folks like us are wondering how a self-professed billionaire who owns buildings, golf courses and resorts, a private jet, etc.....DOESN'T PAY INCOME TAX????

He's screwed the little guy & small business owners his entire life in order to get ahead. Now they'll see what a fraud he is!

Once again there's a lot of turmoil within his campaign. There are a lot of leaks coming out of the campaign and it's a sign that things are once again going very badly. The two NY Times reporters who uncovered the story hinted that the documents they received came from someone who may have been close to Trump at one time. They claim they do not know who gave them the documents, other than stating that the return address said "Trump Tower".

Now Trump is hinting that Hillary Clinton may be having an affair. He's acting like a hopeless and desperate candidate and will say anything in case any of his thousands of lies stick. The strangest thing is that all this nonsense about Bill Clinton's past affairs and calling Hillary as an 'enabler' is making him more and more toxic and scaring off voters. Once again, he single-handedly has given the Clinton campaign a great boost!


New Member
May 14, 2016

Gotta love the stuff about Trump and Hannity starting around 4:10.

Anyone else notice Kate McKinnon is a fine looking lady. Of course she's not the bomb Margot Robbie is but as a democratic Democrat I would be there for both, especially at the same time. :thumb:

The stuff that comes out of Giuliani's mouth is incredible. What the hell has happened to Giuliani? Wasn't he sane at one time?

He used to come across as an intelligent man with integrity. Now he seems addicted to eagerly sucking down anything that comes out of Trump even if it's from his ass. He sounds like a total loon. I guess when he found someone who knows how to escape paying any taxes legally for 18 years he couldn't help becoming the worst kind of sloppy swallow anything sycophant mutt. I never thought those words could suit Giuliani or he could ever be anything like that. Now I don't know which of them needs greater priority in a sanitarium.

It's a good thing Trump isn't running for the leadership of Canada with it's tax rate. He would have been hung already.


Jun 28, 2015
He hasn't paid taxes for over 18 years it seems. High time he just suspends his campaign and let someone else run.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
Trump`s rabid supporters call him a genius because he has avoided paying any federal taxes for years.
Are his backers wanna be genius`s too. What if most Americans figured out how to be a genius like Trump.
There would be no money for anything and the government would implode.
Trump is a good for nothing leach/parasite who is a self destructive psycho ready to bankrupt the USA.
BTW my views on Trump have hardened from the time of my opening thread.
I still believe that Clinton is a liar and a fraud who craves power and fame and is not qualified to be president

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I still believe that Clinton is a liar and a fraud who craves power and fame and is not qualified to be president

I disagree here. Even many Republicans are saying that she's possibly the most qualified presidential candidate in history.

We are all liars in some way, so i won't hold it against her since politicians/lawyers are almost expected to lie in one way or another. But compared to Trump's constant lying, hers are nothing.

I also believe that to want this crazy job, you need to crave power. I don't know about the fame, since she's already been famous for the past decades.

The big difference is that Trump is not only mentally incompetent as a person and as a candidate, but he's extremely dangerous. He's like a pitbull. Unpredictable and dangerous. And i've already let my opinion known of what i think of pitbulls.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
NY AG orders Trump Foundation to cease fundraising operations immediately

WASHINGTON - New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman ordered Donald Trump's charity to immediately halt fundraising in the state, following reports that it had not submitted to routine audits mandated by the state, the office announced Monday.

Schneiderman sent notice Friday to the Trump Foundation, alerting that it broke state law when it raised more than $25,000 from outside donors without filing properly with the state. New York requires charities to conduct annual audits to solicit donations.

Trump has collected close to $4.4 million for his charity since 2009. The last time he donated to his own charity was in 2008. World Wide Wrestling Entertainment, NBC Universal and a celebrity signature collector have been his biggest donors over the past year.

The Washington Post first reported last week that Trump likely broke state law by not getting the rights to solicit donors. Schneiderman, a Democrat who is supporting Hillary Clinton, sent the cease-and-desist letter a day later.

Trump's campaign responded shortly after the notice was made public.

"While we remain very concerned about the political motives behind AG Schneiderman's investigation, the Trump Foundation nevertheless intends to cooperate fully with the investigation," Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in a statement. "Because this is an ongoing legal matter, the Trump Foundation will not comment further at this time."

Trump Foundation ordered to cease fundraising operations

Doc's opinion: "It's about time someone puts an end to one of many Trump scams. Trump never gave a single penny of his to his 'foundation' in nearly ten years and was actually stealing money from his own foundation. He used its funds to pay off lawsuits and buy several things include his own painting. He also used the foundation to hide some earnings in order to shelter them from the IRS. It wouldn't surprise me if as we go along more fraudulent things are discovered and who knows, The Donald may one day do prison time for tax evasion, just like another famous criminal, Al Capone, who eventually died in prison."


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
Trump is a good for nothing leach/parasite who is a self destructive psycho ready to bankrupt the USA.

Yeah on the first part, but not sure the USA can ever be technically bankrupt. Deficit spending has been well into the 100's of billions of dollars per year under current administration with that debt being monetized.
So if that's not bankrupt, what is?

However, it does make sense that if it's decided the can can't be kicked any further and financial reforms are needed asap (or forced upon the US by creditor China?)... useful idiot Trump would be the absolutely perfect scapegoat when millions of people (aka the current shrinking middle class) get fucked over financially :confused:

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
He hasn't paid taxes for over 18 years it seems. High time he just suspends his campaign and let someone else run.

The problem with this other scandal isn't really that he hasn't paid taxes for many years. It's the fact that in one year alone, he lost nearly $1 billion. One billion dollars!!!!!!! And there are still people out there who believe that this guy won't destroy the economy??? Nuts!!! :eek::eek::eek:

p.s. As i mentioned yesterday, the top 100 Fortune 500 CEO's don't support Trump because they know fully well he'll crash the economy if he ever gets elected, although they'd be handed out huge tax breaks again.
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