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New Member
May 14, 2016
Hello people.

I caught Trump's son responding to the possibility his father had not paid taxes in 18 years. The son was emotional, defensive, seemed hurt by the revelations about his father. All of that very natural of course. Still, I couldn't help wondering if there's also some hurt caused by his father and the kind of person his father acts like for all the world to see. It must be tough whether he feels his father is completely innocent or not. But if the son is a decent person at all it must also be rough to see his father say the kinds of things he says and so obviously lie about things such as Donald's now disproved tax genius. There's got to be something in the kid telling him he loves his father and wants to stay loyal to him, but even a loyal son must be troubled by a father who acts so poorly at times and all of it being digested by the media and the public over and over and over.

Regarding Trump's claims as a tax genius who could revamp the system:

Trump Tax Attorney: 'He Didn't Understand the Code'

An attorney who oversaw Donald Trump's income tax returns in the mid-1990s said the Republican presidential candidate had little interest in the tax code — contrasting with the billionaire's claim that he understood taxes "better than anyone" who had run for the White House.

"As far as I know, and that only goes through late '96, he didn't understand the code," said Jack Mitnick, a former tax adviser for Trump, in an interview with NBC's TODAY. "Nor would he have had the time and the patience to learn the provisions. That's a lifetime of experience."

Mitnick oversaw Trump's income tax returns in 1995, portions of which were published Saturday by the New York Times. The documents showed a reported loss of nearly $916 million — a deduction tax experts hired by the newspaper said was so large that Trump might have legally avoided paying federal income taxes for up to 18 years.

Trump clings to the lie about his tax genius despite the facts from his own tax attorney:

Trump responded to the report on Twitter: "I know our complex tax laws better than anyone who has ever run for president and am the only one who can fix them" — a stance he has repeated on the campaign trail.

Mitnick, however, told the TODAY show Tuesday that Trump was "not at all" involved in the 1995 filing.
"He was interested in the bottom line, not the detail," Mitnick said. "Staff under my supervision did his returns - he had no involvement in the preparation."

"He knew that we would produce the lowest possible tax for him within the law. And he never went into the details," said Mitnick, who said it took him six months to prepare Trump's taxes. "He understood that he had to rely on us to generate the returns, that it was beyond his knowledge."


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Hello people.

I caught Trump's son responding to the possibility his father had not paid taxes in 18 years. The son was emotional, defensive, seemed hurt by the revelations about his father. All of that very natural of course. Still, I couldn't help wondering if there's also some hurt caused by his father and the kind of person his father acts like for all the world to see. It must be tough whether he feels his father is completely innocent or not. But if the son is a decent person at all it must also be rough to see his father say the kinds of things he says and so obviously lie about things such as Donald's now disproved tax genius. There's got to be something in the kid telling him he loves his father and wants to stay loyal to him, but even a loyal son must be troubled by a father who acts so poorly at times and all of it being digested by the media and the public over and over and over.

I agree that it must be hard on his kids. They all seem pretty decent, although junior often says and does things that makes himself look like a big idiot like his father. But these kids were all mostly raised by their mothers and nannies. The Donald himself once said on Howard Stern that he didn't care how many children his latest wife Mellania wanted to have since she'd be responsible to raise the children and he wouldn't be around much, implying that his role was to support them financially. Tiffany barely knows him. It sounded from her speech at the RNC that she rarely hears from him and referred to that one phone call she received from him when a close friend of hers passed away. No doubt someone else was behind this and likely strongly suggested to him that he place a call to his daughter. That's just the person he is.

But Don Jr. and Erik chose to be a large part of his campaign and they should have realized that political campaigns are rarely easy and a lot of shit comes out. They probably grew up idolizing their father and now are finding out what a fucking lying douchebag fraud of a con man he really is. I mean, how the hell could Erik Trump know if his father paid federal income tax or not? I doubt he's ever seen his income taxes (until the 1995 one recently) or even discussed it in the past. I'm also certain a lot of questionable stuff recently discovered about Trump they even knew about. Same thing about the Trump Foundation, which we now discover was nothing but a sham in order to funnel money into The Donald's pockets. It rarely gave money to charity.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Hurricane Matthew

I'm currently watching the various newscasts about the incoming hurricane and predictions it could very well be a major disaster. So it got me thinking. How would a President Trump handle this?? Who would he put in charge of disaster relief? Omarosa? Scott Baio? Katrina 'The Shoplifter' Pierson? Crazy Rudi Giuliani? Chris 'Bridgegate' Christy? Ben 'Sleepy' Carson?

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
30 former GOP lawmakers sign anti-Trump letter

This doesn't come at a very good time for the current GOP presidential candidate. Thirty former Republican lawmakers have just signed an anti-Trump letter and detailed their reasons for not supporting Donald Trump and encouraging people to follow their lead.

Republican lawmakers sign anti-Trump letter


New Member
Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
smart money is usually on the winner

Hillary Clinton Is Outraising Trump 20-to-1 Among Billionaires
Hillary gets the vote from America’s richest citizens. Or at least she’s getting their cash.
Former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has collected $21.1 million for her campaign and its supporting political action committees from 17 U.S. donors on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Republican Donald Trump has received $1.02 million from 12 members of the group.


New Member
May 14, 2016
30 former GOP lawmakers sign anti-Trump letter

This doesn't come at a very good time for the current GOP presidential candidate. Thirty former Republican lawmakers have just signed an anti-Trump letter and detailed their reasons for not supporting Donald Trump and encouraging people to follow their lead.

Republican lawmakers sign anti-Trump letter

Looking at the headlines today the trend is all bad and trending on disastrous for Trump. Republican lawmakers are starting to pile on the dump Trump train, Conservative newspapers are questioning his competency (maturity, intelligence, temperament), organizations that have been proud they never endorsed a Presidential candidate are now endorsing Clinton because they say Trump is simply unfit, Republicans who led investigations against Clinton now back her, and even Fox News has castigated Hannity (and backed Megyn Kelly) for his being so blatantly biased in supporting Trump that Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdoch are fed up. Did hell freeze over?

Worst of all Trump's often childish antics have caused Independent voters to make a marked move toward supporting Clinton. The word is that the Republican Party leadership is only waiting for the outcome of the next debate to justify dumping their support of Trump because of fears he will cause the Party to lose control of the U.S. Senate and they are scared he'll sink the whole Party.

Liesl Hickey, a Republican strategist involved in several House races in swing states, said she was dismayed by a sudden exodus of independent voters in more diverse parts of the country.

“They are really starting to pull away from Trump,” said Ms. Hickey, describing his soaring unpopularity with independents as entering “uncharted territory.”



Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
If 40% of my country was reflexively voting for Donald Trump I would consider moving...

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
If 40% of my country was reflexively voting for Donald Trump I would consider moving...

I have a few American friends and they're mostly depressed as hell about this and actually considering moving to Canada. One even asked me to give him a list of places he should move to if ever he decides to make the move (if Trump does win).

But let's remember that many of those voters (the 40%) aren't necessarily voting for Trump but are doing so because they've been programmed for years to vote Republican. I actually respect them as much as those who will be voting for that idiot Gary Johnson.

I was watching U2 in concert last night on tv and near the end of one of their songs, a video of Trump was playing and he kept repeating in the background "What the hell do you have to lose?" Finally, Bono said "Everything". I loved it!!! :D


Active Member
Aug 15, 2007
There have been so many final straws, but this latest revelation might be the end. "I apologize if anyone was offended." If? Everyone should be offended.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There he goes again.......

Trump bragged on hot mic about being able to grope women

Just one more month left to go before we send this idiot back to the Trump Tower for good!

Seriously I am not sure how bad that will be for him. The USA is a very prude country but strangely these types of behaviour do not affect them. America loves people who are rich and are successfull. What Trump says in this video is the truth. A rich and powerful american man will get any woman he wants, with only a few refusal (which they will consider as lesbians), no matter how old and ugly they are themselve.

It's a bit shocking yes, but it's just the way it is.


K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Does brutally raping wife #1 count? :confusedconfused:
Trump was never charged or convicted of raping his 1st wife. It was an allegation that was made during heated divorce proceedings.

So I ask you again has Trump done anything worse than what Hillary did with Kathy Shelton? Or what about her treatment of the 3 women who have accused her husband of rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I love the moral outrage by Killary. I just listened to the horrible tape of Killary getting off a man who raped a 12 year old as a defense attorney and then laughing about it.

We can't have this man in the White House says Killary. Where was the moral outrage when her husband was harassing woman while she stood by?

I don't care about the Supreme court
I don't care about the Middle East or the Ukraine
I don't care about illegal immigrants
I don't give a shot about the multitude of regulations and taxes that kill small business
I don't give a shit about the failed policy of ObamaCare
I care if someone talks nice to another person. I am so outraged by the Trump tape.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Can anyone leave the news and not miss Trump committing political suicide. Now a video showing him talking like a dirty drunk overstimulated teenager.

" I did try and fuck her. "

"I'll show you where there's some nice furniture."

"I moved on her like a bitch."

" I don't even wait...I just start kissing them (beautiful women), it's like a magnet."

"When you're a star they let you do it, you can do anything, grab em by the pussy. You can do anything."

The episode is so disturbing to Republican leaders Trump has been uninvited to a key Wisconsin meeting and when asked if this means the party might drop it's endorsement of Trump all Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan could say was "no comment". Trump has go to be the most self-destructive and embarrassing candidate in American Presidential history.

The explosive revelation of his coarse remarks, on the eve of a crucial debate on Sunday against Hillary Clinton, represented a new low for a campaign that had already redefined the standards of political discourse to fit Mr. Trump’s penchant for insults, mocking, threats and demagogic insinuations. A three-minute video clearly capturing Mr. Trump’s voice, and obtained by The Washington Post, ricocheted across social media and cable television and instantly became one of the most powerful weapons yet for Democrats to persuade undecided female voters and others to back Mrs. Clinton.

As Friday evening went on, the condemnations of Mr. Trump grew louder, and senior Republicans privately predicted that this would be the tipping point for a number of members of Congress to move away from their nominee.

And Jon Huntsman, the former Republican governor of Utah who just a week ago said he planned to vote for Mr. Trump, told The Salt Lake Tribune that the nominee should withdraw from the race.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Politcal correctness is what is going to doom the WORLD let alone the United States unless enough people wake up and vote against the wicked witch from the west.

So Trump said some stuff in private about women? Really? Anyone ever been in a sports locker room before? I have MANY lady friends in my life and the majority tell me the same thing "no matter how dirty men talk about women to their guy friends, we talk even dirtier about men to our lady friends" This i have been hearing for years.

If we really cared about sex in the whitehouse then why was slick willie never kicked out of office for the slew of sex crimes he committed against multiple women, some while in office!

All i care about is having the leader of the free world who will keep us safer than obama/killery is doing, produce jobs unlike obama/killery and lower taxes unlike obama/killery. What Trump said 11 years ago means nothing in the BIG SCOPE of things.

I could go on and on about what a horrible human being killery is but why bother, 99.9% on here can't even vote in the election.

Political correctness needs a IED shoved up it's ass :boom:
I love the moral outrage by Killary. I just listened to the horrible tape of Killary getting off a man who raped a 12 year old as a defense attorney and then laughing about it.

We can't have this man in the White House says Killary. Where was the moral outrage when her husband was harassing woman while she stood by?

I don't care about the Supreme court
I don't care about the Middle East or the Ukraine
I don't care about illegal immigrants
I don't give a shot about the multitude of regulations and taxes that kill small business
I don't give a shit about the failed policy of ObamaCare
I care if someone talks nice to another person. I am so outraged by the Trump tape.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Not one word against Trump over him saying he could just grab any woman "by the pussy". Just dismissal and excuses. Even the top Republicans with every stake in this election are horrified publicly.

And now Republican Chaffetz of Utah who lead the investigation against Clinton is announcing live he's dropping support for Trump. More to follow except from Trump apologists.

have a good night.

K Douglas

Aug 1, 2005
Not one word against Trump over him saying he could just grab any woman "by the pussy". Just dismissal and excuses. Even the top Republicans with every stake in this election are horrified publicly.

And now Republican Chaffetz of Utah who lead the investigation against Clinton is announcing live he's dropping support for Trump. More to follow except from Trump apologists.

have a good night.
What Trump said is absolutely abhorrent. But actions speak louder than words. That is why Hillary is unfit to be POTUS.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
GOP tells Trump to stay home Saturday; Trump loses more GOP support

Trump was supposed to attend a rally Saturday with Paul Ryan. Late Friday evening, the GOP announced that Trump had been disinvited and told to stay home. In other words, he got a time-out. The GOP then announced that Mike Pence would be taking his spot at the event.

Also on friday: more GOP legislators have announced they've changed their minds and will not endorse the racist misogynist fraud from Manhattan. One even said she'd never vote for him since he's always been a pig! More defections are expected to follow. Has Trump destroyed the Grand Ol' Party?

Unbelievable! :lol::lol::lol:

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Finally a Bush did something good for the US!

Well, both former Presidents won't be voting for him, and just the other day Laura Bush (Dubya's hot daughter) attended a function in Paris to raise money for Hillary Clinton. And the former First Lady also said that Trump was an absolutely repulsive not all Bushes are bad.
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