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nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
China has 1.24 Trillion dollars in US debt. They do not want the US economy to tank...that would be a lot to write down.


Apr 27, 2016
This news if even partly true will sink Trump. Can't play the trust card with those kind of declared losses even if a lot of it are paper losses.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
This news if even partly true will sink Trump. Can't play the trust card with those kind of declared losses even if a lot of it are paper losses.

That was an income tax statement for only one year. Imagine how the others look and what else they're hiding. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that Trump isn't even a billionaire. What we've learned so far is that he's likely been massively in debt for a number of years, he's avoided paying taxes for years due to a tax loophole for real estate businesses, has stolen money from his own 'trust' fund in order to pay off lawsuits, has used that same 'trust' fund to bribe politicians including the Florida attorney general in order not to have her investigate the fraudulent Trump University and has also used it to hide tax revenue.

It's no wonder many successful billionaires have shook their heads and chuckled loudly whenever someone would suggest to them that Donald Trump was a business success story. According to many of them, nothing could be further from the truth. He's really nothing but a big fraud and this has been going on for decades.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Forbes estimate Trump's value at 3.8 billions. This is mostly the combined value of his real estate and golf property. All his other assests were not counted by Forbes because of his rocky history. Except for his golf courses for which the value can greatly devaluate over time, all his other property value are now rock solid in a rock solid area (New York). But that is if they were aquired legally and are not in massive debt. Which we do not know and Trump surely does not want us to know.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Estimated worth and real worth are two different things. What if he owes $5 billion on the $3.8 billion.

Absolutely true. But since we don't know, we cannot assume he is over debt. And on top of that, the value of such assets are only real when you sell them. That is why I would value his golf property at about half what he says they are worth. The value of his New York building are strong. But again if he owns more then their worth...

The real worth of billionnaires is always fluctuating. Which is normal, why would someone keep 3 billions in a bank? Nobody does that, they buy stuff and invest most of the rest.



New Member
May 14, 2016
Absolutely true. But since we don't know, we cannot assume he is over debt.

True to be fair. However with the bad publicity and his sinking poll numbers over this non-payment of taxes exposed so close to the election the logical presumption would seem to make it urgent to use publication of any positive documentation of his "skills" and "achievements" to redeem himself. Is it unfair to suggest not doing so during what could be a huge turning moment for the candidate means he's more likely to need to hide something more damaging???

Here's one story pointing to something Trump desperately needs to hide to preserve the very poor line that he supports the average working man.

How Trump Ditched U.S. Steel Workers in Favor of China.

Plenty of blue-collar workers believe that, as president, Donald Trump would be ready to fight off U.S. trade adversaries and reinvigorate the country’s manufacturing industries through his commitment to the Rust Belt. What they likely don’t know is that Trump has been stiffing American steel workers on his own construction projects for years, choosing to deprive untold millions of dollars from four key electoral swing states and instead directing it to China—the country whose trade practices have helped decimate the once-powerful industrial center of the United States.

A Newsweek investigation has found that in at least two of Trump’s last three construction projects, Trump opted to purchase his steel and aluminum from Chinese manufacturers rather than United States corporations based in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. In other instances, he abandoned steel altogether, instead choosing the far-less-expensive option of buying concrete from various companies, including some linked to the Luchese and Genovese crime families. Trump has never been accused of engaging in any wrongdoing for his business dealings with those companies, but it’s true that the Mafia has long controlled much of the concrete industry in New York.

Throughout his campaign, Trump has maintained that some controversial decisions for his companies amounted to nothing more than taking actions that were good for business, and were therefore reflections of his financial acumen. But, with the exception of one business that collapsed into multiple bankruptcies, Trump does not operate a public company; he has no fiduciary obligation to shareholders to obtain the highest returns he can. His decisions to turn away from American producers were not driven by legal obligations to investors, but simply resulted in higher profits for himself and his family.

Question: are the so-called "Rust Belt" state workers more likely to think this is business genius or betrayal of them?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well well well....What did we learn about tonights VP debate? Two things immediately come to mind.

1. Mike Pence showed up and delivered a STRONG message for Donald Trump, himself and to the American People and he did so with poise and dignity.

2. Goofy got the night off from Disney World to act just the way we all expected, GOOFY! :pound:

Good night for Trump/Pence all around


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I discovered a third thing.......The hostess was a real hottie!

Well well well....What did we learn about tonights VP debate? Two things immediately come to mind.

1. Mike Pence showed up and delivered a STRONG message for Donald Trump, himself and to the American People and he did so with poise and dignity.

2. Goofy got the night off from Disney World to act just the way we all expected, GOOFY! :pound:

Good night for Trump/Pence all around


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
The hostess was a hottie and her make-up was on just perfect.....but she was too soft and often lost control of the 2 men.
They should have given her a taser to keep them in line.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Just watched the VP debate for a second time, much closer than the first and something clearly came to mind. Hillary Rotten clinton is one fantastic teacher, i mean i have never seen anybody lie as much as Tim Goofy kaine did in those 90 minutes other than her, she is clearly rubbing off on the goofster.....W O W!

If she doesn't win the election, McGill should hire her.....oops i take that back, i would never want anything (or anyone) to bring the value of a amazing city like Montreal down like that. I am sorry Montreal, my love.... please forgive me I will destroy that comment similarly like killery destroyed her servers and blackberry's :smash:


New Member
May 14, 2016
Hello all.

I just caught this and it has me LMAO because it speaks so clearly about who and WHAT Donald Trump really is.

According to this Trump is very upset Pence performed much better in his debate than Trump did in his.

"After Donald Trump’s disaster of a debate performance last week, you’d think he’d be happy to get any sort of positive press at all. But according to multiple people citing sources close to the campaign—Donald Trump is furious at being outperformed by Mike Pence."

That's DONALD TRUMP!!! Instead of being happy his chosen VP candidate may have helped his own campaign Trump is FURIOUS Pence performed well. So Pence helps Trump's campaign and Trump's first reaction is being pissed off Pence did his job so well it showed up Trump. THAT, is the definition of a self-absorbed psychotic egotistical HORSE'S ASS.

TRUMP - I'm blowing it but don't perform better than me. :baby:



New Member
May 14, 2016
Hello all,

Donald Trump says he's a brilliant business man despite 6 turns in bankruptcy and he handled his taxes brilliantly....except he had no part in anything regarding his taxes according to his own former accountant.

Ex-Trump Accountant Speaks Out on Tax Return Controversy: 'I'm the One Who Did All the Work'

Donald Trump had no part in preparing his controversial 1995 tax returns that legally allowed him to avoid paying federal taxes for 18 years, the accountant who prepared the taxes told Inside Edition.
“None whatsoever,” Jack Mitnick, 80, replied when asked how involved Trump was in his tax preparations.

Read: Donald Trump May Have Avoided Paying Federal Income Tax for 18 Years: Report

The Florida-based retiree verified the authenticity of the documents that show Trump declared a loss of more than $915 million and could have legally avoided paying federal taxes for 18 years.

“The face pages look authentic,” Mitnick said.

But Trump on Monday said he used the tax laws to his benefit, calling his maneuvering the law to his favor “brilliant.”

“I understand the tax laws better than almost anyone, which is why I'm the one who can truly fix them,” Trump said during a Colorado rally. "I have brilliantly used those laws.”

“I’m the one who did all the work,” said Mitnick, who first met Trump in 1964 when he was working as the accountant of his father, Fred Trump.

The bombshell tax returns were leaked anonymously to the New York Times, which published the documents Saturday night.


Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
i would never want anything (or anyone) to bring the value of a amazing city like Montreal down like that. I am sorry Montreal, my love....

Right. An economically-corrupt city which has reeked in corruption & organized crime for decades, with a failing infrascture, high taxes, businesses constantly closing, bridges & tunnels falling apart, terrible roads & no sign things will ever change. A city which possibly leads the country in its number of street people and beggars. It's no wonder why so many of its young women resort to prostitution & why the local government/law enforcement turns a blind eye to it. What a great city! :rolleyes:

Seriously, Montreal is probably one of the last places in Canada where i'd chose to live.\

p.s. However, it's a great place to visit once in a while.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Last night's debate

I missed last night's debate since i was busy watching the Jays game. But i did catch the post-debate shows and some of the highlights. From all accounts, it was a very close debate, with Mike Pence of Indiana slightly edging future Vice-President Tim Kaine, whose biggest fault last night seemed to be pulling a Donald Trump and constantly interrupting Pence.

So earlier today i decided to watch the debate in its entirety. Let's face it, these two aren't exactly the most entertaining souls on the planet. They could probably put the worst insomniac to sleep. I watched the debate twice. I watched about an hour of it with the volume turned down and watched their faces and reactions. The reason i did this is that i learned years ago that just watching facial expressions can often tell you the debate's outcome. Back in 1960 when the first ever Presidential debate was had, people listening to the debate on the radio were certain Richard Nixon had won the debate. However, people who watched it on tv were certain that JFK won it. Nixon didn't look at all on tv during the debate.

Watching last night's debate with the volume turned down appeared to me like Tim Kaine had easily won the debate. But i knew fully well that the post-debate shows and the morning shows claimed that polls had shown a slight win by Pence. But it struck me as strange last night that live polls among undecided voters clearly gave the victory to Tim Kaine. How could this be? Could they be so wrong?

So just a few hours ago, i watched the debate for the second time with the volume turned on. To my great surprise, Tim Kaine did a lot better than i had expected!! And i totally got the criticism towards Pence that he didn't do anything to defend Donald Trump. It indeed seemed like Mike Pence was running for his potential candidacy in 2020 last night. He let Tim Kaine attack Donald Trump's character and past behaviour over and over without rebuttal! Instead of defending Trump or attacking Kaine, he mostly spent his time exaggerating and lying about Clinton and Obama. I also noticed that every time Tim Kaine attacked either him or Trump on something they had said in the past, Pence would simply shake his head in disapproval with a smirk. Following the debate, fact-checkers indicated that Tim Kaine had been correct on most of these attacks and strangely enough, Mike Pence had been shaking his head from left to right every time!

Therefore, after watching the debate twice today, i have no choice but to give a slight edge to the future Vice-President of the United States, Tim Kaine. I was extremely impressed by his performance and i totally understand why he had to interrupt Pence so many times in order to protect his running mate. The biggest criticism against Pence is that he barely defended the attacks against Trump. What last night showed was that Tim Kaine can also be used as an attack dog, very similar to how effective Joe Bidden has been used by the President.

But let's face it: nothing will change after last night's debate. Most of the watchers admitted no matter how the debate went, it wasn't enough to sway them. A few did say that last night's debate helped them make up their mind about who to vote for, and my feeling is that Kaine surprised them with his performance and knowing of facts, which will be good for the Clinton team. Mike Pence didn't surprise many. He was his old same boring self last night, and his past experience doing radio somewhat paid off. Would he be a better candidate than Trump were he at the top of the ticket? Much, much better. And that's the problem: the wrong guy is running. Actually, Jeb Bush should be running instead for the Republicans and he'd likely win the Presidency. I say the same thing about Joe Bidden. Had his favorite son not died from cancer a couple of years ago, Bidden would very likely be running and very likely could have been the next POTUS.

I can't wait for Sunday evening when the world's biggest fraud and con man puts the final nail in his own coffin in his town hall debate. He'll be crushed not only by the Clinton machine, but by the people in the audience asking him questions. I hope they get an overweight woman to question him about his past statements in regards to women. That'll be priceless! :lol:

p.s. Note that a few Trump campaign insiders anonymously told a few media confidantes this morning that Trump was furious with Pence during and after the debate for never defending him and strictly looking out for himself.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Donald Trump says he's a brilliant business man despite 6 turns in bankruptcy and he handled his taxes brilliantly....except he had no part in anything regarding his taxes according to his own former accountant.

That was pretty much a no-brainer. Donald Trump doesn't know anything about filing an income tax return. Personally, i'd rather have a 12-year kid on math class do my personal income tax report than some idiot like Donald Trump. For the record, i do my own taxes. I love doing that. And i'm also very proud to do my share and pay taxes in order to make my province and country better and greater. As opposed to some orange-faced fat buffoon from Manhattan......;)

What i find funny is that 4 years ago, the Republicans spent their campaign trashing and attacking 'the takers', people who paid no or almost no income taxes due to their very low incomes. They were ridiculed by them and despised by Mitt Romney, the GOP presidential candidate.

Today, their billionaire candidate hasn't paid income taxes in possibly 18 years and his pundits claim his a fucking genius!!! Unbelieavable!

Want to know who's a real genius? Hillary Clinton. She found a way to be paid millions of dollars for speaking engagements and i can only tip my hat off to her for this. It's quite an achievement and instead of being jealous of her (and her equally-successful husband), i'm in total awe of them for it. Well done. The American Dream is indeed still alive! :thumb:
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