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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
This morning i'm hearing that Mike Pence and especially his wife are furious at Donald Trump for.....well, for being Donald Trump i suppose.

I heard last night that there's a chance that Trump may quit the race since it'll be extremely difficult for him to get over this recent controversy with less than a month left before the election, plus with another debate left after the one Sunday night (will he show up??). I sincerely doubt he'll quit. If he does, imagine the millions from his 'basket of despicables' he'll be deceiving if he leaves the campaign.

If someone does quit, i say it'd be more than likely that Mike Pence would quit the ticket, although the more i learn about this guy, the more i realize how fucked up his views are. Did you know that he passed a law as governor of Indiana which forces women who underwent abortions had to hold a funeral for their unborn fetuses and pay for it? I also heard a lot of weird shit about refusing his views towards gays. I don't know how valid this is, but HIV sufferers in Indiana are forced to undergo 'gay' therapy before they're allowed access to the meds??? Fucked up!!!! And there's more!!!

p.s. What does poor Melania think of all this? Me thinks The Donald may be facing divorce #3 very soon.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Can anyone leave the news and not miss Trump committing political suicide. Now a video showing him talking like a dirty drunk overstimulated teenager.

" I did try and fuck her. "

"I'll show you where there's some nice furniture."

"I moved on her like a bitch."

" I don't even wait...I just start kissing them (beautiful women), it's like a magnet."

"When you're a star they let you do it, you can do anything, grab em by the pussy. You can do anything."

We've just learned that the woman he was referring to was Billy Bush's former 'Access Hollywood' co-host Nancy O'Dell.

On another note, a GOP pundit has told Donald Trump that he should quit the campaign immediately. He's become a tremendous embarrassment to the party (and country) and let's face it: a joke.

What surprises me is that fellow billionaires despise him and have been referring to him as a clown for years. It's also good to point out that rarely have you heard anyone who has done business with him in the past come forward and say nice things about him. All you hear from people who've had to do business with him in the past are negative things and how he scammed them.

This is a despicable human being, folks. He's trash & not only is he unfit for the presidency, he'd be unfit to even run a McDonald's. And yes, i do believe those stories that he once brutally raped one of his ex-wives. He's a bad, bad person!

p.s. My apologies to any current or former McDonald's employees reading this. I was simply making an analogy.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Finally a Bush did something good for the US!

Referring to the last President of that name it's funny.

What Trump said is absolutely abhorrent.

He's unfit to be left on his own as an adult. What he said has the temperament of a predator.

But actions speak louder than words.

Agreed. Here's what it means about Trump:

Words spoken unfiltered speak about what is in your heart. What he said in the video was a rich man like him can push himself on women and expect to get away with it because it's his right. He thinks like and feels free to act like a rutting animal and women are his playthings. That puts meat on his wife's accusations of rape. It put's a lot of stink on his own lewd allusions about his daughter. He said himself: "You (he) can do anything".

His so-called apology is a total failure to recognize the seriousness of his character failures and a total failure to take responsibility for his ugliness. He so-called apology tries to divert responsibility for anything, like the member on this board, by giving an excuse like a child who points to the faults of others to make excuses for himself. Not to mention how he went charging after a married woman like he thought he was entitled to grab and fuck.

Donald lives in a Bizarro world of self-perceived god-like invulnerability. He's either totally out of touch what it means to be adult or he's perversely demented and does not care. Both in my view.

Shamefully his mouthpiece Scottie Nell Hughes on CNN and his supporters here use all the same excuses to defend him. That's who supports Trump. Clinton was excessive in saying "a basket of deplorables" but not far off about Trump's hard core apologists when they agree with him and speak like him with their excuses on this issue.

Trumps words embrace sexual assault like it's a personal right, evidence of sexual predatory conduct that some legal analysts are saying would be admissible in court against him. How can anyone excuse that.



Apr 27, 2016
Anyone who thinks Trump is unaffected by this is deluding themselves.

For Trump to win, he needs to make gains in the undecided, and overcome the gap in key demographics, such as female voters and young voters who may simply not vote. This kind of PR destroys any chance to make those gains. Maybe you think his comments about the reporter with a stutter was a one-off. Then, maybe you think his comments about Miss Universe were because he lost a lot of $ with her weight gain (but then again, losing $ is smart for him tax-wise, or so he tells us, but I digress). But at some point, you get enough stories like this - and the average Joe figures out - this isn't a one-off, it's a PATTERN. If people were somehow still unsure before, this goes a loooong way to drive that point home. And frankly, Hilary Clinton will have 90 minutes of air time (well,not all 90 mins) to just ram that point home over & over.

Worse yet for Trump, this story again shifts the focus to him and his weaknesses, and prevents him from trying to mount an attack on Clinton. There's absolutely no coincidence this is coming up just days before the 2nd debate. From the story on CNN, sounds like Access Hollywood was going to air the story just after the 2nd debate, but someone leaked the transcript of the interview to a Washington Post reporter, which forced the early publication. Sounds like a Hilary supporter decided to leak the story. And for good reason - it's a PR killer.

The GOP themselves have told Trump to stay at home this weekend - when has that ever happened to a presidential candidate with less than 4 weeks to go in an election? Not that I recall in my adult life (last 7 elections I can remember).

The Democrats had the ammo ready for the Miss Universe story during the 1st debate, this one comes as an absolute gift to them. Unless Trump can find a way to spin all the negative PR to Hilary after Monday's debate, Trump's campaign is on life support, and the power company is about to shut the power off.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
He's just like Humpty Dumpty. He keeps falling off that brick wall and they keep having to put him back together. But one of these days, they'll get fed up and leave him on the ground in pieces.

The Donald has apologized via video. It's obvious he's reading someone else's words. It's also obvious he doesn't believe his own apology and is simply using it to attack (again!!) his opponent and went as far as comparing his despicable actions to President Clinton. The big difference is that Bill Clinton never had to attack women in order to get them to sleep with him.

Mike Pence has since said that he was very offended by Trump's words and actions. Actions??

Trump also told Monica Langley of the WSJ this morning that there's zero chance he's quitting after being told many Republicans have pulled back their support for him and his own people are getting exasperated. The reporter also told the media that Trump was far from being apologetic and was actually on the offense during the interview.

Will this recent scandal affect his current numbers? I doubt it. His 'base' will vote for him no matter what. They are brainwashed by this charlatan. If Hannibal Lecter ran for the GOP, he'd probably have similar numbers since that 'base' is very easily fooled.


Apr 27, 2016
No matter who the candidate is, 40 percent of Americans will vote Republican. Just like how 40 percent will vote Democrat. It's the 20 percent in between that's at stake. With all the GOP backers veering away from Trump now, not hard to see how this will go.

When the GOP's own VP candidate can't back up the presidential candidate, it's time to cue taps on their campaign.

If there's a mind-blowing new scandal piece that can veer the attention to Clinton and away from Trump, now's the time for it to air. Otherwise, Monday's debate is going to be Trump's presidential campaign obituary.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
That 40-40-20 rule applies for many scenarios.
In Quebec for example 40% will always vote for separation and 40% for federation. Its the middle 20% that shifts depending on the political and economic climate.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
No matter who the candidate is, 40 percent of Americans will vote Republican. Just like how 40 percent will vote Democrat. It's the 20 percent in between that's at stake. With all the GOP backers veering away from Trump now, not hard to see how this will go.

When the GOP's own VP candidate can't back up the presidential candidate, it's time to cue taps on their campaign.

If there's a mind-blowing new scandal piece that can veer the attention to Clinton and away from Trump, now's the time for it to air. Otherwise, Monday's debate is going to be Trump's presidential campaign obituary.

I agree. By the way, the debate is tomorrow night, not Monday.

More & more GOP lawmakers are now asking Donald Trump to drop out of the race and want him to make room for Mike Pence to run as the party's presidential nominee. But Trump said there's zero chance he'll quit and i don't doubt that. If he quits, he'll be looked upon as a quitter and to the Clintons, on top of that. Although he was good buddies with the Clintons until this election. But i believe their friendship is toast and it was pretty evident post-debate when he and Bill Clinton didn't greet one another. But let's face it: many of Trump's so-called friends have dropped him like a sack of potatoes and as Mark Cuban recently said, the 'Trump' brand is in a freefall and people are and will continue to stay away from his golf clubs and hotels. Cuban predicted that Trump would file for bankruptcy (again!!) within 7 years since no one wants anything to do with him and the 'Trump' brand. It's already been years since anyone in the States wanted to lend him money and since he now has a reputation of not paying his contractors for work performed, many are staying away from doing business with this well-known con man.

Running for President wasn't a very good idea for Donald Trump and his family. It's also only a matter of time before Melania Knauss files for divorce from this creep.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
That 40-40-20 rule applies for many scenarios.
In Quebec for example 40% will always vote for separation and 40% for federation. Its the middle 20% that shifts depending on the political and economic climate.

Very true. And it also depends on which side will go vote and which side wasn't. Democrats usually go full out when it's the presidential elections, but stay away for the midterms, which is why they lost the Senate a couple of years ago. My guess is that congress will remain as is until at least 2020 due to gerrymandering.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
What's ironic and very funny is that Trump and his surrogates are now saying that what happened 10 years ago isn't important. However, Trump and those same idiots are the ones who've brought up Bill Clinton's name over and over, trying to convince their band of idiots & potential voters that what happened nearly 30 years ago in regards to the Clintons has any relevance. Unreal! :lol::lol::lol:

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
His dis on women might even get him a few more votes.

Nah, i doubt it. He's a repulsive person and there's nothing likeable about him. He's a douchebag and con artist. He allegedly brutally raped his first wife. He scammed his way to the top and refused to pay off contractors who did work for him. He stole from his own foundation. He sent jobs to China and Mexico. He didn't pay any income tax in nearly 20 years. He's the first presidential candidate in 44 years not to release his taxes. And now, he's just been caught on tape saying that it's okay to sexually assault a woman if you're a celebrity. Think about it: HE SAID IT'S OKAY TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT A WOMAN IF YOU'RE A CELEBRITY!!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Excellent post JSB!

Same thing will happen if the wicked witch from the west gets elected that has happened with obama, all the supporters will disappear afer a few years just like they did years ago on here for obama. Killery is the same things as obama only worse if that is even possible. At least Trump loves his country and will do anything to make it better, killery on the other hand will just line her pockets like you said and likely drive businesses out of the states meaning much worse economic conditions than there already is which leads to more violence. She may even get the U.S. into a war with Russia or a dozen other countries. She is seen as a weak political leader to these countries and they are begging for her to get elected. Disgusting indeed.

donald trump is not a politician.he says what he thinks.if every personal conversation me you or anyone ever had went public im sure we would all be embarrased at times
makes me wonder the motive for people who put this to light.
that beign said what about ms clinton and the smashed laptops,to me she is a disgusting crooked human being,neither one of them are someone who should even be running its the lesser of 2 evils which the americans have to vote for
clinton will line her pockets with money and sell everyone out and i have no idea what trump would do.the whole political thing in the states is so corrupt and disgusting,clinton represents big money people who dont care if the worlds population starves as long as they make money
they will make wars to stabalize regions for monatary reasons not caring how many lifes suffer or die=pure evil.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Lol....ahh slick Willy, what a joke he has become. So funny to see him sabotage his own wife the other day by dissing obamacare to the world :pound:

I think billy boy is not in good shape, mentally speaking or otherwise and if he didn't have his stunt double bob barker to fill in for him some days he would be falling asleep on the campagin trail more than he already does.

His dis on women might even get him a few more votes. Clinton ( with the penis ) stuck a cigar up a crotch and it made him more popular.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And now, he's just been caught on tape saying that it's okay to sexually assault a woman if you're a celebrity. Think about it: HE SAID IT'S OKAY TO SEXUALLY ASSAULT A WOMAN IF YOU'RE A CELEBRITY!!!!

He did not say assault, at least I don't think so. He said:
"he could grab them by the pussy" and "You can do anything"

Which are close but different.

Like I wrote earlier this is not very different from all other celebrity or top gun very rich business guy who do exactly the same. I will go further, after 20 years in the healthcare industry, I have seen very often the total opposite, woman deliberately flirting, doing closet blow job and going to bed with the top boss to get a new position, a salary raise, or what the fuck they wanted. Put that on tape and bring it all back 10 years later and you would have quite a lot of divorce and people losing their job! It's not that different from these rich guys abusing woman.



New Member
May 14, 2016
donald trump is not a politician.he says what he thinks.if every personal conversation me you or anyone ever had went public im sure we would all be embarrased at times

True, every person in the world would be embarrassed if everything we ever said was out there. So what. The difference is Trump speaks like an ass openly, stupidly, and without regret or conscience. It's great to be honest, but is it great when someone thinks he can says absolutely anything any time he wants. Suppose you were meeting him with your family and Trump says, hey, your know your wife is a fat cow and your two sons look too stupid to do anything but have a career picking up garbage? Just honest or a total horse's ass?

So what about the motive of those who released the video. If what Trump said was totally out of character people could say well, it's cheap men's locker room garbage spoken between guys being guys. But it's consistent with nearly every other comment he intentionally puts out in tweets or unashamedly says in public knowing the media is right there covering him. That's not honesty. It's being a total, no class, insensible piece of shit.

And when it comes to screwing people what do you think happened to all those investors, partners, and employees when Trump ran for cover under bankruptcy and left everyone out to take the beating for his failings.

Trump is not a politician. He's a totally classless, power at any price, a-moral egomaniac with no decency, obsessed with enriching himself and deluded with the idea of his divinity. He'd make a very fine Caligula or Nero.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
donald trump is not a politician.he says what he thinks.if every personal conversation me you or anyone ever had went public im sure we would all be embarrased at times
makes me wonder the motive for people who put this to light.

True, although 70% of everything he says has been proven to be bullshit. And sure, what we say or do would embarrass us if it went public. But we're not running for President or Prime Minister.
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