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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That's very true. No argument against that.

However, I don't know about how you speak to friends, but there's a difference between saying what I fantasize about, as dirty as it might be, and making clear statements about what I have done. I've said many dirty things between friends that were cheap, stupid, contained some hardcore sexual fantasy, but I've never made a claim I did something when I really didn't. Saying he grabbed women by the pussy without consent in a predatory manner is a statement of action, not in I'd like to. I've never said anything that way, first because I'd be ashamed of myself for my own sake, but also because I hope I have the kind of friends who would find that kind of statement disgusting.

Trump bragged that he raped women. Plus, he's running for President. You're not and never will.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The American healthcare and economy is going to shit and people bitch about what someone said 11 years ago.

Well, they've been bitching about what Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton were alleged to have done 30-40 years ago. As the great John Rambo once said "They drew first blood, not me."

By the way, how 'bout them Oilers? ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Donald Trump is a sex offender. He's been to court many times over the years for this and he's currently being sued by someone who claims he raped her when she was a teenager. His ex-wife Ivana in a sworn deposition once claimed he brutally raped her. And now all these women have claimed he sexually assaulted them and there are more to come.

As the old saying goes, "If it walks and quacks like a duck, it's a duck."

Donald Trump is a serial sex offender. His name should be put on a sex offenders list. There is no doubt about it. He's a menace to the women of America and their daughters. He is truly unfit to be President. He belongs in prison and he should be locked up for the rest of his life.

Beware, beware, beware!!!!


Sep 24, 2009
elections can be won by 1 vote.
if all those who hate donald trump
and cant stand clinton
dont vote
then those who love 1
or the other will
and 1 of them will win
it wont be a tie.

Yeah, but who cares who wins? Do you have amnesia? Why do you think you have a vote in the first place? Think about that.


Mar 31, 2006
Just wondering, and perhaps this should be in another thread but how does one immigrate to Canada from the US?


Sep 24, 2009
There are thousands of people around the world and throughout history who have fought and died for the simple right to vote. China, North Korea, anyone? They are waiting for you.
If you don't vote that is when you are a retard and have nobody else to blame but yourself if you are left with a government that screws you.

They died because they were stupid and manipulable. Just like soldiers who die for 'democracy'.

No, you have nobody else to blame when you get screwed, once again, because you voted. You gave this democratic, facetious, system your consent. Of course you cannot complain.

I never gave my consent by not voting and therefore I can bitch and moan all I want. :)

You really think you're free and your vote matters, don't you? Jesus... open a damn history book.

Why do you think you were given a 'vote' ... huh? Why?


Sep 24, 2009
The guy is bikone and based on his posting history he is no fan of democracies.
He is though a big fan of hitler and fascist ideology.
So unfortunately in his small mind its not absurd.

Yes, I am a fan of Fascism. The version outlined by Giovanni Gentiles.

Also, to call me a 'big fan' of Hitler is basically slander.

It's funny that you people who believe in democracy are against totalitarianism, unless of course, it is totally democratic. Which is totalitarianism, no regard for political beliefs outside of your religion of 'democracy'...

Ugh, so much hypocrisy.


Sep 24, 2009
Since some of you people are much older than I, have been to many more elections than I have been to and yet see the world in it's current state...

Why the fuck are you voting again? Is your memory that short?

I honestly believe that people who vote are either stupid, have bad memory, or... are masochists who enjoy being kicked.

Do you really, honestly, truly, believe that your collective votes matter? Really? ... I mean really?


Sep 24, 2009
I would not be surprised four years out from now that we become like Australia with 'mandatory voting (or else a fine)' to remind us all of how free we are... and how much freedom we enjoy. :lol:

We've always been peasants, and we still are peasants. Never forget that.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Apprentice Staffer Claims Gary Busey Groped Her. And Then Donald Trump Laughed.

Busey ‘grabbed me firmly between my legs,’ the alleged victim tells The Daily Beast. Trump ‘yucked’ it up with Busey afterward, other staffers say.

by Asawin Suebsaeng & Gideon Resnick

Former staffer claimed Gary Busey sexually assaulted her on set of Apprentice & Donald Trump laughed it off

Doc says: "Gary Busey was always a favorite of Trump's on the show and now i know why. Penn Gillette said during an interview last night that he was twice on Celebrity Apprentice and both times what he saw and heard from Trump on the set were similar to things he heard on the Access Hollywood video. And that was up to four years ago. He also mentioned he witnessed Trump using derogatory remarks towards blacks while on the set. He added that he didn't like the fact Trump often used his notoriety to behave in a negative way towards other people on the set."


New Member
May 14, 2016
Yes, I am a fan of Fascism. The version outlined by Giovanni Gentiles.

It's funny that you people who believe in democracy are against totalitarianism, unless of course, it is totally democratic. Which is totalitarianism, no regard for political beliefs outside of your religion of 'democracy'...

Ugh, so much hypocrisy.

If Don't you believe in trying to have a voice (input) in Democracy or a Democratic process, and indeed feel it's pointless, useless, foolish, then why are you trying to participate on this highly DEMOCRATIC board???

I enjoy your presence but are you being a good example of your own views? Read your own last line and ask yourself.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Well, they've been bitching about what Bill Clinton & Hillary Clinton were alleged to have done 30-40 years ago. As the great John Rambo once said "They drew first blood, not me."

By the way, how 'bout them Oilers? ;)

I never stated that either was right, looks like you go for the childs play route during elections " he did it first " really! Still waiting for your answer to what good Trudeau your other hero did for Canada besides " 10 times more than Harper ". As I stated before, you do not follow politics you follow the news, there is a difference.
As for the Oilers, at least they will be ahead of the Leafs at the end of the season.

More reading material.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Still waiting for your answer to what good Trudeau your other hero did for Canada besides " 10 times more than Harper ". As I stated before, you do not follow politics you follow the news, there is a difference.

If I may interject, I don't know much about Trudeau but here is an informed view:

unbelievable popularity of Canada’s Justin Trudeau

A year after he led the Liberal Party to a surprise election victory, the 44-year-old Trudeau is still crisscrossing the country as if he were in the middle of a campaign, turning up everywhere, giving speeches, posing for selfies, spreading his charm. It’s a formula that’s clearly working.


The Liberal government made a raft of promises in the 2015 election, moving ahead quickly on a middle-class tax cut and expansion of the government-backed Canada Pension Plan, welcoming 25,000 Syrian refugees and appointing an inquiry commission to look into missing and murdered indigenous women. It has also promised to legalize marijuana and reform the electoral system.

But, above all, Nanos says, Trudeau is a sharp stylistic change from his immediate predecessor, the dour and cerebral Stephen Harper, who clearly hated retail politics. “Trudeau’s idea of being prime minister is to be out there listening to Canadians and engaging Canadians. For Stephen Harper, being prime minister meant showing up at the office, reading his files and making decisions,” he said.

What distinguishes Canada’s Liberals from parties in the United States, Britain and Germany, Nanos says, is their rejection of wedge politics on issues such as immigration. “They’re not practicing divisive politics as they govern,” he said.

Trudeau’s search for consensus-style politics is made easier by the fact that Canada has less sharp social and economic divisions compared with the United States.

Miles Corak, an economist at the University of Ottawa who studies social mobility in both countries, says the differences between the two countries are especially sharp at the bottom and top of the income ladder.
“To be in the lower fifth [of the population] in the U.S. means a much lower level of income than in Canada,” he said in an interview. And at the top, “the cutoff to be in the top 1 percent in Canada is around $200,000, while in the U.S., it’s at least double that.”

Corak, who taught at Harvard as a visiting professor last year, said the average social mobility in Canada ends up being twice as great as in the United States, partly because of significant variability in the quality of American public education. “Rags to riches is actually greater in Canada,” he said. And though Canadians and Americans share similar values and personal goals for success in life, Canadians are more likely to believe that government helps rather than hinders their quest for that success.

Also helping Trudeau politically is disarray in the rival Conservative and New Democratic parties, both of which are still in the quest for permanent leaders. As many as a dozen candidates are vying for the Conservative leadership, to be decided in May, with no obvious front-runner yet.

Although Canada’s economy is slow and tough decisions on divisive issues such as climate change and energy pipelines are on the horizon, Trudeau’s honeymoon shows no signs of ending.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump the self-delusional WHINER.

Obama Tells Trump: Stop ‘Whining’ and Trying to Discredit the Election
WASHINGTON — President Obama said Tuesday that Donald J. Trump should “stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.”

Speaking at a Rose Garden news conference with Matteo Renzi, the Italian prime minister, Mr. Obama also called it “unprecedented” for any presidential candidate to “discredit the elections” before any votes were even cast, as Mr. Trump has done repeatedly in recent days.

“One of the great things about America’s democracy is we have a vigorous, sometimes bitter political contest, and when it’s done, historically, regardless of party, the person who loses the election congratulates the winner, reaffirms our democracy and we move forward,” Mr. Obama said.

Speaking of the tradition of a peaceful transfer of power after presidential elections, Mr. Obama said, “That’s how democracy survives.”

“I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history, any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place,” Mr. Obama said. “It’s unprecedented. It happens to be based on no facts.”


There's two possible reasons why Trump acts as outrageously as he does. 1. In it's way it has a political purpose. He knows most of his supporters are highly attracted to visceral declarations, emotionalism first and heavily favored over accurate information and a balance of the facts. 2. The evidence is from what he says openly while knowing he's being recorded and freely while not knowing he's being recorded is he's precisely the same type of person as those he deliberately designs his performances for.

But that makes Trump either a boldface hypocrite or a truly delusional fool. As one analyst said about his complaints the "election is rigged" by the media, all the media is doing is playing what Trump says. Sure there's some biased spin, but Trump's outrageousness is so extreme spin of any kind couldn't hardly affect what Trump says for it's own sake. And if his outrageousness is a completely deliberate thought out tactic the he's 100% responsible for all the media is putting out...Trump being Trumpenstein

On the other hand if he is out of touch with how outrageous he appears to those outside his core target audience then he's too out of touch with civility, decency, and so incapable of being a functionally thoughtful person that he's unfit to be President.

Either way Trump is the one responsible for his issues to the point of being politically suicidal, and even the other leaders of his party can't stand him.




New Member
May 14, 2016
for all we know hillary could have paid trump to get rid of the competition and insure she wins its one of endless scenerios

Besides the more than tacit implication Trumpenstein is a fraud and traitor to his followers... I've always loved you sense of humor. The above is one of your best ever. :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Melania Trump said last night that her husband was a good man, a gentleman and always told the truth. I nearly barfed! Either she's as delusional as her crazy husband or she's an even bigger liar, which is nearly impossible since i don't believe the history of the entire world has ever had such a frequent, compulsive liar!

My prediction: "Melania Trump will be filing for divorce before the year is over."


New Member
May 14, 2016
Natasha Stoynoff’s Story of Being Attacked by Donald Trump

Six colleagues and close friends who corroborate former PEOPLE writer Natasha Stoynoff’s account of being attacked by Donald Trump in 2005 are now coming forward. Among them is a friend who was with Stoynoff when she ran into Melania Trump later in N.Y.C.

The wife of the Republican nominee denies meeting Stoynoff after the attack, but Stoynoff’s friend Liza Herz remembers being there during the chance meeting.

“They chatted in a friendly way,” Herz, who met Stoynoff in college, says. “And what struck me most was that Melania was carrying a child and wearing heels.”

Stoynoff’s story, which made national news when it broke last week and is reprinted in this week’s issue of PEOPLE, describes a run-in with Trump when she was covering him and pregnant wife Melania on assignment for PEOPLE in
December 2005.

“We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat,” she writes.

Trump vigorously denies the story and later attacked Stoynoff on the campaign trail, saying, “She lies! Look at her, I don’t think so.”

Stoynoff describes meeting Melania later year: “I actually bumped into Melania on Fifth Avenue, in front of Trump Tower as she walked into the building, carrying baby Barron. ‘Natasha, why don’t we see you anymore?’ she asked, giving me a hug.”

Ivanka Trump Calls Dad Donald’s ‘Locker Room’ Talk ‘Clearly Inappropriate and Offensive’ Trump is finally speaking out about her father’s now infamous 2005 hot-mic tape.

The mother of three issued a one-sentence statement to Fast Company addressing the lewd comments that the 70-year-old Republican candidate dismissed as “locker room talk” during the second presidential debate.

“My father’s comments were clearly inappropriate and offensive, and I’m glad that he acknowledged this fact with an immediate apology to my family and the American people,” Ivanka, 34, said in the statement.
Melania Trump has also been defending her husband in past days, although she too admitted his vulgar words about women in the footage were “unacceptable and offensive.”
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