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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Did you happen to see the thunderous cheers he received at that rally when he made that proclamation? People are sick of the corruption going on in the liberal media and with in the Clinton circle, too bad so many brainwashed and uneducated Americans do not see what's so obvious.
"Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if I win'"

Fuck you!



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Did you happen to see the thunderous cheers he received at that rally when he made that proclamation? People are sick of the corruption going on in the liberal media and with in the Clinton circle, too bad so many brainwashed and uneducated Americans do not see what's so obvious.

What I think of all Trump supporter is that I totally understand their frustration (read back some of my post), but Trump is a very dangerous path to take. Someone that has no respect for the democratic system in place, is pretty much what we could call a dictator.



May 3, 2010
I find it funny that you say that UN-educated Americans dont see what obvious. the majority of trump supporters are UN-educated. i think Hillary is killing him when it comes to college educated students, so i think its trump supporters who are brain washed. he tells them climate change is a hoax and they believe. what a croc


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Like i said before warikill you have your opinions and i have mine, thats fine but i have never seen so many stupid so called educated americans as i have in this election. Those voting for this woman will get what they deserve in the next 4 years but sadly it's the ones who voted against her that will get the same, which they DO NOT deserve.

I find it funny that you say that UN-educated Americans dont see what obvious. the majority of trump supporters are UN-educated. i think Hillary is killing him when it comes to college educated students, so i think its trump supporters who are brain washed. he tells them climate change is a hoax and they believe. what a croc


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Lol, like hillary isn't a dictator? Her and her scumbag husband have done nothing but dictate everything their whole lives, in their favor, give me a break :pound:

What I think of all Trump supporter is that I totally understand their frustration (read back some of my post), but Trump is a very dangerous path to take. Someone that has no respect for the democratic system in place, is pretty much what we could call a dictator.



New Member
May 14, 2016
i think Hillary is killing him when it comes to college educated students,

Precisely. Clinton is murdering Trump among more educated voters compared to Romney who was beating Obama in that category. Trump best lead is among hardcore uneducated white men. Like Trump, people need to make claims that are completely false to let themselves feel better.

You can bet their phony claims will keep-a-comin. :baby:

The presumptive Democratic nominee’s lead extends to white voters with college degrees, a group Mitt Romney won in 2012.

Hillary Clinton is crushing Donald Trump among college-educated white voters, a group Mitt Romney easily won in 2012 and one his Republican Party has carried in presidential contests for decades.

White voters with at least a college degree—a group that represented more than a third of the 2012 electorate—back Clinton over Trump 48 percent to 37 percent, the latest Purple Slice online poll for Bloomberg Politics shows. Romney won that group by 14 percentage points, according to exit polls.

Among all college-educated likely voters, including those with post-graduate degrees, Clinton leads 54 percent to 32 percent, a much bigger margin than President Barack Obama’s 2-point advantage with a group that represented 47 percent of the electorate in 2012. Among voters with just a college degree and no post-graduate degree, another subgroup Romney won in 2012, Clinton is ahead 48 percent to 37 percent.

The findings suggest Trump is struggling to even rebuild the losing coalition Romney assembled, although other polls show the presumptive 2016 Republican nominee doing better among white voters without college degrees than Romney did. Since 1952, no Democratic presidential candidate has won college-educated whites, according to American National Election Studies data and exit polls reported by the Atlantic.

“It's extremely hard for any presidential candidate to win an election conceding double-digit deficits among segments of the electorate that their party has competed for and won in the past,” said pollster Doug Usher, who led the survey. “This poll indicates that Trump might be doing just that.”



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Lol, like hillary isn't a dictator? Her and her scumbag husband have done nothing but dictate everything their whole lives, in their favor, give me a break :pound:

I so much and completely disagree with you. I think Obama gave hope to many black men, gave back to the USA a more human touch, plus bringing back the country from the financial shit it was when he took over.

Obama could have done more but was completely blocked by the majority republicain congress. No dictatorship there. Ask the 3 chilians who work at my company about dictatorship.

Anyhow, like the many americans I work with all year long, I am sure you are a fucking good chap so it's not that important that I disagree with your views and policies ;)



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
obama does not give a shit about black men and if he gave them hope why are the black men in america shotting white police officers in record number.
hillary is prue evil
trump is a narcisist asshole waht a fucking dream team

Look at all he tried against gun ownership. Any retard can buy a 1500 riffles a minute in the state. You guys should not believe in miracle. No politician will never make any. They can make a lot of bad tho.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Hope? Have you even heard of how bad things are in the inner cities acoss the USA? They make Montreals inner city look like a palace. Ever been to Detroit? Looks like a war zone. Do you dare drive through the inner city of Chicago late at night? The list goes on and on. Hope? Go tell the African Americans in these inner cities who are helpless to escape for the most part and many others, about hope. It is a tragedy how under obama things have only gotten worse for them and anyone who thinks otherwise is watching too much of the Clinton News Network and/or have never traveled to any of these cities or have friends or family near them.

Hope? What a joke lol

I think Obama gave hope to many black men, gave back to the USA a more human touch


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Hope? Have you even heard of how bad things are in the inner cities acoss the USA? They make Montreals inner city look like a palace. Ever been to Detroit? Looks like a war zone. Do you dare drive through the inner city of Chicago late at night? The list goes on and on. Hope? Go tell the African Americans in these inner cities who are helpless to escape for the most part and many others, about hope. It is a tragedy how under obama things have only gotten worse for them and anyone who thinks otherwise is watching too much of the Clinton News Network and/or have never traveled to any of these cities or have friends or family near them.

Hope? What a joke lol

Listen I understand a radical change is needed in the usa. The rich have become ultra ultra rich, there is a big class of really rich and then there is the middle class that as not gain anything since the 80's... Now the poor, they lost hope...

Unfortunately, it is more social politics that can help, not nothing else, (and I wrote "help", not fixed) to equalized that. Just like in Europe and to some extend in Canada. The manufacturing jobs are gone to other countries. You have sent them there.

A big change is needed, but Trump is not part of the answer. He is too dangerous and beside, what does he know about the poor and the middle class. The ties he sell to help his campaign and the material he bought to build his building all came from China.



May 3, 2010
my family and friends who are African Americans in the USA did have hope under Obama, it might not have transfer to total success, but at least they had hope. hope is better than fear,and that is what they fear under a trump you really think trump is going to try to help the people that did not vote for them. im already in the process for sponsoring them and my bro is doing the same. just in case trump wins.


Apr 27, 2016
Trump called Hilary a "nasty woman" as she called him out for not paying taxes.......which by the ways is true and there is nothing nasty about calling him out for not paying taxes. Which is not to say Hilary isn't a nasty woman, she kind of is, but the comment was made in response to legit criticism and as such made Trump look like a Kindergarden student responding to a critical classmate.

That, in a nutshell, is what is driving all the undecided voters Clinton's way. You want a leader to be calm, calculated, and not impulsive and prone to emotional reaction. Even if you don't believe anything else, his response to the election, and this, and his numerous interruptions, and outrageous comments, all speak to this fatal flaw when it comes to presidential election consideration.

The real shame here is that the 2-party system in the US could be in serious shambles after the election is done. As much as I don't agree with some of the GOP's stance (particularly on Roe vs. Wade & guns), for the US to have only 1 viable party after this election, while on the surface this might seem a good thing to those who support the Democratic Party, is NEVER a good thing for a democratic society.


New Member
May 14, 2016
guns dont kill people..people kill people

Most self-defeating slogan ever. It means don't arm the"people".

I own a gun. .58 cal. It would put a hole in anyone with enough room in the space to rent out sleeping accommodations for a small family. Try firing one of these for size at a target then see if you still believe anyone should own it without a criminal check. Fresh pair of dry pants not included. "Guns don't kill". LOL!

The real shame here is that the 2-party system in the US could be in serious shambles after the election is done.

Would anyone be surprised if Trumpp fully intended to split the Republican Party. His titanic ego and equally demented recklessness fits the kind who would do that perfectly.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Jeff Bezos: Donald Trump is 'eroding our democracy'

I do not give a fuck if the USA would elect ronald mcdonald. As long as it respect democracy. Trump has been telling his supporter for weeks that the election are riggged. Now he is telling that he will only accept the result if he wins. This way, the day he loose, he will be able to gain leverage against all he said would happen. But all were just fucking lie! And sheep followers will gobbled that.



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Hope? Have you even heard of how bad things are in the inner cities acoss the USA?

Okay I know you are trolling but I will bite.

Let's be serious. Without posturing or diversionary anti Clinton rants.

I have two friends who are doctors working in different parts of the USA. Both regularly do shifts in inner city emergency. Both have a very strong, what I would call, a sense of mission. A few weeks ago one called me after doing a 32 straight stretch in an inner city hospital because no other doctors showed up for their shifts. I have visited them and know exactly what the inner cities they serve are like. One drove me around and kept telling me "don't stare, don't make eye contact, we don't want to get shot!"
I saw the drug dealers and gang members, the obviously mentally ill who have no home. People living in alleys. My friend and I bought lunch for a homeless vet who was panhandling at an intersection. One of the vets who is crippled by ptsd and desperately needs help. What is Trump going to do to help that guy?

This thread is a joke and mostly just posters yelling nonsense at each other. But for once, try and be serious, please.

Now I ask you: what exactly is Trump going to do to help the urban poor? What policy has he advocated to help poor children get educated? What is his policy on drug treatment for the opioid epidemic? What will he do about gun violence? One of my friends says she spends weekends almost exclusively working on gunshot wounds. Will Trump do anything to fix that? What will he do about the huge number of homeless people?

Seriously, any actual solutions out there? Anyone?


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
I do not give a fuck if the USA would elect ronald mcdonald. As long as it respect democracy. Trump has been telling his supporter for weeks that the election are riggged. Now he is telling that he will only accept the result if he wins.

If he loses, he can whine all he wants, it's not gonna do him any good (except provide endless stories for his Trump News Network), but what's worrisome is that Trump basically told us that, should he win and be in power, he will recognize elections and votes results only when he wants to or feel like it, and refuse to acknowledge the results if he don't like them. That is the stuff of dictators, plain and simple.


Feb 16, 2011
This is why Trump has gotten this far, because people are sick of politicians who are some of the most corrupt people on the planet. The media has power to influence the weak and uneducated who buy into everything they are selling. People who think they are educated really are some of the stupidest people on the face of the earth to not see the wool being pulled over their eyes, now that is quite :pound: yet so very sad at the same time.

One can say that on both sides. Hillary's team and Trump's team have plenty of publicity that tries to influence the masses and both are a joke.
On the other hand, all you have to do is look at their actions during this campaign.
Trump is one the stupidest public figures I have ever seen. If he wasn't he would not have got him self into such as mess and he would be leading in the polls. Of course that is beyond him and his supporters. Not intelligent enough. That's the bottom line. If he was he would be winning.
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