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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc you are a very smart man what you said about brothers .

I wouldn't say i'm smarter than anyone else here. I simply live in reality. A few of our members siding with Trump have long lived in alternate realities, where life is much different there as compared to ours. They pretty see the United States as an extension of Aleppo.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003

Trey Gowdy is a fucking redneck racist and i've known this for over two years. He's always reminded of the kid who played the banjo in the movie "Deliverance". I've often wondered if they weren't related in some way. He's from South Carolina. Lots of racists and bigots in that State. Who else but a bigot and racist would openly support Trump anyway? Donald J. Trump is the poster boy for racism, bigotry and misogyny. This has been proven and his basket of deplorables are proud of this. The others in his sad group of supporters are simply uninformed, brainwashed by right-wing media and may also live in an alternate-reality world.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump.............Cannot stop being an asshole for 1 sec.

You've got to love the logic of his supporters. Trump made his name exploiting the media, but the media is conspiring against him. If not for the media Trump, if noticed at all, would be seen as a pathetic lech with a dead squirrel on his head.

You know what kind of guy your dealing with when the same daughter desperate to inherit his billions can't help calling him out on his obscene lechery.

Doc...... the REAL Trump!!!


NASTY!!! What's nastier than this: On daughter Ivanka.........

“I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

Possibly (/definitely) one of the creepiest things we’ve ever heard…

Stern remarks that Ivanka "looks more voluptuous than ever," and asked if she had gotten breast implants. Trump is willing to engage in the discussion about his own daughter, telling Stern that she did not get implants.

"She's actually always been very voluptuous," Trump responds. "She's tall, she's almost 6 feet tall and she's been, she's an amazing beauty."

September 2004, Stern asks Trump if he can call Ivanka "a piece of ass," to which Trump responds in the affirmative.

"My daughter is beautiful, Ivanka," says Trump.

"By the way, your daughter," says Stern.

"She's beautiful," responds Trump.

"Can I say this? A piece of ass," Stern responds.

"Yeah," says Trump.

Whats NASTIER than a POTUS candidate lusting on his daughter and letting others refer to her like TRASH!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
That is called: Your Own Reality! :pound:

Does not mean you are right my friend just as i am not right about everything with this election, I am however sick of phony politicians who promise everything and deliver nothing. Time to let a non politician have a shot but sadly even i realise this election has already been bought and paid for in full by a very nasty husband AND wife. The liberal media can once again line their pockets for another 4 years while the rest of the country goes (back) to hell. Sickening and disheartening.
I wouldn't say i'm smarter than anyone else here. I simply live in reality.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Does not mean you are right my friend just as i am not right about everything with this election......

One thing i've realized over the past 5 years is that you are NEVER right when it comes to elections. On election night 4 years ago, you were convinced that Mitt Romney would win the election, when myself and our buddies Techman and Rumples were telling you for months that Obama was ahead and just a day or two before the election we told you Romney had no chance. Meanwhile, you were coming up with fantom and bullshit right-wing polls which indicated that Romney would win. And then the night he lost, you got into a major depression and it took you weeks to recover. You thought the world was about to end. So you then planned a party and you were all better afterwards. :thumb:

And now, four years later we're right where we were back then. I must admit that i was a tad worried a few weeks ago, but like i said here on this great board, Trump was likely to do or say something as usual which would really fuck up his campaign and chances of ever getting elected. He was at the time comitting one mistake after another on a weekly basis.

Donald Trump is and has always been his worse ennemy. He's actually been running against himself throughout this election. Alternate reality Donald versus the real Donald. I'm not sure which one is the better Donald, but all i know is that he now has zero chance of getting elected President of the United States. And as Mark Cuban predicted, his 'Trump' brand is toast and he'll be filing for personal bankruptcy within the next 7 years. No one wants anything to do with this racist sexual predator other than the alt-right and it's racist base of bigots and misogynists. Thank god they're a minority in this great country!

p.s. Please don't watch election night in two weeks. I want my buddy Iggy to be his old joyful and playful self. Not someone in a depressive state & on suicide watch for weeks to come. Look, you can always move to Canada. Sure, you'll be an illegal, but Canadians don't despise their illegals like Republicans do. ;)

(By the way, if the GOP also winds up losing Congress because of Trump's antics, then maybe i'd be very depressed also if i were you or a GOP supporter)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Without the liberal media, Mitt would have won, just as Trump would but when you are bought and paid off to promote the person feeding your family, there is not much one can do. Like i said it is sickening and disheartening and oh so true. The uneducated and gullible are easily influenced.

No worries about the suicide watch my friend LOL, trust me, i do not let this stuff effect my personalilty unlike 99% who get involved in political debates do (have a look in the mirror yet today?) ;) it is not worth it, life is short and i have two party's to plan in the next 6 weeks. :eek:

One thing i've realized over the past 5 years is that you are NEVER right when it comes to elections.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Gee. With the choices available, now Bush does not seem so bad.

Actually, i was thinking the same thing during last night's debate. Donald Trump's nomination was a gift from God for George W. Bush. I use to despise Bush, but now i realize that he was misled on many occasions by some of the people he trusted. He wasn't the brightest fellow, but he still did what he believed was best. But he had a good heart and was proud of being considered a 'compassionate' person. Today, that would be looked upon as being shameful among today's GOP. Sure, Bush has aged rapidly, lost a lot of hair and has become pen pals with Michele Obama. But i realize today that as compared to Trump, George W. Bush looks like Abraham Lincoln.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Without the liberal media, Mitt would have won.

Romney didn't win because many in the conservative media were against him. Same thing with Trump. He gets bashed on conservative media as much as he gets supported. He's a very hateful and hated person, and like i said, Donald Trump's worst enemy has always been Donald Trump, not the liberal or conservative media. Now even Little Marco has become the voice of common sense when he's scolding his party's politicians for giving Wikileaks a voice and support when he's quite aware that the Russians have tons of stuff on the GOP which will likely come out in the future. Rubio is quite aware that the GOP will no longer be happy at what the Russians have hacked once it comes out on Wikileaks, and those same Republicans won't have any moral ground to stand on since they themselves praised and encouraged Wikileaks and the Russian hackers when it was done to the Democratic Party.

Out of all this, i've grown to appreciate the likes of Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace, Glenn Beck, George Will, Joe Scarborough, Bill Crystal, David Frum and believe it or not, even Bill O'Reilly. I could name Karl Rove, but i still find him as repulsive as ever although he's no fan of Donald Trump's.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Donald Trump's worst enemy has always been Donald Trump,...

QUESTION: What's the difference between a pig at a roast and Donald Trump???

ANSWER: The pig doesn't gut himself, shove the spit up his own butt, and happily jump into the fire.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
:pound: you are free to believe whatever you want my friend. One day it would make my life complete (for that second lol) for you to say and mean what deep down you know but will never admit, that the liberal media is bought and paid for by the special interest groups of donors for the dems.


When are you applying to be a citizen of the United States? Someone that is AS fascinated with celebrities and american politics as much as you are should become a US citizen. Serious question btw.

Romney didn't win because many in the conservative media were against him. Same thing with Trump. .


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
"Donald Trump: 'I will totally accept' election results 'if I win'"

Fuck you!



New Member
May 14, 2016
For all those people who think it's the "Libbys" and the "media" who think Trump is rotten here's a reality check from inside his campaign as close to him as it gets:

Trump national political director 'steps back' from campaign

Donald Trump's national political director, Jim Murphy, said Thursday he is stepping back from the Republican nominee's campaign.

"I have not resigned but for personal reasons have had to take a step back from the campaign," Murphy said, as first reported by Politico.

Murphy was brought on to the campaign in June and is a close friend of Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

He previously managed floor operations at three GOP conventions, and was an adviser to Bob Dole's 1988 and 1996 presidential campaigns.

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