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Feb 16, 2011
guns dont kill people..people kill people
if you take all the guns away the bad people will still have guns

Yes the second amendment states the right to bear arms. But the actual statement is :
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The people who wrote this constitutional act, never foresaw the development of assault rifles, bazookas, nuclear arms. At what point do you stop? What's to stop someone from making their own flame thrower and wearing it by their side in a place like Texas where you are allowed to carry guns in the open?
Oh, that's against the law? If Trump gets in, the judges he appoints will rule that constitutionally he can carry his flame thrower. At what point is there a limit? Can i build my own Nuke?
Hillary wants to limit assault weapons. Trump wants flame throwers.
But yes you are right. People kill people.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
You are wasting your time with this John ( as I have ), blind Clinton voters will excuse anything Clinton has ever done, even if she did make some commit suicide. Life of a left winger.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump best lead is among hardcore uneducated white men. Like Trump, people need to make claims that are completely false to let themselves feel better.

Come now. I'm sure there are a few educated white guys who support Trump. I know what the stats and the polls say, but geez! I'm also certain that bigotry, racism and misogyny isn't just a poor or uneducated white guy thing. There must also be many who are as educated and well off financially. Like Trump, for one.

I'm also certain that there are some small business owners out there who honestly believe that someone with business experience would do good for their cause. Yes, even those who are bad at it and may have filed for bankruptcy up to six times in the past. I no longer own a business, but there may be one billionaire businessman i would seriously consider voting for if he ran: Mark Cuban.

However, he has no interest to run for office and i don't blame him. Who would want that job anyway?? I'm not even sure Trump really wants it. Just a few months ago prior to the RNC, Donald Trump Jr. approached John Kasich and told him his father was offering him the VP ticket and if he won, Kasich would basically act as the US President while Trump stayed in the background and took credit. Kasich refused the offer. My guess is that this was also promised to Mike Pence. I mean, can you really have a President who is considerably less qualified than his own VP to run the country? How would that look? Okay, i realize that this was the case with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, but still.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hope? Have you even heard of how bad things are in the inner cities acoss the USA?

This is true. But it's been like this for 40 years or so. Yes, even under Nixon, Reagan and Bush. But let me pull you out of your alternate reality world for a few minutes if you don't mind, and i'll point out that not all african-americans live in the ghettos/inner cities. There are as many who live among other Americans throughout the country. Okay, maybe not in buildings owned by Donald J. Trump, but you know what i mean. Just because someone happens to be black doesn't mean he's necessarily poor or living in the 'inner cities'.

On another note, how are the Leafs making out in alternate-reality world? Are the Jays still in the playoffs? Did they even make the playoffs or is it the Yankees again? Is Trump leading big in the polls and did he easily win all three debates? I'm curious. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I watched the Donna Brazile interview with the sexy & very smart Megyn Kelly. Ms. Brazile did repeat over and over that she did not get any debate questions from CNN or Roland Martin. She did allude to the fact that not everything that comes out on wikileaks hasn't been tampered with by Trump's friends the Russians. It's already been proven it has been done recently.

Anyways, Little Marco Rubio warned Republicans two days ago about the hazards of paying too much importance to whatever is released by Wikileaks since he knows fully well it could bounce back in their faces and it's also obvious to anyone with a brain that the Russians have also hacked into the Republicans and will likely release whatever they have in the future once this election is over. Putin's objective may actually not be to get Trump elected. It may actually be simply to create chaos in the US electoral system. And since Julian Assange has always hated Hillary Clinton (she did suggest once that maybe he should be droned), at this moment he'd never agree to release what the Russians have on the Republicans. But it could very happen in two years or so in the midterm elections. And now it'll be the Republicans calling foul and maybe then the Democrats won't give a damn since the Republicans were willing participants in the illegal and criminal scheme this time around.

The bottom line is that whatever the Russians are releasing through Wikileaks is a waste of time and irrelevant now since the election is pretty much over. Had they released it a few months ago, things may have been different and Bernie Sanders would soon be elected as the next US President. I would have been totally cool with that since Bernie Sanders is just like a Canadian Prime Minister (or any other leader in a western democracy) and he would have been an admirable and very good President. Maybe not for Big Business, but he would have been great for the middle class and the younger generation of Americans.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
really its the russians hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah
must be some good shit people are smokeing these days
but if it was against trump you better take notice it has to be true

sort of a double standard

Not really. If you'd pay your cable bill, maybe you'd know that the FBI and every other single intelligence agency has pointed the finger at the Russians doing the hacking. Even the Republican Party is aware of this and hasn't denied it. Even Mike Pence as admitted he knows this. Only two people on the entire planet (now three) deny it's not the Russians: Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and yourself. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think there are probably a lot of people sharing your opinion.
Unfortunately for the Republicans, Trump is bat shit crazy and a deplorable human being, not fit to be President.
They would probably win if Pence was their candidate.

Very true. They would also lead in the polls had Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and dozens of others would have been the GOP nominee. But the GOP primaries voters chose the most extreme and radical candidate possible. But that's today's GOP for you. They created a monster nearly a decade ago and now it's a party controlled by a 'base' of lunatics and alt-right types. So now to get elected, decent and moderate Republican candidates have had to go against their own principles and have had to appease to the extreme right-wing or else they would have been replaced by one of their own crazy right-wingers. Today's GOP isn't set up to win presidential elections. It's set up to win congressional elections and it has.

A couple of years ago, i told a mega Republican supporter sibling of mine that Jeb Bush would have no chance to win the primaries. He laughed at me. I told him that his heroes Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan wouldn't even be able to get the GOP nomination today. Same thing with George HW Bush. They'd be seen by their 'base' as being too liberal. Which is why the likes of Jeb Bush & John Kasich never stood a chance.

p.s. The same could be said had Hillary Clinton not been the Democratic Party's nominee. Had Joe Biden agreed to run and won the nomination, i doubt anyone on the GOP side could have beat him. But that's the beauty of politics, ain't it?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The same FBI who cleared the criminal killery clinton? The fbi lost all credibility with that, they are bought and paid off as well it would seem.

I do not know what universe you are living in but you are so far off in your own reality it is :pound: Next you will be telling us the Leafs will win the Cup this season! Ahahah

Not really. If you'd pay your cable bill, maybe you'd know that the FBI and every other single intelligence agency has pointed the finger at the Russians doing the hacking. Even the Republican Party is aware of this and hasn't denied it. Even Mike Pence as admitted he knows this. Only two people on the entire planet (now three) deny it's not the Russians: Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump and yourself. ;)


May 3, 2010
My cousin is an Fbi agent and shes very mad that people are talking about that one case, and are not talking about the thousands of lives they save each year. She and her fellow agents put their lives on the line each day to protect people like you.I guess we should just ban the Fbi and see how many people would die.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Typical response from the libbys but truth be told if you or I had done what the witch did we would be in prison for a long time. The Fbi has been made to look like a joke because of the clintons. I as well know someone who works for the Fbi and he said their is a dark cloud over the Fbi thanks to the clintons, see it goes oth ways ;)

My cousin is an Fbi agent and shes very mad that people are talking about that one case, and are not talking about the thousands of lives they save each year. She and her fellow agents put their lives on the line each day to protect people like you.I guess we should just ban the Fbi and see how many people would die.


May 3, 2010
bro im not a libby i have voted conservative all my life dont put me in category because you dont like my answer . i have vote for Brian Mulroney and Stephen there you go. you can not judge an organization because of one case, cant judge cops because of one bad shooting. i vote on who i think is best for my country not on party lines. i even voted for jean chretien


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Your answer was typical liberal banter and you come across as such, if not then I apologise. It is not that i do not like your answer, i find it laughable to tell you the truth. The person your cousin should be mad at are two deplorable people (see what i just did there? lol) mr. and mrs. clinton and i ain't talking about the great George Clinton and wifey :)

bro im not a libby i have voted conservative all my life dont put me in category because you dont like my answer . i have vote for Brian Mulroney and Stephen there you go. you can not judge an organization because of one case, cant judge cops because of one bad shooting.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
My cousin is an Fbi agent and shes very mad that people are talking about that one case, and are not talking about the thousands of lives they save each year. She and her fellow agents put their lives on the line each day to protect people like you.I guess we should just ban the Fbi and see how many people would die.

Don't let the wingnuts get to you. They live in an alternate-reality where everything's bad, the government is evil, the country is heading straight to hell, the President is a muslim from Kenya and the earth is flat.

The head of the FBI is a Republican and he admitted under oath that the most blame he could point towards the State Department at the time (prior to 2012) was that its Secretary had been careless. That's all. He also pointed out that it hadn't been since the 1920's that someone in government had been charged with something similar and that had he chosen to recommend charges be brought, it would have obviously been political and a personal. In other words, nothing would have been able to stick anyway.

The FBI does a heck of a job and don't let people who are ignorant of the truth (and reality) tell you otherwise.

p.s. The real criminal is Donald Trump. Fraud, tax evasion, bribery, discriminating against minorities, doing business with Cuba, using his own foundation as nothing but a slush fund and sexually assaulting hundreds of women over the years. He should be in prison, but rarely do billionaires get convicted in this country.


May 3, 2010
Im not liberal, im not conservative im open minded. i really dont care about either of them. my family always voted republicans and will, but not Donald trump or Hillary Clinton. they will write in a candidate and vote republican for congress and the senate. its like choosing between a gunshot or a hanging they told me.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
bro im not a libby i have voted conservative all my life dont put me in category because you dont like my answer . i have vote for Brian Mulroney and Stephen there you go. you can not judge an organization because of one case, cant judge cops because of one bad shooting. i vote on who i think is best for my country not on party lines. i even voted for jean chretien

Don't waste your time arguing with our very own friendly wingnut and Trump supporter. He has no clue who Mulroney, Harper and Chretien are.

By the way, i'm like you. I've voted from left to center to right throughout my life, depending on who was the best candidate and which party represented my interests the best. I'm a proud member of a national union and at times i feel bad about not voting for the labor party (NDP) more than i have. But the good of my community and region went ahead of my personal self-interests.

p.s. Don't take being called a 'libby' wrong. The wingnuts routinely refer to others who don't live in their same alternate-reality as 'libbys'. In other words, it means that you're actually quite normal and very realistic. You don't live in their same fantasy world where life sometimes appear totally the opposite about what it really is.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
buddie i am not a trump suppoter
i am a clinton hater i like a battle of the minds but i dont fight unarmed boys

Similar to me. I"m not a Clinton supporter, but i hate Donald Trump with a passion. I could never vote for a racist, bigot and misogynist like him. And that's even before all the women he sexually assaulted came forward. He's an evil, evil man!

Free Bill Cosby!

Charlie Smart

Active Member
Jun 12, 2015
The Godswoods
He did not do any favors to his cratering campaign at the charity event last was supposed to be a charity event where yes, candidates do roast each other but Trump went over the be balanced, Clinton did as well but not nearly to the degree that Trump did.
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