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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Trump is not a politician, that is why he gets a pass for some of the things he says or does not say, he is not "politically correct" and God love him for that, it is political correctness that has partly put the U.S. in the sad state that it has been in (and going further in) the last 20-30 years and especially the last 8 under the super politically correct (to a point it is laughable and deplorable) obama.

The comment about hillary being a nasty woman? Good for him, she is a nasty woman and really should be in prison and again, he does not look to be politically correct and simply told what half the country already believes. The part about conceding victory? Good for him, shows he cares about his country and wants to win at any cost to save it for his and your grand kids generations over. What if Bush and Gore had sworn to concede, especially Gore? In fact Gore lilely did agree to concede before the election if he lost, no idea and do not care to spend time on this but he sure did not do that very quickly.

Overall it was a strong performance by Trump, his best yet and average by "her" but she did not do anything to damage herself, much. She just lies and lies and lies and the liberal media just ignores ignores ignores, sickening and pathetic and the blinded sheep just keep drinking the kool aid. Don't complain in the next four years when you realise what a horrible president she will be, just as obama was. Very few defend him anymore and hate to tell you i told you so but if the shoe fits ;)


May 3, 2010
Yeah, Obama was not great, i guess leaving the presidency with one of the highest approval rating is not great. created 15 million jobs is not great, killing bin laden is not great. saved the US economy is not great. bringing back respect to the US is not great. The funny thing im a great fan George W. Bush because of what he did for Africa. In my opinion Obama was a very good president.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Well warkihill, you know what they say about opinons, right? :pound:

For every one good thing you can say about obama there are 100 bad so keep thinking what you wish, does not mean it is true. I watched his brother last night after the debate say how much barrack has changed and how he himself is voting for Trump, that alone speaks volumes.

Yeah, Obama was not great, i guess leaving the presidency with one of the highest approval rating is not great. created 15 million jobs is not great, killing bin laden is not great. saved the US economy is not great. bringing back respect to the US is not great. The funny thing im a great fan George W. Bush because of what he did for Africa. In my opinion Obama was a very good president.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Agreed. Trump is not a politician. Agreed. It's a strong breath of fresh air to hear something besides rehearsed politically calculated answers. Strongly agreed. Clinton has some serious faults and there are some serious questions about legalities surrounding numerous maneuvers by her. I have believed a candidate who is not so politically polished or experienced or practiced but highly intelligent and capable could make just as good a President as any politician. This year was the best opportunity to defeat a candidate dyed deeply in all the political elements that cause the people to have many doubts about our leadership. You may never see another such opportunity in your lifetime.

What does that say then about Trump? Sure he's not a politician but he acts like a unstable clown. Sure he speaks from the heart but he does it like a trashy street talking punk. Sure he's not bred out of Washington politics but he doesn't have the natural intelligence that's still needed to know how to control himself respectably and give people confidence that he's the kind of leader we are dying for to replace that class of breeding school political automatons.

I spoke to a close relative yesterday who has always been extremely Conservative and remains a die-hard Republican. She could not believe how or understand why a person such as Trump ever got the Republican nomination for President of the United States. That has been a soul-searching event for her.

Yes, give us someone outside Washington who is not tied and bound to all the trappings and dealings and mindsets and underhanded commitments that so many candidates come out of. But don't give us a fool either. Just because Trump is an outsider doesn't mean he's fit to run a koolaid stand.

You gave us a guy who has the veneer of everything you want but you gave us the damn wrong guy. He's a circus act and little more.



Would the same people vote for Trump if he had run as a Democrat? If he said the very chummy things he's said as a Democrat about Russia, Syria, China, North Korea and their leaders the Republicans would be calling for his hanging as a traitor, tyrant, Communist and a lot more seriously un-American labels.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump is not a politician, that is why he gets a pass for some of the things he says or does not say, he is not "politically correct" and God love him for that, it is political correctness that has partly put the U.S. in the sad state that it has been in (and going further in) the last 20-30 years and especially the last 8 under the super politically correct (to a point it is laughable and deplorable) obama.

Actually, Trump IS one hell of a politician. That's his biggest asset. He understands his political base. He knows how to press their buttons. Sure, he's not the typical politician we've been used to over the years, but he's become one hell of a politician if you ask me. It is true that he is often seen as being 'politically correct'. But political correctness should not be confused with insanity, bigotry and misogyny. It also should not be confused with being a complete idiot. And in politics, political correctness is a must if the candidate is serious about being elected. But 'political incorrectness' is the last thing that comes to mind when i hear Trump continuously lie and speak nonsense to his basket of white deplorables and rednecks who attend his stupid rallies.

The comment about hillary being a nasty woman? Good for him, she is a nasty woman and really should be in prison and again, he does not look to be politically correct and simply told what half the country already believes.

Half the country? You mean between 30-39%, his pack of deplorable supporters and other voters like yourself who always vote Republicans. If Adolf Hitler ran for the Republicans, he could count on at least getting that 30-39%. And like Trump, he could never get the other 10-15% percent of independent voters he'd need to win. That comment alone was his most damaging last night. It confirmed he's a narcissist as we now already know, and it killed any chance of any undecided female voters to vote for him. This morning i even heard some of his surrogates admit that those words uttered by him last night were a mistake on his part. It looked even worst because it happened while she was speaking and he again interrupted her. What can i say? He's a five-year old in a 70-year old old fucker's body. He can't help himself.

Overall it was a strong performance by Trump, his best yet and average by "her" but she did not do anything to damage herself, much. She just lies and lies and lies and the liberal media just ignores ignores ignores, sickening and pathetic and the blinded sheep just keep drinking the kool aid. Don't complain in the next four years when you realise what a horrible president she will be, just as obama was. Very few defend him anymore and hate to tell you i told you so but if the shoe fits ;)

I don't think his performance was any better than the previous two. He had a strong 30 minutes, but by the 31st minute he had become unhinged and in total meltdown mode once again, which was expected considering how thin-skinned and out of control he is. He lied and lied and at one point he actually lied about his own lies, which isn't easy to do. Clinton had by far her best performance, although she easily had won her previous two debates (unless someone lives in an alternate-reality with the rest of the alt-rights). She looked presidential, she answered questions well, she never interrupted, never had a drink of water (Trump did a couple of times), never lost her cool and got him off his game by throwing a few effective zingers at him.

Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the next President of the United States in just over two weeks, which means that humanity will likely still be here four years from now. I'm not so certain this could have been said about the impulsive and ignorant Trump, although it's quite possible he would have been impeached within the first year in office. I also expect the Senate to turn Democrat once again, and maybe...just maybe...Congress edging the Republicans, although it's unlikely this year. Heck, a President HRC also means that Doc Holliday's bank account will slightly go up! ;)

I also expect the Republican Congress (if they do manage to hang onto congress) to be more bipartisan this time around and actually do the job they were all elected for. The Republican Congress' favorable numbers are at a historical low and they'll definitely lose the House in 2020 if they do the same: be a do-nothing Congress.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Trump called Hilary a "nasty woman" as she called him out for not paying taxes.......which by the ways is true and there is nothing nasty about calling him out for not paying taxes. Which is not to say Hilary isn't a nasty woman, she kind of is, but the comment was made in response to legit criticism and as such made Trump look like a Kindergarden student responding to a critical classmate.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
His brother is just jealous,because hes loser.

Nah. Each individual is different and free to chose whom he supports. I was raised with two other siblings. One doesn't care about politics and never votes, the other is a die-hard Republican like a couple of our friends here. Whenever politics are brought up, we argue like crazy and i always win my arguments, which enrages him and he doesn't talk to me for weeks after that. So we try to avoid the subject. What's funny is that he's realized what i had been telling him and others for the past two years: that Donald Trump will ruin the GOP party and greatly damage it. Since Trump has won the nomination, he never wants to talks politics anymore since he realizes i was right about Trump all along. As i've said many times, i was a big Trump supporter during the GOP primaries for that reason: he was a trojan horse and would destroy not only the party, but its candidates that were actually 'presidential' material. That was my only reason to wish Trump would win the nomination, but i must admit that little did i know that it would actually happen. And it did.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump called Hilary a "nasty woman" as she called him out for not paying taxes.......which by the ways is true and there is nothing nasty about calling him out for not paying taxes. Which is not to say Hilary isn't a nasty woman, she kind of is, but the comment was made in response to legit criticism and as such made Trump look like a Kindergarden student responding to a critical classmate.

I mostly agree with your statement and let me assure you that Trump didn't win any more female votes with that comment. He practically sealed his fate in this election. The comment only made him look unhinged, tempermental and very childish. It made him look good to his base of deplorables, but made him look unpresidential and dumb to millions of people around the world who were watching the debate.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
This is why Trump has gotten this far, because people are sick of politicians who are some of the most corrupt people on the planet. The media has power to influence the weak and uneducated who buy into everything they are selling. People who think they are educated really are some of the stupidest people on the face of the earth to not see the wool being pulled over their eyes, now that is quite :pound: yet so very sad at the same time.
actually all you trump haters should be happy cause hillary is a vindictive psycotic bitch and
all she cares about is power and money and not eh reason she will be elected for..she is s true politician full of shit

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Have any of you been watching the documentary series "The Circus: Inside the Greatest Political Show on Earth"?

It's available on Showtime. I can only get it online via Bell TV app here in Canada. Not sure on which movie channel you can get it. I think you can also watch it via You Tube.

It's a great series, trust me!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I would say MORE than half think she is a nasty woman for sure (there were polls about liking her or not, trusting her or not and other negatives that were way over 50% and NOT in her favor) they just dislike Trump more so sure, half the country or more would agree with what Trump said.
Half the country?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
"He's been sued 3500 times, i've been sued less than 10!"--------Billionaire businessman Mark Cuban talking to about Donald Trump

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I would say MORE than half think she is a nasty woman for sure (there were polls about liking her or not, trusting her or not and other negatives that were way over 50% and NOT in her favor) they just dislike Trump more so sure, half the country or more would agree with what Trump said.

The numbers were even higher for Margaret Thatcher and she's highly regarded as being a great statesman and British Prime Minister. I'm sure those words were often hurled at even Golda Meir.

Look, the problem with the 'she's a nasty woman' comment is that it's extremely sexist in nature. Have you ever heard any other male politician being referred as being nasty by a political opponent? Trump has zero respect for most women and it had to be him who had to interrupt her with that extremely sexist comment. And if people agree with his comment, it shows a lot about their character.
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