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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And that is a shame my friend, just a horrible shame.

Under the last 8 years of that God Awful "leader" the whole country is going the wrong way in so many areas. I wonder if Doc dares to drive through the inner city of chicago, detroit, baltimore, philly or even washington dc at 3am. 8-10 years ago, i did, i used to go to those areas reguarly, not anymore.

Thanks bArrack, you did a hell of a job. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out of Washington. The great hope for so many people turned into the great fraud. Hillary will be even worse.
Dude, even I don't remember or recognize the NYC that I once knew and loved! :puke:


May 3, 2010
For a so called conservative you really use the god word in vain a lot ah. btw this god you talk of does not exist. you and your kkk members can always form your own state after the elections.


Apr 27, 2016
Can people disagree without resorting to the name calling and personal trolling?

I think anyone who thinks Trump is fit to be president is delusional - doesn't mean I have to insult them otherwise. There are so many instances where sane people make insane decisions. No need to raise the stakes by going the troll / personal attack angle. And I'm talking to both sides here.


Apr 27, 2016
anotehr gold digger who was a whore and the initial offer of 10 k was not enough to try and blackmail him now is better and more profitable

Drake is actually quite successful as a producer; doesn't need the small $ this is likely to net her from a scam.

At some point JSB maybe the simpler conclusion is that the claims on Trump in this area are more than just smoke.

In this case as least Trump won't say it's impossible because she's not attractive enough. :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Is this the Jessica Drake that is the latest Trump accuser?

I haven't had time to review all the videos.

She looked good in the press conference, but any woman looks get seated next to Gloria Allred.

She said she was an adult film actress and that when she declined his initial offer, Trump offered her $10,000 and the use of his jet.

Yeah, same woman. But I wasn't surprised. I remember years ago reading about Trump bedding international porn stars. One of them had a little black book of the clients who paid her to have sex and Trump's name was in that book. What surprised me is that we haven't heard anything in regards to his connection with porn stars. Same thing with the fact Ivana Trump stated in a sworn deposition that he had brutally raped her once.

Let's face it, not only is he a despicable human piece of garbage, but he definitely should be in pinstripes. And i'm not referring to the NY Yankees.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Everybody Hates Hillary Clinton

It's a sign she's done something good. Every time someone tells me so-and-so hates my guts, i smile and look on the bright side: i must have accomplished something in order for someone to make me relevant.

I've always had the philosophy that there is no such thing as negative publicity. Any publicity is good. Even a bad review isn't necessarily a negative thing. You have to use it constructively and tell yourself that a review is a review, after all. Better having a review than no review.

And finally, i used to hate George W. Bush's guts. But i realize today that maybe he wasn't so bad after all. ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I think anyone who thinks Trump is fit to be president is delusional....

We agree on this. But take it from me, i've worked in health care for 37 years and there are a lot of delusional people out there. There are also a lot of people with untreated mental illness. Three out of five people get treated for mental illness in their lifetimes. I'm certain 1 out of the remaining 2 are undiagnosed or simply refuse to seek treatment. So that says a lot.

On the other hand, there are also a lot of bigots, racists and misogynists out there. What can i say? Trump is obviously their guy. It's no big secret that the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan have officially endorsed Donald J. Trump. There are also dozens of other white supremacist groups who've endorsed Trump. Many of them see him as their saviour.

"Let's make America great again."

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump looking very presidentail in his first 100 day outline speech.

What about the Wall? Many staunch supporters were extremely disappointed there wasn't anything mentioned about his famous (or imaginary) Wall, which was the centerpoint of his campaign during the primaries.


New Member
May 14, 2016

Wrong! It's very easy to understand why this is totally false. Profits. Trump makes mind-blowing copy every time. Take yesterday. He goes to Gettysburg for a speech where Lincoln made one of the most iconic ennobled American speeches of our entire history...and Trump starts by announcing a suit against all those women accusing him of being a predator. That's instant guaranteed profits to the media.

There hasn't been a day he doesn't say something that every news agency and tabloid rag can use to fill their pages and pump their bank accounts. Trump is a broken water main gushing headlines and escalating sales no matter what your favorite source is. No media outlet with a brain or any sense wants to see him quieted. It would be killing the golden goose of endless sleaze-mongering headlines. With his raging egoistic paranoia and constant blow horn mouth he's good for at least 8 more years. The media would kill not to lose that.


New Member
May 14, 2016
he brags about being able to grope woman and your horrified and you come here, pay for sex with woman,write about it, and you an outstanding member of society?

I really think your reasoning is not reasoning at all. No one on the board says they are model citizens. It's a diversion to bring that up. Groping without permission is assault/rape. Paying for sex from a willing escort is nothing of the kind. If you can't see that you have an extremely permissive view of right and wrong. By your way of thinking you can walk into the women's lingerie department, barge into any customer changing room, and do what you want with your hands and fingers. It's alright with you because no penis was involved. What Trump did is predatory force. There's NO EXCUSE!!!

you have to realize something.there is many a hobbiest here who has done worse things than donald trump
many a guy hre who has slipped off the condom with escorts and bragged about it some who the condom broke and they thought ti was funny

Once again how does that possibly excuse either of them. Both are total asshole and pretty much rapists. Your theory sounds like your trying to excuse Trump because someone did something your view says is worse. In fact Trump is like the over-sexed boy who was having some passionate kissing, which the girl loved, but when the girl said no to him whipping out his cock and trying to stick it in her it was okay because, well, she got him worked up. BULLSHIT!

Trump's groping was sexual assault. No excuses no matter who else is just as stupid or predatory.

Adult's don't go running to mommy saying....well he did it too. :rolleyes:


New Member
May 14, 2016
if he was not running for president no one would care
and i think clinton is far worse my opinion

But he is. Don't you want someone with decent human character and a soul that recognizes respect for individual lives and human life at the helm if there comes a time when the President has decide between pressing "THE BUTTON" (ordering nuclear war) or not. It's not just the U.S. that pays the consequences if that happens, and none of us wants an egotistical animal in charge of that.


New Member
May 14, 2016
ok he has none of that but neither does clinton agree disagree

You could be right. In many ways about exploitation of position they could be much the same. But I'd take Clinton with the ultimate choice versus Trump a million times over. Trump scares me as the type who has no reasoning except to go out in a blaze of infamous glory come hell or high water.

Speaking of that, this is what I mean. He'll use his methods to the end no matter how bad the ship sinks under him like he doesn't care. He has no will or intelligence to learn better.

It's his suicidal path or nothing. That makes him the much worse choice.

DAMN! Trump is now losing among MEN.

New poll shows Clinton over Trump by double-digits

(CNN)Hillary Clinton has a 12-point lead over Donald Trump and has reached 50% support nationally among likely voters, a new ABC News tracking poll shows.

The poll shows Clinton with 50% support to Trump's 38%, with 5% backing Libertarian Gary Johnson and 2% supporting the Green Party's Jill Stein.

The poll comes on the heels of the third presidential debate, which a post-debate CNN/ORC snap poll showed Clinton won.

The ABC News survey's results show Clinton with a 20-point advantage among women, and a 3-point edge with men -- a group that has tilted toward Trump for most of the 2016 race.

When a candidate reaches 50% the other party gets seriously worried about a landslide defeat.


New Member
May 14, 2016
This should explain a lot about why Trump is sinking. His own instincts are his worst enemy.

Likely voters by a vast 69-24 percent disapprove of Trump’s response to questions about his treatment of women. After a series of allegations of past sexual
misconduct, the poll finds that some women who’d initially given him the benefit of the doubt have since moved away.

Fifty-nine percent of likely voters, moreover, reject Trump’s suggestion that the election is rigged in Clinton’s favor, and more, 65 percent, disapprove of his
refusal to say whether he’d accept a Clinton victory as legitimate. Most strongly disapprove, a relatively rare result.

All told, Clinton leads Trump by 12 percentage points among likely voters, 50 to 38 percent, in the national survey, her highest support and his lowest to date
in ABC News and ABC News/Washington Post polls. Gary Johnson has 5 percent support, Jill Stein 2 percent.

The results mark a dramatic shift from Clinton’s +4 points in the last ABC/Post poll Oct. 13. That survey was conducted after disclosure of an 11-year-old
videotape in which Trump crudely described his sexual advances toward women, but before the events that have followed: A series of women saying he
sexually assaulted them, which Trump has denied; his continued refusal to say whether he’d accept the election’s legitimacy; and the final debate, which
likely voters by 52-29 percent say Clinton won.

• Clinton leads Trump by 20 percentage points among women, 55-35 percent. She's gained 12 points (and Trump's lost 16) from mid-October among
non-college-educated white women, some of whom initially seemed to rally to Trump after disclosure of the videotape.

• Clinton has doubled her lead to 32 points, 62-30 percent, among college-educated white women, a group that’s particularly critical of his response to questions
about his sexual conduct. (Seventy-six percent disapprove, 67 percent strongly.)

• That said, Clinton's also ahead numerically (albeit not significantly) among men, 44-41 percent, a first in ABC News and ABC/Post polling.

• Trump is just +4 among whites overall, 47-43 percent, a group Mitt Romney won by 20 points in 2012. Broad success among whites is critical for any Republican
candidate; nonwhites, a reliably Democratic group, favor Clinton by 54 points, 68-14 percent.

Even with the gender gap in candidate support, the results show damage to Trump across groups on the issue of his sexual conduct. While 71 percent of women disapprove of his handling of questions about his treatment of women, so do 67 percent of men. And 57 percent overall disapprove “strongly” – 60 percent of women, but also 52 percent of men. By partisan group, 41 percent of Republican likely voters disapprove of Trump on this question, a heavy loss in one’s own party. That grows to 70 percent of independents and nearly all Democrats, 92 percent.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
But he is. Don't you want someone with decent human character and a soul that recognizes respect for individual lives and human life at the helm if there comes a time when the President has decide between pressing "THE BUTTON" (ordering nuclear war) or not. It's not just the U.S. that pays the consequences if that happens, and none of us wants an egotistical animal in charge of that.

And you are saying Clinton fits the bill to run the US?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
This thread is about to hit 100 pages and nobody has convinced anyone to change their opinion in all that time.
Its like farting in the wind.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
My three early pre-elections predictions:

-Hillary Clinton will trounce Donald J. Trump and will become the first ever US female President. It may be the worst Republican defeat in 80 years.

-The Democrats will take over the Senate.

-The Republicans will hold onto Congress by a slight margin.
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