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May 3, 2010
dont feel sorry for me bro. i have a great life. you call me a libby i call you racist. you see how easy it is call someone names without knowing them.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Actions speak louder than words, none of my actions in this thread point me as a racist yet many or your actions point you of liberal thinking. It's one thing to be called a Libby, quite another accusing someone of racism which you are implying all pro trump ppl of being and now STN who repeatedly said he is not for either candidate.

A few really close black friends of mine, who btw are voting for Trump feel like there is as much racism coming from black lives matter than anyone. That speaks volumes.

What it all comes down to is there is good and bad in all races. Some of my great friends happen to be black and asian. I look at the good in people for who they are not the color of their skin. I bet you think because I always ragged on PK Subban was because he's black? Wrong, it's because of the jersey he wore, now I think he's a great hockey player and even better person. :thumb:
dont feel sorry for me bro. i have a great life. you call me a libby i call you racist. you see how easy it is call someone names without knowing them.


May 3, 2010
in my opinion if you support a racist then you are racist. btw i had no idea pk subban was until a few months ago. i only follow the nfl or the nba. there you go again, thinking you know everything about me.when a few uncle toms tell you something. they dont mean anything to me or black lives matter. like that idiotic sheriff of wisconsin said its pitch fork times.


Jan 14, 2016
Go Trump Go !! Win or lose, the guy got balls made of steel. Wait .... steel from China obviously. Steel that previous governments made him a deal that he can't refuse to go get them in China !!!!


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I look for the good in everyone including you. So many are brainwashed by the mainstream liberal media to thinking all kinds of things about Trump, why should you be any different? :rolleyes:

Why here, I will even say something nice about Hillary. If she does not win the election, it's that much sooner that she can finally divorce wild Bill and once and for all come out of the closet. Gotta love those pantsuits eh :eek:

There I go assuming, you must be rubbing off on me :pound:
in my opinion if you support a racist then you are racist. btw i had no idea pk subban was until a few months ago. i only follow the nfl or the nba. there you go again, thinking you know everything about me.when a few uncle toms tell you something. they dont mean anything to me or black lives matter. like that idiotic sheriff of wisconsin said its pitch fork times.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Btw sol tee nutz, thank you for calling us the blacks. thats what the racists do. thank you again at least we know where you stand.

Pardon! Please indicate where I mentioned anything like that.
I question your thought about supporting a racist is to being a racist, you support Clinton and am assuming she sucked a few dicks on the way up, did it leave a salty taste in your mouth.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I think warkihill needs to step away from the keyboard for a few hours, you are crossing a serious line when you start playing the race card my friend. There is absolutely no need for that as nothing was said by anyone regarding racist remarks whatsoever. You owe two apologies as far as I can see.


May 3, 2010
you support a nazi you are a nazi you support a facist you are a facist . and yeah it did taste salty.btw when call me the blacks i find that racist if you dont then thats your problem. if i called anyone the jews then everyone would be all over me. i dont owe anyone an apology. my opinion.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Your opinion or not, personal insults are against the rules. Playful ones ok I get that but yours were about as rude and personal as they get. Why is it so many people cannot debate politics without having to cross the lines into really bad behavior? I guess some have been watching this election too closely and think "hey if they can do it why can't I"
you support a nazi you are a nazi you support a facist you are a facist . and yeah it did taste salty.btw when call me the blacks i find that racist if you dont then thats your problem. if i called anyone the jews then everyone would be all over me. i dont owe anyone an apology. my opinion.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Guys you are getting worked up over nothing. Trump is way behind in the polls and privately is already conferring about concession strategy, repairing damage done and recouping the money he has spent. Maybe he will get a tax write off for it and not pay taxes for another 20 years? There is a thought. Anyway I am not voting and don't care because my life has not changed much no matter who is President, sun will still rise, I will still have to pay taxes and there is no magic wand to solve problems like either of these candidates would have you believe.

My opinion is that the Republicans have not learned anything about the changing demographic of the electorate in the USA and that they have to have policies which will enable them to win the Battleground states. The Republicans are set up for hypocrisy because they all campaign against big government and then when elected they realize unless federal money comes to their State they are viewed as fucking losers who can't get anything done. So they whore themselves back against their election promises and bring huge federal money back in to their States and then brag about their big balls in doing so. They are losers. The Democrats are at least honest that they are gonna throw some big government at you. The Republicans lie and then pork barrel all of us. I say fuck all of them, they are all crooks and all have their hands out and don't save money for anyone.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
exactly alligations and how concidential at election time
does not the usa law say innocent until proven guilty

Had Donald Trump not boasted to Billy Bush & Howard Stern that his status gave him the right to sexually assault women and that he had done so, this never would have come up. What caused a reaction from some of the women he assaulted in the past was the fact he flatly denied during the 2nd debate that he had ever groped or kissed women against their will. When he said this and observers pointed out immediately after that debate that there'd be a scandal if accusers would later come forward to dispute his claim.

All the women did was to confirm what Trump had been bragging about. He admitted to acts that were literally sexual assaults and the women simply confirmed his claims.

It's just like some guy here who'd brag he has a 12 inch cock and then many escorts would come here & confirm that so-and-so does indeed have a 12 inch cock, that they had seen it themselves. And then the guy would regret opening his big mouth and would now try to turn the tables against the girls who confirmed his previous claims. Look, you can't have it both ways. Especially when you're running for office. Your past ALWAYS comes back to haunt you. That's why Trump refused to let his campaign do reverse opposition research, which is always used in a political campaign to verify what your opponent(s) may have on you and what potentially could come out later. Trump flatly refused to allow his then campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to do it.

usa law say innocent until proven guilty

Yeah, and Bill Cosby is totally innocent also! :lol:

One or two women, okay. But dozens? And with most of them nothing to gain and everything to lose?? Especially against that a-hole Trump who sues or threatens to sue everybody? Sorry, but i believe the women. And another reason why it came out years later is because it's typical of sexual assault victims. If you were once abused by a priest when you were 10 years old, wouldn't you keep your mouth shut about it (due to shame) for most of your life and if you'd chose to speak about it, wouldn't you wait until years later when you felt you could deal with it after you realized you did nothing wrong and should not be the one feeling shame?

p.s. Tell that to the Central Park 5, who also believed at one time that you were supposedly innocent until proven guilty. And then came Donald Trump.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
you support a nazi you are a nazi you support a facist you are a facist . and yeah it did taste salty.btw when call me the blacks i find that racist if you dont then thats your problem. if i called anyone the jews then everyone would be all over me. i dont owe anyone an apology. my opinion.

Look, i get where you're coming from. Since Trump is a racist and a bigot and he's the white supramacists' favorite politician, it should make everyone else who supports him like them. But trust me, Iggy is certainly not a nazi, fascist or racist. And trust me, he loves women as much as any of us do. And they love him back because he's not a bullshitter and he's honest with them. And to his credit, he's only political in the last few months prior to the elections. Rarely will you ever hear him talk about politics when you're around him. Other folks you can't shut them up in that regard. Iggy? Rarely and it happens mostly when someone else has brought up the subject.

I watched Michael Moore's newest movie last night: Trumpland. He talks about this during the movie. But Michael Moore tells the crowd that most of the Trump supporters he's met were very decent and good people. I have no doubt he's correct. Sure, Trump caters to the 'basket of deplorables' that Hillary Clinton once alluded to. But it doesn't mean that a lot of his supporters are like them. They see another side of Trump that many do not see. They may believe a lot of the crap he talks about. It's their right to. I don't, but i understand that people are free to believe whatever they want to believe.

Michael Moore was on Bill Maher a few weeks ago and totally described why a regular person with no signs of being a bigot or racist may want to vote for Trump. And after listening to Moore, Maher realized he was probably correct and i must admit that he opened my eyes also. A lot of people south of the border have experienced a lot of hardships over the years and were left extremely disappointed with the Washington politicians. Again. Someone like Donald Trump may offer them a different perspective. Another chance. A different strategy. Less of the same old. And their support of him has nothing to do with his racist, bigot and misogynist views. What i'm trying to say is that everyone is different and everyone may have their own reason to support a candidate. We should not put everyone in the same basket.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Salma Hayek Hits Trump: He’s the Real Criminal—Accused of ‘Raping a Young Girl’

On Monday afternoon, Mexican-American actress Salma Hayek joined a press call hosted by the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign to discuss her support for the Democratic nominee, and her intense dislike of Donald Trump.

"He calls us criminals—but who is the one who has a…lawsuit for the [Trump] University?” the Desperado star asked, rhetorically. “He calls us rapists—but who has a lawsuit [against him] for raping a young girl?”

The Clinton-supporting Hollywood actress was referring to an accuser—who used the name Katie Johnson to file a lawsuit in Manhattan federal court—who alleges that the Republican nominee raped her in the summer of 1994, when she was 13 years old, while attending a sex party at the mansion of sex offender and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

“Criminals and rapists—those are the only things [Trump has] said about Mexico, and that we have to pay for his wall,” Hayek continued.

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on her latest remarks. On Friday, Hayek claimed that Trump once tried to date her and that when she turned him down, he planted a negative and false story about her in the supermarket tabloid the National Enquirer.

“Not my type!” Hayek said on the Monday call.

Salma Hayek says Trump is the real criminal

Doc says: "I have to agree with Ms. Hayek."


May 3, 2010
As a black man if trump is elected i would never visit the US. its already scary for people of color, just imagine electing a racist. it would embolden all the racists to come out of the closet and that would be very dangerous

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
you support a nazi you are a nazi you support a facist you are a facist . and yeah it did taste salty.btw when call me the blacks i find that racist if you dont then thats your problem. if i called anyone the jews then everyone would be all over me. i dont owe anyone an apology. my opinion.

WTF does: btw when call me the blacks i find that racist " supposed to mean.
Please show me the post number you are referring to for that comment, or did it all the sudden vanish into thin air.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
free health care I :pound:

Hello all

Health care in Montreal is a true image of Canadian health care or not ?
You want to live a long and healthy life? Most Canadians know that British Columbia has found the formula for success, with its active outdoor lifestyle, low smoking and obesity rates, and remarkably high overall life expectancy (82.2 years). But not all places in Canada are as fortunate. Many regions of the country face grinding health problems. In some regions of Saskatchewan, for instance, about one in three residents are obese, while the Timiskaming region of Ontario has a shocking 17% diabetes rate. And while Canada’s smoking rate continues to drop precipitously, half of Nunavut’s adults are still lighting up on a daily basis. When it comes to the health of its citizens, it turns out that Canada is a nation of extremes.
In Quebec they where many bad decisions made by the Provincial goverments ,that affected the healthe care network long term such as the 20 % roll back in salaries for all
Quebec public employees
and salary freeze which created a large migration of health care employees to other venues

I have experienced health care in 3 Canadian provinces at the moment I am in Vancouver.

Canadian health care is more a Provincial to region as everyone as different issues .

Free ? Hummm ,I do receive a monthly statement from B.C revenue services for my health care ,which at the moment is $75 monthly

It is more a government controlled system then a free system




New Member
May 14, 2016
About TRUMP:

1. It's just locker room talk?

There's endless evidence he means it precisely. He insults everyone not on his side. He allows his daughter to be referred to like she's trash. He says everything we see and hear about his lechery/sexual assault is a lie. He acts in every way like he's immune to any accountability. He acts like he has no fear of repercussions of any kind. He's spoken openly of women as trophy sexual objects. Yet for some reason we are told to believe he must have been pretending to Billy Bush against everything else he's shown about his directness and his fans' claims about how he always speaks what he means. Ridiculous.

2. The idea he's a fascist dictator.

If you believe Trump wants to win the Presidency his tactics have been failing for a long time. His closest advisors have told him he needs to stop talking trash and concentrate on policy. Yet he has never listened to anyone. He's been warned he's seriously damaging and possibly splitting the party. His best allies and closest advisors have been leaving him and breaking ties with him. Even he has at times admitted he's losing. Through all that he still thinks he's the only one who knows what is best and how to win. He's got all the megalomaniac traits of being a fascist dictator IF he isn't one in fact. Or maybe he's too egotistical and stupid to listen to anyone. Take your pick.

when you said the blacks should stop killing themselves

Making a comprehensive statement about a racial group like that is patently racist. It may have been said carelessly. It may have been said without real consideration. But taken as is it's racist tone is clear. Okay so someone says they have black friends and know this one or that one and have always gotten along. Question is would they put it that way to any black person and how does the guy saying it think they would react if it was said to them? It's certainly something any considerate adult should have know better about saying and stay on guard about. It's definitely deserves more careful thought than just rejecting political correctness.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2010
Regarding African-Americans and the way Trump tries to "appeal" to them, an interesting article published recently by Politico.

"Donald Trump’s confused portrait of black America"

Not only did Donald Trump cite inaccurate and/or outdated (or sometimes completely made up) statistics regarding poverty and unemployment in AA communities, but he's completely out of touch with the current situation. Most Black people now live in the suburbs, not in the inner cities, and the poorer Blacks live in rural areas. Also, while unemployment and poverty rates remain higher than in the White population, the situation has been significantly better since 2010.

"The poverty rate for African-Americans under age 6 was 37 percent last year, down from 44.4 percent in 2010."
"The black poverty rate in cities in 2015 was 26 percent (...) in non-metropolitan areas, the black poverty rate was higher—32.1 percent. Both of these figures have fallen over the past few years as the economy has recovered, a refutation of Trump’s claim that the situation “can’t get any worse” in inner cities. But clearly, if you want to target black poverty, you can no longer just look in the "inner city"—any solution must also include rural people."

And the proponents of "law and order" should be reminded that, despite gun violence and school shootings, crime has been spectacularly down in most places in the Western world, including the US, since the early 90s. In Canada for example, crime hasn't been that low since the days before baby boomers became adults, early to mid 60s. I digress, but militarization of police forces is unnecessary and frankly quite disturbing, when that money could - and should - be put to better use, for example to fight poverty and prevent crime through education, job opportunities and addiction recovery.
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