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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Considering 99% of the people in this thread can not even vote in the election, what does it matter :noidea:
This thread is about to hit 100 pages and nobody has convinced anyone to change their opinion in all that time.
Its like farting in the wind.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Look what wild Bill did while in office with all those women and nobody cared, but why do they care about allegations about the Donald? Oh thats right, it is the liberal mainstream media rooting for their guy then and for their witch now. The more things change the more they stay the same, eh boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?
if he was not running for president no one would care
and i think clinton is far worse my opinion

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I have not participate in this thread at all so far, but lets just say my moral support goes to Donald Trump in this election. He is one of the few if not the only guy that can actually make a clean up in the states.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
Look what wild Bill did while in office with all those women and nobody cared, but why do they care about allegations about the Donald? Oh thats right, it is the liberal mainstream media rooting for their guy then and for their witch now. The more things change the more they stay the same, eh boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

He was impeached!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Look what wild Bill did while in office with all those women and nobody cared, but why do they care about allegations about the Donald? Oh thats right, it is the liberal mainstream media rooting for their guy then and for their witch now. The more things change the more they stay the same, eh boyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

Nobody cared? :lol::lol:

He was impeached & it was on the news 24 hrs a day. And it's still being brought up now, 24 years later.

Plus it was one woman: Monica Lewinsky, who didn't even file a single complaint against him. The other women's story were simply unproven allegations mostly and even Ken Starr, who was leading the witch hunt against the President, decided he couldn't even use the other women's allegations since their stories had too many holes in them and they themselves contradicted their own stories.

Most people today believe Clinton and Lewinsky had this big affair going on. In reality, they never even had sex. All he got was a lousy blowjob while locked up in a closet. Paula Jones? All she alleged was that he had asked her to come to his room, which she did, and he showed her his cock. No sex involved. Kind of disappointing actually considering that she's nothing but trailer trash. And Donald Trump is the one who used those words to describe her at one time. :lol:

My dear buddy Iggy, you chose to support and vote for the loser in the presidential election once again!! When will you learn?? :lol::lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
if he was not running for president no one would care
and i think clinton is far worse my opinion

Donald Trump couldn't even be employed at Walmart or McDonald's considering the dozens of sexual assault allegations against him. Some have even made their way to the courts. Anyone to consider that he's fit to be President would definitely be considered to be delusional.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I have not participate in this thread at all so far, but lets just say my moral support goes to Donald Trump in this election. He is one of the few if not the only guy that can actually make a clean up in the states.

"clean up" ? You mean "chaos" right?

The americans cannot admit nor realise that what they need is free healthcare, free education, more immigrations, ban guns and stop killing black people. Shoot this is canada! ;)


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
"clean up" ? You mean "chaos" right?

The americans cannot admit nor realise that what they need is free healthcare, free education, more immigrations, ban guns and stop killing black people. Shoot this is canada! ;)


Healthcare is not free anywhere, it comes from taxes, it is proven that places with free education has a much higher dropout rate than places that have an education fee, cheaper education yes, free no. With a high unemployment rate why bring in more people and a high percentage have the possibility of being welfare cases. Ban guns, bahahahaha never gonna happen, you only want criminals to have guns, tell the blacks to stop killing their own people.
What every country needs is honest and good governments which we do not have, in fact we in North America probably have some of the worst.


New Member
May 14, 2016
0 moral support goes to Donald Trump in this election.

"Moral"? You have to admit it's an interesting way to say it for a guy who has 11 women accusing him of sexual assault, you know the same thing he said on the bus with Billy Bush he was entitled to get away with.

exactly alligations and how concidential at election time
does not the usa law say innocent until proven guilty

Yes, innocent until proven guilty. What proof of that is there? You're quite correct. After all, it's not like we have any freely given confession prosecutors dream of he does anything like a real predator would. GEEE, if only we had that. ;)

  • “I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married.”
  • “I did try and fuck her. She was married.”
  • “Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.”
  • “Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Trump. How bad is his influence. Marco Rubio was probably next to Ted Cruz as one of the two candidates Republicans thought would be their winning nominee. Now Rubio is considered to be in genuine danger of losing his reelection bid.

That's astonishing for a guy who might easily have won the Presidency if not for Trump. Now he may lose his own seat.



May 3, 2010
Btw sol tee nutz, thank you for calling us the blacks. thats what the racists do. thank you again at least we know where you stand.


Jan 14, 2016
Btw sol tee nutz, thank you for calling us the blacks. thats what the racists do. thank you again at least we know where you stand.

Ohh no, we are not going to start this again, are we ?? I do not see any racism comments in his posts.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Personally i do not let the results get to me unlike many others, i mean why bother, sure there will be disappointment if he loses but whats gonna happen is gonna happen and as much as people in many states would love for their vote to matter, the truth is very few states does it actually matter. The voting system is a mess, a person with the most votes should win an election case closed.

I can't believe the amount of ignorance from so many of the American people. But when you have most of the mainstream media against one candidate because of their party alignment what would you expect. With all the evidence (more pouring in every day) against the horrific acts killery rotten clinton has done, people still support the wicked witch from the west, so much ignorance in the usa it is really downright sad. Trump has never let military men die ON PURPOSE, and a billion others things that show her as one of the most unethical people ever running for office.

What it comes down to for most Americans is how safe of a world it is, better jobs and more of them and health care. All of which under "her" would be a potential disaster. Trump may not be the most ethical himself but as i have said a million times, he loves his country and would do nothing to harm it and would likely do more good in the first year than obama has done in 8 and more than "she" would do in 4, easily.

Ignorance is bliss they say lol
My dear buddy Iggy, you chose to support and vote for the loser in the presidential election once again!! When will you learn?? :lol::lol:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Holy crap! Did i just read that correct? Lol, you are the last person i would think would be pro Trump. maybe just maybe there is something to this movement. They say many people will not put a Trump sign up on their lawn or a bumper sticker on their car or wear pro Trump tshirts and hats because of fear of the nutjob libbys, they say there are millions and millions of people who feel pro Trump not talking about him but will let their vote do the talking on election day....A record number of voters have registered for this election.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm interesting indeed :noidea:
I have not participate in this thread at all so far, but lets just say my moral support goes to Donald Trump in this election. He is one of the few if not the only guy that can actually make a clean up in the states.


Jan 14, 2016
Well said Iggy ... the unfortunate part of Trump is that the poor guy is in an uphill battle. His own institution is divided, plus media, plus Clinton's HUGE institution, plus, plus and plus. How can he win the battle over all this ? It goes to show Americans are blinded by money. Money is power and all of this battle is money backed against him.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
ROFLMAO! Free Healthcare ROFLMAO!!!

I was at my friends house in Montreal last week and he was making a call to the Dr. to see about a sprained finger and they told him 6 months he can see the Dr. ...he was not happy. When he hung up i looked him square in the eye and said "thats the good old free healthcare for ya" ...... My ex gf from Quebec City told me when i first met her that it is a joke of a health care system when this was brought up in the 2008 election, so many people die wating to take use of the so called "free health care system" Give me a break, everytime i hear of this free health care I :pound:
"clean up" ? You mean "chaos" right?

The americans cannot admit nor realise that what they need is free healthcare, free education, more immigrations, ban guns and stop killing black people. Shoot this is canada! ;)

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