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Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Iggy, why it surprise you?

Perssioné, i wouldn't be surprised if this was simply talks to sabotage his campaign. So many people hate him, so whats the best thing to dirt a man? Accuse him of sexual crime. This win every time over drugs or whatever.

I am not saying Trump is perfect, but for once i see an interest in this american election. I see a guy that do want to make a difference. When we look at Obama, what have he done in 8 years? Not much wrong, but nothing out of the ordinary right either. He was ...there. Lol thats it.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Perssioné, i wouldn't be surprised if this was simply talks to sabotage his campaign. So many people hate him, so whats the best thing to dirt a man? Accuse him of sexual crime. This win every time over drugs or whatever.

I am not saying Trump is perfect, but for once i see an interest in this american election. I see a guy that do want to make a difference. When we look at Obama, what have he done in 8 years? Not much wrong, but nothing out of the ordinary right either. He was ...there. Lol thats it.

Hello HM,

If Trump had never been recorded on that bus and none of those women had ever come forward it wouldn't change a darn thing about my opinion of him. There are so many others things he's said freely with precise intent making him completely unfit to be President, and sexual content is still a small part of that.

As I've said before in detail, I'd like a political outsider with the brains and the will to change things if he or she has the right ethical and moral character. Trump is a disgusting animal and a 1000% (not a typo) supremely greedy egotistical dog. He's just the wrong guy and there's plenty of others far FAR better than this ass who would fit the kind of candidate you want.

Oh, and I doubt many of these have had 6 bankruptcies. ;)

Just to name a few:

1. Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway Inc. — Referred to as the Oracle of Omaha

2. Rupert Murdoch, News Corp and 21st Century Fox

3. Larry Page, Google — CEO and one of the co-founders of Google,

4. Tim Cook, Apple — CEO of the most valuable brand in the world, according to Forbes,

5. Jeff Bezos, Amazon — Founder and standing CEO of, Bezos revolutionized how the entire world shops online.

6. Sheldon Adelson, Las Vegas Sands Corporation — With a fortune estimated by Forbes to be around the $28 billion mark,

7. Charles and David Koch, Koch Industries

8. Steve Schwarzman, The Blackstone Group — As co-founder and CEO of the global private equity and financial advisory firm The Blackstone Group,

9. Jack Welch, General Electric — Retired businessman Jack Welch was CEO and chairmen of General Electric from 1981 to 2001.

10. Satya Nadella, Microsoft — Inheriting a massive company from outgoing CEO Steve Ballmer,

11. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook — After the film “The Social Network” pushed him into the international spotlight, the Facebook co-founder and CEO

12. Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs Group — CEO of investment banking firm Goldman Sachs Group,

13. Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil — President and CEO of the world’s largest publicly traded oil company,

14. Brian Roberts, Comcast Corporation
— In addition to serving as the chairman and CEO of Comcast,

15. Paul Singer, Elliott Management Corporation
— As the founder and CEO of hedge fund Elliott Management Corporation

16. Larry Ellison, Oracle — Ellison, a computer programmer and entrepreneur, is a cofounder and CEO of software manufacturer Oracle Corporation.

18. Bill Gates, Microsoft, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — Gates was ranked the seventh-most powerful person in the world by Forbes in 2014. Gates is also known as the richest person on the planet with a net worth estimated at $78.5 billion.

20. Wilbur Ross — An investor and businessman who made his billions advising bankruptcies and restructuring flailing companies,

21. Jeff Immelt, General Electric — CEO of the ninth-most popular brand in the world, according to Forbes, Immelt and GE manufacture everything from jet engines to medical equipment. Immelt has been with the company since 1982.

22. Doug McMillon, Wal-Mart — CEO of Fortune’s No. 1-ranked business out of 500, McMillon got his start at Wal-Mart unloading boxes on the loading docks, according to Business Insider. He is also ranked as the 29th-most powerful person in the world, according to Forbes.

23. Muhtar Kent, Coca-Cola — CEO of the third-most valuable brand in the world, Kent manages Coca-Cola, which is widely known as the best-selling soft drink in the world, according to The Huffington Post.

24. John Chambers, Cisco — Although he stepped down from CEO to executive chairman last month, Chambers has served as CEO of Cisco for 20 years.

There's 72 more if you want to check.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
when you said the blacks should stop killing themselves

Serious? That is not being racist but stating a fact. Blacks are killing more blacks than whites are killing blacks, check it out.
See how you interpret this comment: Bahahahahaha, you funny man.
Edit: This politically correct bullshit has to stop, we are a socitlety of pussies, people get so offended with a simple phrase and make someone a racist, bullshit.
Me a racist, pure fucking bullshit.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
Visit site
Ultimately no matter which one wins, the American people will end up with one of the worst presidents ever, they will wish they had Obama back, or I hate to say it, even Bush.

One could argue it's the weakest choice between 2 candidates since 1964 when Lyndon Johnson was opposed by Barry Goldwater. Of course that election was a year after President Kennedy was assassinated and nobody ever nominated Johnson, he became President by virtue of Kennedy's death. Johnson did not even run for re-election in 1968, such was his unpopularity. Although passage of the Civil Rights Act came during Johnson's presidency, it would have happened anyway.


May 3, 2010
not what you said how you said it. we are not the blacks. im not surprise you dont get it, you support a racist bastard, so im sure its part of your vocabulary.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
not what you said how you said it. we are not the blacks. im not surprise you dont get it, you support a racist bastard, so im sure its part of your vocabulary.

You are not very bright ( just an observation, not a fact yet ) have you not been following this at all or just spot reading? Try and catch up, I have said many rimes that Trump sucks and I was just here to point out Hillary is all a messed up case of crap. Keep more alert and perhaps you will not make an ass out of yourself more.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2007
I've read most of this thread but not all of it, so sorry if this has been posted--but if you haven't see Tom Hanks doing "Black Jeopardy" on SNL, it's really worth it (and I think I can say that however you're voting).


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Healthcare is not free anywhere, it comes from taxes, it is proven that places with free education has a much higher dropout rate than places that have an education fee, cheaper education yes, free no. With a high unemployment rate why bring in more people and a high percentage have the possibility of being welfare cases. Ban guns, bahahahaha never gonna happen, you only want criminals to have guns, tell the blacks to stop killing their own people.
What every country needs is honest and good governments which we do not have, in fact we in North America probably have some of the worst.

I have to admit my post was meant to be a sarcastic view of what people think canada is. By seing the response that followed I have to admit I very clearly missed it. Sorry!!!

STN you are completely right, health care is not free! Fuck I pay like 50k of taxes every year... And why the fuck I pay for healthcare because I go to private clinic!!

Education is still not free in Canada, it's cheap but it's not free. And STN is right, it should not be.

Well if there is one point where I do not agree is gun. Why the fuck would anyone needs a gun? Statistics have proven that the ratio of people who hurt themselve or someone else accidently as oppose to defending themselve with a gun is 99% to 1%. Often involving children...

STN you say that what we need is an honnest gouverment.. but a good gouvernement is just a reflection of the people it represent, nothing else. If the people wants gun that can kill people, you will never have a good goverment. Period.


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
of course im not bright im a black

I could have not written this better if I had a few bowls of cereal and a bottle of Appleton.
If you are on this site trolling for kicks find a better way to enjoy your day, either you are a white guy ( and I have an idea ) laughing your head off about now or you need to quit watching Black Lives Matter, you are in Canada.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I have to admit my post was meant to be a sarcastic view of what people think canada is. ,

Damn, and I am pretty good at sarcasm, it was early in the day though.
PS. Gun control does not work.


May 3, 2010
of course you think im white, you think everybody should be white, and of course you dont want me to watch black lives matter, because you dont think black lives matter.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
of course you think im white, you think everybody should be white, and of course you dont want me to watch black lives matter, because you dont think black lives matter.

Warikahill this is the open internet. You could be an 80 year old white grand mother for christ sake. Why should you bother what people think? Unless you just want to trolll.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Damn, and I am pretty good at sarcasm, it was early in the day though.
PS. Gun control does not work.

I hate to admit you are right... I know gun control will not work, just like ban on prostitution, drugs, etc... But fuck I am just so fed up having to deal with people being fucked up because being hurt accidently because of guns... It's just insane.



New Member
May 14, 2016
500th post. OUCH!

I know gun control will not work, just like ban on prostitution, drugs, etc... But fuck I am just so fed up having to deal with people being fucked up because being hurt accidently because of guns

I didn't have any intention of responding on this issue, but I see no conflict with the 2nd Amendment and restricting ownership to people without criminal records. After all the word REGULATED is right there. Before people point out that refers to a militia please point out which militia you belong to.

What I came to post on:

His supporters (not STN) say those who hate the Donald aren't giving him a fair chance. They only misinterpret or misunderstand what he says, and all those misogynist things Donald says are just locker room talk. Well this so-called irrational dislike for Donald has spread to places that seemed impossible not long ago. In Texas. I just read a very fresh report that Clinton has a small chance of winning the state. Texas is the kind of hardcore Republican place where there shouldn't ever be any question about loving or at least voting for Donald. But it seems even in Texas about half the people think he is what what he seems to be...UNFIT FOR THE PRESIDENCY.

Could Hillary Clinton Win Texas?

It is a question being asked by Democrats and Republicans alike: Can Mrs. Clinton win Texas? Democrats in the state call it a long shot, but some say they believe she has a chance; Republicans say it will be close but are confident that Mr. Trump will triumph. Political consultants who have both Republican and Democratic clients, and people who study Texas politics, say regardless of Mr. Trump’s narrow lead, he will take the state.

“This year, it appears anything is possible, but a Clinton victory in Texas remains extremely unlikely,” said Mark P. Jones, a political science fellow at the Baker Institute of Rice University in Houston.

But some Democrats, pointing to the recent polls, see it differently. They predict a large turnout by black and Latino voters. And they have become energized as the Clinton campaign has opened offices and run TV ads in Texas and as local Republican-to-Democrat defections have made the news. Lauren Parish, a Republican judge in East Texas, said on Friday that she was leaving the party and becoming a Democrat because she saw “no way of reconciling my Christian beliefs with the manner in which the Republican Party is conducting itself.”

Gilberto Hinojosa, the chairman of the Texas Democratic Party, said of Mrs. Clinton, “I think she can carry Texas.”
“We’re looking at this cleareyed, but we have never been this close in a presidential election, at least for many years,” he said. “This election may be different because Republicans irresponsibly nominated someone who is just so far out there in every aspect.”

There shouldn't be any doubt Texas is for Donald, but there is. And so goes what people believe about Trump where it seemed impossible any Democrat could beat a Republican...until Trump showed everyone what dirt he is.



May 3, 2010
like i said cloudsurf i dont give a fuck about you and your little friends.btw i dont think you understand the word sarcastic.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
i want to apologize to anyone who was offended today. had a bad day was called the n word today in my own store.

At this point if you are looking for sympathy it is between shit and syphilis in the dictionary.
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