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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Most of his supporters do not care about any of that, they care about being protected from evil aka isis and others who hate the US, they care about jobs that obama and the clintons helped them lose over the last 2-3 decades and they care about education for their kids now and for the future, they care about illegal immigration, something obama and the wicked witch of the west have and will continue to neglect and finally they care about the economy, not whether he is a role model or is politically correct.

Somebody is nervous .(killery) did you see where the dems bought huge amounts of tv ad time today in certain states that always go blue? This election as of this moment is a toss up folks, the commanding lead she "thought" she had is long gone.
I frankly do no really care he does not pay taxes. The biggest company like google, apple, uber, etc... all use processes to avoid paying many billions in taxes... Billions that would make a big difference redistributed to poor/middle class initative...

2 things:
- he voided his taxes for 15 years because of a 900 million loss, but that 900 millions loss was mostly his investors money, not his!
- one day we will know his ties with russian and chinese banks, then we will say, shit I would have never voted for that asshole had I known that.



New Member
May 14, 2016

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Like I have said, do not care about Trump or his supporters at all, just waiting for the train wreck that is about to happen in the US.
325 million people and this is the best they can come up with to run ( ruin ) their country. Trump is fucked up but Clinton is so corrupt it is amazing.
If Clinton loses there is a possibility she will go to jail, she should. If Trump loses there is a possibility Trump, Weiner, Tomi and a few other political figures may commit suicide or Clinton could be assassinated.
For the media a win win situation, for the general public not so much.
We have it tough here with that useless turd putting us into deep debt but nothing compared to what is about to happen in the US.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Most of his supporters do not care about any of that, they care about being protected from evil aka isis and others who hate the US, they care about jobs that obama and the clintons helped them lose over the last 2-3 decades and they care about education for their kids now and for the future, they care about illegal immigration, something obama and the wicked witch of the west have and will continue to neglect and finally they care about the economy, not whether he is a role model or is politically correct.

Somebody is nervous .(killery) did you see where the dems bought huge amounts of tv ad time today in certain states that always go blue? This election as of this moment is a toss up folks, the commanding lead she "thought" she had is long gone.

that is what scares me the most, the complete blindness of trump supporters. How many americains were killed by isis compared to how many were killed by your own people, by your police, by poor gun handling? Its easier to blame others i guess.

The american economy is the best in the world, you have reached a point where you will need to accept social initiative to redistribute a part of the whealth of the rich to redistribute to the middle claass and the poor.



New Member
May 14, 2016
325 million people and this is the best they can come up with to run ( ruin ) their country. Trump is fucked up but Clinton is so corrupt it is amazing.

Not for the same reasons but I do agree this has been the worst pair of major party Presidential choices since I was born. I know you'll say this is bias toward Clinton, but she was one of the natural choices. Trump on the other hand came out of nowhere. No one in the Republican Party believed he could get nominated. However, that Tea Party element is very strong and single-minded once they hook into someone. I know a lot of old Party Republicans who find it tough to believe and tough to fathom that he is the nominee. That's part of his big problem. He's not a Christian or Reagan Conservative. He's closer to a 1950s Conservative White Nationalist with all the tendencies of the period. On top of that he has the person character of a dirty animal. I can't remember any Presidential candidate ever being so empty of decency and civility and I've read some of all of them. And he's so unashamedly open about it he has all the arrogant brashness in style of Hitler, Mussolini, and megalomaniacs in general.

There's never been anything like Trump in being just plain low down as a major party candidate since Washington, though there have been some like that who missed nomination or ran for other parties. Particularly unheard of is his courting of an opposition government, even though some other candidates did make mistakes in judgment previously.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Under who's leadership??? The facts are the facts so blaming the current is just owning up to those facts and was exactly the point. Hillary "rotten" Clinton is just an extention of obama. Cops killing and being killed, inner city killings etc etc etc not to mention isis doing whatever they feel like when they feel like it, have all escalted UNDER oBama's watch and Killery is Obama, see the point yet?

And Trump is more apt to help the middle class 100 times over than the wicked witch from the west, bar none.

There is only one side blinded here and that are those who have fallen prey to the liberal media (aka brainwashed) who are bought and paid for by the special interest groups who have fooled many Americans (and many Canadians as well) Wake up people before it is too late.

Well that was easy, anything else I can help educate you on? ;)
that is what scares me the most, the complete blindness of trump supporters. How many americains were killed by isis compared to how many were killed by your own people, by your police, by poor gun handling? Its easier to blame others i guess.

The american economy is the best in the world, you have reached a point where you will need to accept social initiative to redistribute a part of the whealth of the rich to redistribute to the middle claass and the poor.


Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
that is what scares me the most, the complete blindness of trump supporters. How many americains were killed by isis compared to how many were killed by your own people, by your police, by poor gun handling? Its easier to blame others i guess.

The american economy is the best in the world, you have reached a point where you will need to accept social initiative to redistribute a part of the whealth of the rich to redistribute to the middle claass and the poor.


I think more were killed by lightning... someone really should get on that...

Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Who will be the first to post a conspiracy theory after it is clear that Donnie got his ass handed to him?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Well that was easy, anything else I can help educate you on? ;)


hehe yes you will need to educate me on many things as we do see the same thing so differently!

But not tonight as i am in toronto and 30 minutes away from meeting my asian sweety! 2hours this time. I wrote a french post about her on this forum as on our first meet up i flooded her bathroom :) Well there it is, one thing we agree on, girls!


Kasey Jones

Mar 24, 2008
Said very few people

shrug... my mutual funds, stock portfolio, and investment properties always do better under Democrats... not looking forward to the return of Georgie on steriods if Trump wins...

I mean seriously (all politics aside), how are you doing worse under Obama than Bush? (I assume all of us here have a certain level of disposable income if we can finance our hobby.) The economy is adding jobs, the DOW has more than doubled, wages are rising... you have to be a special brand of stupid to be losing money right now IMO... Its not like any of us are factory workers getting screwed by union-busted and off-shoring... (mostly pushed by republicans... I would add...)


New Member
May 14, 2016
that is what scares me the most, the complete blindness of trump supporters. How many americains were killed by isis compared to how many were killed by your own people, by your police, by poor gun handling? Its easier to blame others i guess.

The idea that who is to get credit or blame for what happens is often decided with great hypocrisy. The same people who will blame Obama for what has happened with police-involved incidents absolutely refuse to give him any credit for economic recovery after the economy had badly tanked in 2008. It's narrow-minded cherry picking credit and blame. What goes on should be assessed by appropriate examination of relevant circumstances. Presidents often get greatly disproportionate blame and take disproportionate credit. But saying it's because of the President good or bad is almost always an exercise in lack of knowledge or bias on one side or the other.

In this case how much influence does the President have in local police policy. In the practical sense almost zero, especially when it comes to weeding out bad cops or training them, or setting policies for how to carry out their duties. When it comes to international issues, yeah, the President and staff make decisions to be involved, but what happens is still mostly a matter of military training, policies, and modes of action.

This is where Trump's claims are ridiculous. The President influences policies with greater or lesser effect on a national versus local level but cannot possibly insure results whether successful or a failure or anywhere in between. Trump saying he knows better than the military, will make things go as he wishes, and can guarantee results is akin to playing dictator and god. It's nuts.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
haha you got that right my friend. Girls we do agree on!


hehe yes you will need to educate me on many things as we do see the same thing so differently!

But not tonight as i am in toronto and 30 minutes away from meeting my asian sweety! 2hours this time. I wrote a french post about her on this forum as on our first meet up i flooded her bathroom :) Well there it is, one thing we agree on, girls!



Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Nah, you guys are excited about nothin. If Washington DC would disappear overnight it would be not a big deal. We are the union of independent states, remember it. Whom we should be scared off? And what the feds are for? From whom they are protecting us? ISIS? They are killing the fellow Arabs mostly and good luck reaching us over oceans in their toyotas. Russians? We can buy them, they were ready to be bought when they ditched Bolsheviks and we just did not give them the right price (big mistake). Chinese? We already moving all our industry to China, we can continue with the the rest... So why we need all this scum in W, DC? May be it is time to de-centralize our union a bit to make it healthier..


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
Most of his supporters do not care about any of that, they care about being protected from evil aka isis and others who hate the US, they care about jobs that obama and the clintons helped them lose over the last 2-3 decades and they care about education for their kids now and for the future, they care about illegal immigration, something obama and the wicked witch of the west have and will continue to neglect and finally they care about the economy, not whether he is a role model or is politically correct.

Somebody is nervous .(killery) did you see where the dems bought huge amounts of tv ad time today in certain states that always go blue? This election as of this moment is a toss up folks, the commanding lead she "thought" she had is long gone.

Wow. So how many Americans were killed by ISIS in the US vs number of Americans kids who died because they were left in locked vehicles in the summer or number of Americans killed by drunk driving? Trump keeping on bringing up ISIS was formed to due Obama/Clinton departing Iraq but fails to mention why we were in Iraq to begin with. Trump mention Clinton voted to go to Iraq but fail to mention how fellow Senators voted and GWB was commander of US forces at the time.

Why does Obama and Clinton get the blame for losing jobs over the past 20-30 years? What happened to the thousands of other senators and representatives that they served alongside during this time period? Why does Obama not get credit for the decrease in unemployment rate during his two terms? Trump keep on making the case during the debate that Clinton failed to do this and that for the past 30 years but never acknowledge that a representative-form of government doesn't set legislation based on just one person.

I think more were killed by lightning... someone really should get on that...
Damn Clinton. Spent 30 years in politics and didn't do a thing about protecting us from lightning; so ineffective.

Trump is thinking small with just a wall on the Mexican border. He should think bigger and get Mexico to pay for a giant dome covering the entire US. It will be fantastic, world class and state of the art. The dome will save us from illegal immigration, lightning, Syrian refugees, hurricanes, North Korean ICBMs, while at the same time keeping US jobs from leaving it.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Great & valid post, transatlantic! :thumb:

It is true that ISIS does NOT kill Americans. Americans kill Americans and in great numbers. I read the other day that the odds of getting killed in a terrorist attack is equal to getting hit by lightning twenty times in your lifetime. I'll take those odds anytime. But the right needs to fuel up scare tactics in order to scare the hell out of voters into voting for them. Bad strategy, it only worked once for Dubya. Americans (the ones that don't live in an alternate universe) are smarter than that.

By the way......

Today would be a great time for Donald Trump to release his taxes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
White nationalists plot Election Day show of force

KKK, neo-Nazis and militias plan to monitor urban polling places and suppress the black vote.

by Ben Schreckinger, Politico

Neo-Nazi leader Andrew Anglin plans to muster thousands of poll watchers across all 50 states. His partners at the alt-right website “the Right Stuff” are touting plans to set up hidden cameras at polling places in Philadelphia and hand out liquor and marijuana in the city’s “ghetto” on Election Day to induce residents to stay home.

The National Socialist Movement, various factions of the Ku Klux Klan and the white nationalist American Freedom Party all are deploying members to watch polls, either “informally” or, they say, through the Trump campaign.

The Oath Keepers, a group of former law enforcement and military members that often shows up in public heavily armed, is advising members to go undercover and conduct “intelligence-gathering” at polling places, and Donald Trump ally Roger Stone is organizing his own exit polling, aiming to monitor thousands of precincts across the country.

Energized by Trump’s candidacy and alarmed by his warnings of a “rigged election,” white nationalist, alt-right and militia movement groups are planning to come out in full force on Tuesday, creating the potential for conflict at the close of an already turbulent campaign season.

“The possibility of violence on or around Election Day is very real,” said Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. “Donald Trump has been telling his supporters for weeks and weeks and weeks now that they are about to have the election stolen from them by evil forces on behalf of the elites.”

It is difficult to know at what scale these plans will materialize, because Anglin and his fringe-right ilk are serial exaggerators, according to Potok. And rather than successfully uncover widespread voter fraud — for which there is a lack of compelling evidence — or successfully suppress minority turnout, Potok said the efforts are most likely to backfire.

“If on the morning of Election Day it turns out that we have white supremacists standing around looking threatening at polling places, I think it would arouse anger,” he said. “People would vote just to prove they’re not being intimidated by these radical racists.”

Despite Trump’s claims that American democracy is compromised by massive voter fraud, so far in this election only one person — a Trump supporter in Iowa who attempted to vote twice — has been arrested for it. That has not stopped fringe groups already inclined to believe that minorities are stealing the election from heeding Trump’s call to monitor voting in “certain areas.”

In an email, Anglin, the editor of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer website, said he had already led a “big voter registration drive” and that he was “sending an army of Alt-Right nationalists to watch the polls.” Anglin said he was working in conjunction with the alt-right website TheRightStuff.Biz.

A representative of that site wrote in an email: “We are organizing poll watchers in urban areas to cut down on the most traditional type of voter fraud. We also will have stationary cameras hidden at polling locations in Philadelphia, to monitor anyone that comes in to vote and make sure that the same people are not voting at multiple locations. If we see people voting in multiple locations the footage will be submitted to the [Federal Election Commission] as well as put out on social media to undermine the legitimacy of [Hillary] Clinton should she steal the election.”

The representative, who did not provide his name, went on to explain, "Many polling locations are in schools, and black schools are so disorderly that pretty much any official-looking white person with a clipboard can gain access to them ahead of time and set up a hidden camera. You don't really ever even have to speak with an adult. Simply walk in like you belong there and no one even asks you why you are there. So we usually go in teams of two, one person driving and one person dressed as a blue collar worker with a clipboard, and we set up a hidden camera in the school cafeteria. Go during lunchtime and the teachers are all so busy trying to contain the kids that no one says anything. We already have a few set up."

Read more:

The suppress-the-black-vote Trump campaign

Doc Holliday says: "Typical Trump supporters!"


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Wow. So how many Americans were killed by ISIS in the US vs number of Americans kids who died because they were left in locked vehicles in the summer or number of Americans killed by drunk driving? Trump keeping on bringing up ISIS was formed to due Obama/Clinton departing Iraq but fails to mention why we were in Iraq to begin with. Trump mention Clinton voted to go to Iraq but fail to mention how fellow Senators voted and GWB was commander of US forces at the time.

That's funny but i did not know Trump was running against GWB or anyone else, why on earth would he bring them up? Kids locked in cars? Drunk drving deaths? Really? Well those sad deaths have always been around unfortunately but isis, not so much. Sort of blows your theory out the door, eh?

Why does Obama and Clinton get the blame for losing jobs over the past 20-30 years? What happened to the thousands of other senators and representatives that they served alongside during this time period? Why does Obama not get credit for the decrease in unemployment rate during his two terms? Trump keep on making the case during the debate that Clinton failed to do this and that for the past 30 years but never acknowledge that a representative-form of government doesn't set legislation based on just one person.

Again, Trump is not running against senators per se (even though i am sure he has mentioned many of them but his main target is a witch) so why would he name them? Decrease in unemployment is such a joke, the real figures do not include those who have given up looking and likely does not include those on welfare, give me a break.
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