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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
That is not what the polls are saying lol.... lemme guess, polls mean nothing now, right? ;)

The polls are only correct if they favor who Doc is pulling for, otherwise they are wrong.


Oct 21, 2016
I got to know many Americans doing my job and reporting to a Wall Street trading unit of my company. Spent lots of timein NY. I developed a lot of respect for my US colleagues who really impressed me with their brains, their business acumen, their hard work and their enterprising spirit. Some equity traders and purveyors of financial products have taken a lot of grief since the 2008 financial meltdown and rightfully so, but the majority were and remain very risk averse as far as their p/ls are concerned.
Over the past year or so I must admit to losing a lot of respect for Americans and America. When roughly 38% of the electorate support a blatant and dangerous carnival barker for the worlds most powerful position you know there is something deeply and perhaps irremidiably wrong with them.
I do feel sorry for and commiserate with those who see their electoral process and priceless democratic institutions trashed by an irresponsible and mindless vulgarian. That includes respectable conservative Republicans ie not the Trump surrogates, who are perhaps witnessing the disintegration of the GOP. The party of Lincoln is now the party of a clown. Big come down.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
That is not what the polls are saying lol.... lemme guess, polls mean nothing now, right? ;)

What polls are you referring to? Most polls hadn't moved the last time i checked.

Oh right. The polls in your alternate universe. Donald Trump runs away with the Presidency and Sarah "I can see Russia from my house" Palin is the Secretary of State, right? And the NY Yankees just beat the Cubs in the World Series, right? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Come on, time to come out of your bubble, buddy! It's not as depressing here as it is in your alternate universe! ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Doc is a great guy, a great friend and it saddens me to see a good friend brainwashed by CNN (save that stuff for merlow) and the rest of the libby media but once he is set free it will be a state of extacy for him and others, why i bet the good dr. will celebrate with some great gangbang sex once killery looses and he sees what the libby media has been pounding into his head was all bought and paid for BS by the special interest groups. Go get em Doc, i hope she is as hot as your last GB lady you enjoyed so much my friend.

PS..... you still have the young, up and coming Leafs so don't give up hope mon ami, life is good!

Your typical political response. I am still waiting for the " JT has done 10 X more good that Harper ", I only asked for a couple of things he has done for the good of Canada, not the 10 times more you claimed, should be easy for you. Keep up your investigative reporting, lets me know that the media is doing its job to influence certain people.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Doc is a great guy, a great friend and it saddens me to see a good friend brainwashed by CNN (save that stuff for merlow) and the rest of the libby media but once he is set free it will be a state of extacy for him and others, why i bet the good dr. will celebrate with some great gangbang sex once killery looses and he sees what the libby media has been pounding into his head was all bought and paid for BS but the special interest groups. Go get em Doc, i hope she is as hot as your last GB lady you enjoyed so much my friend.

PS..... you still have the young, up and coming Leafs so don't give up hope mon ami, life is good!

One thing you said is correct: I will be celebrating with some good gangbang/orgy sex! :cheer2:

But Secretary Clinton will easily win the Presidency and my good buddy and fellow Leaf fan will owe the good doctor a cool $100. And the good doctor is considerate and if his buddy is so certain that The Manchurian Candidate will be the next President, then the good doctor will offer him the chance to double the bet if he choses to. :D


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I see the last 5 days with no Doc in this thread was the calm b4 the storm lol,,,, feeling ok buddy? We have you down to repeating yourself now, something going wrong within the news and polls or something :noidea:
Donald Trump once brutally raped Ivana Trump.

I'm not making this up, folks. She stated this herself in a sworn deposition. What can i add? He's not only a rapist, but he's a monster!

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up and throw away the key! :mad::mad::mad:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I see the last 5 days with no Doc in this thread was the calm b4 the storm lol,,,, feeling ok buddy? We have you down to repeating yourself now, something going wrong within the news and polls or something :noidea:

I was away on a hunting trip and merb was the last thing on my mind. Plus, most of the posts i read didn't make any sense whatsoever (what's new?), so there was no incentive for me to post. But now I'M BACK, BABY!!! :D

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
sorry doc three is proof if you look the polls are rigged to try and presuade undescided voters that there is no hope for trump which is a lie
cnn was found to have removed 8% of voters polled to make the numebers look better anyways irregardless of what is said you wont believe it so we will see what happens

What???? :confused::confused::confused:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Donald Trump is a con artist, a fraud, a bullshitter, he doesn't pay his workers, he doesn't pay taxes, he fantasized about a 12-year old Paris Hilton, he fucked around on all his wives (including the current one), he filed for bankruptcy at least 6 times, he brutally raped his first wife, he is accused of sexually assaulting a minor, he is in cahoots with the Russians, he said he may use nuclear weapons, he implied he could walk away from NATO, he sexually assaulted dozens and dozens of women and even bragged about it and......he is the biggest liar in American political history (at 71%)!!!!!!

Yep, he's qualified to be President!!! :lol:


New Member
May 14, 2016
That would be the same as saying all Clinton supporters are corrupt liers with no shred of decency.

I thought Cloudsurf's assessment was a little heavy-handed but very accurate about some Trump supporters as we have seen. And now we have another example were a man identifying himself in a robocall as a "Trump supporter" and a "White Nationalist" claimed a candidate is a homosexual because he's not married, and then other things he couldn't possibly know if they are true.

As for "no shred of decency" your putting Hillary against a man who allows and makes lewd comments about his own daughter, is a serial bigot, sexual assaulter, racist, business flop, misogynist, probably a rapist, cheating his workers and contractors out of money, admiring dictators like they're his pals, generally being shameless with every kind of indecent trash-mongering BECAUSE that's the kind of supporters he has...that's what they want to hear.

Speaking of admiring dictators, now wee know why in one case:

October 31, 2016, 09:05 pm
Report connects Trump organization server to Russian bank

...senior policy adviser Jake Sullivan said in a statement that it is “the most direct link yet between Donald Trump and Moscow.”

"This line of communication may help explain Trump's bizarre adoration of Vladimir Putin and endorsement of so many pro-Kremlin positions throughout this campaign,” Sullivan said. “It raises even more troubling questions in light of Russia's masterminding of hacking efforts that are clearly intended to hurt Hillary Clinton's campaign. We can only assume that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between Trump and Russia as part of their existing probe into Russia's meddling in our elections."

A server registered to the Trump Organization was found to have been in contact with a Russian bank, reported Slate. According to the report, Trump was “secretly communicating” with AlfaBank in Russia. Trump’s denied any ties to Russia during the election—though suspicions about Russian ties already caused the resignation of Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who had worked for Russian President Vladimir Putin. This past summer, Trump also encouraged Russians to hack Hillary Clinton.

Report: Donald Trump's Server Was in Communication With Russian Bank

A server registered to the Trump Organization was found to have been in contact with a Russian bank, reported Slate. According to the report, Trump was “secretly communicating” with AlfaBank in Russia. Trump’s denied any ties to Russia during the election—though suspicions about Russian ties already caused the resignation of Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who had worked for Russian President Vladimir Putin. This past summer, Trump also encouraged Russians to hack Hillary Clinton.

Is this how Trump deals with dictators who have shown they are a true threat to peace. He doesn't care how he gets elected if he can...Trump would call this kind of thing TREASON!

Remember boys...the FBI investigated Hillary and never hinted there was anything like this. So all you people offended by misuse of SERVERS have some explaining to do.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
he doesn't pay his workers, he doesn't pay taxes

I frankly do no really care he does not pay taxes. The biggest company like google, apple, uber, etc... all use processes to avoid paying many billions in taxes... Billions that would make a big difference redistributed to poor/middle class initative...

2 things:
- he voided his taxes for 15 years because of a 900 million loss, but that 900 millions loss was mostly his investors money, not his!
- one day we will know his ties with russian and chinese banks, then we will say, shit I would have never voted for that asshole had I known that.

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