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May 14, 2016
Remember when Trump said he might not accept the results of the election if he lost?

The "results" are also giving him what he has been asking for during his campaign....a wave of hate crimes in Trump's name across the country. But you'd like those being attacked to settle down and accept it.

It's interesting to see his #1 fan (not you) laughing and enjoying all that. No surprise at all.

What was that slogan? MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN. He's getting what he wanted.

Donald Trump's victory followed by wave of hate crime attacks against minorities across US - led by his supporters

Police are investigating a wave of alleged hate crimes against Muslims, Hispanic Americans, black people, ethnic minorities and the LGBT community in the wake of the US election.

Attackers professing support for Donald Trump have been accused of numerous attacks in the 24 hours following his shock victory, including death threats, physical assaults and racist graffiti.

Among the incidents is the robbery of a Muslim student from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, who was attacked as she walked through the city on Wednesday morning.

There were numerous reports of attacks on women wearing hijabs and Islamic dress (Artform Canada/Flickr)

A statement from university police said two white men, with one wearing a branded “Trump” baseball cap, got out and began their assault.

“The victim said the suspects hit her with something metal, which made her fall to the ground,” a spokesperson said.

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“The two individuals hit the victim while she was down and made obscene comments. The two suspects then took the victim’s head wrap [hijab] and wallet.”

In a separate incident on Wednesday, a Muslim student at San Diego State University was robbed by two men who “made comments about President-elect Donald Trump and the Muslim community”, before stealing her purse, rucksack and car.

The SDSU Muslim Student Association said the victim was a black Muslim student wearing full Islamic dress, and is planning a demonstration against “anti-Blackness, Islamophobia, and all other forms of discrimination that have become increasingly normalised during the campaign and now election of Donald Trump”.

Several Muslim women have reported Trump supporters attempting to rip off their hijabs, which cover the hair, while others said their families have advised them to stop wearing headscarves in fear of further attacks.

Maha Abdul Gawad said she was shopping in a local Wallmart on Wednesday when another woman approached, pulled off her hijab and said: “This is not allowed anymore, so go hang yourself with it around your neck not on your head.”

Yes, Trump is getting it HIS way. Muslims first...then Immigrants, Homosexuals, Latins, Blacks, Women, and on and on.



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Jul 11, 2003
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It's mostly the younger people who are panicking and not knowing how to take the election result. My local massage girl, who is a student of Arabic and European ancestry, was really beside herself and asked me if it will become like the movie "The Purge" under Trump.


I told her to relax and chill out. If you guys do not have young friends who are students and struggling, you should, because these kids are really terrified of the future.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump maybe an asshole but do you seriously think he is comparable with Hitler?

Please explain the difference at the same stage. Both thrived on isolationism, nationalism, racism, feelings of being helpless against the government...AND...both promised DEPORTATION against those they hated most Trump-Muslims, Hitler-Jews, and supporters ran the streets humiliating, intimidating, and beating up the people their leader targeted.

So where's the difference at this stage...just before taking office???


New Member
May 14, 2016
How many terrorist attacks conducted by the Jews against the West?

You need to read some history of Palestine when the British were in control. The King David Hotel bombing for one.

The Jews can coexist with the West.

That's right, the attacks being reported in this country were against Muslim women failing to co-exist. :rolleyes: You do realize that such a blanket statement is xenophobic, Trump-esque? Video of group of black guys beating up a white old man for voting Trump.

Hardly surprising. I for one will say I condemn it, not make excuses. I'm still waiting for just one Trump sympathizer to say they condemn any of the violence in his name.

Helpless against the government? lol... didn't they just have a election to decide who they want? If they think they are gonna be helpless under Trump, get out and vote Clinton.

I said Trump used that tactic BEFORE the election, which he did a lot. You could not have missed the hard anti-government speeches and a key reason why he was elected as a government outsider. Now that his side won the attacks go on. So much for settling down after he won.

I just googled to see if Trump has come out and condemned these attacks, for the sake of unifying the country to be better than ever as he promised. Result: ZERO hits on Google.


Apr 27, 2016
Well, didn't see that coming. I give full credit, he got out the rural vote, and Hillary didn't get her core out. 47.6 percent of eligible voters didn't vote. That's unbelievable. In the end, the DNC has to take responsibility for not accounting for this dissatisfaction from the rural areas, and for not getting their core out in higher numbers.

As for the protests, it's probably a simple case of Trump's message now scaring the hell out of those mentioned - immigrants, Muslims, women (Roe vs. Wade he promised to repeal, remember). Might be a case where now that he's in, he backs out of the most fear-mongering stands (kicking out 7-11M illegal immigrants who have family who are US citizens, getting a judge in on SC who will then seek to reverse Roe vs. Wade). But the fear-mongering has its consequences, too.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I agree with most of what you wrote Sam and I myself rarely gamble because i always lose lol BUT not this time baby! Doc, you know where to find me brotha! ;)

Seriously though, i have a very good feeling about President Trump (ahhhh that sounds sooooooooooo much nicer than President Hillary don't you think, boyzzzz?) and the things his haters forget is that it is because of his massive ego that he will likely be a very good President if not a great one. Do you really think he went through a dog fight every day for the last year and a half to be a failure in the Oval office? His ego will push himself to be great every day he is in office, think about that.
Trump maybe an egotistical sexist jerk, but he is no Hitler.
For better or worse he was smart enough to win and now it is time for Americans to get behind him and make the best of it and give him a chance, he earned it, that is what democracy is all about.
There have been other Presidents that were not exactly exemplary human beings ( Bill Clinton, JFK ) and turned out to be decent Presidents.
Not a bad start so far, I thought I would lose a ton on the markets the very next day, wrong again, just as I was with Trump not having a chance to win.
Good thing I don't gamble.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I agree with you,
His giant ego will push him to be remembered in history as a good President.

Whether he is motivated by a giant ego, a true passion for the people, patriotism, or something else doesn't matter as long as he is motivated, and he gets the job done.

I am sure that Babe Ruth and Michael Jordan did not have small egos either, but they got the job done in their chosen professions and that is the only reason why they are remembered historically as being great.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Whether he is motivated by a giant ego, a true passion for the people, patriotism, or something else doesn't matter as long as he is motivated, and he gets the job done.
My instinct tells me he will likely step down within two years. If not, he won't seek re-election. He doesn't need this bullshit. I also believe he'd prefer staying at Trump Tower instead of the old White House. Living at the White House will drive his young son crazy! He currently has his own floor inside Trump Tower.

As soon Trump starts fighting with Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell, they might try to force him to resign in favor of Mike Pence. My guess is that it'll all depend on who he choses as his chief-of-staff. If it's Steve Bannon, he's likely to alienate everyone. Don't forget, Trump used to be a Democrat and Bannon hates the Republican establishment and especially Paul Ryan (and vice-versa). If Reince Priebus gets the nod, it'll be totally different and Trump may actually try to last the entire four years. As of today, Trump would prefer having Bannon. But Ivanka & her husband, who have a lot of influence over him, would prefer Reince Priebus.

What's ironic is that Trump had promised to 'drain the swamp' in Washington and this included getting rid of all the lobbyists. What was learned yesterday was that his transition team is filled with Washington 'insiders' and lobbyists. And people who are being considered for key cabinet positions just happen to be long-time Washington insiders (Gingrich, Rogers, Sessions, etc) themselves. I also doubt Trump will be able to reduce the terms of serving Congressmen, which actually would be a great idea. The Republicans simply won't let him get his wish.

Trump may not even be able to get rid of 'Obamacare'. However, i'm not even so certain he really wants to get rid of it. Campaign talk and reality are often two entirely different things.

Trump will also be extremely preoccupied during the first year of his presidency with legal matters. He's currently involved with 72 different lawsuits, including the one for Trump U.


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Trump is not used to having every single action, every single decision, analysed and debated in public forums.

He is used to being the boss in his company and on TV. He is going to have a tough time adjusting. Republicans may own Congress but they will not necessarily pass everything he proposes, they all have their own agendas.

How will he handle people saying no to him? How will he deal with constant pointed criticism? Has he ever dealt with this level of scrutiny and accountability? He was good at deflecting questions during the campaign but he will have a tough time in press conferences against seasoned White House correspondents.

Interesting times ahead!


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump maybe an egotistical sexist jerk, but he is no Hitler.

I'm asking what's the difference in the campaign methods so far. The parallels are strong, including the fear-mongering, race-baiting, and now violence against minorities. Instead of coming out against the pro-Trump violence or any violence he's blaming the media and "professional protesters". One of his campaign people and the Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Preibus, who is one of the two favorites for White House Chief of Staff, is saying Clinton is actively plotting it all. That's a continuance of the campaign divisiveness, not healing.

The groping pervert part of him is only a small part, another very strong parallel is he continually referred to himself as knowing more than anyone else in politics and the military. The second is especially astonishing considering he has NO military service or training. What it indicates is the most dangerous thing about him, that despite any advice he will put that advice aside and do things based on nothing more than his huge ego.

And yes Presidents all have big egos or they would not have run for the office, but they aren't foolish enough to think they know everything. Even Eisenhower, commander of all Allied forces in Europe, wasn't so confident in himself that he didn't listen to advice from others.

As for Presidents who "were not exactly exemplary human beings" none of them ever acted or spoke so purposefully or so profusely like cheap gutter trash at all, never mind so brazenly every day for all the world to see.

Now you've got recurring incidents of beatings against minorities, which no Trump supporter on this board has condemned. There are chants of "White Power" in many places across the country. Some have even called for an all white nation. Neo-Nazi groups are out front publishing their attacks...and all of these incidents have been carried out by thugs chanting for Trump or carrying his campaign signs. Not a word against any of this from Trump who is 100% responsible for giving hate groups encourgaement because of the utterly grotesque person he wanted to be throughout the campaign. Racism, Xenophobia, beatings and all the other ugliness Trump put into his campaign is NOT Democracy.

FOOTNOTE: Megyn Kelly said Trump called Fox News the day before the first debate angry about a debate question. Yes he knew the question before. Both sides were doing this, not one.‘settle-for-more’/ar-AAk9xe2?li=BBnb7Kz

The day before the first presidential debate, Mr. Trump was in a lather again, Ms. Kelly writes. He called Fox executives, saying he’d heard that her first question “was a very pointed question directed at him.” This disconcerted her, because it was true: It was about his history of using disparaging language about women.

Trump is not used to having every single action, every single decision, analysed and debated in public forums.

How will he handle people saying no to him? How will he deal with constant pointed criticism? Has he ever dealt with this level of scrutiny and accountability? He was good at deflecting questions during the campaign but he will have a tough time in press conferences against seasoned White House correspondents.

Interesting times ahead!

As I just said, that's the most troubling part of his record. He's used to running right over people. Presidents who tried that got nowhere. Reagan, Conservative ideologue that he was, built a good rapport with Tip O'Neill the Democratic Speaker of the House to get things done. Trump will have to change how he operates altogether. His biggest problem isn't going to be the media, it's going to be how the Washington establishment works because despite how Trump campaigned and how he threatened to over turn that establishment, the establishment is what he has to work with or they will make him very ineffective.

No one is going to come in and tell hundreds or thousands of people with the same big egos and very firm interests they're the ones who have to give up everything.

Protests continuing in Philadelphia, Oakland, Dallas, Denver, Portland, New York, etc. All because of Trump's divisive promises.



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Hitler was far more sexually unusual than Trump.

Hitler was considered celibate right to the end, except for the Geli Raubal affair. At least Trump has a normal attraction to good looking women and has fathered children.

Hitler was a product of a totally different environment. He did front line combat in the trenches, he was wounded and invalided, he was homeless and lived on the streets and in shelters. He was a very very angry man, and capable of extreme violence even against close friends. See the Rohm purges as an example, he had other former allies murdered.

Although Trump talks trash I cannot see him actually having Obama shot, like Hitler had Rohm. I cannot see Trump carrying out extermination policies like the attempted Final Solution. Hitler made all these clear right from his early days, he didn't beat around the bush. The SA was infinitely more violent than any scuffle at a Trump rally. The Nazis routinely sent armed groups into rivals meeting to disrupt and crack heads.

Finally, Hitler attempted an armed coup in 1923. Can you imagine Trump and some militiamen seizing a convention hall full of legislators and holding them hostage?

Hitler's name is thrown around way too much, people do not understand how violent and evil he really was.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Finally, Hitler attempted an armed coup in 1923. Can you imagine Trump and some militiamen seizing a convention hall full of legislators and holding them hostage?

The "Beer Hall Putsch" of 1923 was a laughable attempt to take over the government of the German district of Bavaria. Unfortunately Rudolph Hess saved Hitler's life that day.

Hitler's name is thrown around way too much, people do not understand how violent and evil he really was.

I don't know about you. You seem to know plenty about him. I am extremely knowledgeable about him including his sexual habits and deformities. It would be very hard to find some bit of info I don't know about him. As for whether Trump is as sexually radical as him or not, we've had 70 years to learn everything about Hitler. What we have found out about Trump in 1 year is the evidence (from his own mouth) and testimony shows he feels he can demean and molest women, be accused of rape by his previous wife, have sexual ideas about his own daughter. That's a hell of a lot in very little time. What are the odds that's all of it???

You're right. People don't understand about all that Hitler was. That's what is most scary. It's a poor idea to compare Trump with Hitler because right away people think I'm accusing Trump of being willing to go as far as he did. I don't think that's possible. However, the basic parallels in style, messages, and methods are large and very scary. That's on top of the simple fact that Trump's personal qualities throughout the campaign mirrored that of a trash-mongering street punk with no shame for being so.

I meant everything I've said about him. I look back and 98% of it was accurate. Trump is filthy in character, unstable in temperament, dangerous in his views and actions, and he's a dirty lecher. Drop the name Hitler and Trump still has many of the characteristics of an egomaniac dictator regardless of any name references.

Trump's character is precisely reflected in who is emboldened by his words, actions, and policies. And right now we see bigots, racists, neo-Nazis coming out to harass, humiliate, and beat people and promote their hate views. With all that Trump's first choice to handle it all is to blame the media, not to simply come out and say he cannot support violence by anyone. Is that just another political tactic, or is it what Trump really is? Either way it's against the unity and healing he just promised.

Remember Trump retweeted the views of White Supremacists during the campaign, so it's all fair to connect him to all of it.

ONE MORE NOTE: I don't think most of those who voted for Trump believe in the ugly bigoted things he promoted. I think they put that aside and prioritized their views against Clinton, government, and the key issues. However that's scary too. Because those who voted for...THAT 1933, said they thought the same thing about their man. Oh, he really doesn't mean everything he says. :rolleyes:



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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If I am not mistaken Trump's son in law, the guy married to Ivanka, is Jewish. It seems unlikely Hitler would
Have tolerated Jews in his immediate family and he is not known to have dated any Jewish girls.


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Jul 3, 2009
deplorable basket case
My biggest regret in 2016 is not being in Montreal this week. The various emotional reactions of the participation trophy generation to the election results have been giving me some fierce boners the past few days that really could have been put to some good use :(

I guess schadenfreude is a real thing:eek:


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