Trump maybe an egotistical sexist jerk, but he is no Hitler.
I'm asking what's the difference in the campaign methods so far. The parallels are strong, including the fear-mongering, race-baiting, and now violence against minorities. Instead of coming out against the pro-Trump violence or any violence he's blaming the media and "professional protesters". One of his campaign people and the Chairman of the Republican National Committee Reince Preibus, who is one of the two favorites for White House Chief of Staff, is saying Clinton is actively plotting it all. That's a continuance of the campaign divisiveness, not healing.
The groping pervert part of him is only a small part, another very strong parallel is he continually referred to himself as knowing more than anyone else in politics and the military. The second is especially astonishing considering he has NO military service or training. What it indicates is the most dangerous thing about him, that despite any advice he will put that advice aside and do things based on nothing more than his huge ego.
And yes Presidents all have big egos or they would not have run for the office, but they aren't foolish enough to think they know everything. Even Eisenhower, commander of all Allied forces in Europe, wasn't so confident in himself that he didn't listen to advice from others.
As for Presidents who
"were not exactly exemplary human beings" none of them ever acted or spoke so purposefully or so profusely like cheap gutter trash at all, never mind so brazenly every day for all the world to see.
Now you've got recurring incidents of beatings against minorities, which no Trump supporter on this board has condemned. There are chants of "White Power" in many places across the country. Some have even called for an all white nation. Neo-Nazi groups are out front publishing their attacks...and all of these incidents have been carried out by thugs chanting for Trump or carrying his campaign signs. Not a word against any of this from Trump who is 100% responsible for giving hate groups encourgaement because of the utterly grotesque person he wanted to be throughout the campaign. Racism, Xenophobia, beatings and all the other ugliness Trump put into his campaign is NOT Democracy.
FOOTNOTE: Megyn Kelly said Trump called Fox News the day before the first debate angry about a debate question. Yes he knew the question before. Both sides were doing this, not one.‘settle-for-more’/ar-AAk9xe2?li=BBnb7Kz
The day before the first presidential debate, Mr. Trump was in a lather again, Ms. Kelly writes. He called Fox executives, saying he’d heard that her first question “was a very pointed question directed at him.” This disconcerted her, because it was true: It was about his history of using disparaging language about women.
Trump is not used to having every single action, every single decision, analysed and debated in public forums.
How will he handle people saying no to him? How will he deal with constant pointed criticism? Has he ever dealt with this level of scrutiny and accountability? He was good at deflecting questions during the campaign but he will have a tough time in press conferences against seasoned White House correspondents.
Interesting times ahead!
As I just said, that's the most troubling part of his record. He's used to running right over people. Presidents who tried that got nowhere. Reagan, Conservative ideologue that he was, built a good rapport with Tip O'Neill the Democratic Speaker of the House to get things done. Trump will have to change how he operates altogether. His biggest problem isn't going to be the media, it's going to be how the Washington establishment works because despite how Trump campaigned and how he threatened to over turn that establishment, the establishment is what he has to work with or they will make him very ineffective.
No one is going to come in and tell hundreds or thousands of people with the same big egos and very firm interests they're the ones who have to give up everything.
Protests continuing in Philadelphia, Oakland, Dallas, Denver, Portland, New York, etc. All because of Trump's divisive promises.