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Trumped 202

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Feb 16, 2011
It's pretty well how I expected it to turn out. I dislike both candidates but Trump more. But I did bet months ago that trump would win since I believe there are lot of stupid americans.
Anyways, it seems that the other thing I predicted, that I should not sell my stocks paid off. All my stocks were up, some 3%. Of course, I never bought in to the trend in the last couple of years to buy US stocks. I think the smart americans bought Canadian stocks today, seeing that we are moving forward, not backwards. We will have a trade deal with Europe so another choice if NAFTA is killed.
Now all this is pointless, the minute Trump sticks his nose in international conflicts.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Great article Hungry101, merci for positng! It was a great read and oh so true.

Question of the day: Who lost more $ on the election, Doc or vladdy?

I had a sleepless night as I thought I had lost huge as I had heavily sold puts (and stupidly not hedged) in the expectation of Hillary's victory spurring a rally. The NYSE futures were down significantly even before any of the networks declared Don the Con's victory and the commentators were saying that the market was about to crash. In fact, apparently the perception was that since the Thugs had won a trifecta, it would be tremendous for business.

The election of a clown brought me dumb fool luck. I made my hobbying budget for a year and more.

Maybe I should donate to the con man's charity. Does he need another portrait of himself or funding for a lawsuit?


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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We could of used that 150 billion in cash he gave Iran eh?

As part of the recent agreement, the US ended the freeze of Iranian assets. They let Iran have back control of their own money which they had deposited in American banks. Even Trump admitted that no video existed of a plane from the US delivering billions of cash to Iran.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Now that we don't have to be politically correct anymore, that stupid c**t Hillary lost a few percentage points during her summation of, I think, the second debate. Don the Con was on tape years ago saying that he was Pro Choice and more recently (after flipping on the issue) that he favored punishing women who had abortions so he had the sense not to bring up the issue. I'm sure that Hillary lost at least a few votes of the Religious Right and Mormons who had said that they couldn't stomach Donnie when she gratitiously reminded them of her stance on abortion.

Calling some of the Con's supporters "deplorables" got perceived into "all the Con's supporters", (even the decent ones (non KKK)), being deplorable. Those of the Con's supporters who wavered on switching to Hillary may have remembered this insult. Insulting someone when you want something from them (in this case, votes) absolutely never works.

Decades in politics and she doesn't know when to shut up.

I was wrong in believing that she could afford a per cent here and a per cent there.

330 million people and these two were the best candidates for President?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
As part of the recent agreement, the US ended the freeze of Iranian assets. They let Iran have back control of their own money which they had deposited in American banks. Even Trump admitted that no video existed of a plane from the US delivering billions of cash to Iran.

I tough that whole thing was to let boeing sell planes to iran instead of airbus?



Sep 14, 2011
While looking at Trump and family after the victory I couldn't help notice little Baron gazing at his mom adoringly. The bubble above his head was saying "holy shit - my mom's a MILF".


New Member
May 14, 2016
You sound like a Canadian feminist describing a guy who posts escort reviews on MERB. :D

You have an interesting definition of Feminism. Does Feminism scare you? Does one have to be a Feminist to reject sexual assault, rape, incestuous desires. I thought you and I were against that because we both respect the individual's rights as equal to our own. I thought you agreed no one should be coerced or forced into anything. The kind who has no boundaries and thinks he can use a person however he wants is what I'm describing as "an unrepentent foul jackass". If you think one has to be a Feminist to be against that then I was mistaken about where you see decent boundaries anywhere.

I'm content in this hobby that I and the escort I'm with will only experience what we expected and share fun. Because I know I have decent control of myself. If Feminists don't like that too bad for them. I would not be content or comfortable to be responsible for putting people together where I cannot be sure about how they will act.

Regarding how I refer to Trump:

Take the political parties, the political views, the party loyalty out of the equation. Take the names and the history out of it. You're saying any guy who grabs any pussy he wants, agrees his daughter is a "piece of ass" and makes inferences it's too bad he's her father or he might GET SOME,...has been accused by his former wife and a dozen women of everything from groping to sexual assault and rape...freely attacks anyone for their looks or weight...uses every label he wants regardless of it being racist, homophobic, misogynistic, sexist, xenophobic, etc...cheats his workers out of pay, is charged with running a scam university...and makes televised allusions about the size of his cock to mass audiences including children...YOU'RE SAYING ALL OF THAT IS OKAY WITH YOU...THAT IS A RESPECTABLE PERSON...AND I'M A FEMINIST IF I DON'T AGREE? Bullshit.

If so, you have interesting standards of decency. I call that kind of person an unrepentant jackass. That's what disgusts me most about Trump. It indicates he has no standards at all and how that translates to using the power of the Presidency is horrifying.

I have greatly disliked a number of Presidents. But I have never questioned their general decency or respect for humanity and life in general. I can't say any of that about Trump. That's the huge difference. He's a sociopath.

Any candidate who threatens to oppose the will of the nation in our Constitutionally mandated election process, unless he wins, is a threat to democracy.



New Member
May 14, 2016
330 million people and these two were the best candidates for President?

As I said before, the election turned on what those who voted believed, and how that worked out in electoral numbers for each state and who won them. As of this time Clinton has won the popular vote by 234,000 apx. A laughably small margin but a lead. Republicans got enough voters to go their way where it counted more, and as someone correctly pointed out Clinton could not get the same number of supporters Obama had to come out for her.

The basic reason for the Republican edge is more voters decided to support the anti-government message and that Clinton was both someone too tied in with that and with too much dirty baggage. Voters decided no matter how gross Trump is he would give them more of what they wanted than Clinton with all her dirty laundry.

It would have been interesting to see Biden run. He can be a colorful mouthful himself but nothing like a the sleaze bag Trump is. He's obviously a huge political insider but without the burden any of Clinton's dirty legal baggage.

I think that had Clinton not started off by saying she would be essentially Obama 2 she would have done better. She should have offered significant improvements on Obamacare and immigration issues.

Now we're stuck with a scumbag. Hopefully the same people who kissed his ass for campaign reasons will push him to reality and rationality...if Scumbag doesn't keep firing his cabinet until he gets a bunch of head nodding idiots.


Jan 14, 2016
Guys, guys, guys ..... . He went in with a strategy and plan to succeed. He followed his plan and did succeed. He knew he had to fight the media, women, races etc ... . But that was his plan. He is a smart man and he plays to win. Trump calculated his risks and opportunities coming in few months or years back.

Strategy 1: Divide America.
Strategy 2: Get all TV networks, journalists, women. races, etc against him and show his supporters who he is fighting against.
Strategy 3: Charming campaign in the rural areas where the whites, educated and non educated one. And switch Clinton voters.
Strategy 4: Throw Clinton under the bus and threat to drain the swamp.
Strategy 5: Come up with a last minute TV Ad campaign to show undecided voters and educated Democrat voters what is the Democratic establishment really is.

Those are game plans. Everybody needs a plan to succeed, whether sports, business or personal. Trump plan worked .. period. Now strategy 6 is to reunite USA and move on to nice changes and live up to his slogan to make America great again. Remember, it was a team effort from his camp. He chose a winning team and they won big beating all odds and negativity. He swam against the current and he did it with dignity. Is he that bad of a guy ?? I don't think so. He had to do what he had to do go get to the office. If it means humiliate women, races etc .... so be it. BUT in the end, his plan worked, that's the bottom line. You guys will see another image of Trump soon, an image of a true President that will work with his nation. Those who hate him or learnt to hate him, saw a different Trump, a Trump that was designed to win the election, a Trump that was RAW and REQUIRED/DESIGNED to beat Clinton, strategically.

Now watch the NEW Trump rising, a Trump President. I saw it in his winning speech and lot more good things to see moving forward. Don't protest, applaud the guy for his successful plan. Guess what, he has another plan to make America great again. Just be patient and see .... .

An opinion from the North border .... .


New Member
May 14, 2016
Strategy 1: Divide America.
Strategy 2: Get all TV networks, journalists, women. races, etc against him and show his supporters who he is fighting against.
Strategy 3: Charming campaign in the rural areas where the whites, educated and non educated one. And switch Clinton voters.
Strategy 4: Throw Clinton under the bus and threat to drain the swamp.
Strategy 5: Come up with a last minute TV Ad campaign to show undecided voters and educated Democrat voters what is the Democratic establishment really is.

You forgot Strategy 6: CONSPIRE WITH THE RUSSIANS.

Moscow had contacts with Trump team during campaign, Russian diplomat says.

MOSCOW — Russian government officials had contacts with members of Donald Trump’s campaign team, a senior Russian diplomat said Thursday, in a report that could reopen scrutiny over the Kremlin’s role in the president-elect’s bitter race against Hillary Clinton.

Facing questions about his ties to Moscow because of his statements in favor of Russian President Vladi*mir Putin, Trump repeatedly denied having any contact with the Russian government.

But Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, in an interview with the state-run Interfax news agency, said that "there were contacts" with the Trump team.

"Obviously, we know most of the people from his entourage,” Rybakov said. “Those people have always been in the limelight in the United States and have occupied high-ranking positions. I cannot say that all of them but quite a few have been staying in touch with Russian representatives.”


It also looks like the ugly seeds of divisiveness Trump sewed so willfully are coming to fruition as many thousands protest in cities across the country against all the ugly things he stands. Of course one would just call them "Feminists". :rolleyes:

Thousands across the USA protest Trump victory

Protests were underway in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, D.C., Portland, Ore., St. Paul, Minn. and several other cities. An estimated 2,000 protesters shouted angrily in downtown Seattle, expressing their frustration at the Trump victory over Democrat and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who won 228 electoral votes to Trump's 279.

Police in riot gear struggled to hold back scores of protesters in some of the cities as protesters chanted "Not My President" and "No Racist USA." The protests were mostly peaceful. Seattle police said they were investigating a report of a shooting near the site of the protest in that city, but it may not have involved protesters.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Guys, guys, guys ..... . He went in with a strategy and plan to succeed. He followed his plan and did succeed. He knew he had to fight the media, women, races etc ... . But that was his plan. He is a smart man and he plays to win. Trump calculated his risks and opportunities coming in few months or years back.

Strategy 1: Divide America.
Strategy 2: Get all TV networks, journalists, women. races, etc against him and show his supporters who he is fighting against.
Strategy 3: Charming campaign in the rural areas where the whites, educated and non educated one. And switch Clinton voters.
Strategy 4: Throw Clinton under the bus and threat to drain the swamp.
Strategy 5: Come up with a last minute TV Ad campaign to show undecided voters and educated Democrat voters what is the Democratic establishment really is.

Those are game plans. Everybody needs a plan to succeed, whether sports, business or personal. Trump plan worked .. period. Now strategy 6 is to reunite USA and move on to nice changes and live up to his slogan to make America great again. Remember, it was a team effort from his camp. He chose a winning team and they won big beating all odds and negativity. He swam against the current and he did it with dignity. Is he that bad of a guy ?? I don't think so. He had to do what he had to do go get to the office. If it means humiliate women, races etc .... so be it. BUT in the end, his plan worked, that's the bottom line. You guys will see another image of Trump soon, an image of a true President that will work with his nation. Those who hate him or learnt to hate him, saw a different Trump, a Trump that was designed to win the election, a Trump that was RAW and REQUIRED/DESIGNED to beat Clinton, strategically.

Now watch the NEW Trump rising, a Trump President. I saw it in his winning speech and lot more good things to see moving forward. Don't protest, applaud the guy for his successful plan. Guess what, he has another plan to make America great again. Just be patient and see .... .

An opinion from the North border .... .

I watched the entirety of Trump's election night speech and it was pretty upbeat and positive. He praised Clinton for fighting a tough campaign, which was generous because we now know that she ran an extremely negligent campaign, not setting foot in areas she thought were in the bag due to her negligent reliance on inaccurate polls. Trump said he would be President for all Americans. The only thing I heard him say he would do is rebuild the infrastructure (which does suck especially bridges and trains as compared to Europe) which will create jobs and "make America great again." He acknowledged the enormity of the task ahead. So let's give the guy a chance. We have no other choice but to do so.

I also agree with you that Trump had a plan for victory and he executed that plan. Although he was rude during the debates many people didn't forget his "nasty woman" comment to Hilary. He succeeded in throwing her under the bus but she had already gotten half way under the bus herself with her various bad decisions. All she needed was a little shove from the Donald to go fully under that bus. He was more than happy to oblige.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Exactly, he played the "game" and won, He seemingly knew exactly what he was doing all along. Very smart man indeed and i would suspect he will be a tremendous leader and president. He was like a finely tuned surgeon and the operation was a complete success.

It is such sweet justice seeing people who absolutely trashed the man, around the country (usa) coming unhinged that he won and even a couple around here, simply amazing the venom that lives inside some people yet not suprised considering their past. Enjoy to the fullest, boyzzzzz.

President Trump certainly did it "his way"
Guys, guys, guys ..... . He went in with a strategy and plan to succeed. He followed his plan and did succeed. He knew he had to fight the media, women, races etc ... . But that was his plan. He is a smart man and he plays to win. Trump calculated his risks and opportunities coming in few months or years back.

Strategy 1: Divide America.
Strategy 2: Get all TV networks, journalists, women. races, etc against him and show his supporters who he is fighting against.
Strategy 3: Charming campaign in the rural areas where the whites, educated and non educated one. And switch Clinton voters.
Strategy 4: Throw Clinton under the bus and threat to drain the swamp.
Strategy 5: Come up with a last minute TV Ad campaign to show undecided voters and educated Democrat voters what is the Democratic establishment really is.

Those are game plans. Everybody needs a plan to succeed, whether sports, business or personal. Trump plan worked .. period. Now strategy 6 is to reunite USA and move on to nice changes and live up to his slogan to make America great again. Remember, it was a team effort from his camp. He chose a winning team and they won big beating all odds and negativity. He swam against the current and he did it with dignity. Is he that bad of a guy ?? I don't think so. He had to do what he had to do go get to the office. If it means humiliate women, races etc .... so be it. BUT in the end, his plan worked, that's the bottom line. You guys will see another image of Trump soon, an image of a true President that will work with his nation. Those who hate him or learnt to hate him, saw a different Trump, a Trump that was designed to win the election, a Trump that was RAW and REQUIRED/DESIGNED to beat Clinton, strategically.

Now watch the NEW Trump rising, a Trump President. I saw it in his winning speech and lot more good things to see moving forward. Don't protest, applaud the guy for his successful plan. Guess what, he has another plan to make America great again. Just be patient and see .... .

An opinion from the North border .... .


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You made two mistakes my friend,

1. It is this November as in like, now

2. I am the one collecting

Good doing business with ya bro and don't let the door hit oBama in the ass on the way out next January ;)

I can't wait to collect my $100 next November. ;)


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Remember when Trump said he might not accept the results of the election if he lost?
And he was mocked?
Are any of those who mocked him in the mobs now blocking freeways, vandalising cars, and being idiots generally?

You can't have a democracy and have your own way all the time.
No I didn't like him much, but he won, it's over, now deal with it kids.
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