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Steely Dan

May 22, 2004
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Regardless of what side you are on...Does the POTUS elect not have anything else to do than get into a dumbass twitter fight on some insignificant episode!!?? WTF is he going to do when some real shit happens? Tweet the shit out of ISIS sitting on his fucking toilet bowl at 3 am? Be very afraid....:Cry::crazy:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
SD, i totally agree with you. But his reasons to do this may possibly be to create controversy in order to cover up scandals & more scandals to come. I predict Trump's presidency to be filled with scandals and may even greatly outnumber all other presidencies in terms of scandals & conflicts of interest.

America is so fucked!


New Member
May 14, 2016
Yesterday, following his compulsive habit to grab credit for everything or deny any wrong doing, T-perv tried to take full credit for a Ford decision not to move production of one model, the higher priced Lincoln MKC, to Mexico. The actual exchange between T-perv and Ford Financial Officer Bob Shanks was about taxes and infrastructure. But true to his habit of compulsive lying T-perv announced on twitter he had prevented a whole factory from being moved outside the country though no such subject had been discussed.

Of course politicians take credit for many things they did not do, but at least the event they point to actually happened. In this case it's pure bullshit. That's the T-perv. way.

Regardless of what side you are on...Does the POTUS elect not have anything else to do than get into a dumbass twitter fight on some insignificant episode!!?? WTF is he going to do when some real shit happens? Tweet the shit out of ISIS sitting on his fucking toilet bowl at 3 am? Be very afraid....:Cry::crazy:

One of the worst things about him is he tweets like an angry drunk. Guaranteed other leaders will either get used to him acting like a compulsive 3 am toilet crouching fool who can't be taken seriously until the morning when his staff points out what an ass he was the night before, or reactions to T-pervs toilet rants are going to create some extreme reactions causing international incidents.

And that is why the left lost the election.

Actually both sides lost to a populist unstable egomaniac.

I, for one, am sick and tired of having someone more enlightened then I shaking their finger in my face trying to shame me for every micro-aggression that they can imagine.

So am I. I've had to face this many times. But it's not political correctness. This is the Age of Crude and Rude. Many people have forgotten how to have civil communication when it has nothing to do with politics or race, and have no idea what the opinions are for anyone involved. Too many people act like civility is dead. All you have to do is look at twitter or Facebook exchanges on both sides to see how so many hiding in anonymity throw any any kind of filter and rant like filthy loudmouths.

The left is far from having any monopoly on acting so badly. Case in point:

A guy goes into a busy coffee shop and the service person is one of "color". He starts ranting about "anti-white discrimination" when he doesn't get his coffee as soon as he thinks he should have and ends up swearing at and threatening the "barista" and other customers who thought he was way out of line with his cursing and racial epithets. It's not an isolated incident. Rude disgusting behavior is becoming very common. Now that T-perv will be in the White House our leading example will be a crass anger-ridden sociopath anyone could use to excuse for any anti-civil behavior.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
A whole new meaning to the phrase " go fuck yourself".

America is fucked not because of Trump. Trump is just a symptom that US social and economic model outlived itself and needs correction. As for Donald, my guess is that he will resign for “health” reasons but not before coming on the verge of impeachment for giving billions of infrastructure contracts to his family business. I believe he is smart enough to do exactly this and not wait for the state funeral.


New Member
May 14, 2016
Just caught this.

Government may register "Radicals".

"Look I'm not going to rule out anything," Priebus said. "We're not going to have a registry based on a religion. But what I think what we're trying to do is say that there are some people, certainly not all people... there are some people that are radicalized. And there are some people that have to be prevented from coming into this country. And Donald Trump's position, President Trump's position is consistent with bills in the House and the Senate that say the following: If you want to come from a place or an area around the world that harbors and trains terrorists, we have to temporarily suspend that operation until a better vetting system is put in place."


Only Muslims?

KKK and Neo-Nazi radicals?

What are the chances you could be considered a "Radical"?


New Member
May 14, 2016
Rump asking for equal time on SNL. Give it to him. Give him all he wants. I don't like to see any obviously sick person exploited, but a self-destructive maniac in the White House making himself look ever more like a fool. SNL could save so much on script writers and actors by letting him do it all alone. All SNL would need is some movers to bring over T-Perv's ivory toilet bowl with the solid gold seat and platinum flush 3 am of course so he can feel right at home and go off the deep end...again.

Funny he's making the request from SNL. In the video above he said he'd never go back. He feels Alec Baldwin is not being fair to him: "I think I'm a much nicer guy than he's portraying. He's portraying someone who's very mean and nasty, and I'm not mean and nasty". SNL is "making me out to be a very mean, bad kind of a guy and that's not me."

The Amy Vanderbilt Complete book of Etiquette. See: "pussy grabbing".

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Fifty-three years ago tonight, President John F. kennedy was spending his final night at the White House. The next morning, he would be flying to Texas and be assassinated the following day in Dallas.


Sep 14, 2011
And that is why the left lost the election. I, for one, am sick and tired of having someone more enlightened then I shaking their finger in my face trying to shame me for every micro-aggression that they can imagine.

It's gotten so bad that neither Jerry Seinfeld nor Chris Rock will go on college campuses to face these PC libby's.

A class regarding the 1st Amendment (free speech) ought to be required for all freshmen. God forbid these PC libby's might have to actually debate someone post college in their careers - instead of simply saying they are offended by your position, calling you names, and saying shut the fuck up or you will be banned from this "safe campus environment".


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Today would be a great time for Donald Trump to finally release his taxes.

He will probably end up paying like 50 million to settle all case with the sec. Just like he did with his "university". Then he will say publicicly that he could have won the case as he is a master at bullshitting. I heard that was the best course at his university, Bullshitting 101 ;)


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
He will probably end up paying like 50 million to settle all case with the sec. Just like he did with his "university". Then he will say publicicly that he could have won the case as he is a master at bullshitting. I heard that was the best course at his university, Bullshitting 101 ;),

He's involved in 71 other lawsuits, so it likely will end up costing him more since he settles an average of 83% of his cases.

He's already started to use his political influence to enrich his companies. That's why he had his daughter sit-in on his meeting with the Japanese PM. She runs several of his companies. There's strong indications he's already started bribing foreign officials into staying in his properties, incl. that new hotel of his in DC.

Donald Trump is one of the most corrupt businessmen in the country and i'd be shocked if a decade from now he won't be known as the most corrupt and dishonest President in the history of the country. But the real question is: will the Republican Congress and Senate look the other way, or will they do the right thing and impeach his ass?

p.s. As of today, 1.3 million more Americans voted for HRC to be their President. Folks, it's time to take back your country & do everything you can to make sure each vote counts and the right person is President.


New Member
May 14, 2016
He's involved in 71 other lawsuits, so it likely will end up costing him more since he settles an average of 83% of his cases.

Some political analysts are saying that's just for starters. One suggested he would be very smart to sell everything or his term could be endlessly mired in lawsuits. A blind trust does not cover him from suits especially when his own children involved in the administration are the trust. Selling everything would also help cut off the great risk he'll be indicted for conflict of interest profiteering, though with his laissez faire attitude on approaching anything he could very easily find legal trouble anyway.

The "Hamilton" episode shows how thoughtless he can be. He didn't like the imposition against Pence who was there to see a show. Granted. The speech was questionable for decorum sake, but should have been an expected risk. Mike pence then says: "I'm not offended". Okay, Rump stated his objection and Pence seemed to put the issue to an end. Buuuuuut, Rump can't let it go, and was reported to leave important business to take up more twitter attacks. Rump hates the SNL depiction of him. Okay, so it would piss of anyone who is the subject, but this is what happens to all presidents in all the media. Is he going to make it career to obsess with twitter attacks, when he's supposed to be focused on serious national policy and infrastructure issues?

When Fox News attacks Rump for his 'sick obsession' with Megyn Kelly you know this isn't about "Libbys" hating him.

He's so thin-skinned, and so obsessed about going after anything, no matter how trivial, what does it say about how he will handle relations with other countries, especially those who are the serious challenges. He can't seem to think rationally. Every reaction comes from anger without consideration of anything.

Of course his fans will get off on that thinking, yeah, we don't take any shit. But Rumpbag is not some faceless anonymous fool who can't be held responsible. He's supposed to be "fixing" the country as he promised, not acting like a child with a mental disorder he can't avoid. He's unstable and dangerous.

LASTLY: Rump better keep in mind he's not the Republican Party's man. Pence is. Republicans could greatly uncomplicate getting what they want by getting rid of Rump. I would not be surprised if the basis of an impeachment was leaked anonymously by them.
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