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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And the overwhelming majority of those votes came from TWO states, California and New York. The electoral college works perfect and the reason it is in place is so two states cannot "rig" an election. Cheer up buddy, you still have the Leafs! ;)

p.s. As of today, 1.3 million more Americans voted for HRC to be their President. Folks, it's time to take back your country & do everything you can to make sure each vote counts and the right person is President.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
And the overwhelming majority of those votes came from TWO states, California and New York. The electoral college works perfect and the reason it is in place is so two states cannot "rig" an election. Cheer up buddy, you still have the Leafs! ;)

How would they do that? How could 2 states "rig" it? They could change the outcome, but it would not be "rigged", unless I miss a point.

Luckily I still have the Habs ;)


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Yes, same point, because the majority of the other states think for themselves and are not liberal zombies like those uneducated fools in two states that automatically vote for a Libby because they let the mainstream media do their thinking for them instead of having a mind of their own. Actually without the electoral college, most Americans votes would not matter.

This is the thread that keeps on giving and giving and giving. :)

How would they do that? How could 2 states "rig" it? They could change the outcome, but it would not be "rigged", unless I miss a point.

Luckily I still have the Habs ;)


New Member
May 14, 2016
How would they do that? How could 2 states "rig" it? They could change the outcome, but it would not be "rigged", unless I miss a point.


Well, that's illuminating. You can see how it is. Don't listen to main stream media. Main stream defined as "normal" or "conventional". Go to media that supports only your view. According to him only Red State people can think for themselves because they support the guy who wants everyone else to shut think against them.

When you do have a different opinion you must be a Liberal zombie and an uneducated fool. It's very cheap unthinking hate at it's best. Funny how Rump lost the educated voters despite that little theory. Just like Rump, his fans have a habit of engaging in psychotic twitter rage against everyone who doesn't agree or think like them. To the their way of thinking there is no difference of opinion. It's their opinion versus the wrong opinion. Sieg Heil!

Rump hated the Electoral College until he won because of it. Then what kind of math failure says without the Electoral College most votes wouldn't matter when the majority of voters didn't support the electoral winner. People are so self-serving. They change logic into whatever matches what they want it to. It so obviously phony to everyone, and if the situation were reversed you know like Rump they'd go back to hating the Electoral College.
Why didn't Rump win in California or New York this time? Reagan did TWICE. Bush Sr. won California. Even Ford beat the ultimate Liberal Carter in California despite losing the election. Well, when you need a dumb EXCUSE...........

Also it's not by states. It's regions within states. Clinton won nearly all the Northeast but if you look at the state voting map by district there's more red districts where fewer people live than there are blue districts around metro areas. There's plenty of red in western Massachusetts and Rhode Island, northern Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Connecticut.....and upper state New York*.
As for RIGGING, funny how in the so-called "Red States" Republicans in control didn't have the necessary polling places to allow all voters to vote, closed polls early to cut the number of voters, forced new ID restrictions on voters. and closed altogether almost 900 polling places across the country. Texas alone closed over 400 polls. Talk about RIGGING the system. Many LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS were blocked from or not allowed to vote because so many places to vote were closed to prevent it.

And where are these states closing polls. Tell the flaming hypocrites crying about rigged elections they were red states like Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina.

THAT'S what he calls Democracy? :lol:


Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I think America is much better today than they were 13 short days ago and will be even better Jan 20 2017 and beyond.

Guaranteed that in 2 or 3 years more people will be working and all around things will be better in the US, Canada exports will take a huge hit though, gonna suck to live in Ontario ( other than the GTA ) as they will be hit the hardest.
Just my opinion.


May 3, 2010
Hamilton is sold out,so what are they boycotting.There was a fake story about Pepsi, and people threatened to boycott them.You know whats going to happen.The Trump fans will get fooled by so many fake stories, that they are going to boycott so much american products, that its going to ruin the economy.These people wil believe anything.
The Hamilton affair has caused a new word to enter into American political culture- 'Trumpista" - to describe those who are threatening a boycott of "Hamilton":


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I think America is much better today than they were 13 short days ago and will be even better Jan 20 2017 and beyond.

Crybabies gonna cry Sol, let them, it makes us :)

Ya right so all americans will be able to have big SUV, big double garage house and a cottage? 2-3 generation like this and we will need a new planet to live on. And like if america was not already the richest country in the word? You need to be even more egocentric then you already are? Ask yourself how such a strong economy as Germany is able to provide healthcare and education to it's population? America has still not understood that we are entering decades where redistribution of health and social initiative is what will make a difference. Germany is passing a law to have 100% electric cars by 2030, not that is a futuristic initiative. Not fossils fuels and for got sake reopening coal mines!! The day big corportation will bring back plants in America is because robots will replace human. Surely not because they want to rely on lazy workers protected by big unions.

Dont' get me wrong, I like america. I spend about 40 days per year in various part of the united states. You guys are great amazing people. It's just that your enthusiasms to make america great again is completely misguided.


p.s. there is one thing I will never understand, why americans which are per capita the greatest donor on the planet have so much issue with any social initiative that would help the collectivity?


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Oy vey, lay off the kool aid bro :doh:

Jailimon, were you the guy in the front row or was that merlow?

Ya right so all americans will be able to have big SUV, big double garage house and a cottage? 2-3 generation like this and we will need a new planet to live on. And like if america was not already the richest country in the word? You need to be even more egocentric then you already are? Ask yourself how such a strong economy as Germany is able to provide healthcare and education to it's population? America has still not understood that we are entering decades where redistribution of health and social initiative is what will make a difference. Germany is passing a law to have 100% electric cars by 2030, not that is a futuristic initiative. Not fossils fuels and for got sake reopening coal mines!! The day big corportation will bring back plants in America is because robots will replace human. Surely not because they want to rely on lazy workers protected by big unions.

Dont' get me wrong, I like america. I spend about 40 days per year in various part of the united states. You guys are great amazing people. It's just that your enthusiasms to make america great again is completely misguided.


p.s. there is one thing I will never understand, why americans which are per capita the greatest donor on the planet have so much issue with any social initiative that would help the collectivity?


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Oy vey, lay off the kool aid bro :doh:

Jailimon, were you the guy in the front row or was that merlow?

Haha correct I may have blew a fuse or something ;) I still stand by my words. You see I have this love/hate relationship with americans. I love you individually because you are great amazing human being but I am afraid of you as a group :)

Time for a bud and watch PK Subban run the show!



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I agree, it is enjoyable to watch Subban this season like never before ;)

Haha correct I may have blew a fuse or something ;) I still stand by my words. You see I have this love/hate relationship with americans. I love you individually because you are great amazing human being but I am afraid of you as a group :)

Time for a bud and watch PK Subban run the show!



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


Jan 14, 2016
Canada export depends on how low the CAD $ is vs US funds. Logically it works both ways - How Trudeau works to drop Canadian Dollars - or how Trump works on economy. Right now, the US funds is making exports working just fine. Canada is suffering from low metal pricing (mining), low oil prices and ridiculous paper pricing coming from China. These are our natural resources that are hitting us hard. We are in a cycle that seems endless. The terrible part is having both major markets down simultaneously - Mining and Oil, whereas Pulp and Paper reached it's rock bottom. It can't go any lower.

Exports of machinery and others are doing OK. Just like our hobby market and tourists is on the rise. Low currency is good for attracting foreign money but not good for local Canadians. So, IMHO exports depends on competitive currencies.

Guaranteed that in 2 or 3 years more people will be working and all around things will be better in the US, Canada exports will take a huge hit though, gonna suck to live in Ontario ( other than the GTA ) as they will be hit the hardest.
Just my opinion.
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