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Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Canada export depends on how low the CAD $ is vs US funds. Logically it works both ways - How Trudeau works to drop Canadian Dollars - or how Trump works on economy. Right now, the US funds is making exports working just fine. Canada is suffering from low metal pricing (mining), low oil prices and ridiculous paper pricing coming from China. These are our natural resources that are hitting us hard. We are in a cycle that seems endless. The terrible part is having both major markets down simultaneously - Mining and Oil, whereas Pulp and Paper reached it's rock bottom. It can't go any lower.

Exports of machinery and others are doing OK. Just like our hobby market and tourists is on the rise. Low currency is good for attracting foreign money but not good for local Canadians. So, IMHO exports depends on competitive currencies.

My concern is Trump putting a tariff on foreign made goods making it too expensive to buy anything but American made. he always has preached to buy American. The new Canadian carbon tax will also give the US an advantage over Canada. Our low dollar will not offset those differences.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
ROFLMAO! Easy on the bud lights bro, you are better than this, then again you are in character so......carry on amigo :pound:

In the 1930's, people didn't call out the Austrian for what he was. He was looked upon as a clown. Then when he surprised everyone and got elected, people decided again to look the other way and pointed out he was doing a lot of good his country. "Sure he's a racist and anti-semite, but so what? He wants to make the country great again and we should give him a chance!" People would mock him in caricatures, but he continued to push his agenda since "the people had spoken and elected him to office."

If i lived in Germany back then and supported Adolf Hitler, the fact alone i would be supporting such a scumbag would deservably give out the perception that i'm also a racist. If people would therefore refer to me as a racist simply for the fact that i support one and proudly show my support for such a despicable human being, then people referring to a supporter like myself would actually be totally correct. As the old saying goes "You are what you eat". Well in politics "You are who you support."

America is so fucked!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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New Member
May 14, 2016
p.s. there is one thing I will never understand, why americans which are per capita the greatest donor on the planet have so much issue with any social initiative that would help the collectivity?

The idea "America" is a "melting pot" is a partial truth for the country whether they are Republican or Democrats. Unfortunately there's also from the beginning a second ugly heritage of racism openly expressed and built upon by slavery, displayed by such keynote Supreme Court decisions like Dred Scott 1857 ("blacks had been regarded as beings of an inferior order" with "no rights which the white man was bound to respect") and Plessy versus Ferguson 1896 which confirmed racial segregation.

Remember the kind of people your dealing with who have come out to support Rump. Ignorant people like the neo-Nazi Alt Right you can see here in the video raising the Nazi salute. You see what a person is in what he accepts and who is drawn to him. Rump doesn't really care about them. He loves them because they will SWALLOW whatever he says and Rump is desperate for their devotion to fill up his ever-demanding sick ego. He doesn't care about the grotesque faults of anyone as long as they are head nodding Yes-Men. No ethics or morals just a lust for self-glorification.

In the 1930's, people didn't call out the Austrian for what he was. He was looked upon as a clown. Then when he surprised everyone and got elected, people decided again to look the other way and pointed out he was doing a lot of good his country. "Sure he's a racist and anti-semite, but so what? He wants to make the country great again and we should give him a chance!" People would mock him in caricatures, but he continued to push his agenda since "the people had spoken and elected him to office."

The parallels go on. Also no one can say the comparison is excessive when Rump, who will instantly crouch on his toilet and tweet harsh denouncements against anyone who disagrees with him, has refused to denounce neo-Nazis despite endless challenges for him to do so...the same as his pals here.

To those who think Doc blew a switch:

It's fucking happening in DC!


Yup. Ignarant people. Very ignorant.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Trump has just announced he will not be prosecuting HRC, after all. Anyone with a normal brain knew he wouldn't prosecute her. I mean, prosecute her for what? For things she was already cleared by the FBI? For things who will look minuscule compared to what Trump will do during his presidency?

I'm curious which promises those who voted for him expect him to fullfill. The Wall? HRC's prosecution? Destroying ISIS? Shipping all illegal aliens and their families back to their respective homelands? Lowering all Americans' taxes? Getting rid of Obamacare? Draining the Swamp from lobbyists? Reducing lenght of terms for those having to serve in congress?

By the way, i'd be surprised if any of our American friends in this thread who have supported Trump even bothered to vote. Can't blame you actually, i'm not sure i'd be willing to wait in line for hours in midweek just to vote. Plus, considering HRC now has over 1.5 million more votes than Trump (and counting), why bother voting if your vote isn't even counted like it should be?


New Member
May 14, 2016
Trump has just announced he will not be prosecuting HRC, after all. Anyone with a normal brain knew he wouldn't prosecute her

Another pledge betrayal, though anyone with a rational perspective would see the idea of prosecuting Clinton was only something useful by Rump as bait he knew would be eagerly Swallowed. Rump has also backed off language to deport all illegal immigrants now saying he will go after visa violations, that's on top of the blown pledge to drain the swamp of Washington insiders who he has using to help advise and build his administration.

Rump fans are truly ignorant about what he can do and he uses them like children. He has no authority to direct what the justice department will do. These announcements he will or won't go after anyone are political ploys, lies to be swallowed get support.

As for this foolish idea Rump has a strategy against the New York Times, it's little more than having a childish fit against those who won't give him his way as he does every time, the same way he makes threats then goes ahead and does what he said he wouldn't anyway.

If there's any strategy it's to make a phony show of strength and resistance for his supporters they can swallow then go against that because he's addicted to publicity both ways. The pattern is to make speeches his robots can swallow then move as close to mainstream methods and views as he dares knowing his supports follow what he says ignoring what he does in the end with the most irrational blinders on.


Sorry people, I can't stop laughing. Just four minutes after I wrote the last line above comes an announcement at precisely 10:01 EST that Rump will meet with the New York Times. There's the strategy: Talk a deal, fake withdrawal, do the deal.

Cheers :lol:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Very odd that the terrible Trump is making the markets go up, odd actually. Also to note that the Canadian complainers are picking Trump apart for some of the same things Justine Trudeau is doing here and he gets a standing ovation, the work of trolls perhaps, just saying.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Very odd that the terrible Trump is making the markets go up, odd actually. Also to note that the Canadian complainers are picking Trump apart for some of the same things Justine Trudeau is doing here and he gets a standing ovation, the work of trolls perhaps, just saying.

Isn't Barak Obama still POTUS? Why is Trump getting credit?

p.s. Mark my words, Prime Minister Trudeau will one day be known as one of Canada's greatest prime ministers.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
This morning, Trump had another one of his tantrums and cancelled his scheduled meeting with the New York Times because he had learned they wouldn't be kissing his ass. The Times then announced they had no idea why they had no idea why the man-child had unexpectedly cancelled their meeting.

So now the spoiled brat has calmed down and just announced that he changed his mind and the meeting is still on. Unbelievable!

America is so fucked!

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
True story:

Last Saturday night, i walked out of the Bell Centre after the Leafs game and there was some white guy selling 'Make America Great Again' red hats. I was walking with a lady friend and she chuckled and said "I can't believe someone is selling those hats here in Mtl." So i told her "I know that guy. His name's Iggy." She stopped and looked at me. "You know that guy selling the hats? Really?" I smiled and we headed off to the Keg. :D


nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
In the 1930's, people didn't call out the Austrian for what he was. He was looked upon as a clown. Then when he surprised everyone and got elected, people decided again to look the other way and pointed out he was doing a lot of good his country. "Sure he's a racist and anti-semite, but so what? He wants to make the country great again and we should give him a chance!" People would mock him in caricatures, but he continued to push his agenda since "the people had spoken and elected him to office."

No no no that is a grotesque and inaccurate simplification!


New Member
May 14, 2016
No no no that is a grotesque and inaccurate simplification!

Admittedly you're right up to a point when it's generalized by saying "people". It is an oversimplified conglomeration of views. Some called him out, large segments saw him as a clown, many chose to believe his campaign promises were grand-standing for political reasons and thought he'd never follow through on the more extreme measures. However like today most people supporting him cherry picked what they wanted to believe where it suited their interests, while others saw him as a joke not to be taken seriously.

However, he was NEVER DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED. He was appointed in a power play as Chancellor by Hindenburg and his clique in the government. The closest Hitler came to being elected was after he and the Nazis manufactured a state of emergency by conspiring by setting the Reichstag Fire in March 1933 while he was already in office blaming "radicals", Communists who were a significant party in 1933, and being voted emergency powers in an election where many opposition leaders had been arrested and the political wing severely restricted. Hardly a real election at all.

Still, there are a number of very basic parallels to what was believed on all sides and how events basically turned out today.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Today would be a good time for Donald Trump to finally hold a post-election press conference.

p.s. By the way, he just told the NYT that he has no idea why neo-nazis are attracted to him. I kid you not.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Now the world's oldest teenager is saying that he now will keep an open mind in regards to climate change.

By the way, the neo-nazis' favorite media site 'Breitbart' is pissed off Trump will no longer look into prosecuting HRC. If the teenage brat keeps breaking his promises, he risks alienating his group of crazies and these are the types who are crazy enough to take matters into their own hands.

America is so fucked!
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