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US-Canada Border To Open Soon For Immediate Families

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think that 16% in Quebec is because we probably have more SP than any other province and they miss the US tourists lol.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Maybe Fradi.
But one thing is certain: I am not the only one.

With what is happening with our neighbors to the south, I change my mind, I said at beginning of September now I say after the defeat of Trump or an effective vaccine.

In short, I don't want the borders to reopen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
“The sensational 6” maybe sensational by US standards but even by Quebec standards they are not, and we were the New York of Canada.
Today New York has 675 New case and 25 deaths so far.
Quebec 100 new cases and 3 deaths ( today was actually double the normal of new cases for quebec due to a couple of teenage parties on the south shore).

New York States population 19.45 ml
Quebec population 8.4 ml.

With New York’s population roughly 2.3 times that of Quebec their infection and death rate is way above that.
So no thanks, you can keep even your Sensational 6 for a while longer.
Good thing that the seafood seems to be the same so no huge loss.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Today New York has 675 New case and 25 deaths so far.
Quebec 100 new cases and 3 deaths ( today was actually double the normal of new cases for quebec due to a couple of teenage parties on the south shore).

New York States population 19.45 ml
Quebec population 8.4 ml.

With New York’s population roughly 2.3 times that of Quebec their infection and death rate is way above that.
So no thanks, you can keep even your Sensational 6 for a while longer.

I'm not so sure your comparing apples to apples, or lobsters to lobsters.

NYC population 8.4 million
Montreal 1.78 million

I'm not so sure comparing a state to a province is an accurate way to make the comparison. I could be totally wrong about that so forgive me if I'm making a poor analysis but, Manhattan had 56 new Covid cases yesterday and sadly 6 Covid related deaths. Since NYC is more than 4 times the size of Montreal it would be like 14 new cases and 1-2 deaths in Montreal. And that doesn't sound all that high. Those numbers are far below what the rest of the US is recording. I'm not pleading my case to open the border, it can stay shut for as long as it needs to. Just a different way of looking at it.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
aren’t provinces the equivalent of states, you would compare ny state to all of Quebec right? And theoretical nyc to Montreal? But not really cause NYc is waaaay bigger


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2005
Good point, I just figured both NYC and Montreal are the biggest cities in their respective Province/state so it would make for a fair comparison. I'll mention again that I could be completely off base about it. I just had nothing better to do while waiting for my steak to cook, so I figured I'd bang on the keyboard a bit.
May 30, 2020
Quebec had a referendum on seceding from Canada as recently as 1995, a political movement that still has large grass roots support.Our own Halloween Mike has often stated that he would like to see Quebec become a sovereign nation.

Quebec could choose to act unilaterally on the issue as a healthy and safety matter and as well as a matter that has bearing on its economy. Please note I am not advocating that course of action. If Legault declared the Quebec border open to the "Sensational 6" States, as Maine has done, what do you think Trudeau will do about it? He wouldn't send in troops. He would likely do absolutely nothing. Except maybe order borders with Quebec closed to the rest of Canada. Then we would be "off to the races."
why would we chose to let a infected population of americans come in to our city.if the situation with a souring infection rate were reversed you would be the 1st to say stay the hell out


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I'm not so sure your comparing apples to apples, or lobsters to lobsters.

He is not comparing local lobsters to local lobsters because in terms of Maine quarantine rules, it is not about the new cases but the actual case counts. According to Fradi logic, tourists from the Sensational 6 States should not be allowed into Canada based on new cases, even though the Sensational 6's tourists are not being quarantined against in Maine (as opposed to the other 44 states who are not allowed into Maine unless they accept quarantine rules). However Maine is not basing their rules on new cases but on actual reduced case counts, and the Sensational 6 are the Sensational 6 because of low actual case counts:



The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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From what we hv seen w/ other countries is that the dreaded 2nd coronavirus wave typically comes from imported cases and that’s despite actual sovereign borders. The errr ... “Sensational 6” have no effective way of sealing off their borders from imported cases by other states, even NY governor Cuomo admitted as much. Only a matter of time before the whole map goes red.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The errr ... “Sensational 6” have no effective way of sealing off their borders from imported cases by other states

As I mentioned above, Maine is quarantining against 44 states, and NY, NJ and CT are quarantining against 19, with the list growing daily in the last week.

Look at the map you posted. These quarantines are in effect acting as a buffer zone for the Canadian border because of the concentration of these States in the northeastern USA near the Canadian border. NY, VT, NH and Maine form how much of the border? Basically everything from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Erie. Which is another reason why Canada can choose to just allow entry to the Sensational 6.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I am glad the “sensational 6” are doing well and would like to think that the rest of the US have learned from them and follow their lead. I would like nothing better than to be able to invite and see half my family that lives in the US.
The lack of US tourists is also going to be devastating to Canada as well so nobody is happy about closed borders.
Having said that until the said six seal off their borders to the rest of the US and have an effective way of policing it why would Canada open theirs.
Even the sensational six has not controlled the virus as well as Canada has so no it would be political suicide for Canadian politicians right now to open the borders and it will not happen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
What I don’t get is why Americans still continue to look for every excuse possible and are in denial.
I see it here the “sensational 6” ok there is no mention of the horrible 44.
Why is it so difficult to admit that as a country your politicians your governors your mayors and yes even the people with their arrogance and independence and their attitude of nobody is going to tell me what to do has failed in every regard.

The US has one of the worst statistics and by far the highest death count when are they going to wake up and implement the same measure as successful countries have it has now been over 4 months haven’t they learned anything yet.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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political suicide for Canadian politicians right now to open the borders and it will not happen.

Fradi what you are overlooking is that Maine politicians had the same choice and rejected your logic. Maine had been quarantining against all 49 other States. Then, although the actual case counts per million are actually higher in Maine than in the other 5 of the Sensational Six, they decided to exempt NH, VT, NY, NJ, and CT. So why did they do this?

They evaluated the trade off in tourist revenue vs.
Public Safety, and decided that the positives in allowing their seasonal tourist industry to do business and not go bankrupt from no tourist revenue outweighed the public risks in terms of the differential in case counts. So they rejected your rationale that higher case counts means no entry into the state. They did so in part because of enormous pressure from the tourist industry in Maine which, I suspect, is much more politically powerful than the tourist industry in Quebec.

It's a very basic cost/benefit analysis. Maine isn't allowing everyone in. They are allowing a very select few. And that is why we are calling these chosen ones the Sensational 6.


The Longest Title in MERB
Mar 16, 2003
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As I mentioned above, Maine is quarantining against 44 states, and NY, NJ and CT are quarantining against 19, with the list growing daily in the last week.

Look at the map you posted. These quarantines are in effect acting as a buffer zone for the Canadian border because of the concentration of these States in the northeastern USA near the Canadian border. NY, VT, NH and Maine form how much of the border? Basically everything from the Atlantic Ocean to Lake Erie. Which is another reason why Canada can choose to just allow entry to the Sensational 6.

I’m aware that Maine is claiming to quarantine but it’s full of holes. The state just requires the hotel/place of lodging to get visitors to sign a compliance form attesting to having a negative Covid-19 test result in the last 72 hours or having already undergone quarantine. No proof required, just signed forms that r kept by the hotel/place of lodging for 30 days. That’s not how real quarantines are done.

The six states cannot be a buffer because the quarantines r full of holes. Imported infections from the other states r slipping through as we speak.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Maine politicians rejected my choice ok so what.
The US seems to have rejected all successful countries choices and continue to squabble amongst each other while the virus is running rampant and their citizens are dying.

You are a typical example of someone in denial, the country is falling apart at the seems and you are focusing on one tiny state and putting all of your effort into that.
Ever heard the expression you can’t see the forest from the trees.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
The US has one of the worst statistics and by far the highest death count when are they going to wake up and implement the same measure as successful countries have it has now been over 4 months haven’t they learned anything yet.

Yes, it's true.
I don't always want to hit the same nail, but if they have this terrible track record, a large part is because of the big orange-headed nail.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Yes, it's true.
I don't always want to hit the same nail, but if they have this terrible track record, a large part is because of the big orange-headed nail.

I disagree,
He is one man, one man doesn’t make a country just like one player doesn’t make a team.
It is this inherent attitude of nobody is going to tell me what to do.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
Yes Fradi, your reasoning is logical and mine is emotional.

Yes a man doesn't make a country, it takes supporters.

But don't you think that if Trump had had another attitude, it would have been less problematic?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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No proof required, just signed forms that r kept by the hotel/place of lodging for 30 days. That’s not how real quarantines are done.

I don't believe this is true. When the quarantine was still in force against CT residents, the hotel told me I had to produce a negative test within 72 hours of the trip. In fact what I already posted in this thread which was a copy and paste from the hotel's website specifically says if you don't have proof, you are not allowed to check in. So your above comment is not correct.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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But don't you think that if Trump had had another attitude, it would have been less problematic?

You continue to post this over and over and it's completely speculative bullshit. Although Trump has not made helpful statements, what we have seen is pretty obvious, the States that opened up too quickly are having major problems, and the States with the strictest rules have the lowest rates. Maine was probably the strictest State in the nation in terms of quarantines and reopening and they also have the lowest rates. This is not by accident. Your continual posts on Trump are simplistic speculative nonsense that really have no bearing to the reality of why the problems exist where they exist.
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