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Valerie Plante

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New Member
May 20, 2012
Here is another hypocritical Socialist. The stupidity of the left never ceases to surprise me. This woman hates cars and she wants everyone to drop their cars to take the bus or ride the bicycle. While we got Justin Castro rapidly increasing the population with his mass immigration policy which causes more traffic, Plante is actively reducing space for cars by adding bike lanes (six months out of six it is way too cold to ride a bicycle) and is increasing the width of sidewalks by triple their original size often leaving only one lane for cars. With the Ukrainian refugee that got killed, now Plante is proposing to turn Fullum St to a one way street. Stupid decision. One of the reason why the people use those small streets is because there is too much construction everywhere causing too much traffic in addition to a rapidly increasing population due to mass immigration. People are not going to drop their cars to take the bus. The bus is the worst way to travel as it is very slow and often crowded. You spend more time waiting then anything else.

Plante said the other day that there are too many cars, they are too big, and they go too fast yet she is driving a luxury car herself and this is the hypocrisy of far-leftists. Sounds like Justin Castro who wants to force electric but is zipping around in his private jet.

Socialists say "Do as I say, Not as I do" and that is the MO of Valerie Plante and Justin Castro. Interesting no one talks about her. On top she keeps on jacking up taxes. Most idiotic mayor, time for her to leave just as it is for Justin Castro.
Unfortunately she's not the only mayor whos sharing this sick progressist vision. There's another "young and restless" fucktard seats at Longueuil. Shes literally a Muppet caracter used by others to destroy the city. When I look at her face I feel like I instantly wanna cry....she looks so innocent....But what is more scarry, peoples like this fucking gets re-elected, so I m starting to have serios concerns about this nation mental status.


New Member
May 20, 2012
...But she has been elected second time par une bonne majorité de's the way our DEMOCRACY it or not......

...But she has been elected second time par une bonne majorité de's the way our DEMOCRACY it or not......
It must be the weed legalisation effect
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Unfortunately she's not the only mayor whos sharing this sick progressist vision. There's another "young and restless" fucktard seats at Longueuil. Shes literally a Muppet caracter used by others to destroy the city. When I look at her face I feel like I instantly wanna cry....she looks so innocent....But what is more scarry, peoples like this fucking gets re-elected, so I m starting to have serios concerns about this nation mental status.
They are all following the UN and the WEF. And the reason she got reelected is because the alternative (Denis Coderre) was worse. In all honesty all the candidates suck.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Montreal's Executive Committee President Dominique Ollivier resigned on Monday due to lavish spending on taxpayers expense. The Journal de Montreal exposed her. Dominique Olivier took trips around the world and took expensive restaurant visits, she even had expensive office furniture charged to taxpayers. Is this why we keep on paying more taxes? Plante still supported her up to the point when the public were not having it anymore and Dominique finally resigned.

Direct Quote from the Article:

Montreal's Executive Committee President Dominique Ollivier announced her resignation Monday afternoon at at a news conference at city hall.

Trips around the world, lavish restaurant expenses (including a $347 oyster dinner in Paris), and luxury office furniture were all paid for with taxpayer money, the newspaper reported in an extensive investigation into expense accounts for the Public Consultation Office at the City of Montreal and its former head, Ollivier.
There is still much more cleaning up to do in the Plante administration including herself. This is what happens when you have far-left politicians running things. She wastes money turning streets into one direction one lane streets, with wide sidewalks, and bike lanes. Montreal is overcrowded and so it the STCUM yet they claim to have a budget shortfall and want the provincial government to foot the bill. Where is the money going? Plante and her entire cabinet needs to be audited for finances.

Municipal taxes are going up and by a lot.

Parking meters being extended also, now the meters will apply to 11pm Mon to Sat. An obvious cash grab and part of Plante's misguided far-left MO to force bikes and public transit. This will only make less people go downtown. In the budget, $13 million is going to Bixi for winter service. How many want to ride a bike in -20 degrees Celsius and with freezing rain? See look at CommunAuto, it is a car sharing service and is very profitable, it has grown a lot and does not rely on taxpayers money like Bixi. If a business requires taxmoney then it is not feasible or profitable. Part of Plante's far-left misguided ideology to force bikes and public transit.

Some of you ask me why I am anti-government? This is one reason why I am. See how it is them against us. Taxes keep going up, prices keep going up but we get less in return. We are forced to pay for things most people are not interested in and for lavish spending of politicians.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Tax tax and tax, they don't care, they make over $100k per year. Pierrefonds take a punch withn7, 2% increase on their tax bill ! It pays for her $500 bottle of wine

"Montreal Mayor Valerie Plante is spending more than $500 in wine bought at taxpayers' expense. The wine was purchased during a dinner for 12 in Austria last spring, when Plante led a delegation on a mission to Vienna in April to learn how that city handles social housing."


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And now Plante says she is refunding the cost of the wine thinking all is good. She only did that because they were caught.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Ça commence à sentir le roussi pour elle...MAIS ça va prendre une opposition/leader crédible et un VRAI Montréalais....lollll


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
if you want to add to your homeless picture collection west of sturbain on lagauchetaire in chinatown .they created a mess which was supposed to be sorted nov1 yet there is even more homeless people sleeping on the street here on benches in tests its rampid and east of stlaurent same street. the picture does not deplict the amount of people there to the right they are inbetween those pillars as well as left on benches
View attachment 60459
The homelessness industry (by that I mean the army of non-profits, consultants, data collectors, government bureaucrats) who have utterly failed. The more the homelessness industry fails, the more it succeeds. There is big money to be made by failing to end homelessness. Consider the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness conference that was held at the Halifax Convention Centre recently. The CEO of CAEH Tim Ritcher said "Homelessness is an urgent and growing problem in communities across the country, but we also know it is solvable." Looking for solutions? We could build some damn affordable housing. Use the financing power and taxing powers of government to build it, instead of wasting money to build bike lanes and turning streets into one lane one direction street or using money to make lavish spending on wine or expensive furniture. We did it before for military housing during the various wars, returning GIs. It was done during the 1960s and 1970s for projects like Mulgrave Park and Uniacke Square in Halifax which served its purpose otherwise those people would be living on the streets.

But instead of the straightforward solution of building some damn housing, we have built this Rube Goldberg machine of market incentives, tax rebates, grants to non-profits, means testing, bonus density, ever-shifting definitions of “affordable housing” that time out after a couple of decades in any event, and a caring industry created to address the result and not the cause. Consider Tim Ritcher the CEO the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, his salary according to his tax returns is about $250,000 to $300,000. There are additionally two CAEH employees with salaries of between $120,000 and $160,000, and seven employees with salaries between $80,000 and $120,000. And I would not bring up their salaries if you know they ended homelessness, instead it is the exact opposite of being ended.

The CAEH is very, very good at obtaining grants. Richter has put his lobbying expertise to good use. In the most recent 12-month reporting period, he has listed 39 separate Federal contracts with federal officials. Last year, the CAEH received $1,522,079 in grants from the federal government, $540,832 from provincial and territorial governments, and $329,359 from other registered charities. Along with membership fees ($83,750), its own fundraising ($760,511), sales of services ($1,118,994) and some incidentals, it had total revenues of $4,408,177.

So you ask where did the money go? More than half of it ($2,511,225) went to salaries, and more than a quarter ($1,321,202) went to conferences. A whopping $345,008 went to professional and consulting fees. And if you dig further with other so called non-profit homelessness organizations you will find the same trend. As you can see it is nothing but a money making business and politicians really do not care. Plante and her cabinet is funding lavish spending and will keep on spending till they are caught and exposed in the media. Plante is wasting money on building bike lanes, turning streets into one lane one direction streets. One has to also ask the city is constantly under construction. They tore down Ste-Catherine street twice. I am certain the bureaucrats are stuffing money into their pockets with needless construction. So here you have it.

What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
Then ppl ask me why I am anti-government, this is one of the reasons. All total scam, these elected officials are eating money. Where is the money going? How can there be a hole in the budget? The metros are always over crowded. Closing the metro at 11pm will affect the poor the most. They cannot afford a car, many will have to quit their jobs. This represents a major logistics nightmare for businesses from restaurants to hospitals to office buildings with security guards. Plante has to go. The government keeps on bothering ppl since covid.
Lemmy Kilmister on politicians - YouTube


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005

Plante collapsed at a press conference at City Hall when answering questions about homelessness. She had a malaise. She is out of danger now.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I hope she gets better as nobody deserves to be sick.
At the same time I hope she resigns as she is not capable as Mayor and she has been a total shit show ever since she took office .
She should hop on a bicycle and ride out of Montreal for good.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Pierre Poilievre said Valerie Plante is incompetent. He is 100% correct. Like most far-left nutjobs, their decisions often make no sense as it is based on virtue signalling and ideology rather then being pragmatic. Here is one dumb decision by Plante among many.

Plante decided to ban cars on the boulevard that will do to the future REM station at Kirkland. Charest promised it in 2012 but Plante debunked that. I do not think she cares about the reality in living in the suburbs were public transit is usually poor if not non existent and having a car is the only way to get around. It will make it complicated for people to get to the station for work.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Pierre Poilievre said Valerie Plante is incompetent. He is 100% correct. Like most far-left nutjobs, their decisions often make no sense as it is based on virtue signalling and ideology rather then being pragmatic. Here is one dumb decision by Plante among many.

Plante decided to ban cars on the boulevard that will do to the future REM station at Kirkland. Charest promised it in 2012 but Plante debunked that. I do not think she cares about the reality in living in the suburbs were public transit is usually poor if not non existent and having a car is the only way to get around. It will make it complicated for people to get to the station for work.

Now, Plante and other mayors want the car owners to pay huge increase in car registration fees to pay for bus drivers 100 000 $ salary and who knows how much the mechanics are paid too.
Equivalent big cities workers are paid 30 % more than Government workers and that for a long time !
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Now, Plante and other mayors want the car owners to pay huge increase in car registration fees to pay for bus drivers 100 000 $ salary and who knows how much the mechanics are paid too.
Equivalent big cities workers are paid 30 % more than Government workers and that for a long time !
Typical with government, their spending is never in check. They keep on spending other peoples money. It is not so much the employees, it is management taking a big chunk of the revenue plus greedy politicians stuffing money into their pockets to live lavish lifestyles. Plante has increased taxes by quiet a bit, where did all the money go? Montreal public transit is financed by both municipal and provincial governments. The STCUM keeps on saying declining ridership, that makes me want to explode. With Trudeau's mass immigration policy, Montreal's population is roughly at 4.4 million, amounting to roughly a 0.76% increase yearly since 2019. That is a lot. I actually way more people now then ever before in the metros. It is always over crowded. I think someone needs to audit these politicians to see where the money is going. Also Plante needs to stop wasting money on building useless bike paths everywhere.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
Now, Plante and other mayors want the car owners to pay huge increase in car registration fees to pay for bus drivers 100 000 $ salary and who knows how much the mechanics are paid too.
Equivalent big cities workers are paid 30 % more than Government workers and that for a long time !
$226 additional for licence plate per car proposed by the mayors! Its insane! Legault told the city to stop paying $100k salary to its employees! How much Valery Plante's salary? Take a guess ? Hahaha...


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
$226 additional for licence plate per car proposed by the mayors! Its insane! Legault told the city to stop paying $100k salary to its employees! How much Valery Plante's salary? Take a guess ? Hahaha...

It's done, not $226 but $100. Easier to do than cut the huge salary advantage of their workers.
Or perhaps increase the cost for users.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
It's done, not $226 but $100. Easier to do than cut the huge salary advantage of their workers.
Or perhaps increase the cost for users.
Why talk about the workers? Look at corrupt politicians eating so much money. They keep on lying about ridership not returned to pre-pandemic levels when in reality it is much more crowded then before due to Trudeau's mass immigration policy. How is it there is always a budget shortfall? I think all politicians and bureaucrats need to be audited for their expenses. The only time politicians really work is when campaigning to get reelected. All levels of government is stuffing money into their pockets while continually increasing taxes. Most people got to cut their spending, only government never controls their spending. Plante and Trudeau is under the Socialist plans to force everyone to use public transit and bicycles. Their ultimate goal is densefication and gentrification. They want to cram more and more people into tight spaces but for this to work they all have to be forced to use public transit hence the 15 minute cities. They want to make money, more people = more tax revenue.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2016
$226 additional for licence plate per car proposed by the mayors! Its insane! Legault told the city to stop paying $100k salary to its employees! How much Valery Plante's salary? Take a guess ? Hahaha...
Our neighbors Ontario fellows don't pay anything for their vehicles licence plate since the pandemic. Doug Ford abolished the licence plate fees to Zero, Nada, so why we are paying hundreds of dollars here? Insane! Why gas is 10-15 cents cheaper in Ontario? We all live in Canada no? On TV Radio Canada says we pay higher tax here in Quebec, because we have more benefits than in Ontario, that's BS. Yes, right we have St Viateur bagels here, thats all we have. The rest are eaten by their huge salaries!


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2010
Our neighbors Ontario fellows don't pay anything for their vehicles licence plate since the pandemic. Doug Ford abolished the licence plate fees to Zero, Nada, so why we are paying hundreds of dollars here? Insane!
If you want to talk seriously, you have to KNOW the complete picture.
ELECTRICITY cost 2 times what we pay in Québec. A rent or a house in TORONTO cost twice as much as in MONTREAL. If you have to pay for a kindergarden, it is much more expensive... and so on. If you think your life would be better there, move on.

Oh! This thread is suppose to be about Valérie Plante. If your post is deleted, I guess mine will be also. AMEN!
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Active Member
Nov 9, 2023
If you want to talk seriously, you have to KNOW the complete picture.
ELECTRICITY cost 2 times what we pay in Québec. A rent or a house in TORONTO cost twice as much as in MONTREAL. If you have to pay for a kindergarden, it is much more expensive... and so on. If you think your life would be better there, move on.

Oh! This thread is suppose to be about Valérie Plante. If your post is deleted, I guess mine will be also. AMEN!
I saw mme Plante last week. She was in a black toyota minivan on Sherbrooke st. The very heavy traffic near Papineau wasn’t a problem. Her ride was in the bus lane …

The politburo is back !
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