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Vegas mass shooting 50 dead


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
That is one good news. Money talks a lot. All life savings of a convicted killer should go to the family of a victims and/or special funds.



Jun 14, 2015
That is one good news. Money talks a lot. All life savings of a convicted killer should go to the family of a victims and/or special funds.


Je ne suis pas d'accord... Un criminel pourrait avoir des enfants... Comme on ne choisit pas ses propre parents, la pénalité d'avoir un père ou une mère criminel est déjà assez sévère. Les enfants n'ont pas à payer de leur avenir financier pour les conneries d'un père ou d'une mère criminel. Sauf, peut-être, si les actifs ont été acquis de façon frauduleuse...

Mais dans le cas de Paddock, il semble avoir ramassé son argent de façon légitime... Si des membres de sa familles devaient avoir besoin de cet argent, ça devrait leur revenir de plein droit.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Je ne suis pas d'accord... Un criminel pourrait avoir des enfants... Comme on ne choisit pas ses propre parents, la pénalité d'avoir un père ou une mère criminel est déjà assez sévère. Les enfants n'ont pas à payer de leur avenir financier pour les conneries d'un père ou d'une mère criminel.

Mais tu crois pas que justement ca pourrait faire réflichir ces cinglé?


Jun 14, 2015
Non, je ne crois pas... Pas du tout.

Ce sont des égoïstes, égocentriques et manipulateurs qui pensent bien faire, pour eux et pour leur entourage... L'entourage qui, dans la plupart des cas, doit subir et endurer les frasques de ces imbéciles.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
Patron, I second your concerns. Already hotels that had not checked for keys here in the past have beefed up security and are now doing key card checks. What's next?

We really do need to be vigilant about protecting our rights and our privacy.


Jun 14, 2015
On entend toujours les arguments disant que armes peuvent être volées ou introduites par des moyens illégaux...

Ben oui...

Mais si on se donne des règles plus strictes pour les permis de port et de détention d'armes, les forces de l'ordre auront beaucoup moins de temps à perdre avec les propriétaires "légaux" et pourront se concentrer encore plus sur les armes prohibées et les propriétaires "illégitimes".

Autrement dit, si ça devient plus difficile de se procurer une arme, ça sera plus facile pour les représentant de la Loi de trouver les armes illégales et les fautifs. Et s'il y a moins d'armes en circulation, les gens ne sentiront plus le besoin de se protéger...

C'est un cercle vicieux... Plus il y a de gens armés, moins les gens sont en sécurité...


Jun 14, 2015
Gun Control is something only used by corrupt governments. The more corrupt , the more control. Makes sense doesn't it.

ahahaha... Tu penses vraiment comme ça?!! Pas besoin de réponse... Ce n'est pas une question. C'est juste une exclamation interrogatoire...


Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
As the saying goes, Guns don't kill, peepo Kill, yeah yada yada, but what its saying is that if someone wants to kill, they will find a means. If you look at terrorists attacks in Europe, you would see that the Fatalities are far worse than what happened in Las Vegas or Florida. Even in the US, the biggest acts of terrorism were by Explosives and even Airplanes. In Paris last year, you had over 200 deaths, No guns were used. You get where I'm going with this. We have a problem with sick individuals, not guns and unless everyone realizes that, expect more carnage. We can talk about the real killer in Society , and that's Alcohol, but we don't see the politicians banning alcohol. They tried it, but realized people that drink Alcohol also Vote, and its good damn tax revenue.

Haha I didn't expect someone called "S&W500" to be anti-gun. What I didn't expect was anti-logic. Yes, people intent on killing will find a way. Guns aren't readily available in the UK so there are lots of knife attacks. Point to one mass knife attack that claimed 20+, 10+, 40+ and 50+ lives. Those are the death tolls from Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, Orlando and Vegas, to say nothing of everyday homicides. Guns were used in 60% of all US homicides as of 2015.

You shift from everyday crime to terrorism and then say over 200 people were killed in Paris without guns. Well in 2015 (last year with available data), there were 12,979 gun homicides in the US! No one can control a mad person's motives, but it would go a long way to control the means in which that mad person can execute his/her plans. Simulating automatic fire and large capacity magazines are excellent ways to kill many innocent people if that is your intent. I know many law-abiding gun owners but these mass killings are a huge burden to bear for some people to practice their hobby. Much like nearly everything, it's the bad few that ruin it for others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

As for the stats you found on US Gun Homicides, Yes its a large number, but the US also has a population of over 330 Million. If you look at the demographics of these statistics, you will also find that states with the most liberal gun laws have the least Gun Violence. Also, in Brazil, they have more stricter gun laws than the US, but check out their stats, the US all the sudden doesn't look so bad anymore.

I travel to Brazil frequently and I have many very good friends there. It is almost impossible for a private citizen to own a gun in Brazil but almost every criminal has a gun. The police have guns. Sometimes the police and the criminals are one in the same. Honest, law abiding people are really caught in the middle. Criminals know that they can break in your house with impunity and they do. There is no fear. My friend from Sampa was here for a long weekend and he told me that an old women was just sentenced for defending herself against someone that broke into her home. She shot the druggie with a shotgun and she got a long sentence. Isn't that nice?

The reason we have the 2nd amendment in the United States is because the Founding Fathers understood that governments tend to become tyrannical over time. They wanted the people to have the means to overthrow the government if this is the case. Mao said political power comes out of the barrel of a gun. Lennin, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, countless jungle and desert Stalins all understood this and they confiscated all the guns so they could have supreme power. Mao killed ~50 million of his own citizens. Stalin killed about 35 million. Hitler killed ~10 million Pol Pot killed millions of his own....they all were strong believers in gun control. So in the US from time to time we may have to put up with these terrible massacres from some nut job like this. At the same time Chicago - with the strictest gun laws in the States - had 57 killings in September. Chicago is a little bit like Brazil.

My work here is done. Enjoy your debate. I put my AR-15 on the table yesterday and I said to it "Get up and shoot somebody" and it just laid there. Hmmm? Guns are bad. Evil, evil guns. Boy, that made me feel better.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Hungry, according to some on here there is absolutely no chance of a government ever becoming tyrannical and turning on its own people. They think that either 1) it will just be one person that is the tyrant and not the entire government or 2) everything would be peacefully resolved and there is no need for the people to defend themselves.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
The "well-regulated militia" portion of the 2nd Amendment refers to private citizens being able to form an army of their own against invading forces. That said, every time someone mentions the 2nd Amendment as a check against governmental tyranny, I always chuckle. If private citizens had to take up arms against the government now, it'd be like Tyson fighting a baby boy. AR-15s and other small munitions are no match for the government's drones, stealth bombers and tanks.

If you think I'm anti-gun, far from it. But if there is no way to actively sort out potential mass murderers from regular gun owners, then maybe we don't need a free gun society. For the price of "freedom" and purportedly defending ourselves against a government that would squash us if a real war happened, we get to endure any maniac that is intent on killing many people (then move on without addressing the problem) or thousands of homicides every year or the road rage shootings by people who clearly lack the temperament to responsibly own a gun.

Brazil has gun crimes not because criminals have guns and law-abiders don't. Brazil has gun crimes because in addition to societal ills, the black market is very active. There are many countries with strict gun laws that don't have near the gun crime Brazil has. Guess what feeds the gun black market in the US? The ease of buying a gun legally. (Look up all the gun stores Bloomberg sued or guns that end up in Mexico).

I won't even bother with S&W500. It's hard to debate someone when they can't comprehend what you wrote.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I agree with Hungry. Also think that is someone ( as this guy ) wants mass destruction he/she will accomplish it with laws against guns or not, this person had the funds to do what he wanted, illegal or not.
Surprised that the terrorist attack in Edmonton about 10 days ago was not reported in the east too much. Someone drobe a car ito a police barricade bit the cop and then started stabbing him, ran away and stole a van and proceeded to r8n over people on the street, an ISIS flag was gound in his car and he was a Muslim.
No terrorist charges were laid anf vefy little news.
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