Americans more likely to commit suicide with a firearm than other nations. Thus suicides should be taken out of the statistics on firearm casualties. People will always find the way to kill themselves with firearm or not.
Makes no sense. Take it of the stats only for the US to please the NRA?
Titilleur, you can say it’s laughable all you want but the fact of the matter is that that was the purpose of the 2nd amendment to begin with.
Titilleur, you can say it’s laughable all you want but the fact of the matter is that that was the purpose of the 2nd amendment to begin with.
SSJ yes that was back then, how many years ago? If you are worried about the government to turn back on it's own population build you bunker right now as the menace of north korea are much more dangerous !![]()
I’m not worried about it in my lifetime..but like I said earlier, the chances of it happening in the future are there (however small). It doesn’t matter how long ago it was enacted, the possibility still exists. Also, hoping and praying that everything will work out peacefully with everyone gathered around the campfire singing kumbaya in the event of things turning bad is just a pie in the sky mentality. The amendment is there for the POSSIBILITY of government tyranny and gives the people the ability to defend themselves period.
Sorry, but I don’t know anyone who has spent their kid’s education money or their retirement on guns and I know A LOT of gun owners. Guns do not kill people just like knives don’t kill people. There has to be someone on the other end of that weapon to kill. Titilleur, you do realize that it takes time for the police to respond to an emergency right? You cannot always depend on the police to arrive on time to protect you when it’s a matter of life and death. I’m finished debating with you guys, it’s been civil and I appreciate that but this conversation just keeps going in circles.
Jalimon and Cruiser regrettably didn't do well in their American history classes. The 2nd amendment traces directly to the practice of the British government of quartering troops at gunpoint before and during the Revolutionary War.
Cruiser your American history paper gets a F and you have detention for a week. You need to ask your school if you may repeat the class.
Blaming the guns in an incident like this is like blaming the car manufacturer when some nut drives into a crowd. It's misplaced criticism.
Blaming the guns in an incident like this is like blaming the car manufacturer when some nut drives into a crowd. It's misplaced criticism.
What is interesting in this particular shoot out is the motivation of the killer. Isis claimed responsibility early on, which was quickly dismissed , but I wonder, with his Philippine wife, the careful planning, the huge arsenal, did he have help?, was this an act of terror? Was isis behind it?