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Vegas mass shooting 50 dead

Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
À silencer wouldn’t have helped in this case, jalimon. What gave him away was the muzzle flashes. The muzzle flashes started to become evident because of all the gun smoke he was generating.

But the scariest part is senators want to legalize the sale of armour piercing bullets, wtf.......


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
Again it's unfortunate that this tragedy has been used to reignite debate over gun control.

There is no such thing as gun "control" its more like "Un-Control", the black market wouldn't exist as we know it (For high powered assault rifles) if they
were banned, such as it is in Canada and Western Europe or at least, would have been much more difficult to be purchased or obtained by an ordinary citizen.

Also just happen to see this, this is almost unbelievable.|3

So, maybe its safe to say that this (The Americans) make the most dangerous terrorists in the word as there is no other nation that
terrorize and kill their own citizens as they do ?.

But then again, what we say and we think is all for nothing as most Americans think that USA is the best country and best place to live
(From Michelle Obama to Ronald Reagan on national TV to name a few) and the babe over here.


Active Member
Oct 17, 2006
"It is unfortunate that this incident ignites gun control debates"?

If this doesn't what will?
How many more need to die senselessly?

Well said Sam

I never made the move to the US, along with medicare and the high cost of university tuition.

I did make it to US couple of times just to work in some of the top companies in my field but returned back to
Montreal as I was missing the lifestyle, family, friends and of course the Quebecois babes and each time that my
American colleagues found out that I am returning back to Canada, the common question was...
"OH going back to Canada, why ? is Canada better then the US ?


Jul 28, 2011
New England USA
Again it's unfortunate that this tragedy has been used to reignite debate over gun control. It's fairly clear that this guy would not have been stopped by any laws. He certainly had the money needed to buy his weaponry on the black market if needed. The fact that he bought non-automatic weapons and modified them doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar. This crime was likely not preventable given the totality of what we know.

I love this. Since when do we need a guarantee that any given law will prevent every crime? Why is that the standard for gun regulation, but not for any other crime? How does that even pass for a rational argument?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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This thread is filled with posts suggesting that if Nevada had better gun control laws, or the USA had better gun control laws, this crime would have been prevented. I simply said based on what we know, the facts, it would not have been prevented.

There seems to be a lot of ignorance over the fact that gun laws vary from state to state, and assault weapons are banned. That did not stop the crime so what more can a government do when it bans the weapons and the banned weapons end up being used anyway? Assault weapons are federally banned since 1994.

There is also some ignorance (or more than some) over the historical, cultural and social reasons for gun ownership in the western US states. I haven't seen a single post here that reflected any knowledge of any of those things.

I personally do not own and have no use for guns. My office manager who is a 60-something female with a Masters Degree in Finance owns guns for self protection. One of my law school friends who is a commie pinko liberal owns several guns. I was actually shocked when he told me he did, because on the outside he is a commie pinko, but on the inside he is a closeted gun lover. There are many closeted gun lovers. Sort of like gay men in the 1960s- they keep it to themselves. My liberal attorney friend is one and I am not really sure why. Maybe he has trouble reconciling his other liberal opinions and his guns. I didn't question him on it.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
EB instead of expressing concerns over people who think this tragedy would not have happened if strict gun control where in places in the US you should think thank god there is some people that are upset and concerned that the greatest country in the world has such a high rate of criminality due to gun related crime and worst misuse of gun handling.

Because the day people would stop to be upset about it you will become like any fucking country of south-America where anyone can pretty much shoot anyone at free will. Once you will have reach that stage it will be too late to react.



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Guns do not kill people just like knives don’t kill people.

Again sorry but that is the worst lie you can hear. Never ever believe this shit. Gun and knives do kill people. The problem with gun is that they can kill more people in a short span then knives. Yes true it does take a human being to pull the trigger. But less people will be killed if there is no trigger.

Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Here's another perspective on this issue starting at 5.00 in the video -- a former anti-gun liberal had her mind changed by her experience in the Houston flood and the gangs of looters that roamed the city after.

Ya but it’s not the same situation. I’m for gun regulations , control, etc. But I’m Not against gun ownership.
In the right circumstance I also would be standing on guard against any asshole who would take advantage of an unusual situation. Protection of my family/community is Paramount.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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People should be allowed to own guns and gun ownership should be regulated. Nobody who is rational would disagree with these basic principles. However the federal law/regulation that targets the automatic weapons used in this heinous crime have been in place for over 20 years. They didn't stop the crime from being perpetrated. So we are a little bit going in circles as to what could have been done by legislation to prevent this crime. Nobody has bothered to put forth a proposal that would have stopped this crime beyond the automatic weapons ban that already exists. So basically most of the posts here are substanceless whining and non-constructive criticism. Nobody is denying that a problem exists. Apart from the federal ban, gun ownership itself is mainly regulated on the State level and my own personal experience with it on behalf of clients is that it works pretty well. In Connecticut, if you commit a crime your carrying permit will be automatically suspended as I already mentioned. There is a right of appeal but pending that happening you have to turn your weapons over to the State Police. I have seen the letters they send out and I have had to negotiate weapons surrenders.

One of my clients got such a letter and the local police impounded the permitted weapon immediately after the crime was committed. I then had to get an affidavit from the local cop in charge of the evidence room to the State Police before they would let my guy off the hook. But for my negotiations my client was facing a second arrest in a week due to failing turn over his weapon to the State Police which is what their form letter commanded him to do.

Some of the posts in this thread are beyond belief to me. If any of the locals in this thread were caught in my State with a gun after being charged with a crime or motor vehicle violation, whether it was permitted or not, they have no clue what the extent of their legal problems would be or what they would have to pay an attorney to resolve them.

The fact that existing regulations and laws are apparently not effective speaks more to the level of gun ownership in the USA and the media sensationalizing of shootings when they do occur, than the ineffectiveness of legal regulation.

In my opinion the one area where there should be steeper regulation is in screening and testing of mental fitness and character in the licensing process. Those with criminal records can't own or carry, but the State Police should institute a questionnaire requiring people to write essays and answer questions about why they want to own a gun, how they plan on using the gun and where they propose to store the gun and also answer questions identifying names and ages of all persons residing in the same household. I realize that this creates large duties of self reporting but it's probably the best the State Police can do.


New Member
Oct 8, 2011
EB good post. Charlie Hebdo was committed with AK47's that are banned in France, and they also had another shooting in Marseilles train station last week. My friends that live there say the ghettos are teeming with illegal weapons, and the French police do nothing about it. Meanwhile, Switzerland, a country where you are required to own a gun by law never seems to have much gun violence.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
What ever lowers the risk of being shot by criminal or crazies, works for me,EB. I know the process is difficult, the more laws and regulations enacted the more contorted the process gets. Evaluations of paranoiacs, sociopaths etc can be unbelievable difficult also. But just because the problem may reduce your chances of buying a gun, raise red flags etc... doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to get a system in place.
We can not protect everybody from everything , but we can try.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Switzerland, a country where you are required to own a gun by law never seems to have much gun violence.

Exact but that is because in Switzerland it is against the law to commit a crime. ;)



Jun 14, 2015
Ok... You have the right to own a gun... or hundreds of 'em if you like.

But keep 'em in your house. They are supposed to be for you protection. Not for aggression or attacking other people.


May 24, 2013
Las Vegas, NV
6 pages on this topic and all you guys can talk about is gun control? Seriously?
I'm not going to debate whether gun control might have changed history. But I will remind you that I was in Montreal during the 2006 Dawson shooting, which did in fact take place, despite Canadian gun control laws.

However that's not the point of my post. I wanted to share with you what an amazing city Vegas truly is. A shout out to:
- the first responders who were on the scene in minutes and worked tirelessly for many many hours
- the security guard who was shot at the gunman's door and insisted on helping police before seeking treatment
- numerous medical personnel who left their homes in the middle of the night and worked tirelessly saving lives
- those who helped others to safety amidst all the terror
- people who stood in line for many hours to donate blood
- those who donated food and water and money to the victims
- anyone who sent thoughts or prayers for Vegas in its time of need

This is an amazing city full of generous and thoughtful people and I am very proud to be a part of this community. I love it here and no one murderer can take that from me or my neighbors.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Tiannas you are absolutely right. Yes we should have written more about the heroic act that happened.

The problem is that I am fed up. Because of my line of work I have access to many horrible data of families shattered by poor gun handling or low level criminality in the US.

Stats do not lie. Easier access to gun without any control (especially psychological) leads to higher mortality. Because gun kill people. Simple as that.

The culture of guns needs to go. It needs to be replace by a culture of trust. The USA have a fucking long way to go to achieve that.



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Switzerland, a country where you are required to own a gun by law never seems to have much gun violence.

False equivalence. The firearms in Switzerland are for military use, they are long arms and very very few sidearms, they are not to be emoved from the household or carried as concealed carry in the USA, and ammunition is not kept at home. Ammunition is kept at militia stores.

Other socio economic factors at play. America is divided into factions who distrust and dislike each other. Switzerland is fairly homogenous. America has a tradition of resolving disputes through violence, Switzerland is more contemplative. America is isolationist and physically isolated, most citizens never visit foreign countries, Switzerland is in the middle of Europe and you can drive to several countries in a few hours.
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