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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Nice way to dive away from that target, OL...

The Wizard of Oz

1006 yrs old and retiring
Dec 19, 2005
Hi to all of you!
I am very happy to see this thread reviving many other subjects much more pleasant then this one.:p

Till new development, no more informations will be reveal and meanwhile have fun! :)


Mr. Big
Jan 2, 2004
Visit site
Just got back from germany and hitting the fkk scene...dont think anybody has figured out a way there yet to sneak in a camera under their towel or robe. But you never know what new toys will come out in the future.

I can see someone planting hidden camera's in a house or an apartment, but i cant see where they'd hide it in a hotel room without getting caught. Seems like alot of trouble for what most is only 10 minutes of action anyway:cool:


New Member
Apr 24, 2005
breadman said:
... but i cant see where they'd hide it in a hotel room without getting caught. Seems like alot of trouble for what most is only 10 minutes of action anyway:cool:

Unfortunately, it's tremendously easy. Recall the scene in Meet the Parents with the Teddy Bear.


New Member
Jun 30, 2005
sheng said:
It's sad that our ladies have to deal with a jerk like that. I found this site: You can see the indesirable clients and post a bad experience as well. Good luck!

A web page like that is a serious breach of privacy rights and could draw possible defmation suits based on libel.

Yes there are possibly clients out there who have done bad things and deserve the bad stuff coming their way but there is no way a casual observer to such a page could possibly know whether the information is valid or not. The information could be made up to embarass, extort, or harass. Even if true, the persons described could sue for defamation.

A more appropriate way to go about such a task is for escorts to file police criminal reports which then become public record and publish copies of those reports.

If what a client has done is not criminal or even illegal then there is no recourse and defaming someone publicly without supporting evidence is a slippery slope.


Mar 26, 2005
Coast to Coast!
Kepler said:
This is incorrect, at least in Canada.

Canada is a one party consent jurisdiction as far as criminal liability goes. In other words, you can secretly record any phonecall or live conversation to which you are a party. (You cannot, however, secretly record third parties, even if you own the phone. eg: your wife and her lover)

The reason businesses in Canada inform you is that under PIPEDA, because they are businesses, they are subject to certain (civil) privacy requirements.

This is accurate (Criminal code - Article 178.1). That's the way the cops works to investigate and wiretap the mafia, the bikers or anyone else. If my memories are right, that's one of the way, RCMP and Claude Morin used to spy on Parti Québecois. It is also good to anyone scanning cell phones.

About filming, I don't know. I don't believe Canadian law considers it as as a private call. The laws varies from a province to another, but a Quebec lawyer will probably refer to Charte des droits et libertés de la personne.

Also, to kick or to punch on that customer or destroying its cam, it is not a good idea. You just give him reasons to fill up a complaint against you to the nearest police station, then you're as much in troubles as him. It will be his vs your point of view.


New Member
Nov 9, 2003
I was taken in by this Mark character; he was someone I met in the first month I went Indy. I didn't get a wink of sleep that night, he kept trying to have sex without a condom as soon as he thought I was asleep. Moreover he paid me with a check that he later cancelled. (Yes I know I was stupid to accept the check in the first place but I had driven all the way to Ottawa at night and was not up for a two hour drive back right away)

Everything written about him is true. It is not defamation of character or libel if it is true. I know other girls he contacted also.



New Member
Sep 20, 2006
naughtylady said:
I was taken in by this Mark character; he was someone I met in the first month I went Indy. I didn't get a wink of sleep that night, he kept trying to have sex without a condom as soon as he thought I was asleep. Moreover he paid me with a check that he later cancelled. (Yes I know I was stupid to accept the check in the first place but I had driven all the way to Ottawa at night and was not up for a two hour drive back right away)

Everything written about him is true. It is not defamation of character or libel if it is true. I know other girls he contacted also.

You are right! Just go on If you are a SP I think you should be very careful after what I read. Good Luck!
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