Montreal Escorts

We only have MERB (ourselves) to blame for what's happening to our SP market

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Fun n games til some1...
Dec 29, 2010
it's too bad this thread can never become a sticky... there's a lot of information regarding how MERB (and likely all other escort review boards) has evolved into what it is - a highly useful resource for hobbyists plus a marketing tool for agencies and girls alike.

the POVs from a number of veteran reviewers tells us about the different directions they've taken with this board regarding the goal of their reviews.
Mod 8 has given his feedback on the guiding principles that shape MERB.

nylonlover, you're like our board philosopher man! stuff like this makes merb way more valuable than other boards. people here think... both with BOTH heads!!!


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
I know this is a dead topic, but I saw a reference to it, and decided to give my 2 cents... Sorry! lol

Let's take the example above. The member has 5055 current posts and 0 reviews, while bragging about backdoor exchanges and contributing nothing about escorts to the general membership...

One solution to that would be to count the reviews separately from the forum posts.
So, we would know how much one's contribution really is x chit-chat in the forums...
The reviews should also be classified as positive, neutral, negative. This would count towards statistics for each girl/agency too. Which would be very helpful.

I totally agree with you, Hormone and this is precisely the reason why I don't write (local) reviews anymore.

I know where your comment comes from Protagoras... I see a lot of overrated reviews... But, it is also tough (maybe unfair) to rate local girls and service after the high level of service we have experienced in Brazil for example... :p

Hello everyone,

In case anyone has forgotten, this is the Montreal Escort REVIEW Board. The entire purpose of MERB is for members to post reviews, good or bad, of the providers they see so that others can benefit from the information. If no one posts reviews, we might as well shut down the board altogether and just post the agency's advertisements.

Yes, some people may feel that sharing information 'backchannel' or in small private groups is preferable. But there are hazards in doing so. There is little to no verification of the information shared. Anyone can decide to give bad reviews in private because an agency refused a discount or a SP refused a particular service that someone else may have falsely claimed he received. Agencies and SPs have no way of seeing these 'reviews' and no way to challenge them or correct false information. And before anyone says that could not happen, we have seen it happen here recently with Delta123 and in the past with others who posted bad reviews when refused a particular service such as BBFS. There is also a very high chance of out right shilling or people sharing completely false 'reviews' in exchange for compensation and there would be no way to compare the review against many others as there is when reviews are posted here. And like any other 'grapevine', when information gets passed from person to person, by the time it gets to most of the people there may be little resemblance to the original information that was shared. People may also compile lists with information from 'anonymous hobbyists' and circulate it among a small group, or even attatch handles to such information. If you have no way to verify it with the original source, how can it be considered reliable?
But the reason that MERB exists is to post reviews. If no one posts them, we might as well become a sports discussion board as that is all that will be left.

Mod 8

Well, I fully agree with this point of view.
But, the only way to keep the system "honest" is to have a reasonable number of reviews.
So, the more people share, the better it is for everybody.
Honest reviews, good or bad, it does not matter, it needs to be the truth. That is the only way for this to work.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
One solution to that would be to count the reviews separately from the forum posts.
So, we would know how much one's contribution really is x chit-chat in the forums...

The Dutch board I am on does this..

It weeds out the bullshitters ...

Best Regards



New Member
Jan 23, 2009
The Dutch board I am on does this..

It weeds out the bullshitters ...

Best Regards


My idea comes from a Brazilian board.

They have a small form you fill out with very basic essential info like:
Positive/Negative/Neutral or if it didn't happen for some mistake from the agency/girl (i.e.: you book an appt and the girl does not show up)

Only after filling this basic info you write your review.
That is a great format to make sure some essential info is given.

It also allows for all sorts of statistics. Basic count is given right in the header, so when you see a post of a girl you know right away her "score" and you don't need to read all reviews to have an idea if she is good or not.
Although there are fakes and shills, the quantity of reviews always help to bring a balance and some confidence.


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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I totally agree with you WhoAreYou: the GP GUIA's format is the best we can have.

You can capture in a quick glance all the important info concerning the type of performance that you can expect from a SP.

Besides that all the SP that received a review have also an ITD (literally an "indício de test drive" i.e. a computation in percentage of the sum of all of her reviews divided by the rate of positive reviews versus the neutral and the bad ones.) In oder words, if we take as an example Talíca Akira stats (refer to WhoAreYou link above) we can observe that for 289 sessions (or test drives following the GP Guia's linguo) 249 were positive while she received only 4 neutral, 2 negative and one "pisada na bola" (i.e. to trip over the ball, a gíria term (slang) used in futebol). That gives her a high ITD, probably around 9,8 on 10 (I didn't open the GP GUIA to see her ITD, I give only an example he). The higher is an ITD, better are the opportunities that you will received a very good seesion. I can see sometimes garotas with very low ITD...and they don't stay very long in the business...


New Member
Jan 23, 2009
Good point about the ITD Protagoras... I use that too.

Well, before someone challenges the information on Talicia, I've met the girl quite few times and I can say her statistics are real, she is really good in what she does...

As Protagoras said, the girls with bad reputation don't last long... Not because of the forum, which is just a representation of their service quality, but because they are just bad at the work they do!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Regardless of reviews, it gets back to an agency when a girl is giving bad service. A few months ago Martin of Asservissante was trying out a new girl, I accepted to take her and Martin then called me and asked for my input, which I gave him. She did not last, which did not surprise me. Most agencies will ask the clients for input, they do not wait for reviews to be posted. It is so stupid and naive to think otherwise.
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