You made some good points but I do not agree with it. The right to bear arms is the right to self-defense and necessary for a free state. I oppose all laws that restrict the ability of honest, peaceful citizens to purchase and keep any firearm they wish. I believe citizens should be allowed to carry firearms (or other weapons), whether concealed or not, for self-protection, it is a human right.
The 2nd amendment was born out of violence when the 13 colonies decided to over throw their tyrannical British government. It is necessary for a free state. The Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution after overthrowing their own tyrannical government. The Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution to insure that the fledgling government of these United States would not devolve into the totalitarianism they had just defeated.
I believe that gun control laws are not about crime control, they are about people control. Politicians prefer unarmed subjects. Arms in the hands of the citizenry serve as a constant check on abusive government and remind politicians that power comes from the people. The fact that we can keep arms gives us confidence to assert other rights guaranteed by the Constitution. Disarmed people do not feel safe to openly criticize their “leaders”. See what Australia did to their citizens including China during covid, they packed away people against their will and violated their rights. They were under a police state.
(Sydney) – Victoria’s police have used harsh measures during the Australian state’s Covid-19 lockdown that threaten basic rights.
You associate effect with cause but just because it appears there is a relation does not mean there is. Gun control does it work, it just changes the nature of crimes. Why blame the gun? Blame society. Everywhere around the world violent crimes has been going up. Mass shootings in the US were not common at all in the 1950s. Something is going on that is making more people have violent tendencies, all the more reason to be armed to protect yourself. Lets put it this way, if someone left their car door unlocked with the keys inside the ignition and a criminal decided to help himself and run off with the car. Whose fault is it? The owner or the criminal? Same principal. Blame the criminal. A gun is a tool, if mass shootings has gone up it points to something that is going on in society including the story you just mentioned about road rage. If it is not guns it will be something else. Here is one, a man on a TTC bus in Toronto, ON threw accelerant on a woman and lite her on fire. She died. Is it the fault that gas is widely available? Like Liberals would say, ban all gas. Same logic. I strongly disagree with Paternalism, that task is left to your parents to strip away your liberties to protect you.
Myths about gun control
Funny you talk about Japan, ex-PM of Japan Shinzo Abe was assassinated with a home made gun. Btw the killer served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force for 3 years in the 2000s. Now you see why I say it is Paradoxical when people say only the government can own guns, yet here a former Japan navy soldier became a killer.
Japan, one of the world's safest nations, has some of the strictest gun control laws anywhere
Freedom over security any day. Covid mandates is another subject matter but such mandates should never exist.