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Weapons in USA


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
States with more gun safety regulations (blue states) have the lowest suicide rates.
Do you think thugs like these two pay any attention to "gun safety regulations" or any gun laws at all? I got news for you: they don't give a shit. The only was to stop them from killing is to put them in jail and keep them there.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2021
Do you think thugs like these two pay any attention to "gun safety regulations" or any gun laws at all? I got news for you: they don't give a shit. The only was to stop them from killing is to put them in jail and keep them there.

View attachment 51966
I don't know who these men are, but if they have been convicted of crimes and sentenced to jail they should be incarcerated. In every society there are criminals. That's why society has established law enforcement - police, prosecutors, judges, and a penal system - to deal with those who break our laws. America doesn't need an obscene proliferation of guns to deal with criminals, and the more guns that exist the more likely it is that those guns will end up in the hands of criminals.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
What's the root cause of Chicago's gun violence problem? GUNS
Wrong, the gun is a tool it takes a person to operate it and use it. The root cause of Chicago's gun problem is poverty and victimless crimes (created by the government with illegal drugs, illegal gambling, illegal prostitution). When the Volstead Act came into effect in the 1920s there was a sharp rise in crimes and the growth of organized crime like Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Bugsy Siegal, John Dillinger to name a few. Making alcohol illegal gave a reason and tool for crimes to happen and there were bootlegging gangs everywhere. Where they started? In New York and Chicago with Chicago being the main place. Remove all victimless crimes and crimes and gun violence will sharply drop. Guns are just a result of socio-economic issue. But of course both Democrats and Republicans want to push their own version of prohibition, the Democrats want to ban gun and the Republicans got a war on drugs. I thought people would learn that prohibition never works, it just creates new problems like the Volstead Act did, final verdict was that it was a big failure.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Chicago kicked out their old mayor, the awful Lori Lightfoot (don't worry about her though-she got a job at Harvard!). Then they elected an even worse guy-some idiot named Brandon Johnson.

He believes in a "holistic" approach to fighting crime. :rolleyes: .

The result? Over the Memorial Day weekend, thugs put bullet holes in 41 people, killing 11. The Canadian government needs to put out a special warning to its citizens. But this time, be more specific: STAY AWAY FROM LARGE AMERICAN CITIES RUN BY DEMOCRATS!

It was Memorial Day weekend as usual in Chicago, as its citizens celebrated by shooting at least 41 people, and killing 11. The country shrugged because, well, this is Chicago, and if the new mayor doesn’t care, why should anyone else?

The shootings occurred all over the city, including blocks from Mayor Brandon Johnson’s home in the Austin neighborhood. No fewer than five people were shot in the affluent Lake View neighborhood on the North Side. The local ABC affiliate ran an account of the shootings that reads like an old-fashioned crime blotter:

• “About 2:15 a.m. in Lake View, William Hair, 35, was found on a sidewalk with a gunshot wound to the chest in the 500 block of West Surf Street. He died at Advocate Illinois Masonic Medical Center.”
• “Later in the day, a man was shot to death in the 1100-block of North Ridgeway Avenue in the Humboldt Park neighborhood on the West Side. The shooting happened about 11:15 a.m., according to police.”

• “Less than an hour later, a woman was killed and three men wounded in a drive-by shooting in Auburn Gresham.”

And so on.

The shootings occurred even as the mayor visited neighborhoods with a plea to keep the city safe. He favors what he calls a “holistic” approach to fighting crime, which means funding community groups. “Poverty didn’t go away over the weekend,” Mr. Johnson said. “Communities have been disinvested in and traumatized” and “you are seeing the manifestation of that trauma.”

Yes, he actually said that, which goes a long way to explaining why gunmen patrol the streets with impunity. Does the mayor have a date when he thinks poverty will vanish, the “trauma” will ease, and the shootings stop? Is the July 4 weekend too soon, or will it be Labor Day?

His comments reflect the other-worldly nature of Chicago progressives, for whom Mr. Johnson is now the chief spokesman. He campaigned on hiring 200 new police detectives, but in the city’s current state he’ll need 2,000 and a revival of tough anti-crime policies to stop the carnage in the streets. Morale at the Chicago Police Department is flagging and there’s no permanent superintendent.

Then again, Chicagoans elected Mr. Johnson in April knowing all this. Crime was the biggest issue, and voters apparently opted for “holistic” crime fighting as opposed to actually fighting crime. How do you like it?


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I'm not a fan of Stephen A. Smith, though I do admire the fact that he grew up in modest circumstances in Queens, NY and made something of himself.

He has some worthwhile comments on crime and guns. It's worth listening to the whole thing.



A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I'm not a fan of Stephen A. Smith, though I do admire the fact that he grew up in modest circumstances in Queens, NY and made something of himself.
Ahh he plays Brick on General Hospital. Interesting for anyone into Soap Operas.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...It's the guns, gangs, and poverty.
No, it's young, violent black males with illegal guns.

...The fundamental reality of American criminal justice is that black people kill at a huge rate, even compared to Hispanics, much less whites or Asians.

In 2021, for instance, the FBI reported that blacks made up 60.4 percent of all known homicide offenders (a new record—apparently, something went very wrong in America on May 25, 2020).

There are several ways to define the black share of the population. The broadest (including multiracials and black Hispanics) gives the 2020 Census black share as 14.2 percent. Hence, that still means the other 85.8 percent of the population accounted for only 39.6 percent of known homicide offenders.

The math therefore says that African Americans murder at a rate 9.2 times that of America’s nonblacks.

Unfortunately, the FBI statistics are pretty worthless at drilling down to anything less expansive than “nonblack.” The FBI unhelpfully lumps Asians and American Indians, two groups with extremely different behavior patterns, into the “Other” category. And the FBI data is woozy because many police departments still don’t break Hispanics out from “Caucasians” in their statistics.

Perhaps surprisingly, this is not some recent woke conspiracy to cover up Latino crime. Instead, it derives from 1950s–1960s colorblind liberalism, when Latin American lobbies demanded that their constituents be included in the government’s broad Caucasian racial category.

So, many police departments went along with this demand. Then, when racial quotas began in 1969, Latino lobbies reversed course and demanded to be broken out so that they could get affirmative action.

Almost all government agencies eventually complied. But there was little call from ethnic activists for identifying their Hispanic criminals, so many local police departments never got around to it, because cops seldom are data nerds. Hence, the FBI statistics aggregated from thousands of police departments across the country are still confused on the white vs. Hispanic question.

Therefore, the best way to work with FBI numbers is simply to compare black and nonblack.

In contrast, the vast medical profession long ago got on board with the federal government’s current standard race/ethnicity categories. Thus, the CDC’s cause-of-death database lets you compare non-Hispanic white versus non-Hispanic black deaths by homicide.

The downside of the CDC numbers is that, unlike the FBI’s, they make no attempt to determine who shot whom. But, assuming that most victims of homicide, other than Asians, are killed by their co-racials, the CDC stats are still highly useful best-case scenarios about America’s race problem.

In 2021, blacks died 10.7 times as often by homicide as non-Hispanic whites and 14.5 times as often due to gun homicides. In 2021, 60.7 percent of all those who died by being shot by somebody else were black...


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
It's not young black males from wealthy or even middle-class families. It's poverty plus gangs and guns that drive the violence.

Comong back to the thread main subject, a 2 years old kid shot and killed his pregnant mother with a loaded revolver found on a nightstand.
And by the way he isn't black, he is white.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Proper gun storage is one of the many common sense gun safety measures that are needed today.

In Canada, handguns should be in a safe locked and with a trigger lock and unloaded.
That's a law. I don't remember hearing of a kid killing someone in his parents house.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
In Canada, handguns should be in a safe locked and with a trigger lock and unloaded.
That's a law. I don't remember hearing of a kid killing someone in his parents house.
Great idea! If we could just convince America’s thugs to keep their illegal guns locked up, unloaded with a trigger lock in a big safe then we will have solved the problem! Why didn’t someone think of this earlier? :D
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Great idea! If we could just convince America’s thugs to keep their illegal guns locked up, unloaded with a trigger lock in a big safe then we will have solved the problem! Why didn’t someone think of this earlier? :D

And irresponsible parents of young children and teenagers that let loaded handguns easily accessible or even buy handguns to their teenager sons.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
The Chicago Sun Times keeps a list of every victim of homicide in Chicago in 2023. It provides an interactive graphic that gives the identity of every victim by method of homicide (such as shooting), sex and race.

The total number of homicides to date in 2024 is 329.

The total number of black victims killed by shooting is 205 of whom 178 were males and 27 were females.

Thus 62.3 % of all homicide victims in Chicago so far this year are blacks killed by someone using a gun. Given what we know about crime in Chicago, it is likely that the vast majority of the killers were other blacks using illegal guns.

The population of Chicago is 29% black.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2017
That the VICTIMS are overwhelmingly Black is proven by your statistics, assuming that they are correct. That the PERPETRATORS are overwhelmingly Black is purely your personal opinion since you have failed to provide any statistics or evidence on that. Sorry, but saying "it is likely" is worthless as proof. Such a statement is nothing but a way to justify an opinion by prefacing it with a meaningless introductory qualifier. It's a common tactic used when there is no evidence to support someone's opinion know what they say about opinions.

And by the way, Chicago is one random city. Where are your statistics and opinions (ha ha) on Des Moines; Carmel, California; Boca Raton; Long Island...or any other totally RANDOM city out of the numerous ones in the USA?

The relevant part of your post is that there were a lot of GUN DEATHS. Guess what the one common element of all GUN DEATHS is? Give up? Okay, here's the answer:...GUNS!


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
That the VICTIMS are overwhelmingly Black is proven by your statistics, assuming that they are correct. That the PERPETRATORS are overwhelmingly Black is purely your personal opinion since you have failed to provide any statistics or evidence on that. Sorry, but saying "it is likely" is worthless as proof. Such a statement is nothing but a way to justify an opinion by prefacing it with a meaningless introductory qualifier. It's a common tactic used when there is no evidence to support someone's opinion and...
The vast majority of homicides are intra-racial. According to the FBI's 2019 "Crime in the United States" report, black offenders accounted for 88.5% of the homicides of black victims.

Based on such national data, it's reasonable to assume that the vast majority of black victims shot in Chicago so far this year were shot by other blacks.

The same FBI data clearly show that it is significantly more common for blacks to kill whites than for whites to kill blacks. Whites kill 8.4% of black homicide victims while blacks kill 17.1% of white victims. Clearly blacks pose a greater danger to whites than whites do to blacks.

If you have a problem with any of the data, address your remarks to Joe Biden's FBI.
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