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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
You're really biased, you say you don't like all politicians and you compare Republicans to Democrats.

I would add that a few Republicans: De Santis, Abbott, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, etc...

I'm not biased, I don't like Republicans.
You don’t make sense, I listed both Democrats and Republicans and called them all rotten to the core, and disgusting human beings how is that being biased except against all politicians.
Then you say you are not biased but you don’t like Republicans? . Are you quite sure you understand what you are writing because nobody else does.
I don’t know what you are on or how you think but you make very little sense.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You're really biased, you say you don't like all politicians and you compare Republicans to Democrats.

I would add that a few Republicans: De Santis, Abbott, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, etc...

I'm not biased, I don't like Republicans.
Look at all your posts. You are 100% biased (I'm not biased, I don't like Republicans). You got this obsession against the Conservatives. You even support authoritarianism if it is in the Liberals agenda. Those politicians squabbling at each other are like you who think there is a difference between the left and right. Fradi said it right and talked about both Republicans and Democrats but you are so consumed with your vendetta against the Conservatives.


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019
your vendetta against the Conservatives.
This is not what I call a vendetta, they are simply observations.

Good for you if you like Republicans, that's your right.

But what do you want I'm against the use of assault weapons by everyone, I'm for gun control, I'm for abortion, I was for vaccination, for wearing a mask, in short I'm against everything Republicans say.

For weapons alone, Trump received 30 million from the NRA.

And what about his brilliant ideas to destroy the covid.

It's was my last comment.

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018

Why Republicans Won’t Budge on Guns.

Polls show that the overwhelming majority of Americans support some restrictions on firearms, but G.O.P. lawmakers fear they would pay a steep political price for embracing them.
You can whine all you want about gun control and the 2nd Amendment but here is some harsh reality for you: you Leftists completely overplayed your hand on this issue by supporting/enabling BLM/Antifa thugs as they ran amok for months all over America during the George Floyd "protests".
Good luck getting Americans to give up their guns after that.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Stop twisting my words. You are very manipulative or you got comprehension problems. You did the same thing with Fradi's post. Reread what I wrote or all my other posts. How many times do I got to tell you, I am neither for Liberals or Conservatives. I am for freedom and liberty. I am for the individual. You on the other hand are a Statist. There are many like you who still believe there is a difference between left and right. Vendetta? Are you sure about that? You got a bunch of threads about Trump and post daily about him. You support authoritarianism if it is in the Liberal's agenda, in fact you support all in the Liberal's agenda whether it is bad or not. Nuff said.


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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
But what do you want I'm against the use of assault weapons by everyone, I'm for gun control, I'm for abortion, I was for vaccination, for wearing a mask, in short I'm against everything Republicans say.
So which is it? In your previous post you claim you are not biased.
Here you say you are against everything Republicans say.
I suggest you look up what biased actually means lol.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
For people like Fradi who insist on "Both Sides" the resistance to gun control, here's another (in a million) data point:



Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Those who are for gun control except for the government.


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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
A dangerous violent man seeked out in Toronto in a shootout. He is armed and dangerous. I am sure he got his guns legally. Trudeau's handgun ban will work so well. Lol



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
This kind of gun violence you will never stop anyway no matter what kind of laws you introduce.
Criminal gangs will always find access to illegal guns. Luckily they are only interested in killing each other saves the justice system a bit of money and space in jails.
This is not what gun control is about and these guys were probably not using assault rifles either. They were not killing innocent children in schools or people in shopping malls.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
True but often innocent ppl get caught in the crossfire, in the last two years I read several ppl caught in the fire between gang members settling of accounts.

There are many others. Cannot think of them now.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
A dangerous violent man seeked out in Toronto in a shootout. He is armed and dangerous. I am sure he got his guns legally. Trudeau's handgun ban will work so well. Lol

Trudeau is a dishonest idiot in his firearms positions.
He knows his disinformation campaign work with the majority of the population.
He almost certainly knows that the proposed law will do nothing against illegal owners of handguns.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Trudeau is a dishonest idiot in his firearms positions.
He knows his disinformation campaign work with the majority of the population.
He almost certainly knows that the proposed law will do nothing against illegal owners of handguns.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Here's another perspective on the gun debate from a TEDx, shows how much mental health, family and friends weigh in:

Speaking of family, a 2 years old kid playing with his father handgun shot him in the back and killed him.
Evidently, the hangun was loaded and not stored securely.
The mother is charged with Manslaughter.
I don't have much sympathy for the man or his wife but hope the kid will not be traumatised in his teem or adult life.
Probably not because of his young age.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
L'État de N.YORK restreint l'accès aux armes à feu----semi automatiques et chargeurs à grande capacité sont limités--- aux 21 ans et plus.....aussi exigera un permis qui permettra de vérifier les antécédents.....BRAVO à la GOUVERNEURE...
N.YORK devient ainsi le 7ème état---majoritairement démocrates---à prendre de telles mesures. :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2019

Academy Award--winning actor Matthew McConaughey took center stage at the White House briefing Tuesday to call on Congress to "reach a higher ground" and pass gun control legislation in honor of the children and teachers killed in last month's shooting rampage at an elementary school in his home town of Uvalde, Texas.

In a highly personal 22-minute speech, McConaughey offered a full-throated exhortation for a gridlocked Congress to pass gun reforms that can save lives without infringing on Second Amendment rights.

McConaughey used his star power to make an argument for legislation in a fashion that the Biden administration has not been able to, offering a clear connection to the small Texas town and offering vivid detail on the sheer loss of the 19 children and two teachers in the second worst mass school shooting in U.S. history.

"We want secure and safe schools and we want gun laws that won't make it so easy for the bad guys to get the damn guns," McConaughey said.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Here is columnist David Cole's "list of seven approved mass shooting causes." Feel free to pick your favorite one. I think all of them have been thoroughly covered in this thread.

(1) Guns: The favored “why” among leftists. If only we had stricter, European-style gun laws, these things wouldn’t keep happening!

(2) Broken families: With so much divorce and single parenthood, what else do you expect but mass shootings?

(3) Untreated mental illness: If only we could lock up the loons, we’d be safe.

(4) Overtreated mental illness: Thanks to Big Pharma, parents warp their kids’ minds with unnecessary meds.

(5) Media: Violent vidja games! Violent movies! 4Chan! And the evening news, which glorifies shooters and creates copycats.

(6) Fail male: “Society” is failing our boys. Our villages no longer raise up men!

(7) Failed safeguards: Schools unguarded, tips unheeded.

After examining these favorite causes, Cole concludes that it would be best to focus on number 7, "failed safeguards." I agree.

Failed safeguards: To me, this is the one to focus on, because it dispenses with the “whys.” It cuts through the debate. Whatever the “why,” just stop it from happening. Iron Dome doesn’t care why a missile was fired.

Ever since Oct. 1, 1997, when vice principal Joel Myrick stopped the Pearl, Miss., high school shooting by holding his Colt .45 to the teen shooter’s head, the second best way to stop a school shooting has been well-known. The first best is prevention. The Pearl shooter had leaked his plan in advance to his friends (as 48 percent of shooters do), but they told no one.

Armed professionals on campus and tips to law enforcement are not panaceas, but they’re the intelligent response of a society dealing with a phenomenon with no single cause (and after Covid, leftists have totally lost the right to say “we can’t terrorize schoolchildren just to keep them safe”). Still, armed guards and law enforcement tip lines don’t work when the armed professionals bumble like the Keystone Cops and the FBI puts shooting threats on the back burner as it devotes its resources to politicized witch hunts.

As we marvel at the police clusterfuck in Uvalde, remember that during Columbine, cops waited two hours before they entered the building where the shooting took place, and it took another hour to find the killers dead in the library. Following the outcry over the slow response, police nationwide were supposed to train regularly for such shootings. Apparently, the Uvalde cops did train, but poorly. If every police department in the country can be monitored for “diversity,” perhaps the quality of school shooting response training can be monitored too.

Also, it’d be great if the FBI could pause the partisan political ax-grinding for at least a few minutes a day to follow up on shooting tips.

And maybe we should stop arguing about the “whys,” because while they all may be to some degree valid, none is a magic bullet.

Pushing ideologically pleasing fixes makes for some damn fine tweeting…but in terms of real-world helpfulness, it’s of limited value.
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