This is because Canada offers a lot of social benefits. Technically a woman does not need a man because once she has kids she can leave.
A woman does not need children to leave a relationship. There are many who choose not to have kids.
Government sends the childcare benefit (which is very generous)
Not as generous as you seem to think. Unless there are many kids, and even then it isn't enough to match what the children need. They often need much more than what these benifits provide.
plus the man has to pay child support.
Many still don't, and find ways not to contribute to their children living a suitable life. Even if they are struggling.
And women in lower income situations especially with lots of kids are the first to get subsidized housing.
Not so. I have been on a waiting list since 2017. As a single parent with 3 kids. Sure I was not on financial assistance, and got barely more than minimum wage. But there are people who have even less than I do/did.
So yes women have full control here given by the government. In 2nd and 3rd world countries, the situation is completely different.
And because it is different the way you say, these women have to stay in abusive situations while not even allowed to go out to work. They stay because while the man gets to act like he's the king of his home, he has little to no respect for her. Those that have a partner, and not a dictator for a husband, are fortunate. But no woman deserves to be stuck in a bad situation.
Women leave a man who she is not happy with. Why should his happiness be at the cost of her misery, or unhappiness. (And before I get called out on that, in this part of the world because it is relevant, it works both ways. Why should her happiness be at the cost of his misery, or unhappiness? Or whatever relationship 2 people have.) You want a marriage to work and for a wife not to leave with the kids, then be the man who contributes to makeing his home happy along with her.
It is not being a bachelor with a 'servant/obligatory sex object/punching bag' and family at home. A relationship is building eachother up, not just building him up. And that's something that works for both, I know women do wrong too. He needs the build up and encouragement as much as she does too.
But breaking up a family, is not an easy decision. But the decision is made when the struggle of doing it alone, is better than being unhappy and trapped with this person who disreguards your happiness for his own. Relationship is shared together not selfish.
You want a relationship, it takes equal effort. It is not, I want, now give me.
And what did any of that have to do with where the fun places have gone???