Tinder and online dating from what young and older people tell me is really not that good, young men at my job had a lot of stories on this and they were not good stories. From what i see online dating you need to look like a model to pick up anything on this. But i never been online so.
I have a few younger (early 30s) that I work with. 2 struggle really hard but they don't take care of themselves and are constantly complaining when girls that are solid 10s don't reply. They moan about these girls being bitches and how they don't go for good guys. In all honesty, they are good guys, but they have very little going for them in terms of game. All the other guys meet tons of women, more than I ever did in my prime and can't say any of them would be considered "models". But they figured out how to market themselves and it works for them. But on the flip side, they are never building anything long term. I consider them to be modern "fuck boys", they really don't look like it, but they certainly act like it due to their high turnovers.
Personally, I absolutely hate the idea of online dating. I need face to face, I need a girl that's witty, "bons sens de la répartie", someone that doesn't rely on her army of girlfriends to build a reply 2 hours later. Someone that actually has something interesting to say or at least has an interesting way of saying things.
But for in person, they have 2 standard "hunting grounds" : Fitzroy (pool hall on Mt-Royal) and Salon Daome.