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What are you grateful for today?


Active Member
Apr 11, 2005
I am grateful for this (re)release...I know it's been several months that it's been out....

I'm a fan of the Hip, and to hear a new(??) song released so long after Gord passed away, brings me right back to why I liked the band.
Love the vocals....It honestly feels like a gift


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
i have a hard time answering this simple question. What i come up with either sounds too sappy , too selfish or just plain boring lol
I'll keep working at it


Certified outlier
Dec 23, 2019
I am grateful for being able to walk, breathe, move.

I am grateful that i have a connection to GOD and to certain energy's and the universe.

I am grateful that i have been consistent in going to the gym and eating healthier.

I am grateful that last christmas i wore xxl clothes and i just bought a bunch of pants and t-shirts and hoodies that are large. 3 size difference is a really big deal to me, i never thought i would even fit in a large.

I am grateful that nearing 45 years old, i can fuck with greater stamina, rythym, agility and fkexibility than in my 20's, 30's or early 40's.

I am greatful that my best friend around 10 years ago brought me to sephora and to bath and bodyworks right after a very traumatic breakup and she said 'i am only doing this because i love you' .. and she cheated on her fiancè with me, then we showered together and afterwards she spent an hour putting cream and skin care products all over amd showed me several 'girl tricks' that men dont really think of. Random stuff like little dabs of mildly scented skin lotion on knee, behind knee, on elbow, in the fold of your forearm, little dab behind your ears etc.
It was a lifechanging moment for me.
That intimate moment brought me out of a very dark place of heartache and kickstarted my life up again.
Fast forward to today, i have been doing this skin care stuff ever since and i look much younger than i did that day 10 years ago.
She had also challenged me to go see the most beautiful girl i know and ask her out. I was just so shy and in my little bubble, the thought of doing that terrorized me.
I remember like it was yesterday.. i was wearing this bath & bodyworks cream called waikiki, i walked up to this younger girl at the local proxim pharmacy who always wore these too tight to be legal yoga pants.
She saw me many times before and i said, hey can i ask you something? She said can i ask you something first? And she said you smell great, like a coconut and a beach all in one, may i ask what perfume you have on?
I said, thats the think women like perfume or cologne, that was "in" in the 80's, but i am wearing a very mildly scented body cream. She laughed and i asked her out, to my surprise she said yes, how about tonight.
That was the first day of our 4 years together and the day that i was not afraid to talk to or date girls that were stratospheres out of my league.
My best friend is still my best friend to this day and we now have girl style facemask nights buck naked putting creams and stuff on each other, we just don't 'fuck' lol. But her advice and the way she just forced me to learn all of this has been a constant theme in my life ever since. Not a day goes by without a stranger or partner or random person at a store complimenting my random scents .. so i am very grateful to have such a precious best friend.

I am grateful that i believed in technology such as cryptocurrency in 2009-2010 and still believed in it through all tje ups & downs and prosecution and criticism. I remember telling friends 13 years aho that one day this stuff will be bought by high to mid risk retirement fund management firms and that everyone will have exposure without even knowing it, that it will be available in regulated basket index's and tbrough various products and in all portfolios.
99% of people laughed at me, and here we are today, the bitcoin etf has surpassed the gold etf and bitcoin is trailing gold, nvidia, apple, microsoft in asset rankings.
(I even remember writing about it on here from an older account i used to have that i lost access to eons ago about some other tokens i believed in and that i thought would do well, each was quite life changing to say the least)

I am grateful that i believe in karma and act with intention and conviction every day of my life, which allows me to sleep well and never have to question what i do or why certain things happen to me or don't happen to me.

I am grateful that amazon publishing has approved the self written book that i wrote last year and will put out

I am grateful that someone taught me about calorie counting and forced calorie deficit

I am grateful that i was blessed with the skill of speed reading, this has given me many opportunitys in life

I am grateful this forum still exists and is vibrant & healthy. I enjoy reading so many of you


Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I haven't been feeling the best but I feel the same way, I'm grateful for my spirituality and my beliefs.
I'm grateful for an opportunity to spend a lot of time with a precious friend this week.
I'm glad that I'm healthy and able to go on walks and exercise which makes me feel better.
I'm honestly grateful that I can appreciate little things, contrarily to people who are obsessed with wealth and luxury.
I've also talked to my sister recently and I hadn't been in touch with her for a while, and it was a positive interaction


Active Member
May 8, 2011
Everyday I wake up, I’m grateful just to be alive. Everything after that else is just trivial to me.
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