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What are your reasons for fucking?

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
I must agree with Jalimon points 1 and 2. A beautiful female face and body with womanly curves is the greatest creation on God`s green earth and I want to enjoy that as often as possible. I even drive to Ottawa once a month or so for that privelage. As I get older I realize that at some point I will run out of time and road. Once around the ride and then straight into the grave; I want to enjoy this ride as much as I can. As for his kind of controversial point 3...haha I think he is just trying to score points with the ladies. Like me I guess he realizes the benefits of being a smooth operator lol.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Ignorance is strength (C)

Haha. You keep riding my jock because you know I run circles around you. The gall of you calling me ignorant because a joke went over your head is astronomical when you are too pachycephalic to not be a Trump defender.

Like It Hot, you were thinking about it way too hard. Vitamin D is also slang for dick. It's now readily apparent neither you nor Bred Sob knew that.

That is what I was implying, not that I was giving women vitamins via semen. It's even more evident you were way thinking way too literally because I'm confident there's no Bible book called "Sexual Acts." That was a silly take on the fact that there is a book called Acts. So it makes zero sense to say "My Bible isn't up to date" in relation to a dick joke.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2010
Like It Hot, you were thinking about it way too hard. Vitamin D is also slang for dick. It's now readily apparent neither you nor Bred Sob knew that.

That is what I was implying, not that I was giving women vitamins via semen. It's even more evident you were way thinking way too literally because I'm confident there's no Bible book called "Sexual Acts." That was a silly take on the fact that there is a book called Acts. So it makes zero sense to say "My Bible isn't up to date" in relation to a dick joke.

If you have to explain it, then it wasn't that funny to begin with. Vitamin D is slang for dick? First time I ever heard that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
I was in the hobby to get the fucking hot girls out of my system. With civie girls hooking up with 6s and 7s were the norm for me. Okay my version of 6s and 7s, they maybe higher and lower for you as we all have different tastes. Wanted to bang high 8s and 9s without much effort and the Montreal hobby scene provided it with class and efficiency. Once I got it out of my system the hobby was not appealing any more. Then also realized that my best SP experiences were with 6s and 7s. Also I learned how to eat pussy in the most efficient way possible and lessen the learning curve. With that no point of me staying in the hobby.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
Daydreaming must be fun, especially for those who are not capable of anything else.

That's your best riposte?! Boy, sit down. You keep trying to land some snarky points but facts just don't seem to be on your side. Much like a little Chihuahua biting at one's ankles, it's too easy to neutralize you. You don't have to like me because I string together words against your Dear Leader. I don't reply to you because you hold exactly zero utility to me. Your directed, middle-school teenage girl snark act is undignifying, frankly, coming from a grown man. I suggest you hide my posts, so as to save you the trouble of embarrassing yourself again. I've lived too much life to be feuding with some dude that likes to embarrass himself on the Internet.

If you have to explain it, then it wasn't that funny to begin with. Vitamin D is slang for dick? First time I ever heard that.

Correct. If I have to explain it, then it wasn't funny. It's not new slang. Now you know.


New Member
Jun 20, 2018
Being in a woman'a arms is something that I experience far too rarely. I can handle celibacy for extended periods but being with a woman resets my clock and I feel less lonely as a result. A special thank you to those that have shared their time with me over the years.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
I wrote that because look at the world. In more then half the country men treat women like fucking second class piece of shit. They cannot drive cars. They need to cover their head/face. They get abuse or beaten because their men got drunk. Many men thinks their women is their trophy. A men who fuck many girl is a "womanizer"... Un homme a femme in french. A girl that does the same is a slut. Sorry I do not buy that shit ;) I am not a feminist. I just purely think that many men in many countries still think they are superior human being then women. It's wrong.


Your observation is fair, there are definetly places where women are treated like it’s 1850. Thankfully in western countries this isn’t the case and women are able to enjoy the same rights and freedoms that men do.

On one hand though, alot of these countries that treat women like shit tend to have cultural norms that enforce these practises and beliefs on to these societies. Imo I think it’s more a case of the men and woman in these societies being held back by these beliefs and traditions as sappose to men being sexist and evil. Western societies once had similar practises that many of these middle eastern societies have, but due to better education, democracy, technology and the will to want life to be better for everyone. We have outgrown these practises. I refuse to believe that the east can’t change like the west has.

As for the whole men are players women are sluts thing. You need to look at male and female biological roles in reproduction. Women are the gatekeepers of reproduction. Women decide which men get to pass on their genes, while the man’s role to convince these women to accept his genes. Men can father far more children than women can birth children. You only need one fertile man to repopulate but you need many women to do it in a realistic time frame. This is why men go to war and women stay home, it doesn’t matter if alot of men die, we are expendable, women are not ( hows that for Equality). Taking this into account it only makes sense that these labels exist regardless of whether or not you believe them to be too harsh or rude towards women. A man needs to work to get laid, either by charm, social value and or just straight up paying for it. Consentual sex is earned. So yes a man who can get laid alot (without paying) is a player because he is sble to convince woman time and time again that he is a high value male. Women don’t need to convince men to sleep with them, men have murdered, lied, cheated, started wars and raped just to get between women’s legs. This whole hobby survives off this very idea. If women had to actually work to get men to want to sleep with them, escorts wouldn’t exist. It’s just biology and the built in gender roles of our species. So yes unfortunetly women who sleep with alot of men are viewed as sluts because they are going against what biology intended. And the only reason it’s so prevalent now is due to contraception. Contraception has allowed women to be slutty because they are no longer at the wim of biology. They don’t need to worry about being pregnant, they can afford to mate with lower quality men cause the consequences of doing so are gone.

I hope I have properly explained why the men are players women are sluts thing isn’t inherently sexist. Is rude? Sure. Sexist no, it’s just biology. Men need to work to get laid, most women don’t, hense why women that sleep around are « easy ». It’s not wrong to be that women, but it is true.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I wrote that because look at the world. In more then half the country men treat women like fucking second class piece of shit.,

When most people write a general statement like that we do not include some backward ( compared to us ) country. It would be like bitching about the quality of food available and not mentioning you were talking about Syria. Your two previous posts about rape and domination put you in the same category anyway. And yes, escorts read this.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
That is what I was implying, not that I was giving women vitamins via semen.

When I read it I was guessing you were referring to sperm, I was correct according to your urban dictionary link,, if you read the whole thing. It also stated that women use the term vitamin D, not a mens term.
Looks like it would be easy to mix up.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
Good Explanation from CydoniaNights, and this is with that kind of knowledge that modern civilization should evolve and go beyond those "lure" of the nature...
There is still work to do and not only in other countries...

Also for me, the respect of women does not apply only outside of the room but also INSIDE.

That's why I would tend to agree with STN and Charmer_ earlier in this thread.

Many here see only the "ROLE PLAY" side in "Rape Role Play" or "Nurse Role Play", but me, I see only "Rape and Nurse".
Nurse is OK, Rape IS NOT OK.

If one respect so much the Woman, why is there a need to play such degrading game with them inside a room?
Why do we, men and women, have these so called "fantasies" that goes against these modern knowledges that lead to the respect of both gender?

I can see that many men and women like that kind of play, but really, I would prefer to NOT KNOW IT and NOT READ IT...
I guess I'm an old school and not as open minded as I thought I was...

And to answer the thread, the website exposes some Facts about Fucking but for me, they are not "reasons" to explain why we fuck... I fuck because it's human nature, that's all, but it's good to know that fucking is healthy :) ...

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
And c’mon guys, those reviews mentioned above were role-play sessions agreed to by providers who advertise and love role-play.

Not 100% sure but I am guessing the when an SP advertises role play in her mind rape does not enter the picture. You pay someone enough and they will do it, not saying that they agree with it.
Think that most rapists have a fantasy to start, people that do not want to rape someone would not have the fantasy. No one can say that is a wrong statement.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I was raped as a child and still find consensual non-consent play hot (with the right partner). It’s very different to actual non-consensual rape. Just because you can’t fathom the idea that some people actually enjoy something doesn’t mean they don’t.

CydoniaNights: I guess you’re kinda right about the "it’s biology" part. Biology says males have to work for it and females get to choose the lucky one. But to claim that the slut part isn’t sexist... My god. We live in a society, lol. Calling women sluts because they have lots of sex IS sexist. "biological" and "sexist" aren’t mutually exclusive. Again, like every other specie (or at least most of them), human males work for it and human females get to choose. But I’ve never heard of anyone calling a female seal, tiger, elephant or cat "a slut" because they sleep around. Only humans do this because I guess animals don’t have social issues like sexism and etc.

Carmine Falcone: I got the joke the first time. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Vitamin D has been a slang for dick since like forever to be honest Lol!

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ With Jalimans rape and domination comments. Pretty sure if he did it bash all males in a previous post nothing would have been brought up. The feminist praising women and bashing males while he is worse than most was the tipping point.

With the vitamin D, I thought it was cum but still thought it was funny.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
Oh another reason I was in the hobby for a good while. THE PERFECT DINNER DATE. After seeing The Thomas Crown Affair, the one with Pierce Brosnan, I wanted to experience my version of the perfect dinner date. You could never experience it with a civie girl on the first date. No way. You never wine and dine in regular dating on the first date with a girl. In this hobby you can. With guaranteed dessert afterwards my version of the perfect experience is a given. 99% of the time it is going to be memorable. She will be HOT. She will dress impeccable. And she is going to fuck your brains out afterwards.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Good point. I have done a few dinners and found out ( with advice from the escort ) that it is better to have the session first. Her reasoning was that ( for her ) the meal would not be rushed ( slow service or interesting conversation ) to head to the hotel, preferred not to have sex after a good meal, before meal was better and she did not care if meal time after was extended due to slow service or conversation. ( no charge ).
Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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I was in the hobby to get the fucking hot girls out of my system. With civie girls hooking up with 6s and 7s were the norm for me. Okay my version of 6s and 7s, they maybe higher and lower for you as we all have different tastes. Wanted to bang high 8s and 9s without much effort and the Montreal hobby scene provided it with class and efficiency. Once I got it out of my system the hobby was not appealing any more. Then also realized that my best SP experiences were with 6s and 7s. Also I learned how to eat pussy in the most efficient way possible and lessen the learning curve. With that no point of me staying in the hobby.

The reason why I fuck also, been banging 8's and 9's for so long that now it's to the point where I suffer from severe brain damage where it will not accept anything less, it's either 8 or 9's from here on in or nothing, my brain damage is irreversible, kudos to the people who are able to go back to civies.
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