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What are your reasons for fucking?

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ At first I did not care, never heard of MERB and was an Econolodge and some place near the river customer, just wanted to bust a nut. Finding MERB got the 7's to 9's.


Active Member
May 7, 2018
I haven't had sex in 4 months. Initially, I thought it would be impossible but hey it seems it is feasible. I used to fuck at least twice a week for the past 15 years. I might try a full year.


Active Member
Dec 7, 2018
CydoniaNights: I guess you’re kinda right about the "it’s biology" part. Biology says males have to work for it and females get to choose the lucky one. But to claim that the slut part isn’t sexist... My god. We live in a society, lol. Calling women sluts because they have lots of sex IS sexist. "biological" and "sexist" aren’t mutually exclusive. Again, like every other specie (or at least most of them), human males work for it and human females get to choose. But I’ve never heard of anyone calling a female seal, tiger, elephant or cat "a slut" because they sleep around. Only humans do this because I guess animals don’t have social issues like sexism and etc.

Hey Julia, sorry for the delayed reply. Life has prevented me from taking the time to respond in a meaningful way, but I have the time now so here goes.

The reason I believe calling a woman a slut is not sexist is because being slutty can apply to men too, and does get used for men (although not as frequently). Although the word itself is not generally directed to men, there are other words that mean the same thing that are tailored to the male gender and carry the same negative connotations as the word slut. Examples of these would be manwhore or gigolo. There are also gender neutral terms such as cumdump which can apply to both men and women.

For me, calling a woman a slut does not have the same properties like say "the N word", which can only apply to black people, because it specifically targets the race of the person and nothing else. You can't use that slur towards other races because in order for the insult to make sense it has to be applied towards a black person. Which is why I consider using the n word with malicious intent a racist slur.

Being deemed a slut is based off a person's choices and character, not their gender. Not every woman can be called a slut and have it make sense. But you can call any black person the n word and it will always make sense because it is a race based insult. You can also call men sluts or slutty and have it make sense.

I also want to look into calling someone "a player" and what it actually means to most people. Yes calling someone a player does have some positive connotation to it. Again it's because biologically, for a man to sleep with lots of woman, it means he's desirable and successful sexually with the opposite sex which means that in a sense being a player is a type of accomplishment. Sadly this just isn't the case for woman. So unfortunately woman can't possess the positive spin of being promiscuous because it requires very little effort to achieve the status unlike men.

Something that people overlook though is that being labeled a player also carries a lot of negative connotations to it as well. Woman don't tend to like promiscuous men. "stay away from that guy, he's a player" is pretty common phrase used by woman. Most parents don't encourage their male children to sleep around and most women don't want to date promiscuous men. Generally both sexes want faithful partners. Marriage was designed specifically to encourage men to stop being players and to look after woman and their offsprings. It's also the main reason prostitution is looked down upon, because it was and still is allowing men to cheat the marriage system and allow men to be slutty with very little consequences. Being a player has never been encouraged throughout history. Sure if your good with women you might get propped up by your friends and admired by men who aren't as successful sexually, but no one is encouraging men to be promiscuous. Society, the law and even religions all want men to avoid sleeping around and have designed laws and practises to do exactly that.

So based off all this I just can't consider it a sexist slur. It is definitely insulting to call someone that unironically, but I wouldn't say it's sexist.

Also your analogy about calling animals sluts just doesn't make sense, because animals don't have the same biology or mating practises that humans do. Most female animals can afford to be slutty because gestation and childcare require much shorter periods of time and have a much smaller burden on the mother's body. Human males play a much more important role in childcare than almost every animal. Some exceptions would be penguins, seahorses, lions and certain primates, who also play a big part in childcare. Also when would it ever come up where you would call a animal a slut? Most people don't call random animals slurs let alone sluts. Slurs are generally reserved for people you don't like, not animals that are just minding their own business. This is probably why you never encountered this scenario.

I hope I properly explained my thought process, regardless of whether or not you agree with me, I hope you can at least understand my perspective. I also want to emphasize that I don't think it is a good thing to call people sluts and is something I avoid calling people. That being said there isn't anything wrong with being slutty in this day in age (woman or man), I don't look at escorts as inferior woman, they just have a different lifestyle. One that I greatly appreciate. Escorts have made my life a lot more enjoyable, have given me confidence, helped me be better in the bedroom, thought me a lot about woman and help me see beauty in things I disliked or was hesitant to try.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
A “nostalgia” fuck

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ Up 4.

Just my opinion but that is the reason not to see escorts too early in life.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Used to fuck cuz i am always horney
Now I do it cuz it forces me to stay in shape
Stopped hobbying a bit and my 6 pack turned into 2pac
If I stop completely i will look like THor in avengers endgame

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^ Thor killed it, made me feel like a demi-god.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
CydoniaNights Im not even going to write a full reply to this. Just a few things.

-"I don’t think it’s sexism. It’s just that we live in a society where men are mostly praised for having lots of sex while women are considered like slut and *insert reasons why*" — Well that is pretty much the definition of sexism but go on I guess.

-"Marriage was created for men to stop being players" — what? Lmao no. It’s 100% about money and "ownership". Especially since in some places it’s legal to have multiple wives. Such a flawed argument.

-"Sex work is looked down upon because it enables men cheating" — You’re really not that important. Nobody has ever used this argument when talking shit about sex workers (except maybe the wife that got cheated on). Sex work is looked down upon because society doesn’t like the idea of women being promiscuous and fucking around, and the idea of women making money from it is even worse according to them. It has nothing to do with men. Clients cheating are far from being the central point in discussions against sex work.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
-"Marriage was created for men to stop being players" — what? Lmao no. It’s 100% about money and "ownership". Especially since in some places it’s legal to have multiple wives. Such a flawed argument.


I realize this is a hooker review board and this would be the opinion of many.

My take on it is that it is about love, a lifelong commitment to each other, a pooling of resources to create a family and a life full of memories that nothing else can compare to.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
From your (as in people who marry) point of view, yes. People who get married generally do it because of love, I agree.

But love is not the reason why marriage was created. The person who invented it saw a way to profit from it. It had nothing to do with love or wanting men to "stop being players", nothing at all...


Active Member
May 7, 2018
In recent years, people have been marrying because of love. That explains the divorce rate...


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2014
Nature I guess. That’s my answer to the Q on this thread

As for marriage I think I’m old school and therefore share Fradi’s point of view ,,, it’s a lifelong firm commitment between two people that get a long with each other and it’s not a fairytale but yes tou need plenty of love for it to work

Everyone has different views, some might think that it’s a cultural relic in this day and age . For sure those that have a jaded view of marriage will think that it’s about ownership, power and that the liabilities outweigh the benefits .... it sure is costly and messy when it ends

P.s interesting article JS

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Hahaha I always joke that "marriage is basically just an expensive ticket to an expensive divorce if things go south". I personally don’t consider ever getting married but I still find it cute when people do. Love is cute.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ There is a funny meme I saw. Some guy on his knee holding a ring and some girl standing in front of him with a saying.
" Will you be my wife, promise to try and change me into what you really want, take all my money and make me miserable. "


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Love is cute.

Actually Julia it is way more than cute, there is nothing that compares, I hope you will have the chance to experience it and someone will come along and show you what it is really like.

You certainly deserve nothing less, you are a kind and giving young lady who has made many people happy that have had the pleasure of your company.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2015
Hahaha I always joke that "marriage is basically just an expensive ticket to an expensive divorce if things go south". I personally don’t consider ever getting married but I still find it cute when people do. Love is cute.

As an older guy I am skeptical of all strong opinions. Life has multiple facets. The joy of marriage with happy days is nothing to be compared with. Though it most often turns to a miserable co-existence with a big trauma of the divorce. In essence, it mimics life itself. We enjoy life when we are young and healthy but suffer on our road out. So goes the moral: take in strides all the good and the bad in life and don’t be afraid to lose. Your life will end anyway so you better don’t restrict yourself to any dogma.
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