oliver kloseoff said:
oh they all have stories
more shit
piled high and deep
gullable people only need to listen
and on the boards there would be a line up 3 deep
oliver, I deeply respect your posting, and I will never be like you when it comes to this "hobby", but I must make an exception on this. Case in point:
1. a dancer : was graduate student at McGill. now published novelist
2. a dancer: voice actress. She works at a gentleman's club at nite and seeming only one with natural breast.
3. a SP: film student and she SPed to fund her project. formerly a runway model. started SPing to help out her friend!
4. a SP: has civil engineering degree. now works for a mining company in west. ran into her at investor's meeting.
5. a SP: used to be a classical guitarist. tried to get back to touring but she became too "famous" Now just gives private lessons, which turned out to be more lucrative than SPing or touring
6. an Asser vissante girls became a bus driver.
7. another Asser vissante girl became a public school teacher(history)
The first five were verified one way or another. I am sure some of it is "public" information among hobbists, but discretion seems to be the prudent, since some of this can potentially ruin a career. If any one of you reading this know who I am talking about PM me, and maybe some more can be revealed if enouogh positive IDs comes in. We all know there's much lies, umm fantasies, in this biz, but there are many decent human being involved in this as well.
PS: a SP: have same "real" profession as mine. When we met, she just started her own company, and invited me professionally so I went for a look-and-see. Couldn't pay my US salary, so she offered free room and board at her house, and herself. Even met her parents
, who do not know about her SP career. Quit SPing not long after to be the company president full time. Last time I heard, still needs experienced help, and I wonder what it could have been: after all, the girl was offering me everything(even though it's all humble everything), maybe even love ?... This is the most subtly scary experience in my "hobby" career, and the primary reason I stayed away from this activity for a year.