EB, I'll for certain seek out a brick-&-mortar LL Bean to try out their winter boots. Indeed, I appreciate the need for a reliably waterproofed, well insulated winter boot. Growing up in NYC and Philly impoverished, my parents could not afford to buy us winter boots: I often wore plastic bags (those that are found in the meat and produce departments of supermarkets) over my socks to keep warm and dry, but to no avail -- luckily, we suffered no frost bites, but barely. Hence, my obsession with Gore-Tex lined shoes and jackets, which I could not afford until only recently.
Jalimon, I have only one scarf -- it's made in Germany partly of wool and acrylic. Oh, yes. That scarf did keep my face and neck from becoming frozen on many recent cold days in Montreal. Good idea -- I'll buy more, just in case I lose them like you
I wonder if it really makes a difference whether a scarf is made of wool or acrylic.
HM, I too sweat like a big in the summer and the heat saps my energy. I find that the cold often invigorates me.
I also got myself two coats -- one jacket keeps me warm up to 5 degrees C. I have a new Kanuk parka that should keep me warm (and perhaps even hot) when the temperature drops below 0. I have lots of beanies to help prevent my brain from freezing
I don't see myself scraping snow and ice of my car. I'll be taking buses, the Metro or Uber to get around in the winters.
Jalimon, I have only one scarf -- it's made in Germany partly of wool and acrylic. Oh, yes. That scarf did keep my face and neck from becoming frozen on many recent cold days in Montreal. Good idea -- I'll buy more, just in case I lose them like you
HM, I too sweat like a big in the summer and the heat saps my energy. I find that the cold often invigorates me.
I also got myself two coats -- one jacket keeps me warm up to 5 degrees C. I have a new Kanuk parka that should keep me warm (and perhaps even hot) when the temperature drops below 0. I have lots of beanies to help prevent my brain from freezing
I don't see myself scraping snow and ice of my car. I'll be taking buses, the Metro or Uber to get around in the winters.