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What do you hate the most?

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
John_Cage said:
You said you never "heard" of Nietzchean... I just told you what Nietzchean is, please be glad that you learned something.

Have you read any A or B means this:
Have you read any A? and
Have you read any B?

Nietzchean refers to Nietzche's philosophy; just like Kant refers to Kant's philosophy.

Have you read any Nietzchean? CORRECT
Have you read any Kant? Also CORRECT
Thus "Have you read any Nietzchean or Kant?" is also correct.


John, your ability to bullshit about English grammar illustrates that you do indeed have a high IQ.:D Take it from an expert. My own speciality is bullshitting about the Sanskrit root of words I have spelled incorrectly.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Read carefully

Fat Happy Buddha said:
I don't understand what you mean.

You mean I inadvertantly quoted a "nuanced insult" on Merb? Oh, woe is me!!!:D

Actually, I didn't intend it as an insult. I just meant to point out that Nietzschean philosophy is very heady and because it isn't systematic it has a strong potential to be misinterpreted, as history has clearly illustrated.

You can only read a noun,means that you can only read a book,sentence, newspaper,etc. An adjective further describes or qualifies the subject matter of what you read.

Never said you intended to insult. Just explained that the specific quote from Nietzsche that you used,has many interpretations and some Nietzsche scholars believe that it could range from a position that regardless how perfect an idea may be it is always at the mercy of imperfect execution or interpretation to a subtle insult aimed at his critics.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
I am not engaging in this nonsense any further, but I'd still like to read your anwser to my question: "Is this whole thread still part of your vendetta against affirmative action?"

John_Cage said:
Have you read any Nietzchean? CORRECT
I am baffled by your idiocy. There is no point in arguing with you. You will think you are right even if you are wrong.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
In Humour Lies Truth

Fat Happy Buddha said:
Only if the Nietzschean you are reading has a book tattooed on his belly.

Me, I prefer to read a Marxist. They don't wiggle so much.

Grammatically you are correct. An author whose field of study is the philosophy of Nietzsche would be considered a Nietzschean(hence in this case a noun) just as a Marxist either a believer of the Philosophy of Marx or an academic of the subject would be considered a noun in this case.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
No Idiocy

Agrippa said:
I am not engaging in this nonsense any further, but I'd still like to read your anwser to my question: "Is this whole thread still part of your vendetta against affirmative action?"

I am baffled by your idiocy. There is no point in arguing with you. You will think you are right even if you are wrong.

Grammatically the sentence "Have you read any Nietzchean? is correct the spelling is wrong - should be Nietzschean. A Nietzschean could be any academic,author or author interested in the study of the Philosophy of Friederich Nietzsche or the Philosophy of Friederich Nietzsche who has written about his interest.

Asking "Have you read any Nietzschean?" is not a question if you have read any of the works of Friederich Nietzsche but asking if you have read any works by a Nietzschean.


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Anything / Any

chef said:
I beg to differ. The expression should be, "Have you read anything Nietzchean?"

Anything would refer to books, essays, a thesis, etc, an object.

Any would refer to a person, an author, an academic, a follower, etc.

Fat Happy Buddha

Mired in the red dust.
Apr 27, 2005
eastender said:
Grammatically you are correct. An author whose field of study is the philosophy of Nietzsche would be considered a Nietzschean(hence in this case a noun) just as a Marxist either a believer of the Philosophy of Marx or an academic of the subject would be considered a noun in this case.

Yes, when Nietzschean is used as a noun it refers to a person who studies or follows the philosophy of Nietzsche. It does not refer to the work or philosophy of Nietzsche.

To "read any Nietzschean," you would have to get a couple people to hold him or her down (since most Nietzscheans would not passively submit to being read). Then you would have to look around to find exactly where the writing was. My guess would be the stomach, back or buttocks. The real issue is what type of information Nietzscheans would have printed on their body. Definitely not scripture or Plato. Perhaps lost verses from Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg? Scar tissue would indicate quotes from Schopenhauer that been surgically removed.


Nov 15, 2005
Agrippa said:
No you aren't.
I second that.

In any case, doesn't this discussion belong in Agrippa's grammar thread ?

Getting back to the subject of the thread, i.e. what do you hate the most? As a keen music lover there is "music" that I truly hate with a passion (it's not music, it's crap), but I don't want to get anyone's nose out of joint, so I won't identify it.


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
chef said:
Getting back to the subject of the thread, i.e. what do you hate the most? As a keen music lover there is "music" that I truly hate with a passion (it's not music, it's crap), but I don't want to get anyone's nose out of joint, so I won't identify it.
You have to share, now that you've brought it up.

In my case, what I hate the most, would be unpunctual people, waiting in lines, watching movies or reading books where you get to the end and think to yourself "I will never get that time back." I hate having my time wasted. Don't get me wrong though, I am a professional procrastinator, but I like to waste my own time, not have it wasted by others. ;)


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually I believe that chef did identify it... it's (c)rap! :p

And I totally agree with him.:D


C o n s u l
Aug 22, 2006
Techman said:
Actually I believe that chef did identify it... it's (c)rap! :p

And I totally agree with him.:D
Very sly, both of you!

Where do you draw the line? We have consensus on 'gangster rap,' but what about the Beastie Boys or Jurassic 5?


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Agrippa said:
I am not engaging in this nonsense any further.

I am baffled by your idiocy. There is no point in arguing with you. You will think you are right even if you are wrong.

You have indeed reached the correct conclusion, Agrippa. I gave up reading Young John's nonsense several days ago. Let the pompous, immature, semi-literate college boy have his amusement by writing for himself. His arrogant ignorance will preclude him from ever growing or learning, but that will be his misfortune alone.


Nov 15, 2005
Agrippa said:
Very sly, both of you!

Where do you draw the line? We have consensus on 'gangster rap,' but what about the Beastie Boys or Jurassic 5?
You got it, Techman !

Agrippa: I have a problem with "music" where the guys sound like they're high and can't stop talking. A couple of months ago I spent about a half-hour at HMV in Toronto, and the stuff playing was rap. I have no idea who it was, but I left exhausted.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Agrippa, I have a problem with any rap 'music' that consists of the typical misogynist lyrics that most so called rap 'artists' use in their songs as well as the gangsta pimp lifestyle that goes along with it. The only thing worse is hearing Quebec gansta rap, which I actually think should be in the comedy section of the local music store as it's so ridiculous. I tend to prefer music where the lyrics are intelligible, and there is actually some instrumentation that qualifies as music. Is there some rap that I have enjoyed in my life? Sure, but you would have to go waaaay back to Blondie and the song Rapture which I believe qualifies as the first hit record to feature rapping, or the Sugar Hill Gang with Rapper's Delight. That was rap as a music form, not what it has become in the years since.

I also hate any artist that does not perform live in their concerts when they are selling tickets to a live performance. Britney Spears is a great example of that.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007

Fat Happy Buddha said:
(Unless, of course, someone want's to seriously address the issue of a genetic role in board affiliation.;) )
Ce serait amusant sauf que je crois qu'on assiste plutôt à un phénomène d'émulation. L'émule, par définition, est celui qui cheche à égaler, voire à surpasser, son maître, un mâle dominant. Or, ce type de rapport glisse infailliblement vers l'adversité et, le cas échéant, à une confrontation finale pour décider du mâle dominant.

Pensez seulement à Rocky et Tommy Gunn, ce qui les liait au départ et comment leur liason s'est terminée, et transposez ce scénario au rapport qui lie présentement OK et ST et vous avez là une idée assez précise de ce vers quoi l'autre forum se dirige.

Pour l'instant, l'un imite l'autre, le charisme en moins et l'idiotie en plus; mëlez-y l'écho de quelques badauds de gallerie et ça donne ce à quoi on assiste actuellement.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Voeu pieux

eastender said:
I would be more than pleased to see crime figures reduced at the same rate that medicine has reduced the rate of polio,tuberculosis, and other diseases that 100 years ago were major menaces to public health. Such success inevitably creates further advances in medical and scientific research with a net gain in employment. However at every step of the way we should be careful to avoid medical disasters like thalidomide.

Applying this to the crime analogy, a disastrous failure along the lines of thalidomide in the battle to eradicate crime would have the potential to create a significant net loss for society.
Oui, sauf que la réalité informe que l'impact réel de toute action est pratiquement impossible à prévoir et même très difficile à estimer une fois les premiers effets ressentis. Les exemples abondent: les modèles économétriques à la base de grands projets d'infrastructures dans des pays en voie de développement n'auront finalement profité qu'à des intérêts financiers étrangers, les laissés-pour-compte étant des habitants endettés et inaptes à se prévaloir de telles infrastructures parce que trop chères et souvent mal adaptées. Le bulletin météorologique se gourre une fois sur deux; tous les jours, de nouveaux médicaments sont mis en marché sans qu'on soit absolument certain de leurs effets secondaires; des voitures, qu'on a pensées, dessinées, pendant des années sont rappelées; etc... On prévoit et, au bout d'un certain temps, on se rend compte qu'on n'avait pas tout prévu. Il en est ainsi.
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Nov 15, 2005
Ziggy, I'm curious. In the middle of an English thread you submit one or more posts in French; you do this consistently. What's the point of this, apart from breaking the thread and making it impossible for some to follow ? I read French, so I don't have trouble following, but I' sure that a lot of others do.

This is not an English/French debate. so don't treat this as a flame starter. It just does not make sense to me.
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