Montreal Escorts

What is a good reason to cancel an appointment last minute ?


Active Member
Dec 20, 2015
The only time I had to cancel in a short notice (2 hours before) was because I felt sick that morning.

It turned out that I did well to not see the girl, otherwise I could've contaminated her. But I still don't know how she took my cancellation.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Good reason is like now!! I had a meeting setup with the amazing indy Sophia near Rockland center tonight. This afternoon I stopped at the optometrist to have my eyes checked as one is bugging me. Result is an infection needing anti-biotics... No close relation allowed for a few days as this could infect others... Fucking shit! First time I cancel on such short notice. And it's really bugging me as that girl is not working often. And she is sooooooooooooooo sweet... Ok I had to let it out... I did... Thanks.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I've cancelled appointments at the last minute when i had a cold and came to the conclusion it would be wrong to risk spreading it to the sp i was scheduled to see, who in turn would spread it to her clients.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Sorry you have that Jalimon,it is very contagious,that's why a eye infection is rarely in only one eye...I used to have so many that now I cannot wear contact lenses anymore...good luck.

And I was very lucky I got signal in the metro at that moment,usually I do not check my Lilyphone in the metro ,only when I step out...

True Lily. I was told to put the anti-biotics in both eyes for that reason. And the opto did told me contact lenses may be a no go for me in the near future.. Shit... Moral to story, an eye bugs you a bit, go see an optometrist, fast!

That guy that cancelled you... You should have tried to convince to let see you at all cost, like writing to him that you would give him the sex of his life, only to kick him the jewels once there ;)


Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
After booking a 3 hours appointment 20 days in advance :

Sorry, but Im cancelling our appointment for tonight. Im quitting hobbying and getting rid of this number

Well thank you, rent is due soon. It's not like you booked 3 FUCKING HOURS of my schedule 20 days in advance. or actually YES IT IS. I mean if this dude wanted to quit the hobby he probably thought about it even while booking with me. All I've had in the last few days are cancellations who the fuck is messing with me....... I might have to quit the hobby too.

I want to find his merb handle and wife number. I'm so mad right now.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
. All I've had in the last few days are cancellations who the fuck is messing with me........

Some people have no life and this is how they get their kicks, could also be the competition fucking with you.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Some people have no life and this is how they get their kicks, could also be the competition fucking with you.

Yes, I know. Girls can be bitchy and stupid. lol

The thing is I'm actually wondering if it's the same guy who almost made me homeless, but he decided to speak english so I wouldnt know its him. I had this french dude who would create at least a number every single day for more than 6 months to fake-book me. In december he created 3 to 6 numbers every day. I made less than 600$ in december because of him. I had to move in january. I literally had to ask a friend of mine to give me 1500$ so I could afford a roof and a bed because I went from a furnished appartment to a non furnished one. I called the dude, crying and explaining what he did on his voice mail, and he stopped for a while but Im actually wondering if he came back speaking English to start his little game again.

11 cancellations in 3 days. Im not even kidding.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
That might be the real reason why he has to cancel :)

Lol, no, because I never told him anything like that, and people who know me know I wouldn't even waste time trying to do this. He's cancelling because he's an asshole who probably never actually met an escort he booked, that's why.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
hum. 3 hours booking for 1st time. don't you suspect?

Not really, it happens more than you think. I've had a few 4 hours first bookings in my one year working, with no issues. But I have to admit that I should really start screening. The thing is it's not as easy to do this in Montreal as anywhere else. Montreal guys aren't used to screening. :/

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I have many roofs. if you sound sweeter, maybe some people here can share 1 with you !lol! :)
Have you ever been mad/sad/anxious/all at once ? Lol, I'm a sweet human being actually. But yes I do have a hard time with my emotions sometimes. I don't want to share a roof, though, I like mine :p
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Sorry had to let it out, I'm MAD MAD MAD lol.

I think merb should have special section for you and others(such as me) frustrated with vicissitudes and vagaries of life: what should we call it? The wtf section? Hell no section? **^^+€<~>++^%? Section, any other ideas?

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
When it comes to screening, i think some providers really go overboard, to a point you have the feeling of sending an application for a job... The part i think is the most awkward is the whole "reference by another provider in recent months, or even 2 ref sometimes" There is the competition aspect and it must be even worst if you give the name of a regular, she may give you a great reference but what if she wonder why you didn't see her that time? Its just... weird. And if your more an agency guy, are you expecting the agency booker to give you a ref? lol Some providers says there ok to meet if you pay in advance by email transfer but then the risk is on you...

On the other side tough i am definately in FAVOR of minimal screening for indies. Either providing merb handle or making sure its not a text app. I know Julia you are not comfortable when it comes to phone call but confirming by phone would definately remove a portion of fake calls for sure. (After a while you recognize a voice and he will run out of friend to use if he goes that far)

Maybe limiting to a 2H booking or even 1H for a first meeting if no form of "screening" can be done could also help you minimalize the loss.

I know fake calls must be so freaking annoying, there was a time when i sold lots of stuff on Kijiji and it annoyed the hell out of me when peoples would say they would come at certain time and then not, only to msg me the next day saying "sorry i had something pop up" but they didn't even took the time to text... Its not even for the money of the sale but the whole "while i wait for him, i can't go outside, or engage in some activities that require my full investment"

So when you count on this job to pay the rent too... damn it must be infuriating.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
No need to put your head in the sand, we already know that we exchange a lot of clients. They come and go. It's only normal to give reference to keep other workers safe, that should be the priority. I'm asking and giving references for 3 years now, and the majority of the courtesans I've contacted have been professional and helping. And happy to do so. I've encountered no drama related to references. Only peace of mind.

I have always been curious about this. So basically if I text you only, you check my number with some colleagues to see my "rating", kind of like the bank check my credit score?

I am asking because not long ago I text a girl from indy companion and she booked a day and time within 1 text message, no question asked or anything. I almost retracted because I found it suspicious... Glad I did not tho...



I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
The usual method is to ask the client for the name of a courtesan he has recently met, the lady will contact her just so she can confirm she didn't get stabbed to death when they both met. Many girls don't ask for a reference as you can see, but when one does, you will know it without a doubt, she will ask you directly!

I see, thanks! And swear to god I never stabbed anyone. Some of you raped me tho, but I did not report it ;)



Sep 4, 2006
References are not a big deal. I had two major intermissions in the hobby, one lasted 3 years and the other lasted 2 years. On both occasions I was able to explain my situation to the indy in question and they accepted the references I provided. Most indies I dealt with were happy with my real name and number and only one ever actually followed up with any of them. If you really want to see someone don't be discouraged by the long list of requirements until you get in touch in person.


Jun 30, 2013
If a girl is jealous, she's not professional. No need to put your head in the sand, we already know that we exchange a lot of clients. They come and go. It's only normal to give reference to keep other workers safe, that should be the priority. I'm asking and giving references for 3 years now, and the majority of the courtesans I've contacted have been professional and helping. And happy to do so. I've encountered no drama related to references. Only peace of mind.

Yes, they do.

I'm curious if you will remember a one time meeting with someone maybe a year or two ago and can give a reference? I've seen requests for reference(s) within like 3 to 6 months, but references are hard to come by for someone that doesn't visit often.


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