Just curious, why would a Merb handle be enough and that valuable.
You can get a Merb handle in under 2 minutes, all you need is a phone, Email address and Internet access, and supposedly you are anonymous, and if that is not the case, then should you have a Merb handle?
Well it depend honestly on the person itself. If i give my merb handle, i consider this is enough of a screening process in MY case. I am well known on the board, been there for a while(2009), i have been to industry parties and met several indy and agency girls in social time there. and if she REALLY want to go deeper she can even browse my post history.
Most peoples here know me, be it the members, the indies, the agencies. And i know very well i don't please all peoples be it simply by some of my post and opinions, but you can't please everybody... thats life lol. My merb handle assure i am genuine, not a fake call, not a psycho, i always pay well and her security is assure fully. That should be enough to screen me. Of course if she want a couple more infos as my nationality or age, im fine to provide them. But obviously a merb handle from febuary 2017 with 3 post should not be enough....
But personally even tough i am not secretive with my hobby life, i wouldn't be comfortable giving my real full name to everybody left and right. Be it just to avoid prank calls(yeah it happened once) and other stuff like that.
There is no overboard...
It is the lady's decision, so whatever she feels is right is the right level of screening.
And my decision to see someone else... Overboard meant overboard for me.
It is overboard with CAF in Alberta, large amount of escorts there want a CAF handle and references, if you give a bad review many will not see you, hence no bad reviews.
Kinda kill the purpose of a review board.... Of course when your a long time member you start reading between the lines and you get "smarter" toward the business, and i totally understand some clients may be assholes and give bad reviews on undeserved things, but i consider its important to have genuine reviews and a negative one should not be seen as "bad" but more on a work sheet on how to improve...
If a girl is jealous, she's not professional. No need to put your head in the sand, we already know that we exchange a lot of clients.
And if your more an agency guy, are you expecting the agency booker to give you a ref? lol
Yes, they do.
You're right. I guess i was just speaking of personal situation. At one time i was seeing somebody more than others, but still saw some agency girls here and there and at one point i had the impression she was pissed that i did, seeing someone else than her. Maybe cause she was giving me a real good deal, and an awesome service each time... i dunno.
As for agencies im sure some of them here would have no problem doing so, but some others... not so much lol. Really a case by case.
In any case, in the end as someone said yes everybody is free to decide on how to do there business, escorts and clients alike. If i would try to see an indy and she would ask for infos and references, i would give her my merb handle and tell her she can verify either by the number or handle at some very good agencies i use if she want. If thats good enough, thats all cool, if not... well ill probably just try to see someone else.

I am not gonna provide my full name, adresse, workplace or homephone line simply and im not sending any pictures of myself either ... for MY security and comfort reasons.