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What is a good reason to cancel an appointment last minute ?

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Seriously LOL you're right ! Or take me for a ride !


Active Member
Sep 24, 2015
Dans la maison
Another reason to cancel last minute:

my Dad just came out of the closet. Mom is divorcing his fat bellygut ass and kicking him out so on short notice, I have to help him move into his boy toy's apartment:(

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Had to bump this thread with what just happenned.

I had an appointment at 6:30 and had to cancel last minute at 6 for a stupid reason : I accidentally lit a pizza box on fire in the oven and now my whole appartment smells like burnt lol.... Fail. This is a shitty reason to cancel but I have asthma and couldnt stay there let alone receive someone in a burnt-smelling appartment :/

I guess shit happens for everyone at some point lol

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
I accidentally lit a pizza box on fire in the oven and now my whole appartment smells like burnt lol.... l

What??? lol Was it like the cardboard that is under the pizza, cause it happened once i opened up one and forgot about this and removed it mid cycle. Otherwise if you where just trying to warm up a restaurant pizza left over, use alluminium :p

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Yeah the cardboard.... It was a restaurant pizza and I left it in the box to heat It, like I usually do but I was in a rush and for some reason thought it was smart to put the heat higher than usual. LOL Definitely using aluminium from now on.

Got myself another one from the same place though. Wish me bon appétit. :D

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
I once put a coffee thermos in the microwave....When I was like 16... lolol

Me and Kitchen are long time friends. We have gone through so much together !

Anyways the 2nd pizza was great.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There are lots of things I can get in Montreal that are better than the counterparts here (crepes, bagels, muffins, bread, cheese, yogurt, to name some things), but pizza is not one of those things. I actually had pizza around 6 times in Montreal in my life, the last time at a very high end place on St. Catherine West, due west of Greene. None of it is even close to the quality of the pizza I get here, and a couple were among the worst pizzas I ever tasted, including the very worst of all time pizza which was at the Delta President Kennedy's restaurant when I was too lazy to go out and hunt for a quality lunch on a rainy April day. Of course it's pretty well known that New Haven CT pizza is the best in the USA, and it's also the North American birthplace of pizza, so I am lucky to be close to home for that.

If you set fire to a box containing Sally's or Pepe's pizza it's a very tragic thing because you probably waited a long time to get that pie. Can't say I ever did that, and I was in the pizza making business for 3 years of my life. I have burned a few pies, especially fresh mushroom pies when I was learning how to cook them.

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Dude Pepe’s is world famous! I had two colleagues, one from Yale n another Nigerian who did some training there. We were in Europe n when the Nigerian guy found out the others from Yale he started screaming Pepe’s! Lol, that must be some good shit...Anywhoo, to get back to topic on hand Julia, I was over seas n had two providers from same agency cancel within 2 hours, lol! One was sick with influenza, another had a family emergency. The agency threw their third string in n she was a blast! So sickness is a real good reason. So is attending to a sick loved one. Whether it was true n I got bumped for regular clients is something else.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Dude Pepe’s is world famous!

I have eaten there many times and I have to say, it's absolutely awesome pizza, but Sally's and Modern are almost equally as good. I was in the pizza business for 3 years and the pizzeria where I worked may have made the best pizza in Fairfield County, but we all knew that everyone took a back seat to not only Pepe's, but also Sally's and Modern. They are the Holy Trinity of Pizza in New Haven, CT. If any of you are ever in Connecticut, it's an essential destination.


New Member
Jun 30, 2017
Its true, pizza in montreal is pretty terrible In comparison to elsewhere. Don't quite understand why, when bakery and other types of breads, bagels and middle eastern fare is very good.

I think magpie pizza was one of the worst overhyped pizzas I've ever had for eg. I went a second time to see if it was just a one off. I wont be back a third time!

Serious Pie in Seattle is the best I've tried, followed by a now sadly closed Rays pizza in New York. Different styles and prices but both mega delicious. In Montreal, id say the best Is pizza dany on montagne. Considering its a tiny by the slice joint, its really good, especially if you've had a few.

Anyway on topic...the genuine one that happened to me was the girl was rear ended (and it was true, I saw the result). Plenty of opportunity for double entendre speak after that.
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I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Best pizza is at Botega on st-zotique street, up in rosemont area.

But pizza is not a good reason to cancel last minute!



nice gent
Jul 29, 2016
Probably the most frustrating non-session ever:

Years ago there was a touring lady I really wanted to see. I booked a session with her but had to cancel a couple of days before. She was really mad at me and said if I ever wanted to see her I would have to pay in advance.

Book with her again. Pay in advance. On the way get pulled over for speeding. Cops spend forever and I end up behind schedule. Why does writing a speeding ticket take twenty minutes sometimes? So I text her once the cops are finished to say I am going to be late, or would you like to schedule later? She tells me to fuck off, I am blacklisted, never answers any more texts. Money down the drain but lesson learned.
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