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What is the creepiest thing you ever seen, told by, did with a SP, Massage/SC girl

T. E. Lawrence

New Member
Dec 9, 2011
I have seen several reports here from members seeing people they know on the hobby as SPs. I have my own version of civilian joining up in the hobby. In the early 90s I started to play golf. I would invite people to play at my golf club and they invited me to play at their golf club. I played several times at golf club that would later be in the news. About a year before the trouble started I played there several times. I was warned that the husband and wife that ran the golf cart concession at this club were affiliated with a separatist political party and not to engage with them in talk of politics. Even to speak English in front of them was to earn people second class service. She was very terse with English speaking people at the golf club and gave them golf cart with dirty and wet seats. Soon after that the troubles started and native peoples had some dispute about the golf club and it closed. Fast forward 12 years. I called a escort service and they told me that my ATFs were all booked or not available. They suggested an mature MILF in her early 40s, I agreed. When the lady arrived I recognized her as the lady that ran the golf cart concessions at the golf club. She was actually probably late 40s at that time. She gave first class service in the language of my choice.


Jun 7, 2010
Men in black story. I going to a massage parlor and guy in a black suit rudely zips in front of me as I approach the door. I guess he did not want to be seen. The hour goes by and I was exiting the place and he steps out of a room a few feet ahead of me, as we were going towards the front door another guy in a black suit enters the place. Both guys are startled and freeze for a second. They nod to each other and pass then each other in the hallway. I do not know if they knew each other or if they were merely both in the black suit club. The first guy was really flustered when he left the massage salon. He sped away from the place in an unsafe manner.

Ichiro Honda

New Member
Jan 5, 2012
At an incall a lady could not find her dildo, so she improvised with a banana. The creepy part is after she fed the banana to her dog.


New Member
Nov 10, 2010
One of my ATFs told me of a time a guy came to see her and after paying her he was really reluctant to take his clothes off. He kept delaying and finally he just told her he wanted to leave. I do not think it was her looks as she is very presentable 8.5/10 all the time. My guess is that it was nerves.


Oct 2, 2009
I once went to see a lady for private massage, when I arrived it was a guy in a wig and skirt. I took off! I have seen others here on MERB reporting the same thing, some guys were not as lucky as I was to realize what was happening.
Dec 8, 2010
My crotch launcher is one of the best the ladies have ever seen. They often tell me that other people do not have such abilities. I have Clintoned many dresses at massage parlors. There have even been a few ladies that have accidentally COFed themselves.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
Moi, c'était lorsque j'ai entendu une fille sniffer sa drogue dans les toilettes. C'était ma pire rencontre avec une des courtisanes de de Devilish. Très jolie fille mais elle avait une des pires attitudes que j'ai vu. Je ne suis pas un partisan de drogues alors, pendant les rencontres, c'est quelque chose que je ne supporte pas

Cmdr. Krill

Apr 15, 2011
So I`m having this long text conversations with one of my favourite escorts and out of the blue she messages me that a guy is snorting blow out of her ass as she is chatting with me. This just happened 10 minutes ago.

I have no idea what the appeal of sniffing blo from someones ass is. The danger is that the anus is a mucus membrane and can absorb stimulants just like the inner mucus membrane of the nose. She could OD by absorbing the blo from her anus.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^ Stevie Nicks used to have her roadies blow coke up her ass, roadies had it rough back in the day :)
Also to note, to OD you would probably need a few grams to completely dissolve right in the bung hole all at once.

Cmdr. Krill

Apr 15, 2011
There are too many variables, such much coke is on the anus, if there is fingering or penetration, if liquid is mixed with blo ( cum or natural secretions from the girl ), if she has taken additional blo in the usual manner.


Active Member
Aug 10, 2004
La raison pourquoi je fait très attention au touriste sexuelle est le suivant:

Bangkok, Thaïlande
Un ami de mon père se rend à un bordel avec une vingtaine de fille tous numéroté. Il voit sa nièce parmi les filles. Au lieu de quitter ou fuir, il décide de payer la liberté de sa nièce en offrant de l'argent au pimp.

Je ne peux juste pas imaginer la réaction de cet homme.


Active Member
Aug 9, 2017
@JohnOfChina: Honnêtement, je n'irais pas faire du tourisme sexuel dans des places comme ça où les femmes sont traitées comme des esclaves. Je n'encourage pas ça. Moi, si la femme ne semble pas vouloir être la, ça m'ôte toutes mes envies


New Member
Oct 2, 2015
Saw an sp a long while back that came into my hotel room and insisted on checking all the cupboards, drawers and the bathroom very thoroughly telling me some people hide there friends in cupboards and they come out after she enters the room, I’m sorry that’s happened to someone and they’re paranoid but it was still very weird having someone ransack my room asking me if I’m alone or not haha not to bad compared to others but still weird to me


Active Member
Feb 6, 2006
This happened last week. Went to see Mandy as advertised on 123 in Pierrefonds. Mature Asian woman who does anal. She’s not bad looking. Probably mid 40s. The whole thing was pretty mechanical. She almost times each service... a little bbbj, «*ok now you fuck my pussy*» Ok! «*You want to fuck my ass now?*» ok! She gets on all fours at the edge of the bed and sticks her ass in the air, ass cheeks spread wide. She’s pretty loose there...I’m pretty big and I popped in easily with a little lube. Pounded her really hard and deep... she even complained asking me not to go so deep. Blow my load and we’re done. So far a descent basic experience.

Now the creepy part. We go to washroom to clean up. I pull off the dome...a little brown at the tip...and toss into toilet...she jumps in the shower. Wait for it... she unscrews the shower head from the hose... it’s one of those handheld showers. She then takes the hose and shoves it in her ass to give herself an enema! Well... in a matter of seconds she pulls the hose out and chunks of shit fall out of her ass into the bathtub! Holy shit...literally! But wait...she’s not done... she then picks up the chunks and tosses them into the toilet! Lol...I was speechless!

She was very pleasant about the whole thing... seemed like this was her normal routine after getting it in the ass.

Anyway... got dressed and left. I don’t think I’ll go back... a little traumatized!

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