I have seen several reports here from members seeing people they know on the hobby as SPs. I have my own version of civilian joining up in the hobby. In the early 90s I started to play golf. I would invite people to play at my golf club and they invited me to play at their golf club. I played several times at golf club that would later be in the news. About a year before the trouble started I played there several times. I was warned that the husband and wife that ran the golf cart concession at this club were affiliated with a separatist political party and not to engage with them in talk of politics. Even to speak English in front of them was to earn people second class service. She was very terse with English speaking people at the golf club and gave them golf cart with dirty and wet seats. Soon after that the troubles started and native peoples had some dispute about the golf club and it closed. Fast forward 12 years. I called a escort service and they told me that my ATFs were all booked or not available. They suggested an mature MILF in her early 40s, I agreed. When the lady arrived I recognized her as the lady that ran the golf cart concessions at the golf club. She was actually probably late 40s at that time. She gave first class service in the language of my choice.