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What is the obsession?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Just-ass-weet said:
Of course, some of you like to ruin my fantasy, and quite frankly, I am getting a little tired of reading your whining and bitching. The anal-ysis of the business, guesstimations on how much we make, profiles of the future of the business, rate projections, etc... where the hell is the fantasy?
Why is it in the first place, Anik, that you are letting yourself be bothered by the guesstimations and profiles of future business? Why also do you need, to the point of starting a thread, to regiment what other members write?


Would you at least accept the notion of fantasy on provisional basis?
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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
ZM said:
Would you at least accept the notion of fantasy on provisional basis?

I got no beef with fantasy but outright lies and distortions of what really goes on behind the scenes is totally unacceptable. As for analyzing how much SPs or agency owners make, they make a lot more than they should but so do Hollywood actors.:rolleyes:



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
General Gonad said:
I got no beef with fantasy but outright lies and distortions of what really goes on behind the scenes is totally unacceptable.
But aren't the lies you're referring to part of a larger system - say economic - that exceeds the scope and reach of hobbying?

Isn't the lie that sticky glue that keeps the whole system together?

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
ZM said:
But aren't the lies you're referring to part of a larger system - say economic - that exceeds the scope and reach of hobbying?

Isn't the lie that sticky glue that keeps the whole system together?

Yes, to a certain extent but I also like exposing the crap that goes on in the real economy. I think too many guys prefer not to delve into the ugly realities of this biz, partly because it detracts from the fantasy side they conjure up but mostly because they simply do not care about SPs. They rent their bodies and then dispose of them once their urges are gone.:rolleyes:

I have told many SPs I've met to make their money fast and get out of this "job". I tell them straight out no matter how nice the agency owners seem, they do not have any use for you except for the marginal dollar you bring to the table. The overwhelming majority of clients don't care about them either. No client I know sits down with SPs and tells it to their face that this is a shitty biz which can destroy their souls. Too much glamour and fantasy and not enough reality.:rolleyes:

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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
General Gonad said:
I think too many guys prefer not to delve into the ugly realities of this biz, partly because it detracts from the fantasy side they conjure up but mostly because they simply do not care about SPs. They rent their bodies and then dispose of them once their urges are gone.:rolleyes:
To be honest with you, GG, I don't really care about SP's, at least not specifically and not any more than I would care for my fellow human beings. Should I care for stock brokers? I deal way more with stock brokers than I do with escorts and I'm quite aware of the strong correlation that exists between shorting penny stocks and stomach ulcers - get my point?

But back to SP's, if we'd care, the way you appear to believe clients should care, everybody here would be an abolitionist. Are you an abolitionist, GG?

General Gonad said:
I have told many SPs that I've met to make their money fast and get out of this "job". I tell them straight out no matter how nice the agency owners seem, they do not have any use for you except for the marginal dollar you bring to the table. The overwhelming majority of clients don't care about them either. No client I know sits down with SPs and tells it to their face that this is a shitty biz which can destroy their souls. Too much glamour and fantasy and not enough reality.:rolleyes:

Ok but you're wasting your time.

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
ZM said:
To be honest with you, GG, I don't really care about SP's, at least not specifically and not any more than I would care for my fellow human beings. Should I care for stock brokers? I deal way more with stock brokers than I do with escorts and I'm quite aware of the strong correlation that exists between shorting penny stocks and stomach ulcers - get my point?

I care to the extent that I see young ladies being swayed into this biz with all these promises of making big money. Presto! It's an easy job and you can make a lot of money.:rolleyes: One agency owner who likes to advertise how he finds gems "brand new to the business" often boasts that he has mastered the art of recruiting. More like he has mastered the art of bullshitting.:rolleyes:

As for stockbrokers telling you to short penny stocks, tell them to eat your shorts.:D They have no clue of what they're talking about.:D I got lots more respect for SPs than for stockbrokers.:rolleyes:

ZM said:
But back to SP's, if we'd care, the way you appear to believe clients should care, everybody here would be an abolitionist. Are you an abolitionist, GG?

No, I am not since I do not equate prostitution to slavery, at least not here in Canada.

ZM said:
Ok but you're wasting your time.

No argument there, I am wasting my time and I know it.:rolleyes:

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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
While stuck in the middle of a Free Tibet demo on Yonge street


We make choices, not always the optimal ones, women who turn SP are not any different. We provide our children with guidance, sometimes such guidance is superseded by other people's misguidance yet, ultimately, the choices are theirs - part of growing up.

Take or leave this word of advice: if you want to be a father, just make children.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
ZM said:
We provide our children with guidance, sometimes such guidance is superseded by other people's misguidance yet, ultimately, the choices are theirs - part of growing up.
Some of us do, some of us don't. Some abuse the little people they've brought in to the world in some of the most unimaginable ways. Some wind up so damaged that they wind up incapable of making healthy choices.

That said, preaching to them after fucking them for 90 minutes isn't likely to do them much good. Actions, as always, speak louder than words.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
ZM said:

We make choices, not always the optimal ones, women who turn SP are not any different. We provide our children with guidance, sometimes such guidance is superseded by other people's misguidance yet, ultimately, the choices are theirs - part of growing up.

Take or leave this word of advice: if you want to be a father, just make children.


General Gonad said:
Yes, to a certain extent but I also like exposing the crap that goes on in the real economy. I think too many guys prefer not to delve into the ugly realities of this biz, partly because it detracts from the fantasy side they conjure up but mostly because they simply do not care about SPs. They rent their bodies and then dispose of them once their urges are gone.:rolleyes:

I have told many SPs I've met to make their money fast and get out of this "job". I tell them straight out no matter how nice the agency owners seem, they do not have any use for you except for the marginal dollar you bring to the table. The overwhelming majority of clients don't care about them either. No client I know sits down with SPs and tells it to their face that this is a shitty biz which can destroy their souls. Too much glamour and fantasy and not enough reality.:rolleyes:

Hello GG,

You seem to be unique among board members. You see, everyone else came here to enhance their chances of meeting a beautiful young lady to have sex with and might be classified as either an "Indulgent" or an "Escapist". One just does it for fun, the other to have fantasy in place of various woes temporarily. So you as the "Reformer", one often fallen off the pulpit, are preaching against the purpose of the membership and your message is greatly weakened by your many falls. But the real problem is: we all know what the hobby is like. Preaching about it is redundant. Why don't you just let grown men live with their choices.

But really GG, I often think this is more about some sort of pennance you perform to mollify your own guilty pleasures in the hobby. If so, how about some good old fashioned flagellation...or maybe reruns of Gilligan's Island and Teletubbies would help purge your guilt more effectively.

Good luck,


General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
ZM said:
We make choices, not always the optimal ones, women who turn SP are not any different. We provide our children with guidance, sometimes such guidance is superseded by other people's misguidance yet, ultimately, the choices are theirs - part of growing up.

Take or leave this word of advice: if you want to be a father, just make children.

I do not want to be their father but sometimes I just want to grab these young ladies and shake some sense in them (figuratively speaking of course). As I got to know a few SPs on another level, I got frustrated with their lies and inability to deal with their problems - serious ones they had before entering the hobby. I soon realized that you can offer all the advice and help in the world but it isn't going to make one iota of a difference if they don't listen or take responsibility for their actions.:rolleyes:

I now believe that it is hopeless to enter into any relationship with an SP other than client/ SP one. These ladies have serious issues to deal with and fantasizing about having a personal relationship with them is a complete waste of time. It will suck away all your emotional energy, especially if you're a decent guy.:rolleyes:


P.S. Korbie, I am not preaching to the grown-ups on this board; only to the delusional children.:D


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Enjoy the fantasy...............

Just-ass-weet said:
Here is a reason why I love this business and always will no matter where I am in life. FANTASY.
Yes! And those of you clients with Oedipal urges are free to call Anik "mom". :D


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Maria Divina said:
that the biggest mistake that existing, for everything in life, is to put all in the same bag. Generalisation. (I just generalized here, to say to not generalize...hahahahaha.....)
Yup. How many times have I said that. More times than a certain someone with black and white vision has seen escorts in the last week and beaten himself about the neck and shoulders afterward.

Again, quoting Emerson, "To generalize is to be an idiot. General knowledge is the knowledge that idiots possess."
Apr 16, 2005
Accentuate the Positive!

that the biggest mistake that existing, for everything in life, is to put all in the same bag. Generalisation. (I just generalized here, to say to not generalize...hahahahaha.....)
Yes, existing Sp's who had a deeply sad existence and still have....and yes, existing Sp's who got some problems in their lives and want to change it...and probably, also existing Sp's, who got good lives and decided to Sping for the fantasy... I'm sure all kinds exist and at differents levels too.
And, it is the same for the gentlemen....Men who don't have the choice at all if they want to meet a woman, men who want some variations on their personnal "women's menu", men who are happy in love, but not in their sensuality, men who are just addict to sex and need it so badly, and having no control on it, single, married....
Existing too much variations, i'm sure this is not a exhaustive list.

And there Maria lies the crux of the matter. To try and analyze the entire sp population with one couch is for me the height of folly. Yes there are severely troubled girls. Yes they even have severe mental disorders are on meds and walk the streets. Yes some may be young and playing with fire. They may have issues which cause them to throw caution to the wind. And some are shrewd, well educated , well balanced, well bred ladies. They are not all poor lost souls though perhaps a substantial number are. So what? We know all this. Surprise, surprise, we didn't all just fall off the turnip truck. Now, we have heard all the arguments and self professed expertise on the subject, where do we go from here? No solution? No step forward? Fine then we have one alternative. Accept it for what it is or shut down this board and drag your soapbox out to the nearest street corner. Yes it is all about fantasy and the sharing of sex for money.

Can one have an sp for a friend. Of course you can. It is no different than any other arena in life. You may be stuck with your relatives but you can choose your friends. I find it extremely simplistic to say that all sp's are so troubled that relationships with them wont work. That's a pile of crap. Like in anything else you avoid those who are dysfunctional. Though I have not booked Anik, I have met her socially and chatted with her for a good half hour. She is poised, confident, well-spoken, well balanced independent and intelligent. Of course one could sustain a friendly relationship with her if circumstances warranted it. Ronnie is another, Maria another, and the list goes on.........

And as for members and their motives for sp'ing? I would not dare to presume to lump them all in one bag. And I definitely will not challenge Doc's rationale about the single life. Life does not depend on marriage to make it meaningful. There are many avenues for that. I would never be presumptuous to question anyone's decision to opt for the single life. I have had both and right now I do not see myself getting married again. There are some great ladies who are marriage material but I have also seen them coming with some poor miserable slob in tow and have seen myself making the sign of the cross and backing away from them as they passed. Relationships can be difficult and they can be no different than sp'ing. Even Heather Mills got her price.

I for one am a realist but this board is about the promotion of the hobby and as such I believe in a positive approach to it. Though we are realistic about it we should all be in the cheering section. If it becomes necessary to let the light of reality shine in, the odd time, then so be it. But there is a difference between discussion of a negative and being negative. In any business a “Sad Sack” approach would be the kiss of death to ones career. So I apply that principle for myself not only for organizations where I may be employed but for which I belong to in any capacity. I believe that cheer and the whole world cheers with you. Cry and you cry alone.:)

General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
Regular Guy said:
Can one have an sp for a friend. Of course you can. It is no different than any other arena in life. You may be stuck with your relatives but you can choose your friends. I find it extremely simplistic to say that all sp's are so troubled that relationships with them wont work. That's a pile of crap. Like in anything else you avoid those who are dysfunctional.

Good luck.:D Some of you think that it's easy to have an SP as a friend. Some of you claim that you have friends that are SPs. I would love to know how much you really know about them. Do you go over to their family barbecues?:rolleyes:

In order to do this job, you have to be dysfunctional. Yes, some SPs are a hell of a lot more dysfunctional than others, but they're all dysfunctional. The same with clients, we are all dysfunctional. Some of us are just more dysfunctional than others.

Many of you like to think you're close to SPs but if I examine your relationships, I'd bet there is no substance in the relationship. I do not believe in any type of relationship with an SP other than being cordial and respectful. The rest is all lies. Some of you need to get your asses burned to believe me but hey, be my guest.:rolleyes:



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
What exactly are we talking about here?

The general notion of being friend with a Sp or, specifically, friend while being a client?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Regular Guy said:
I believe that cheer and the whole world cheers with you. Cry and you cry alone.:)
I'm not going to quote your whole post, just comment that every word you wrote is dead on. Well put, my man.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
General Gonad said:
In order to do this job, you have to be dysfunctional.
Ah, yes, the whole world is black and white. I wish I too could live a life utterly free of nuance.

There's nothing quite so easy as judging something you know absolutely nothing about and have never experienced yourself.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
General Gonad said:
In order to do this job, you have to be dysfunctional. Yes, some SPs are a hell of a lot more dysfunctional than others, but they're all dysfunctional. The same with clients, we are all dysfunctional. Some of us are just more dysfunctional than others.
Hey GG,

My motto...nothing can substitute for experienced professional advice. Thanks!

Love ya,

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General Gonad

Enlightened pervert
Dec 31, 2005
ZM said:
The general notion of being friend with a Sp or, specifically, friend while being a client?

I can tell you that I have spoken to SPs as if they were close friends of mine. I have given some of them my most heartfelt advice. It doesn't matter since they'll do whatever they need to do to survive. My relationships in Hobbyland are "contained" since I never allowed myself to develop a real friendship, not that I think it is possible. Part of this is my choice; I want to leave all this behind me when the time is right and never look back.;)


P.S. Reggie, I know more about how they really feel than you'll ever admit to on these boards.:rolleyes:
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