I always have been a very sexual person, since i was a little kid. But i could never express this due to many reasons that could be resume in "je pogne pas avec les filles". I had a few girlfriends as a teen but we never got "all the way" so at 16 when it ended with my last girlfriend i was completely alone for years while watching porn thanks to the rise of the internet and high speed connections. Around 21 years old or such my cousin brough me to the strippers, wich i gone for a few years religiously but i wanted more. I mean it was hot to get close to pretty women and touching boobs and ass, but i wanted a blowjob... i wanted to give a facial like in the movies
I eventually tried an escort in Sherbrooke but it was a disaster... I blamed it on myself and rookie mistakes, so i tried again a couple months later and despite the girl being "better looking" (altough far from being Montreal style hot) it was pretty bad again. Didn't got what i wanted at all. No kissing, CBJ only, so obviously no cim/cof.
I got back to the strippers for a while. Then in April of 2009 i was supose to go watch a music show with a friend in Quebec City. He bailed out couple days before the show. One of our tradition when going to watch a show back then was to finish the night at the strip club. Quebec's Lady Mary-ann was awesome for us and we would usually spend 300$+ there. But since my friend was not gonna be there, i kinda tough about going somewhere else to see a different place so i googled "Quebec strip clubs" and eventually ended up here on merb in the quebec section.
I started browsing the board and got a very different view on escorts that what i had experienced. I mean you could see pictures, some agencies listed services, i was like "wooaaaa" with sparkles in my eyes lol and even tough i had no business in Montreal at that time, luck was on my side as one very well known provider from Montreal who worked also for Devilish was gonna come to Sherbrooke on the very next day as an independant. She had tons of reviews all positive, i contacted her, asked her for some things, answer was positive and we set the booking. So after my show in Quebec i got back to my motel room, no partying, woke up early to catch the morning bus so i could be in Sherbrooke the next day for my late afternoon booking with her using the money i would had otherwise spent at the strippers.
So next month for my birthday i decided to come directly to MTL to see another escort and party up with a couple friends who lived there. This time was even better on every angle and i got hooked. The rest is history.
Maybe if i had done things differently i could had got a girlfriend etc but i know for a fact i would never get the type of girls who escort, and since i was so hooked on porn (still am but much less lol) being able to do what they do in the movies with the same type of hot girls was just a dream... It was impossible to me. But then it became possible and i had a great 10 years in this business.
I still have many things on my bucket list including my first black girl, my first asian girl, my first duo and surprisingly despite loving blond with enhanced breast close to the Jenna Jameson late 90s look i can't say i saw a ton of them so i would like to see a few more, but i was able to see many different type of girls with different looks, done many different things. Really gratefull for that.