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Feb 6, 2004
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This is a decent, not fantastic article, dealing with the subject.

It uses real statistics, not Azarro’s exaggerations, and does not base the status of the sex lives of those in the U.S. based on the experiences of one person - Azarro.

It also, probably wisely for the career advancement of the authors, does not explore the fact that attractive young women have an extraordinarily valuable currency between their legs and under their shirts, and the more wealth they have in their pocketbooks and credit cards, the less inclined they are to ultilize their god-given currency.

So of course long ago, when relationships and marriage were a larger part of how females built their wealth, they provided recreational sex more easily. It is not surprising that the countries with the most educational and economic opportunities for women, the U.S. and Japan, have high rates of young male virginity. Countries with low incomes and few educational opportunities, such as Romania, will find its women providing recreational sex on a more consistent basis. They may not even think of it economically; sometimes it is simply self-worth and enjoyment, that a wealthier young woman would obtain from other sources, sometimes nonsexual, sometimes sexual with other women, sometimes pursuing the most desirable and most wealthy young (or older) men. She simply has more options than women from poorer, more male-dominated cultures, and more options than her older sisters and mom did.

I accepted all this stuff years ago and quit being angry and bitter about it. No one owes me sex. I get accused of being mysogistic from time to time, but I am not. I am just a casual student of economics and discuss facts. Saying the increase in female incomes and wealth reduces sex isn’t chauvinism, wanting to reverse that is.

The sex work industry is designed to alleviate this problem for most men. I don’t know why more guys, especially young guys, don’t utilize it.

You are beating a dead horse with your arguments about "more opportunities" available in the USA than say Romania for women. .. and that is why American women are prude/non-sexual-social/not interested in sex.

You could not be further from the truth, and you know it.

In Europe Economic Status and sexual activity are NOT related..for guys (or women)...Compared with the USA.
On the other hand, If a guy is poor in the USA..but educated.....he can forget about getting laid... He is up against the prudes and if she is not a prude, then she is a gold-digger. Hardly any American women approach smart-average American guys or give-in to their advances.

Says who?...??...say ALL the American males who are average in looks and money-wise (90% of the American male population in the 25-50 age group) who use the 10-billion dollar porn industry to satisfy their needs.


Feb 6, 2004
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Patron - are a riot...!!! :lol:

Americans have the highest standard of living in the world?...what a piece of crock....Highest crime, drug use, difference between rich and poor, no healthcare ..and the list goes on and on...

At McGill and across Europe..where Colleges and Universities are free...they come to study (the Americans) ...why?...because American universities are too expensive...the student debt is what nobody can pay back...

And American women are being compared to females in 20 nations in Europe in sexuality and quality of life (who don't give a hoot about America or American women because they know what American women are ALL about.."American women are being mental bitches" is what they say about them)..

All the articles you quote are a piece of shit written by Americans themselves to please themselves.

I travel and talk to real people. Not sit on a computer reading retarded American articles written by "horny" American guys who call themselves economists.

America IS and always will be a retarded nation in sexual terms (among other things) and there is no going back (to the 60s).

Cherrio ! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007


Feb 6, 2004
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Excellent article. Thanks for posting. Yes, I much prefer a data driven scholarly article over the ravings of a nutjob. the all makes sense now.. :lol:

You and Patron must be Americans. Makes sense. ARROGANT and retarded...go and FUCK American Hotties then. Why are you on this MERB?

GO and SEE the world and talk to real Europeans on the street. The articles are pure Hogwash. No Wordly educated person in Europe either cares about or wants any thing to do with Americans/USA (who are the exact opposites of What Europeans call a civilized western nation; Arrogant and a threat to the world with their massive nuclear arsenal and recent pullout from the treaty with Russia).

Bbw hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
Look I don't know about these theories linking economics to sexual habits but based on experience I know this: American babes rock! I had so much fun in Wildwood, Myrtle Beach, Hampton Beach and other places. Ok we are talking over 15 years ago now but are things really all that different?


Feb 6, 2004
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Look I don't know about these theories linking economics to sexual habits but based on experience I know this: American babes rock! I had so much fun in Wildwood, Myrtle Beach, Hampton Beach and other places. Ok we are talking over 15 years ago now but are things really all that different?

How do they rock bbw hunter?

Are they educated and sexual and responsive to average American guys?. Do they try to get to know a guy by making first moves?. Do they try to turn on nice average guys?..

OR ARE THEY GOLD DIGGERS....and prudes in socialization matters?..I know the answer...but hey there are always exceptions.

I have dozens of American friends in their 30s and 40s of German Irish descent who have NOT met ANY women who would be kind enough to talk to them and seduce them (in years and years: My friends are average in looks and money-wise and they go to ALL of the social places that women hang-out including beaches).I recently sent them to a few countries in Europe. Half of them are NOT coming back to the USA for the next few months. I did advice them to tell the girls that they are Canadian and NOT Americans. It's working out great for them.!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
There is something about a raving lunatic that seems to be a distinct turn-off for ladies. I'm not the world traveler that Azarro is but I would think that this probably holds true abroad as well. Any comments or thoughts?


Feb 6, 2004
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There is something about a raving lunatic that seems to be a distinct turn-off for ladies. I'm not the world traveler that Azarro is but I would think that this probably holds true abroad as well. Any comments or thoughts?

Thanks. I am the kind of Canadian that you will NEVER meet. Because there are NONE like me. Canadians in general are too nice to Americans. I can be an American Hos worst nightmare (and her pimps too). That is how I classify most American women now. Educated, sexual and responsive to average guys OR Hos. Unfortunately, most belong to the 2nd category (in my book as well as most European men and women's books too).

"I used to play with my dick, now I play with American women's minds" :lol:


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Could be Liawatha but I get your point. She’s no Disney Princess. I just washed down a few Tylenol PMs with a nightcap myself. I’m fine with this thread.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
All I know is I am going to have a stiff drink to go to sleep, lest I envision Azarro deep-dicking Elizabeth Warren at a crowded, no-privacy European hostel while she talks about her love for Socialism and Forgiving Student Debt, and he talks about how everyone is entitled to some sex, and some poor Romanian chicks look on and say, is that really Pocahontas?

Patron you need that drink ;) Usually you make sense in your post but this one not. Azarro is a very provocative dude in his writing. But he is not entirely wrong and I know it's difficult to be confronted. Chill out and take that drink! This is only a sex forum after all ;)



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Look I don't know about these theories linking economics to sexual habits but based on experience I know this: American babes rock! I had so much fun in Wildwood, Myrtle Beach, Hampton Beach and other places. Ok we are talking over 15 years ago now but are things really all that different?

I went to Wildwood and Atlantic city often for summer vacations in my youth, and most times I ended up with fabulous hot girls from Quebec City and Montreal who were vacationing there, the irony was that they thought I was American and a local. I found them to be much friendlier and better looking than the Americans.
These girls really wanted to have a good time on their vacation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Thanks. I am the kind of Canadian that you will NEVER meet. Because there are NONE like me. Canadians in general are too nice to Americans. I can be an American Hos worst nightmare (and her pimps too). That is how I classify most American women now. Educated, sexual and responsive to average guys OR Hos. Unfortunately, most belong to the 2nd category (in my book as well as most European men and women's books too).

"I used to play with my dick, now I play with American women's minds" :lol:

Interesting? You play with with American Women's minds? How so? Do you think that they read this forum? How are you the worst nightmare of American women? You are delusional if you think that you influence anyone.

My story how I got into this game are included in this forum. We should get back to this and ignore these ravings above.

Oh and BTW, thanks for making my point. :der:

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
^^^^^^^ You found a friend I see. Just to add, when I was younger we went to the NHRA winter nationals for about 15 years, never had an abundance of money but always got laid, being nice and having a sense of humor works fine, even with American women.
Just to add... I knew my limitations and who not to approach for sex, was not the one to try and seduce a 8 to 10 and call her a bitch for not fucking me.

Basically lack of sex and time to find someone was my reason.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
There is something about a raving lunatic that seems to be a distinct turn-off for ladies. I'm not the world traveler that Azarro is but I would think that this probably holds true abroad as well. Any comments or thoughts?

Most women can smell a twatwaffle a mile away and usually stay away


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
I think reality lies somewhere in the middle.

I have been all over some of Eastern Europe, Russia, Poland Hungary Check Republic, and yes women are more inclined to have sex with you simply because they like you or just because they want to enjoy themselves and have fun that night.

I have never had an issue with getting laid in Canada or the US either by women in my own age bracket, through out my life and overall I found women in Montreal to be the closest to European women and the most fun to go out with.

When you start talking about finding women half your age then it evens out, and cash becomes your friend whether in Europe or in North America, they are not going to sleep with an old guy who looks like their father or grandfather, because we have such a great sense of humour or charm.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner
Back to the topic.

The love of my life and the mother of my children was taken from me by cancer.
Now I see escorts, one in particular regularly who is out of this world gorgeous and kind.
For now this suits my purpose, I have no complaints about women, I have never received anything but love and kindness from them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
^^^And that is why I started this Fradi. I used to have affairs. I had a few at work. Three were with office professionals but only 1 of the 3 did work for me. One started pursuing me as a 17 year old Co-op. I would put her in Heaven's class. She even left a note in my windshield wiper. I waited for her to turn 18 and I fucked her eyes out. I broke it off due to her upcoming wedding. One of the reasons I turned to pay-for-play was that there was less potential for collateral damage at work and at home.

There are differences. I am close with Brazilians. The men I know in Brazil like the ability to see Garota De Programas. There is much talk of this when the ladies leave. There is no shortage of girls willing to provide this service and there is no shame in using them within the circle of men that I know. You never do this or even talk about this in front of non-pro women. I see that many North Americans and Europeans assume that every single young girl is a GDP. This is a shame. Namorada Hungry if I pursue a non-pro.
My female co-worker in Brazil tells me that it is common for businessmen in Mexico to have a mistress. I have never became as close to my European counterparts as I have the Brazilian so maybe they feel the same way. My Italian colleague told me We have the popa in lamenting Italy's stance toward prostitution. In the Northern European countries prostitution seems more tolerated but I haven't discussed the merits of it with my European colleagues like I have the Brazilians. They seem more guarded than the Brasileiros. But individuals are just that. Even within Germany you have the Saxons and the Bavarian's as opposed to the Prussians. There are stereotypes that are polar opposite.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Most women can smell a twatwaffle a mile away and usually stay away

Oh yes. One lunatic making generalizations is not accurate and kind of scary. At least the guy isn't buying a newspaper and cutting out letters and words in the newspaper and pasting them on paper to compose poison pen letters (at least I think he isn't) and he is posting here to blow off steam. If we see any more someone should alert the Mounties before he goes postal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2019
Around the corner

We share a love for Brazilians because of course the lady I keep talking about who is such a dream to be with is Gabrielle.

I do agree that Europeans ( I am talking about Eastern Europe) are more open and tolerant about sex and prostitution, not to the point of it being a profession that they would have their daughters aspire to. The universal word “ Kurva” which is one of the few words same in all languages there is not used as a term of endearment.

I don’t agree with Azzaro’s rantings but I also don’t believe it is so difficult for a young guy to get laid in the US as Patron makes it out to be.
The younger generation of relatives I have in the US seem to have had no problem getting laid regularly during their college days and have managed to have quite decent looking girlfriends and wives.
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